05-18-1976 Regular Meeting RB(3ULAR MEETING
May 189 1976
The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held
at 700 p.m., May 189 19769 at the Village Hall, with the following Council-
men presents
Mayor Donald H. McIntosh
W. Alfred' Davis
James W. Condit
Jon E. McLeod
Absents Dean R. Claussen
Mr. Earl K. Andersen, Village Manager, and Mr. William F. Fann, Jr.,
Village Attorney, were also present.
The meting was opened with an invocation given by reverend Clifford
Horvath of the Episcopal Burch of the Resurrection, followed by the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Minutes of the meeting of May 49 19761, were approved by motion wade
by Mr. Davis, and seconded by Mr. McLeod, after a correction was noted in the
date of the Planning Board minutes on page one referring to a meeting of March
27, 1975.
Planning Board minutes.
(a) In regard to the previously discussed living area above the
garage under construction at 440 H. E. 94th Street, the Planning Board, at
their meeting of May 13, 19769 re-affirmed their action of April 22, 1976, in-
cluding approval of a lavatory requested in conjunction with use as an art
studio. Mr. Andersen, Village Manager, reported on his evaluation of the sit-
uation and status of the roams above the garage, and recommended that the plans
and construction of F. K. Foster, 444 M. E. 94th Street, be approved as is
built, excluding the sink and cabinets presently being requested. Mr. Davis
moved that the Council approve the recommendation of the Village Manager. The
motion was seconded by Mr. McLeod and a roll call vote was taken as follows,
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recording unanimous approval:
Mr. McLeod Yes
Mr, Condit Yes
Mr, Davis Yes
Mayor McIntosh Yes
Referring to paragraph of Item 1 in the Planning Board minutes,
Mr. Condit moved that the question of legality of a contractor signing plans
be referred to -the Village Attorney. The motion was seconded by Mr. McLeod
and carried unanimously.
(b) Waiver of Plat - Mayor McIntosh relinquished the chair to
Mr. McLeod for this item as he left the meeting. Planning Board approval
was given on a request for Waiver of Plat by Mr. Alan Mandel, 797 N. E. 94th
Street, to establish new lot lines on Lot 28, Block 67, Miami Shores Sub-
division, and Lot 3, Joni Heights Subdivision, with both lots maintaining
over the minimum square foot requirement. After a review. of the plan Mr.
Davis moved that it be approved. Motion was seconded by Mr. Condit and pass-
ed unanimously. The Mayor returned to chair the rest of the meeting.
(c) Mr, John Militana's request to leave the free-standing di-
rectory sign in front of his office was again reviewed at the last Planning
Board meeting. At that time the Board reaffirmed their action taken on
March 25, 1976, that the sign be removed, that the shrubbery be maintained
to eliminate the visual hazard and, if a sign is desired, that it be sub-
mitted to the Board for approval of design and location. Mr. Militana stated
that he had not taken out a permit for the present sign as it was a replace-
ment sign and he did not think that a permit was necessary. The Village
Attorney confirmed the fact that a permit is necessary on all signs as to
subject and location. Mr. Davis moved that the recommendation of the Planning
and Zoning Board be upheld. The motion was seconded by Mr. McLeod. Mr.
Condit proposed an amendment to the motion that the request be put in proper
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form with the suggestion that Mr. Militana get with the Building Inspector
and the Board to work out the sign and tree problem. The amendment was
accepted and the motion passed unanimously.
Library roof.
Mr. Carl Paulsen, President of the Board of Trustees of the
Brockway Memorial Library and Mr. Roland Stafford, board member, appeared
to again petition re-roofing the library due to another leak occurring dur-
ing the last heavy rain. Mr. Andersen, Village Manager, reported that in
preparing specifications for a new roof, another roofer had inspected the
roof and gave his opinion that a new roof was not necessary if the leaks
occurring at the Joints of the building addition were properly repaired,
which is being doge. The Council and Board of Trustees agreed to wait and
see if the leaking can be stopped.
Bills - Mav B thru MY 184 1976.
Upon motion made by Mr. Condit, and seconded by Mr. McLeod, the
bills were approved as presented.
Committee Marts«
Mr. Condit reported that the work with the Park Committee and the
co-operation of many people have been rewarding. Everything is coming along
for the Memorial Day Service with the moving of the monument, the beautifi-
cation, and the electrical service for illumination of the flag pole.
Mr. Davis reported on the Memorial Day program, that the posters
are being printed, the band is paid for and programs and flags will be pro-
vided for those in attendance.
