06-07-1988 Regular MeetingMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE
JUNE 7, 1988
The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council
was held on Tuesday, June 7, 1988, at Village Hall
commencing at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present:
Mayor Spero Canton
Stephen Loffredo
Robert S. Butler, Jr.
Karen Kirby
Marty Stofik
Also present Elly F. Johnson, Village Manager
William F. Fann, Jr., Village Attorney
The meeting began with Father Edward Brown, St. Martha's
Catholic Church, giving the invocation followed by the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Mayor Canton and Lela Jacobson, Mobile Crime Watch Coor-
dinator, presented awards to Mobile Crime Watch Patrollers.
a. Regular Council Meeting 5/17/88. Mrs. Stofik cor-
rected the word "Implement" on page 3, under Proposal *3, to
read "proceed". She made a motion to approve the minutes as
corrected. Mr. Loffredo second the motion and It passed
b. Special Council Meeting 5/24/88. Mrs. Stofik made a
motion to approve the minutes as written. Dr. Butler second
the motion and it passed unanimously.
Receipt Acknowledged:
c. Historic Preservation Board 5/16/88. Mr. Loffredo
Inquired about the commitment of the owners of 310 N.E. 99th
St. Mr. Johnson advised he would report back to the
d. Downtown Revitalization Board 5/4/88, 5/18/88,
e. Planning and Zoning Board 5/19/88
a. Approval of Hedge In Excess of Height Limitation,
Item *4, Minutes of 5/19/88
Frank LuBlen, Director of Building and Zoning, stated
Andrew Kraft was appealing the decision of the Planning and
Zoning Board on the basis of a hardship. The decision of the
Board was to deny his request for his hedge to remain in
excess of the 5 ft. height limitation.
Mr. Kraft explained he would cut his hedge if the
Council directed although he did not think it was fair. He
stated his hedge had been in excess of 5 ft. since he bought
the home over 25 years ago. The Council had received copies
of letters from his neighbors to this effect. He requested
the Council uniformly enforce violations of hedge heights
throughout the Village and requested a letter be sent to
violators by July 1 advising them hedges had to be cut within
30 days. He had a list of violators and would provide it If
Although she supported higher heights, Mrs. Kirby
stated the Issue had already been decided by voters. She
made a motion to uphold the decision of the Planning and
Zoning Board and deny the hardship. Mr. Loffredo second the
motion. Mr. Fann advised the only basis for granting a
variance Is a hardship and there was no hardship Indicated in
this situation.
Mr. Loffredo requested action be taken against all
violators. Mrs. Stofik commented, If the residence were an
historic landmark, the shrubbery would be protected.
Although the home was not an historic landmark, she felt this
was an unusual circumstance.
The motion passed by a 4/1 vote with Mrs. Stofik dis-
Mr. Loffredo made a motion to give Mr. Kraft 30 days to
bring his hedge Into compliance. Mrs. Kirby second the
motion and It passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson advised he would begin a process to notify
violators that hedge heights must be In compliance within 30
Mrs. Kirby requested the date of the referendum on
increasing height limitations as she Is Interested In
revisiting the Issue.
Willie Pollock, a neighbor, asked the Council what
trimming he could do on his side of Mr. Kraft's hedge. Mr.
Fann advised him that the Council could not give legal advise
and suggested he speak with his own attorney.
Mayor Canton stated a request had been
Frederick Von Langen to place the Miami Shores
emergency Item on the agenda. Mr. Von Langen
the Council stating he would be willing to pay
received from
Theater as an
had written to
$15,000 to the
Village In order to purchase the theater option. Mr.
Loffredo made a motion to place the Item on the agenda as an
emergency since Mr. Von Langen would need time to put
together some financing and marketing. Dr. Butler second the
motion stating Mr. Von Langen needed a commitment from the
Council before he could proceed with financing. The motion
passed unanimously.
Mr. Fann requested the Council express a willingness
that If MainStreet, Inc. reimburses the Village $15,000 that
It be removed from the assignment. This would enable Mr. Von
Langen to work directly with the corporation.
Mrs. Kirby made a motion that upon receipt of $15,000
from Miami Shores Mainstreet, Inc. that the corporation may
remove from the purchase option the assignment to Miami
Shores Village. Dr. Butler second the motion.
Mr. Von Langen stated he wished to pick up the option
within the extension period and purchase the entire property.
He plans to remodel the existing theater for the purpose of
using it for legitimate theater presentations.
The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson advised that the Finance Department needed
further authorization from the Council to continue handling
accounting for the Foundation until it received Its federal
tax exempt status. Dr. Butler stated there was no current
short term fund raising scheduled. The Foundation was ready
to spend funds for carpeting and present carpeting and
Installation to the Club.
Dr. Butler made a motion to continue the current status
of accounting until further notice. Mr. Loffredo second the
motion. Mrs. Stoflk requested an amendment to give a time
frame of 90 days Instead of until further notice. Dr. Butler
and Mr. Loffredo agreed to the amendment. The motion passed
Mr. Johnson read the ordinance by title:
An ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida,
amending various provisions of the Miami Shores
Pension Pian; amending Section 18-38, Miami Shores
Village Code, "Definitions", to delete the minimum
age requirement for participation In the Miami
Shores Pension Plan; amending Section 18-41, Miami
Shores Village Code, "Same - Legal Advisor", to
provide that the pension board may, at Its discre-
tion, elect to employ legal counsel other than the
attorney for the village; amending Section 18-43,
Miami Shores Village Code, "Special Fund for Police
Officers and Firefighters", to delete references to
"fireman" and fire Insurance; amending Section
18-45, Miami Shores Village Code, "False State-
ments; Falsifying Records," to prohibit the wilful!
