02-21-1989 Regular MeetingMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 21, 1989 The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on Tuesday, February 21, 1989, at Village Hall commencing at 7:32 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Spero Canton Stephen Loffredo Robert S. Butler, Jr. Karen Kirby Marty Stofik Also present: Elly F. Johnson William F. Fann, Jr. Gall Macdonald Reverend Don F. Lauchmeler gave the Invocation and Mayor Canton led the Pledge of Allegiance. ITEM *1 MINUTES Ms. Stofik moved to approve the Regular Council Meeting minutes from 2/7/89. Dr. Butler seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. Ms. Stofik requested the Deputy Clerk to Insert the word "positive" In her comments about the barricade on her street. Mayor Canton acknowledged receipt of the minutes from the Code Enforcement Board meeting on 2/2/89. ITEM *2 REQUEST FOR APPEAL OF PLANNING AND ZONING DECISION. Mr. LuBien explained the request. Mr. Mumford the property owner stated that he would be willing to paint the house a paler shade of pink. He said his objective was to achieve a Bermuda effect. Dr. Butler stated that the Council has specific guidelines to use to grant a variance and the Council Is not looking to make shade by shade color determinations for houses In Miami Shores. Mayor Canton stated the Council has limited power In Planning and Zoning matters. Ms. Stofik asked Mr. LuBien if the color was turned down because It was too bright. Mr. LuBien replied yes. Ms. Stofik advised Mr. Mumford that If he toned down the color he probably would not have to go before Planning and Zoning or the Council. ITEM *3 AWARD OF BID FOR DEMOLITION OF BUILDING AT 469 NE 91st STREET. Mr. Johnson recommended the bid be awarded to A.J. Parker In the amount of $5,800. Ms. Stofik asked if the cost of demolition Is billed to the owner. Mr. LuBien stated that the Village pays and then puts a Ilen on the property. Ms. Stofik moved to award the bid to A.J. Parker In the amount of $5,800 as recommended by the Manager. Mr. Loffredo seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. ITEM *4 AWARD OF BID FOR MIAMI SHORES POLICE CARS FOR 1988-89 Mr. Tom Benton, the director of public works, explained the background of the proposed police car purchase. Ms. Stofik asked If the purchase Is within budget. Mr. Benton replied yes. Ms. Stofik stated based on Mr. Benton's recommendation she moves to waive the bid procedure and award the purchase to Jack Wilson Chevrolet. Dr. Butler seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. ITEM *5 APPOINTMENTS TO THE RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION BOARD.. Mr. Johnson stated that the applicant for the Recreation Advisory Board Is Mr. R. Pierce Kelley, Jr.. Mr. Loffredo asked If the Council could readvertise the position. Dr. Butler asked how long the position was advertised. Mr. Johnson replied 30 days. Mayor Canton stated that Mr. Kelley is well qualified for the position. Dr. Butler moved to appoint Mr. Kelley to the Recreation Advisory Board. Ms. Stofik seconded the motion and the vote was: Mayor Canton, Ms. Stofik and Dr. Butler for and Ms. Kirby and Mr. Loffredo against. The motion passed. Mr. Johnson stated there are 2 positions available for the Downtown Revitalization Board. Mayor Canton asked the applicants who were present to speak on their behalf. Mr. Perry, Mr. Saltzburg and Ms. Salow gave brief presentations. A vote was taken on the applicants and the results are as follows: Mayor Canton: Perry and Saltzburg Mr. Loffredo: Perry and Saltzburg Ms. Kirby: Perry and Saltzburg Ms. Stofik: Perry and Saltzburg Dr. Butler: Perry and Salow Mr. Perry and Mr. Saltzburg were appointed to the Downtown Revitalization Board. ITEM *6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 506 (c) (1) AND SUB- PARAGRAPHS (1) THROUGH (8) OF SECTION 516 (C) OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 270; AUTHORIZING COMMERCIAL DISH ANTENNAE; LIMITING LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS THEREOF; PROVIDING MEANS OF MEASURING;REQUIRING SCREENING, LANDSCAPING AND LIMITING COLORS THEREOF; RENUMBERING PARAGRAPHS; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Johnson read the title of the ordinance. Ms. Stofik asked if a federal permit was required for installation of a dish antennae. Mr. Richard Fernandez of the Planning and Zoning Board replied not that he was aware of. Dr. Butter asked what was the position of P&Z for pre existing antennae that do not comply with the ordinance. Mr. Fernandez replied that he was not aware of any existing antennae that were not In compliance. Mr. Loffredo moved for adoption of the ordinance. Ms. Stofik seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. ITEM *7 RESOLUTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11TH, 1989, A PROPOSAL FOR AMENDMENT TO SECTION 518 (A) OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ZONING ORDINANCE NUMBER 270 TO PERMIT SEVEN FOOT HEDGES IN SIDE AND REAR YARD. Mr. Johnson read the resolution. Ms. Stofik moved to adopt the resolution and Dr. Butler seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous In favor. Dr. Butler asked Mr. Johnson to place an article In the Village Newsletter explaining the reasons for the resolution. ITEM *8 RESOLUTION ADOPTING MAP, ESTABLISHING PHASE ONE OF PROPOSED AVENUE, STREET AND ALLEY CLOSING. Mr. Johnson read the resolution. Ms. Stofik asked If the resolution should state that the map Is contingent on the traffic study. Mr. Loffredo stated that the map says phase 1 and that covers it. Admiral Condit asked If the map was correct and up to date. Mr. Johnson stated the map was up to date. The vote was taken for the motion on the floor and was unanimous In favor. ITEM *9 RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989, A PROPOSAL TO AUTHORIZE THE MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL TO LEVY A TAX