05-03-1988 Regular MeetingMIAMI SHORES VILLAGE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 3, 1988 The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on Tuesday, May 3, 1988, at Village Hall commencing at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Spero Canton Stephen Loffredo Robert S. Butler, Jr. Karen Kirby Marty Stofik Also present Elly F. Johnson, Village Manager William F. Fann, Jr., Village Attorney The meeting began with Rev. John Oliver, Miami Shores Christian Church, giving the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Canton presented Awards of Appreciation to former employees of the Village: Seth Bramson, Country Club General Manager; Lloyd Apple, Food Director; and Les Oppenheim, Catering Director. Mrs. Bramson accepted the award In the absence of her husband. Mayor Canton proclaimed Wednesday, May 11, as Red Ribbon Day In Miami Shores and urged all residents to "Just Say No to Drugs". A Proclamation was presented to Mrs. Jill Henderson representing this point protect of the Dade County Schools and Informed Families of Dade County. Mrs. Henderson presented the Council with "Just Say No To Drugs" buttons. MINUTES 1. Regular Council Meeting 4/19/88. Mr. Loffredo corrected page 5, 7th paragraph, 2nd sentence, to read: The proposal was to move the Pro Shop Into the Main Building and demolish the present structure and building a new Snack Shack with easy access on separate sides for both golfers and swim- mers. Mrs. Stofik made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Dr. Butler second the motion and It passed unanimously. Receipt Acknowledged: 2. Country Club Advisory Board 4/21/88 3. Beautification Advisory Committee 4/13/88 4. Planning & Zoning Board 4/28/88. Robert Rossi, Chairman of the Board, advised that the proposed Landscape Ordinance presented to the Board by the Downtown Revitalization Board was being prepared according to the format of the Village's Code. It will be presented at the Board's next meeting. He hopes to have the final draft ready for Council within the next few meetings. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD ITEM a. Approval of Plans for Grocery Store, Item *2, Minutes of 4/28/88 Frank LuBien, Director of Building and Zoning, presented the Item as it Is a change of use for the particular loca- tion. He advised that Mr. Leighton requesting the approval had agreed to bathroom facilities for the handicapped and compliance with the required hours of operation. Dr. Butler made a motion to approve the plans as out- lined with the two specifications to Mr. LuBien's satisfaction. Mr. Loffredo second the motion and It passed unanimously. AWARD OF BID FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS FOR MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE Mrs. Stofik expressed her concern about commiting to a program when matching donated funds were not available and that bld specifications were not In harmony with the program needs. Mr. Johnson advised that less than $2,000 had been received of the required $7,000 in donated funds. Dr. Butler made a motion to award the contract to Susan Newman, Inc. when the funds were available. Mr. Loffredo second the motion. Upon inquiry from Mr. Loffredo, Ms. Newman requested an estimated time frame when funds would be collected. Mayor Canton replied these should be received within a month and she accepted this arrangement. Mr. Loffredo requested Dr. Butler accept an amendment to his motion to read the award Is subject to the qualification that matching funds must be on hand In 30 days. Dr. Butler accepted the amendment. Mrs. Kirby stated she did not support free promotion Is available but not used. The motion passed by a 4/1 vote with Mrs. Ing. AWARD OF BID FOR CARPET INSTALLATION AT C. COMMUNITY CENTER Mr. Johnson recommended the bid be awarded to the lowest bidder, Miami Rug Company, In the amount of $5,807.25. J.D. Varney, Recreation Director, advised that areas already carpeted would be recarpeted. the concept as Kirby dissent- LAWTON MCCALL Mrs. Stofik made a motion to award the bid to Miami Rug Company as recommended by the Village Manager. Dr. Butler second the motion and It passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ON PROGRESS OF MIAMI SHORES THEATRE Kevin O'Connor, representing a group of residents who were Investigating concerns on the theater Issue, addressed the Council. Group membership Included Bruce Keller, Bob Lodge, Jack Rengstl, Donald McIntosh, and Bob Stobs. He stated the group had reached a stalemate and requested a Council Workshop be scheduled. Facts indicated the cost of purchasing the option on the theater lease was $458,000 ($38.17 per sq. ft.) which the group thought was excessive. Cost estimates on renovating the building were between $200,000 and $400,000 depending on the electrical wiring, air conditioning and plumbing. Renovation would probably take a period of 6 months. Additional problems Include parking, sewers, police and code enforcement, and condition of downtown. If private enterprise were Interested In spite of the cost and additional problems, uses suggested Included office space, boutique shops, speciality retail, restaurants with/without lounge, children's entertainment, and a theater operation. Discussion with management of the Ruth