11-01-1988 Regular MeetingMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 1, 1988 The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on Tuesday, November 1, 1988 at Village Hall commencing at 7:32 with the following members present: Mayor Spero Canton Stephen Loffredo Robert S. Butler Jr. Karen Kirby Marty Stofik Also present: Gall Macdonald William F. Fann Jr. The invocation was given by Dr. Harold A. Davenport of the Miami Shores Community Church and Mayor Canton led the pledge of allegiance. ITEM *1 MINUTES Ms. Stofik moved to approve the minutes of the regular Council Meeting of 10/18/88. Dr. Butler seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. Ms. Stofik moved to approve the minutes of the Budget Hearing of 9/21/88. Dr. Butler seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. Mr. Loffredo made a motion to approve the minutes of the Special Council Meeting of 9/28/88. Dr. Butler seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. Mayor Canton acknowledged receipt for the following. minutes: Historic Preservation Board 10/17/88 Downtown Revitalization Board 10/5/88 Planning and Zoning Board 10/27/88 Mr. Rossi stated that It was not In the minutes but the Planning and Zoning Board discussed the task of enhancing the borders of Miami Shores. Planning and Zoning will be requesting funds to retain a professional planner he said. Ms. Stofik asked Mr. Rossi if grant money was available. Mr. Rossi replied that the Board was looking Into acquiring grant money. ITEM *2 APPROVAL OF VARIANCE FOR 4' WROUGHT IRON FENCE IN FRONT YARD 352 NE 98TH STREET. Mr. LuBien stated the reason this Item was on the agenda is because only the Council can grant a variance. Dr. Butler asked If the owner of the property had approval to build the fence. Mr. LuBien replied he gave verbal approval. Mr. Loffredo asked If the owner has to put up a 4 foot fence for his pool. Mr. LuBien replied yes. Dr. Butler moved to up hold the Planning and Zoning Boards decision to approve the fence. Ms. Stofik seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous In favor. ITEM *3 CLARIFICATION OF VOTING WITH A CONFLICT OF INTEREST Mr. Fann stated at the last meeting he said no member of a board or committee shall abstain from voting, but after further investigation he found that members should abstain, reveal the conflict and f111 out a form which becomes part of the minutes of the meeting. He restated the law: If there is a conflict of Interest the member should not vote. Ms. Stofik asked what constitutes a conflict of Interest. Mr. Fann replied If you will have private gain or that of a principal. Mayor Canton asked If there Is a conflict If a family member will have a gain. Mr. Fann replied that it depends on the situation In each case. Dr. Butler asked If stating the conflict In the minutes is ok or does the conflict form need to be filled out. Mr. Fann replied the form needs to be filled out. ITEM *4 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF 4 CASH REGISTERS FOR THE MIAMI SHORES COUNTRY CLUB. Ms. Macdonald reviewed the request for the cash registers. Mr. Loffredo moved for approval of the purchase of the 4 cash registers. Dr. Butler seconded the motion. Dr. Butler stated there has been a problem with the village's computer system In the past and asked Ms. Macdonald If she has plans to change the Village's system. Ms. Macdonald replied there are no plans to change the Village's computer system. The vote was taken and was unanimous In favor of the motion. ITEM *5 DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING BARRICADES IN ALLEYS IN THE NORTH COUNTRY CLUB AREA AND OTHER AREAS. Ms. Stofik stated that she wanted to discuss the situation before the alleys were closed but now that they are It has become a moot point. She went on to say that she Is frustrated by the lack of communication In this situation. Mr. Loffredo stated that he would like to hear public comments because this is a test area. Ms. Kirby stated the Council should try It the way it is to see how it works. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Howard Albert a Miami Shores resident said residents In the area are being cut out of Miami Shores. He said it has been wonderful since the barricades are up, traffic Is next to nothing. Jose Morrales a Miami Shores resident said It is not fair to pay taxes In the Shores If he Is excluded from the Shores because of the barricades. Terrell Chambers a Miami Shores resident said he appreciates what the Council has done In putting up the barricades and blocking the alleys. He suggested that the residents of the area could have a key to unlock the chains so the residents can use the alleys. Dr. Butler stated he has a problem if residents are locked out of the Village. He said that he doesn't think the situation Is fair and that this Is not a situation where majority rules. Mayor Canton said this Is a pilot protect and that the Council Is testing to see If each barricade will work. He said you can't trash the entire program If one person Is unhappy. He said he understands the residents pain. Ron Guerra a Miami Shores resident asked what the time limit Is on temporary barricades. Mayor Canton replied that outside forces have effected the time. Dr. Butler stated 8 to 10 months. Mr. Loffredo stated that limited access Is a good thing and It helps the quality of the environment. Ms. Stofik said she Is concerned with communication because she thought the majority of the residents in this area wanted the alleys closed. She said the Council needs to be open to alternatives and that this Is very much a test program. Admiral Condit a Miami Shores resident stated that he Is against barricades and the Council should be concerned with liability claims because of the chains that are across the alleys. ITEM *6 COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF SIGNED PETITIONS FROM MS. CHERI BRUM. Ms. Macdonald stated the Village Manager has accepted the signed petitions from Ms. Brum. Mr. Fann stated that for the County to verify the signatures the names must be printed next to the signatures on the petitions. Ms. Kirby suggested that the hedge height ordinance question be put on the next meeting's agenda. Dr. Butler stated that because the County cannot validate the signatures before November 29th Ms. Brum will have time to print the names on the petitions. Ms. Stofik stated that the Council can act on this matter without the petitions If It chooses. Mr. Loffredo stated he Is against the merits of the petition but that he would like to see it on the ballot so that the residents can vote on It. ITEM *7 VILLAGE MANAGERS REPORT Ms. Macdonald gave the Village Managers report. ITEM *8 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Canton read the announcements. ITEM *9 COUNCIL COMMENTS ITEM *10 PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. JC Brown a Miami Shores resident stated he would like the Council members to talk Into the microphones so it records on TV. He asked If there was any danger of barricades being put up without the public knowing about It In advance. Mayor Canton replied all of the barricades were discussed at public hearings. Admiral Condit stated that there are no minutes from the Mayor's task force meetings. Mayor Canton stated that it Is not an official board but that it Is a citizens group. ITEM *11 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 PM. ATTEST: Elly F. Johnson BY: Scott W. Davis Deputy Village Clerk