02-20-1979 Regular Meeting REGULAR MEETING
February 20, 1979
The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on
February 20, 1979, 7:30 p.m. , at the Village Hall , with the following Council
members present:
Mayor Joseph P. Farina
Donald W. McIntosh
W. Al Davis
Ralph E. Bowen
Absent: Mrs. Elspeth Jensen
Mr. 0. Sam Ackley, Village Manager, and Mr. William F. Fann, Jr. ,
Village Attorney, were also present.
The meeting was opened with an invocation given by Councilman McIntosh,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the meeting of February 6, 1979, were approved as written
by motion made by Mr. .Davis, seconded by Mr. McIntosh and carried.
Planning Board minutes - Feb. 8, 1979.
On February 8th, following a presentation of plans by Mrs. Gail Ryan
for a Renaissance Faire to be held on Barry field April 20, 21 & 22, 1979, the
Planning Board recommended its approval to the Village Council . Mr. McIntosh
moved that the recommendation of the Planning Board be upheld by the Council .
The motion was seconded by Mr. Davis and carried unanimously.
Quayside lawsuit.
Mr. Daniel McMahon, treasurer for the group of citizens fighting the
Quayside expanded development, reported that he had received contributions
from 36 individuals totalling $1045.00, or $2045 with Mr. Ragland's $1000 retainer
paid to the attorney. Mr. McMahon stated that they need $3,000 to take the suit
to reinstate the original plan of development through two courts.
In discussing the Village's participation in this suit, Mr. Bowen
stated that he personally felt strongly that if we are going to lend our moral
support to this suit we should lend financial support and moved that the Village
make a token contribution of $200.00. The motion was seconded by Mr. McIntosh
but failed to carry on a 1/3 vote. The Mayor thought the Village should make a
contribution of at least $1,000.00.
Charter amendments.
Action on the amendments to Section 8, Section 23, Section 28, Section 42
and Section 52, as proposed by the Charter Revision Committee, will be taken
At the next regular meeting with a full Council present.
Discussion of Ordinance No. 270 - Mr. Bowen.
Mr. Bowen asked for further definition of height of walls (determination
of grade) and "ornamental masonry" for front walls. Mr. McIntosh suggested
referring to the grade definition as written by Mr. Toussaint. Mr. Toussaint,
who was present, stated he would ask the Planning Board to redefine these
paragraphs of Section 518 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 270. Mr. Bowen also
referred to Dr. Spear's wall at 9325 N. Bayshore Drive, which was apparently
built without a permit. Theaasked that the Building Inspector check the height
of this wall .
Financial report - first quarter.
Village Manager Ackley reviewed the summary first quarter financial
report which indicated the Village and Country Club in sound financial condition.
Village Manager's report.
(a.) Combining Building and Public Works Department - As of March 2,
1979, Mr. Lubien will assume management of these departments as
Public Works Director. Mr. Ackley introduced Tom Benton, Street
Supervisor, John Cobb, Parks Supervisor and Zack Martin (who was not
present) , Waste Supervisor.
(b) Reviewed departmental reports on parks, streets and waste.
(c) Comprehensive Plan Report - Completed and text has been run off.
The maps are being prepared by Mr. Toussaint. The Planning Board
will hold public hearing on the Plan March 1, 1979.
(d) Mr. Ackley appointed Secretary-Treasurer of the Dade County
City Manager's Association.
(e) Film industry - County will issue permits with copy to the
Village and coordinate thru Police Dept.
(f) Discussion of wall at 1201 N. E. 103rd St. - previously discussed.
(g) Projects - reviewed list of projects from prior years and
those planned since 10/1/77.
(h) Village Anniversary Party - March 3, 1979, - Council members
to take 10 tickets.
(i) Golf play - report submitted by Fred Vann.
(j) January bills paid.
(k) Complaints made on St. Rose Carnival . Wrote letter to churches
and schools setting up guideline regulations.
Councilman McIntosh asked for a report on the private school ordinance
that the Planning Board had been working on.
The Village Manager was asked to check fire inspections made in the
Mr. Bowen commended those who put on the art show at the library. He
also asked about progress on hiring a Country Club Manager. Mr. Ackley stated
they have narrowdit down to five applicants who will have personal interviews
as soon as they can be scheduled.
Mr. Davis called attention to some unusually large tree cuttings and
asked about the plan to charge for special pickup's of this nature. Mr. Ackley
stated he would ask for a policy statement on this plan and present charges
based on those in other ciites.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
APP OVED. Village Clerk