Village Attar;,mss re2grt.
Mr. Fann submitted an amended ordinance on garage sales including
a new definition for same. This ordinance was discussed and read in part
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and moved approved on first reading by Mr. Davis. The motion was seconded
by Mr. McLeod and passed 3/1 with Mr. Condit dissenting.
Village Manager's report.
1. Mr. Andersen related that the zoning of the public works pro-
perty on 143rd St. is tied into the 143rd street improvement project and the
inspection station move and that he is working these out with the County.
They have agreed that trees removed in the widening will be replaced, as well
as the fence, water line and driveway aprons. Mr. Andersen added that ap-
proval for deeding the 15 ft. of right-of-way is pending the zoning of the
property and he hoped to have affirmative action shortly.
2. Mr. Andersen asked for more money for Bicentennial activities
as only $540.00 is budgeted, and recommended an additional $1,000 be taken
out of the Contingency Fund for future Bicentennial activities. This appro-
priation was approved upon motion made by Mr. McLeod, seconded by Mr. Davis
and passed unanimously.
3. Mr. Andersen reported that this is budget preparation time,
that new budget forms have been designed, that a meeting was held with de-
partment heads and a budget will be forthcoming to Council.
4. Drainage problem -► Mr. Stinnett, 1189 M. E. 142nd St., asked
to be heard concerning a drainage problem which, he contended, had been in-
creased by the building of a new home on the vacant land to the west of his
property. Mr. Andersen reported that he had to make a survey of this pro-
blem with the Building Inspector who did not think that problem would be in-
creased by the new house, and based on advice of the Village Attorney, he
added that it is not the responsibility of the Village to correct the pro-
blem. Mr. Davis stated he wanted to see the location before voting on it and
asked that it be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Mr. Davis then
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moved that Mr. Bradford check the grades and report back to the Council
on June lst. The motion was seconded by Mr. Condit and passed unanimously.
Village Clerk - Correspondence.�rrrr�i ��r
(a) A letter was received from Mr. John Bassett, Bicentennial
Commission of Biscayne Parks inviting Miami Shores to participate in the
Biscayne Park Fourth of July parade. Mr. Davis moved that this be turned
over to the Village Manager and Chief of Police to make whatever arrangements
they wish. The motion was seconded by Mr. McLeod and carried.
(b) A letter was received from the Exchange Club of Miami Shores
inviting the Council to attend the dedication of "The Freedom Shrine" donated
to the Library by the Exchange Club, the Peoples First National Bank, the
First State Barak and the Chase Federal Savings 8 Loan$ ceremony to be held
at 12:€0 noon on Thursday, May doth. Mr. Condit will attend in the absence
of the Mayor.
(c) A request was made for the Village to take an ad in the "Pride
g Progress" issue of the North Dade Journal. It was decided that this ad
could be used to announce the Memorial Day program and Mr. Davis moved that
a half page ad be taken. The motion was seconded by Mr. Condit and passed
3/1 with Mr. McLeod dissenting as he felt the distribution of the paper was
not consistent.
Dr. Camp, 702 N. E. 95th Street, representing the Miami Shores
Soccer Club, requested the use of the recreation auditorium on Saturday even-
ing, May 29th for a benefit sock hop to permit the teams to attend out-of-state
tournaments. Dr. Camp reported that the evening is available and has been
cleared with Mr. Petrey; permitted time suggested - 8:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Holding the dance at the Country Club as an alternate location was discussed.
Mr. Davis moved that Dr. Camp pursue use of the Club with Mr. Andersen and
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If it is not available that the dance be approved for the Comunity Center.
This motion was seconded and carried.
Mr. William P. Kelly, 426 Grand Concourse, reported that his
neighbor at 430 Grand Concourse, is planning to pave a strip type driveway
in his front yard, which Mr. Kelly contended would be unattractive to the
area. Mr. McLeod moved that the Building Inspector bring this application
for pezmit, if received, to the Planning and Zoning Board. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Davis and passed unanimously.
Mrs. Betty Jensen, 2 B. W. 111th St., made a complaint about the
handling of an accident at the corner of Miami Avenue and 111th Street, in
regard to response time for the rescue vehicle and lack of equipment for
treatment. The Village Manager was instructed to investigate this through
the County Fire Chief and the logging of the call in our Police Dept.
Airs. Jensen also contended that the bike path should be extended
south to 109th Street where the sidewalk ends.
The meeting adjourned at 9a3® p.m.
Village Clerk
r (Pro tem)