09-12-1989 Special MeetingMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE SPECIAL COUNCIL -MEETING BUDGET, HEARING SEPTEMBER 12., 1989 The Special meeting of the Miami Shores VI1lage Council was held on Tuesday, September 12, 1989 at Village Hall commencing at 7:30 p.m. with the followingmembers present: Herb Spahn Spero Canton Stephen Loffredo Marty Stof I k Also Present: Gall Macdonald William F. Fann Absent: Mayor Courtney Mr. Spahn convened the meeting and asked Ms. Macdonald to present the proposed. budget. Ms. Macdonald stated that the budget Is based on an aggregate amount of $6,482,860 which.`represents a decrease of 2.9% from last fiscal year. She said that taxes have been. Andreased 1 mill to fund additional police officers and the barricade program and that waste fees have been increased to $320 In order to._fund the state mandated recycling program. Ms. Stofik proposed adding an additional $600 allocation In the budget for .the Junior League.of Miami to produce a booklet which will deal with historic areas of North Dade. Ms Cheryl Steel explained about the brochures the Junlor League would produce. Mr. Canton asked about circulation. Ms. Steel responded that -a"st year 8800 were sold. Mr. Canton moved to allocate $600 -to fund the Historic North Dade Self Guided Tour which would highlight Miami Shores. Mr. Loffredo seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. Mr. Spahn stated that the rollback rate for Miami Shores Village, Is 7.287. He said we are proposing a tentative millage rate of 8.38. Thls represents a 15.32% tax Increase over the, rollback rate, and an 11.36% Increase over our current tax .levy. Mr.' Loffredo stated that the current millage rate Is 7.38 and the proposed mlllage rate will be 8.38. He said 1/2 mill was voted by residents for barricades and 1/2 mill was to finance the expansion of the Police Department, All public comments In this section are by *Miami Shores residents. Ms. Ann Vlgneron asked about advertising the Budget Hearings In the newspaper. Ms. Macdonald stated that the advertisement will appear In the coming Sunday's paper. Ms. Betty Jensen stated that she was concerned with the newsletter. Ms. Macdonald responded as to timing and Mr. Canton responded as to design. Ms. Jossle Wiener asked If the newsletter could be changed back to the way It was to save money. Mr. Canton responded and spoke about why the Village changed from the old newsletter. Mr. Ed Harrigan spoke about the community sign. Ms. Vigneron stated that the newsletter does not look official. Mr. Canton stated that it comes down to taste. He said more people are reading the new newsletter. Mr. Loffredo stated that the newsletter Is perfectly proper and dignified. Ms. Jensen asked about the additional expenses In personnel services In the police department budget. Mr. Spahn responded the funds are for additional officers. Ms. Jensen asked for the current number of officers. Chief Zoovas responded 34, with the proposed Increase. Mr. Loffredo spoke about recycling and Increased waste fees. He said If the Village doesn't start recycling then garbage fees will Increase very rapidly In the future. Ms. Jensen asked that the eliminated positions In the Public Works Department be identified. Mr. Benton responded 1 position In Parks and 2 In Streets, Ms.. Jensen asked about beautification expenses. Mr. Benton stated that those funds are used to replace trees In the Village. Ms. Stofik moved to adopt.a tentative m,illage rate for the year 1990 tax levy of 8.38 mills. Mr. Loffredo seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. Mr. Canton moved to adopt the General Fund Budget in the aggregate amount of $8,462,380. Ms. Stofik seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous If favor. Mr. Harrigan spoke about previous years where the budget Is printed In advance for public review. COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET Ms. Macdonaldreviewed the figures of the budget and spoke about the changes In green fees and dues. Mr. Spahn stated that the budget Is planned by month according to the needs of the department heads. All comments In this section were made by Miami Shores residents. Mr. Charles Leeds asked who the pro shop sales revenue go to. Mr.Spahn responded that everything goes to the Club. Mr, Loffredo asked about the Increase In dues revenue. Mr. Spahn responded that the figures reflect a static membership with an Increase In fees. Mr. Ron Von Wedel stated that the Chef Is doing an excellent Job but that the service Is terrible. He said no one Is directing the waiters. Mr. Leeds asked about the transfer to the Village and inquired what the amount is for, and for how many years. Ms. Macdonald replied that the transfer Is for 7 years to pay for operational expenses that could not be covered by the revenue that was raised for the Club last year and it was authorized by the Club Manager and the past Village Manager. Mr. Canton stated that by law the Country Club is a department of the Village and the Council Is responsible to make sure the department Is funded. Mr. Spahn stated that the Village Is the banker for the Country Club and It will be paid back with Interest. Mr. Von Wedel inquired about the 4 acres North of the Club. Mr. Spahn responded that the land 1s owned by the Village and Is set aside for future use. Mr. Leeds asked If the Club Is keeping the old golf carts or getting new carts. �Mr. . Hart stated that In December the Club will be getting new carts Mr. Canton asked about contingency plans If the greens keeper leaves. Mr. Mart, stated that his 'firm has 2 greens keepers on staff and they would be .used while a new greens keeper Is. selected Mr. Canton, moved to adopt the proposed Country Club budget In the aggregate -amount of 92,742,800. Ms. ,Stofik-seconded the motion and the vote was unan I mods fn favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:58 p.m.. Attest: Cali Macdonald VI 1 Cage. Clerk By: •,dRN' Scott 'W. Davis Deputy Village Clerk