07-25-1988 Budget Workshop MeetingBUDGET WORKSHOP MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL JULY 25, 1988 The Budget Workshop commenced at 7:35 p.m. to review the Country Club revenue, expenditures and proposed budget. The following members were present: Also present Mayor Spero Canton Stephen K. Loffredo Robert S. Butler, Jr. Karen Kirby Marty Stofik Elly F. Johnson, Village Manager Gail Macdonald, Finance Director Mitchell Klug, Country Club General Manager Mr. Johnson presented a recommended annual fee resolution. The proposed fee structure had been presented to the Country Club Advisory Board and received no negative responses. Mr. Loffredo expressed concern that deletion of the Corporate Membership might not result In present corporate members renewing their membership In other categories. He was concerned that general membership would not be as highly predicted as the Manager's 10% membership projections and preparations should be made for potential loss in membership. He felt mandatory locker room fees and the condition of some of the greens would also result In membership decline. Mr. Klug stated locker room fees would help offset the $8,700 locker room expansion cost. He predicted a confident Increase of 15% In membership and Improvements in the golf course by October 1. Mrs. Kirby expressed concern that Increases in menu prices were too high and preferred Increases be reflected In membership fees Instead. Mr. Loffredo made a motion to delete Sections 3 (c), (d), (g) and 4 from the proposed Resolution. The motion died for lack of a second. He subsequently made a motion to delete Section 3 (g) from the proposed Resolution. He expected this mandatory locker room fee would receive the same negative reception as the walker fee. Dr. Butler second the motion for discussion. There was much discussion on the direction In which the new Country Club Manager was leading the Club and Its Impact on residents and members. Mrs. Stoflk suggested a different forum rather than the Budget Workshop for this type of discussion. Dr. Butler withdrew his second to the motion stating he wanted to defer his decision until after public discussion during the Budget Hearings. Mr. Loffredo's motion to delete Section 3 (g) died for lack of a second. Mayor Canton stated as the mandatory locker room fee was approved by the Club Advisory Board that it should have an opportunity for exploration. Mrs. Kirby made a motion to Increase the social non-resident membership fee from $250 to $300. Mrs. Stoflk second the motion for purposes of discussion. She advised that If this category were Increased a subsequent Increase should be made In all non-resident categories In order to maintain parity In the overall dues structure. She recommended rounding off all membership fees to the neareast dollar. Mr. Johnson advised this adjustment would be made. Ms. Macdonald stated the social non-resident fee should be $262.50 not $250 as typed In the proposed Resolution. Mrs. Kirby restated her motion to Increase the social non-resident membership to $275 without tax and to accordingly raise other non-resident fees. The restated motion failed by a 1/4 vote with only Mrs. Kirby voting for the motion. ADMINISTRATION Mrs. Stoflk made a motion to accept the budget as pre- sented. Dr. Butler second the motion and it passed unani- mously. CLUBHOUSE ACTIVITIES Mrs. Stoflk made a motion to accept the budget as pre- sented. Dr. Butler second the motion. Mrs. Kirby questioned the lack of valet parking service. Mr. Klug advised there was a posslbiility of a donation from a Club Foundation member towards this expense. Dr. Butler expressed concern over the amount of overtime allocated. Mrs. Kirby left the Council Chamber at 9:35 p.m. and returned at 9:45 p.m. The motion passed by a 4/1 vote with Mrs. Kirby dlssent- Ing. DINING ROOM Mrs. Stoflk made a motion to accept the budget as presented. Dr. Butler second the motion. The motion passed by a 4/1 vote with Mrs. Kirby dissenting. BAR OPERATIONS Dr. Butler made a motion to accept the budget as pre- sented. Mrs. Stoflk second the motion. She expressed con- cern about the time required to cash out the current bar cash register and requested this be addressed when new register Is purchased. The motion passed by a 3/2 vote with Mr. Loffredo and Mrs. Kirby dissenting. GOLF ACTIVITIES Dr. Butler made a motion to accept the budget as pre- sented. Mrs. Stofik second the motion. Mr. Loffredo expressed concern about the Pro Shop oper- ation but as the overall budget did not show a significant Increase over previous year he would accept it. He stated he wants to eliminate the Pro Shop building at some future time. The motion passed unanimously. LOCKER ROOM OPERATIONS Dr. Butler made a motion to accept the budget as presented. Mrs. Stofik second the motion. Ms. Macdonald stated $1,200 for an employee's Insurance should be deleted from the budget. Dr. Butler amended his motion to Include this correction and the motion passed by a 4/1 vote with Mr. Loffredo dissenting. GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE Mrs. Stofik made a motion to accept the budget as presented. Dr. Butler second the motion. Mrs. Stofik requested some documentation be Included In this budget to show there was a long term commitment by management to Improve the golf course. Mr. Klug stated although there may not be a written confirmation of this commitment, it was expressed In the aggressive maintenance program that was established and the addition of 2 full-time groundkeepers. Mr. Loffredo stated he would not approve the budget as he felt completion of the cart paths was a priority Item and funds were not allocated for Its completion. Mayor Canton also expressed concern that cart paths were not to be completed and requested some commitment If not In this budget In the following year's budget. Mr. Johnson stated If the Council wanted to designate remaining funds from this year for the greens protect, It would be carried forward to the new budget. He further stated he would present a supportive statement of commitment to golf course Improvement to the Council with an adjustment reflected In the budget. Dr. Butler requested the statement Include the transfer of money from current budget to proposed budget and what Is anticipated for the purpose of those funds. The motion to accept the budget as presented failed by a 2/3 vote with Mr. Loffredo, Mrs. Stofik and Mrs. Kirby dissenting. TENNIS Mrs. Stofik made a motion to approve the budget as pre- sented. Dr. Butler second the motion and It passed unani- mously. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. ATTEST: Elly F. Johnson Village Clerk BY G ' Aria Clayton Deputy Village Clerk