Foreman Theater revealed that the Theater expects to lose $20,000 as of FY '87. The committee is prepared to explore what it thinks are viable options. Mr. O'Connor recommended obtaining an exten- sion on the lease option and for the Council to make a commitment on the protect: Does It wish to become a landlord or go In the direction of private enterprise? The committee preferred pursuing private enterprise. Mrs. Kirby Inquired about using the theater as a children's film theater on an Interium basis during the reno- vation. Mr. O'Connor replied the committee would investi- gate such a start up operation. Mr. Loffredo made a motion to set a Special Council Workshop to discuss the theater Issue for Tuesday, May 10, at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center and to direct the Village Manager to contact the present operator of the theater to seek an extension on the 6 month option. Mrs. Kirby second the motion and It passed unanimously. REQUEST FROM MAYOR'S TASK FORCE ON STREET CLOSURE PROGRAM Barbara North Burton, Chairman of the Mayor's Task Force, presented a petition signed by 80% of the residents on N.W. 2nd Ave. and 101st St. requesting temporary closure. She requested temporary closure on N.W. 2nd Ave. from 96th St. through 102nd St. The estimated cost for barrels filled with sand was $300 to $400, $12,000 had previously been approved by the Council for temporary barricades. Jim Condit, 1036 N.E. 96th St., expressed concern that members of the Mayor's Task Force were making the decisions. He recommended citizens vote on the Issue. Don Clippinger, 165 N.E. 98th St., felt most of the controversary over the Issue was stirred up by the Miami Herald. Gloria Urra, N.W. 109th St., stated her neighborhood was the first to submit a petition and requested barricades. Gina Mullaiy, 101 N.W. 101st St., stated barricades were needed to protect property Investments. B Ben Bloom stated Investment of barricades at the Club had reduced its crime problem and felt the Village should comparably Invest In protecting Its individual citizens. Royal Labarre, 133 N.W. 101st St., stated barricades would help prevent repeated robberies In the area. Frank Reichert, 5 N.E. 107th St., presented a petition for closure of his neighborhood. Theresa Haines, 186 N.E. 107th St., expressed concern about costs of barricades per street and did not think this would answer the problem but only divide the Shores. Jose Aldrich, 1070 N.E. 96th St., stated barricades were not the solution to types of crimes In the west area. He was concerned that if major thoroughfares were used as dividing areas then there was a potential for some neighhor- hoods to become separated. Such would be the problem In his neighborhood. He recommend a logical approach and collection of research data to make decisions for continuing with the program. Thurman Hamman, 101 N. W. 108th St., recommended addressing the alleys If streets were barricaded. Mike Boyle, 585 Grand Concourse, recommended putting in barricades as a whole project rather than doing It piece- meal. He expressed concern about the domino effect In areas without barricades. Ed Harrigan, 260 N.E. 99th St., questioned poor visibil- ity of police department at the theater. He requested a public accounting of the Police Department. Bob Rossi, 1245 N.E. 94th St., requested Village wide implementation of barricades. Beth Wald, N.E. 96th St., requested an information meeting for residents. Betty Zern, N.E. 96th St., requests more Information before a decision Is reached. She suggested reducing the speed limit. Paul Buechele, N.E. 103rd St., thinks increased police protection would help solve the problem. The meeting recessed for 10 minutes and reconvened at 9:30 p.m. Mrs. Burton stated funds were not available to Initiate barricades throughout the entire Village. She requested the Council's approval of the concept and advised the Intent was to keep traffic on the main arteries In the Village. Public Works had requested that alleys be left as is. If this were a problem It could be evaluated at a later date. Mr. Loffredo Identified a need for a temporary program. He stated barricades would only control cars and recommended car counters be set up before the barricades and again 30 days after the barricades when the traffic pattern has been established. Mrs. Kirby stated she would support a referendum on the Issue and a trial program. She felt barricades would mean Improved police patrol In peripheral areas rather than on Individual streets. Alleys should be closed. Mrs. Stofik stated grant funds were available through The Safe Neighborhood Act effective July 1 with funds to be given in August. In order to apply, Council would need to approve the concept and submit an application. Mrs. Kirby made a motion to adopt the following Items requested by the Task Force: *1. Closure on N.W. 2nd Ave. from 96th through 102nd St., *2(a). Temporary barricades at N.W. 3rd Ave. at 92nd and 93rd Street and N.W. 95th St. at 2nd Ct. and 2nd Place Ave., *2(b). Temporary barricades on N.W. Village limits (Just west of N.W. 2nd Ave.) at 105th, 107th and 109th St., *4. Approve the Task Force Committee with the assistance of Village staff, to prepare application(s) for matching State grants or any other funding determined avail- able