UP TO ONE HALF MILL FOR A PERIOD OF TIME NOT TO EXCEED FIVE (5) YEARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING FUNDS TO BE UTILIZED IN THE ERECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN CONCEPTS REGULATING THE MOVEMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR THE PURPOSE OF REDUCING CRIME AND BURDENSOME TRAFFIC. Mr. Johnson read the resolution. Ms. Stofik stated concepts could not be erected. Mr. Loffredo suggested changing concepts to devices. Ms. Kirby suggested, In section 3, changing "for proposed taxing authority and against proposed taxing authority" to "for the above proposal and against the above proposal". Dr. Butler suggested that an explanation be placed in the Village Newsletter of how much the millage would translate Into dollars. Mr. Loffredo agreed with Dr. Butler stating that property values change and a dollar amount should be put In the newsletter. PUBLIC COMMENTS All comments were made by Miami Shores residents. Mr. Herb Spahn told the Council that If the barricade issue should fall at the polls then the program Is stopped. He suggested to finance the protect as part of the budget process. Ms. Burton stated that the Council should put in the newsletter that all property owners will benefit because property values will Increase. Ms. Betty Jensen told about the traffic problems she has on her street. Admiral Condit stated barricades will hurt business in Miami Shores. Mr. Frank Nowlan stated that even If the vote falls the barricades will not go away. Mr. Edward Harrigan discussed the budget and the Village Manager's letter that was attached when it was first proposed. Mr. T.F. Chambers Invited anybody who wants to come up and see his area of town and see the positive change that has occurred since the barricades have been put up. Mr. Leonard Wilson asked If the resolution Is binding and stated that he could not understand why it Is being put on the ballot. Ms. Kirby stated In order to get a comprehensive program started she would have to see approval from the residents. Mayor Canton stated that what the Council is looking for Is community wide approval to use community wide funds not neighborhood funds to fund the project. Dr. Butler stated that In some key areas there will be Impacts and the engineering study will answer questions as to how they will be impacted. Mr. Loffredo stated the Village has tried from the start to treat each individual fairly. Mayor Canton stated everyone will benefit from a lower crime rate. Not Just people on barricaded streets. Ms. Kirby stated police can patrol Miami Shores borders better with the barricades. Ms. Stofik stated the resolution does not lock the Council into any one method of getting funds for barricades. She said the Council can still use other sources. Mayor Canton suggested adding at the end of the resolution: "and increasing property values". Mr. Fann recommended not to include It in the resolution. Mr. Loffredo stated that it weakens the resolution. Ms. Stofik recommended changing the second purpose to "with the Intent of". Mr. Loffredo moved to adopt the following resolution as amended. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1989, A PROPOSAL TO AUTHORIZE THE MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL TO LEVY A TAX UP TO ONE HALF MILL FOR A PERIOD OF TIME NOT TO EXCEED FIVE (5) YEARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING FUNDS TO BE UTILIZED IN THE ERECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN DEVICES REGULATING THE MOVEMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES WITH THE INTENT OF REDUCING CRIME AND BURDENSOME TRAFFIC AND INCREASING PROPERTY VALUES. Ms. Stofik seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Dr. Butler stated that In the past the Council has turned down proposals to erect barricades In seperate areas rather than Village wide. Mr. Loffredo stated that it was his position that If the people vote it down, they will not get them, and he will not approve a special taxing district for example east of the boulevard. He went on to say that it Is Village wide or not at all. Mayor Canton called for a 5 minute recess. ITEM *10 DISCUSSION REGARDING POOL ENGINEERING STUDY Mr. Johnson recommended that the committee to review the proposals be composed of: Mr. Loffredo, Gall Macdonald, Mr. Varney, Mr. Benton and Mr. Johnson. He said the committee will have a report for the Council at the next meeting. Dr. Butler moved that the committee be structured as recommended. Ms. Stofik seconded the motion and asked why it can't be sent out to bid. Mr. Johnson explained why it cannot. The vote was taken and was unanimous in favor. ITEM *11 VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Johnson asked to discuss the reports at the next meeting because of Mr. Kiug's absence due to sickness. Ms. Stofik stated that the gross profit margin Is the lowest the Club has had In four years. Mr. Loffredo stated that Mr. Klug should not get discouraged. Mr. Johnson stated that the Council was told that things are getting better and February is better. ITEM *12 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Canton read the announcements. ITEM *13 COUNCIL COMMENTS Ms. Stofik sald the Children's Book Fair Is April 29th. Dr. Butler thanked the Shores residents that made the Kiwanis BBQ successful. Mr. Loffredo reminded everyone about the N. Miami Jaycees Hound Dog Derby. Ms. Kirby stated that the Womens Club Fashion Show will be at the end of March. Mayor Canton stated that the Fine Arts Commission Is looking for direction. ITEM *14 PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. T.F. Chambers stated that his wife Is going to the Mayor's Ball for her birthday. Ms. Barbara Burton Invited the Council to a "progressive dinner" on March 11th. ITEM *15 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:02. Attest: Elly F. Johnson By Scott W. Davis Deputy Village Clerk