04-07-1987 Regular MeetingREGULAR MEETING MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1987 7:30 P. M. The Regular Meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on Tuesday, April 7, 1987 at the Village Hall commencing at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Karen Kirby Kevin P. O'Connor Robert S. Butler, Jr. Elspeth Jensen Marty Stofik Also present L. R. Forney, Jr., Village Manager William F. Fenn, Jr., Village Attorney The meeting began with Reverend John A. Stroman, Rader Memorial United Methodist Church, giving the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. MINUTES a. The Regular Council Meeting of March 17, 1987 — Mrs. Stofik made a motion to approve the minutes. Dr. Butler seconded and the motion to approve the minutes passed unanimously. Receipt Acknowledged: b. Planning and Zoning Board 3/26/87 c. Downtown Revitalization Board 3/4/87 d. Downtown Revitalization Board 3/18/87 e. Historic Preservation Board 3/16/87 f. Recreation Advisory Committee 3/19/87 g. Country Club Advisory Board 3/16/87 ORDINANCE (1ST READING) AN -ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 14-31 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING VILLAGE MANAGER TO REFUSE THE ISSUANCE OF OR REVOKE ANY LICENSE OR PERMIT ISSUED; ESTABLISHING GROUNDS THEREFORE, PROVIDING FOR HEARING AND APPELLATE PROCEDURE TO VILLAGE COUNCIL; PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATE. After a reading by title, Mrs. Stofik made a motion to adopt the ordinance on first reading; Dr. Butler seconded. Mr. Forney explained that the present ordinance provides limited ability to revoJce _an occupational license. Upon the recommendation of the Villag-e Attorney, the proposed ordinance would give the Village Manager the authority to revoke or refuse to issue a license or permit. The motion to adopt on first reading was passed unanimously. RESOLUTION SUPPORTING STATE FUNDING FOR INDEPENDENT MUNICIPAL LIBRARIES RESOLUTION NO. 816-87 RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE REQUESTING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO ENACT LEGISLATION TO PROVIDE FOR ACCESS BY MUNICIPALLY—SUPPORTED PUBLIC LIBRARIES TO STATE LIBRARY GRANT FUNDING SOURCES. Mrs. Stofik explained that current legislation does not permit access to state grant funding sou -rtes to cities with populations Less than 200, 000. Equitable funding is being considered by the Senate Operations Committee. Mrs.- Stofik made a motion to adopt the resolution. Dr. Butler seconded and it passed unanimously. Mr. Forney advised that he would send copies to the Florida League of Cities for distribution to the concerned Legislative Committees. APPOINTMENT OF BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION Mr. Stofik made a motion to appoint the following to the Constitutional Bicentennial Commission: Vince Paulsen as Chairman, Dr. Hugh Ripley, Dr. Tom James, Loretta Lodin, John Kirby, and Margo Newton. Dr. Butler seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Dr. Butler requested that the notice of meetings be made public. RECOMMENDATION FOR DESIGNATION AS AN HISTORIC LANDMARK Margo Newton, Chairman of the Historic Preservation Board, requested Council approve the designation of the home located at 276 N.E. 98th Street as an historic landmark. The owners of the property have agreed to the designation. Mrs. Stofik moved to approve the Board's recommendation. Mrs. Jensen seconded and it passed unanimously. BAYFRONT PARK LIGHTING Tom Benton, Director of Public Works, explained that four additional lights have been requested by residents facing Bayfront Park. At an annual expenditure of $528/ lights to match existing ones could be installed. Mr. O'Connor moved to accept Mr. Benton's recommendation. Dr. Butler seconded and it passed unanimously. Dr. Butler requested that existing signs near the poles be attached to the poles. AWARD OF BID FOR TOT LOT SHELTER J.D. Varney, Recreation Director, stated seven bids had been received for construction of the tot lot shelter. The shelter design and color would be harmonious with the Community Center building. Mr. O'Connor moved to award the bid to Bishop Construction with the lowest bid of $11,857. Dr. Butler seconded and it passed unanimously. Upon advisement by the Council, the Recreation Advisory Committee will formulate plans for its usage and inclusion in the Recreation Comprehensive Plan. AWARD OF BID FOR STREET RESURFACING Rased on the recommendation of the Public Works Director, Mrs. Jensen made a motion to award the bid to The Brewer Company with the lowest bid of $107,250. Dr. Butler seconded and it passed unanimously. Mr. Benton advised that paving would be done on the streets and alleys tb-roughout the Vi-11a-tita-t are most in need of work at this time. TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR SUPPORT OF RED RIBBON DAY Mr. Forney requested Council to authorize a transfer of $126.19 from the Contingency Fund for the purchase of red ribbons. Ribbons wi-1-1- b -e placed arount each palm tree on N. E. 2nd Avenue from 93rd to 103rd, on 103rd Street from N. E. 2nd to N. W. 2nd , and on N. E. 96th Street from Miami Avenue to 6th Avenue. Students from Horace Mann Middle School have agreed to place the ribbons around the trees. Mrs. Stofik request -ed that ri-bbon-s b- extended to 91st Street and Mayor Kirby requested that ribbons remain on the trees for the duration of the week. Mayor Kirby recommended that buttons be purchased from the Dade Partners Fund for students at Miami Shores Elementary Mr. O'Connor made a motion to approve the funds for the celebration of Rets Ribbon Day. Mrs. Stofik seconded and it passed unanimously. TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR COUNTRY CLUB FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Mr. Forney requested authority to transfer funds from the Country Club Contingency Account to the Country Club Administrative Account in order to install a fire alarm system. Frank B. Hall, the Village's property insurance carrier, has r-ecommended installation. Mr. Forney advised Council that a burglar alarm system could be added to the system in the future. Dr. Butler made a motion to award the bid for the purchase of a fire protection system to Rollins Protective Services with the lowest bid of $3,006.96. Mrs. Jensen seconded. Mayor Kirby made a motion to table action as more information was needed an the feasibility of having a burglar alarm system installed at the same time. Mrs. Stofik seconded but the motion to table did not pass unanimously. The motion to award the bid to Rollins Protective Services passed on a 4/1 vote with Mrs. Stofik dissenting. GOLFING AGREEMENT WITH THE JOCKEY CLUB Mr. Forney recommended Council approve the golfing agreement with The Jockey Club. The Country Club Advisory Board concurs with the recommendation. Mr. O'Connor made a motion to accept, Dr. Butler seconded and it passed unanimously. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Forney advised that the Country Club was showing a profit. ANNOUNCEMENTS As noted on the agenda. COUNCIL COMMENTS. Mrs. Stofik presented a t—shirt from the Miami Shores Heritage Run to Mr. Forney and advised residents that absentee ballots would be available at Village Hall until Monday. Mr. O'Connor stated that he has enjoyed his tenure on the Council and thanked the community for its support. Mayor Kirby presented a letter from Dr. Leonard Britton, Superintendent of Schools, thanking the community for its support of the Dade Partners Program. Dr. Butler encouraged residents to vote for a full slate at the Council elections. Mrs. Jensen mentioned the accomplishments of her two granddaughters. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Karen Kirby Mayor ATTEST: L. R. Forney, Jr. Village Clerk BY: 4)1/ -- Charlotte Delascasas Deputy Village Clerk