falsification of pension -related documents and
making wilfully false statements In an effort to
obtain benefits under the Miami Shores Pension
Plan; amending Section 18-46, Miami Shores Village
Code, "Penalties for Violation", to provide penal-
ties for any member who Is determined to have wil-
fully falsified pension -related documents or wil-
fully made false statements in an effort to obtain
benefits under the Miami Shores Pension Plan;
amending Section 18-47, Miami Shores Village Code,
"Membership", to delete the minimum age requirement
for participation In the Miami Shores Pension Plan
upon the effective date of this ordinance; amending
Section 18-49, Miami Shores Village code, "Service
Retirement Allowance", to delete references to
"fireman" and to provide a benefit Increase for
police officers who retire or terminate employment
on or after July 1, 1989; amending Section 18-50,
Miami Shores Village Code, "Reversionary Annuity",
to provide for the designation of a beneficiary or
beneficiaries by members of the Miami Shores Pen-
sion Plan, and to permit a member to change his/her
designated beneficiary (or beneficiaries) up to two
times after retirement; amending Section 18-53,
Miami Shores Village Code, "Contributions by Mem-
bers", to provide for an Increase In the contribu-
tion made by members who are police officers;
amending Section 18-54, Miami Shores Village Code,
"Contributions by State and Village", to provide
that the total annual contribution by the Village
to the Miami Shores Pension Plan shall not exceed
the amount of one (1) mill on all taxable property
In the Village unless a greater contribution Is
required by operation of state law; providing an
effective date.
Mr. Johnson stated the Pension Board recommended it be
Reference the provision that the Village contribute
more than 1 mIll when required by state law, Ms. Gall
Macdonald, Finance Director and Pension Plan Administrator,
advised that the current year contribution determined by the
actuary Is In excess of $300,000. This Is required to fund
the current benefit level for general and police employees.
The equivalent of 1 mill this year Is approximately $265,000.
The current ordinance says the Village may not contribute
more than the equivalent of 1 mill which creates a conflict
as state law says cities must fund what the actuary states.
Dr. Butler made a motion to approve the ordinance change
as presented by the Pension Board. He stated the ordinance
does not remove the 1 mill cap but only compiles to state
requirements If it supercedes this. Mr. Loffredo second the
motion also commenting that state law would supercede.
James Condit, 1036 N.E. 96th Street, questioned what
provisions were in place for the future to control pension
spending over the 10 mill cap. He requested Information be
provided residents as voters did not agree In a recent refer-
endum to contribute more than 1 mill.
The motion to approve the ordinance on first reading
passed unanimously.
Mr. Loffredo requested Council's Input on when to begin
construction of the Snack Shack near the pool. He requested
the Village Manager obtain cost estimates on building a new
structure and tearing down the existing structure and advise
when it would be feasible to begin these plans. This could
be done at the same time the Manager reviews the expenses for
refurbishing the swimming pool. The Club Advisory Board did
approve the plan but did not want expenses coming from golf
course funds.
Dr. Butler felt the Council would need to watt until
after the beginning of the new membership year In order to
evaluate what funds would be available. He commented it
could be presented as an option during budget process If
funds were available.
Mr. Loffredo explained that the new structure costs
could be borne by the pool rebuilding protect and may be
within the capital loan for the Club and Recreation Depart-
ment. Without some figures, it would be difficult to Judge.
Mr. Johnson advised he would consult with Mr. Loffredo
and present costs and suggestions. Mr. Loffredo stated he
would present figures at next Council meeting.
Mrs. Stofik advised If there Is a sharing of construc-
tion costs between the Club and Recreation Department there
may be a sharing of revenue from the Snack Shack.
As noted on the agenda.
Mrs. Stofik announced that the State National Register
Review Committee unanimously endorsed the Village's nomina-
tion of 26 historic homes to the National Register of Histor-
ic Places. She commended the Historic Preservation Board for
Its work. She commented on the misleading article in
"Neighbors" regarding Shores parents refecting Edison High
Dr. Butler thanked Dr. Bob Knight, guest speaker, at the
Memorial Day ceremony and all those who contributed to the
program. He further commended the two residents who wrote
letters to the "Neighbors" on Miami Shores Pride and those
who worked on the Miami Shores Pride evening.
Mr. Loffredo expressed his disappointment with two
reporters on the article about Edison High School. He also
commended the two residents who wrote letters to the "Neigh-
Mrs. Kirby commended Mr. Von Langen for his plans for
the theater and Lori Grau and Jill Henderson for their work
on Miami Shores Pride. She commented on the Improvement In
her neighborhood due to the barricades.
Mayor Canton commended those working on Miami Shores
Pride. He expressed concern about the news media Ignoring
the positive spirit of Miami Shores with Its lack of coverage
on this community protect.
Seth Bramson presented the Council with a 1926 Shoreland
Company map and a bili In the amount of $20 for Its framing.
He requested the map be hung In the lobby.
James Condit stated barricades created bad public rela-
Dick Bezdek, 28 N.W. 104th Street, recounted an Incident
with the Police Department. Mrs. Kirby requested Crime Watch
be advised when a major Incident occurs in an area. Mr.
Johnson stated he would discuss with the Police Department.
Seon Moore requested the Council provide incentives or
subsidize costs In order to recruit volunteers for Mobile
Crime Watch. Mrs. Kirby inquired about the use of police
cars for volunteers. Mr. Johnson said he would investigate.
Mrs. MacNamara, 105th Street, requested enforcement of
fence heights for all violators. She recounted an incident
with the Building and Zoning Department In which she was
advised to walk across the street when she complained about a
slippery sidewalk. Mr. Johnson requested the address of the
home with the slippery sidewalk and stated he would
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
ATTEST: Elly F. Johnson
Village Manager
Aria Clayton
Deputy Village Clerk