to be submitted to Council for final approval, *5. Authorization from Council to establish a trust fund for the closure program to be administered by the Village for private sector contributions for barricades, and *6. Approval of format for neighborhood plans to come to the street closure committee for refinement and submis- sion to Council. Mrs. Stofik second the motion. Dr. Butler stated that Item *1 had already been requested by the residents through the petition however Items *2(a) and 2(b) had not been requested by the residents. Although he supported the con- cept, he questioned the availability of funds to continue the protect In next year's budget. He supported Items *4 and *5. Mr. Loffredo recommended the following Items be added to the motion: *2(f). Northern boundary at N.E. 107th St. at N.E. 10th Ct., 10th Place, 11th Ave. and 11th Ct. *2(g). Biscayne Blvd. West, 97th through 99th St. *2(I). Biscayne Blvd. West, 93rd through 95th St. Mrs. Kirby accepted the amendment to her motion. Mrs. Stofik did not accept the amendment as she wanted residents to take the responsibility for letting the Council know If they were wanted barricades. She wanted the more vulnerable perimeter areas to be addressed first. Mrs. Kirby withdrew her acceptance of the amendment. Mr. Johnson expressed concern over the number of barricades that were being considered and the limited funding of $12,000 to cover this number and the expense of the traffic counters. Mr. Loffredo withdrew his amendment. Mrs. Stofik requested an amendment to Mrs. Kirby's original motion to, In concept, agree to approve, on a neighborhood by neighborhood request, other areas as requested by residents. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Fann advised the Council that It could exercise Its rights under police power to establish a need for barricades and would not need petitions from residents In order to set them up. Mr. Loffredo responded there was a need to address crime, the quality of life, traffic, the health and safety of Village citizens. If the test barricades did not work, the Village would not spend money to put In permanent barricades. Mr. Loffredo made an amendment to Include Item *2(f), Northern boundary at N.E. 107th Street at N.E. 10th Ct.,10th Place, 11th Ave. and 11th Ct. Mrs. Kirby second the amendment. The amendment passed by a 3/2 vote with Mrs. Stofik and Dr. Butler dissenting. 0 The motion to approve Items *1, *2(a), *2(b), *2(f), *4, Li - *5, and *6 passed by a 4/1 vote with Dr. Butler dissenting. After a 5 minute recess the meeting reconvened at 11:00 0 p.m. ORDINANCE ON DEFINITION OF FAMILY. First Reading After a reading by title, Mrs. Stofik made a motion to 0 adopt the ordinance on first reading. Dr. Butler second the motion and It passed unanimously. .c U DISCUSSION ON PLANS FOR GOLF CART BARN Mr. Loffredo presented an artist's drawing of his pro- posed Snack Shack to be installed next to the pool. A deck from the pool would provide easy access to one side of the Shack and there would be an assessable area to the golfers on the other side. The Country Club Advisory Board was unanimously in favor of It and did not want funds to come from golf course maintenance or from golf course expenditures. He was not proposing funding at this time. Mrs. Stofik presented her plans for the Cart Barn. The new building would be built over the existing building with plans to add on the west side a 4 ft. concrete block wall topped with columns and chain link fence to help retard dust problem. Plans would be to remove a portion of the carts during construction and renovation of the building could proceed a third of the building at a time. The existing building could still be utilized. An electrican has advised that major pipes could be supported during construction. This would be tied In with proposal to relocate the Pro Shop to the Men's Locker Room. Mrs. Stofik made a motion that,/'before going out to bid on relocating the Cart Shed to the current Pro Shop, specifications be drawn up for consideration to rebuild the 0 +, CO LO 4- 0 rn 43 . CU_ cuc E trs cu -P s. U w 0) t S +) 0s.. U= CU u, 5— -0 0)L 3 facility based on utilizing as much of the existing building as possible, keeping the carts In the Cart Shed during construction, utlllizing the existing electrical, and maintaining the facility where It Is along with moving the Pro Shop to where the Men's Card Room Is. Mr. Loffredo second the motion. Mr. Johnson expressed concern about not having adequate electrical power and the expense of the plan. He stated If the Council concurred with the motion, he would have specifi- cations drawn up and would work out moving the Pro Shop with the maintenance staff. The motion passed unanimously. REQUEST TO APPROPRIATE $338 FOR THE RED BULBS FOR RED RIBBON WEEK. COULD BE DUAL PURPOSE FOR HOLIDAYS Mrs. Kirby made a motion to appropriate $338 for the purchase of red bulbs for the 96th St. median. Mr. Loffredo second the motion and it passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS As noted on the agenda. COUNCIL COMMENTS Mrs. Stofik stated the two police canines graduated from training. PUBLIC COMMENTS None The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. ATTEST: Elly F. Johnson Village Manager B Y : Aria Clayton Deputy Village Cerk