07-15-1975 Regular Meeting REGULAR MEETING
July 15, 1975
The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held
at 7:30 o'clock p,m. , July 15, 1975, at the Village Hall, with the following
Councilmen present:
Mayor Donald W. McIntosh
W. Alfred Davis
Dean R. Claussen
James W. Condit
Jon E. McLeod
Mr. David Peace, Village Manager, and Mr. Richard Lund, Village
Attorney, were also present.
The meeting was opened with an invocation given by Councilman Condit,
followed by the pledge of allegiance.
In regard to the minutes of July 1, 1975, Mr. McLeod stated that on
Page 3. he wanted the minutes to reflect, in the discussion of the flooding on
the east side of Biscayne Blvd. at 91st St. , that he had called attention to the
drainage problem on the west side of Biscayne Blvd. also, between 90th and
91st Streets.
Mayor McIntosh asked for several changes to be made in the minutes
on the subject of the closing of Park Drive. It was suggested that the Mayor
and Clerk review the taped recording and Mr. Claussen moved that approval
be withheld until this is done. The motion was seconded by Mr. McLeod and
Mr. Jerry W. Lance - to discuss Village procedures on tree
trimming and trash collection.
Mr. Lance, 246 N. E. 102nd Street, presented a picture of a tree
on his parkway that had been recently trimmed, or "butchered'; as he put it.
Mr. Lance thought the property owners who maintain their parkways should
have some say on what happens to the parkways. Complaints were also voiced
on slow tree trimming and trash pick up. These remarks were taken under
advisement for the Village Manager to investigate.
Mr. Michael Khoury, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, to
discuss property tax assessments.
Mr. Khoury voiced complaints that he had received on this year's
increases in the assessments in Miami Shores from 15 to 20% which is not
representative of the economic conditiors in Florida. Several other residents
voiced concern over the high assessments. It was pointed out that complaints
to the Equalization Board have to be made by the individual property owners.
Mayor McIntosh stated he would write a letter to the Tax Assessor protesting
unfair increases in improved and unimproved property in the Village.
Opening bids on Police Department carport.
The following bids were opened and recorded:
Hurst Awning Co. $1, 596. 00
Hurricane Awning Shutters 1, 780. 00
Mr. McLeod moved that the bids be referred to the Village Manager
for his'recommendation at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Davis and passed.
Underwater rescue equipment.
Mrs. Richard Dunn, 10611 N. E. 10th Court, had requested to be
heard on this subject but could not attend. Some of her neighbors were present
and asked to be heard in her absence. Because of a recent drowning in
Biscayne Canal the Villagers witnessing the attempts to recover the body
asked why our rescue truck does not have underwater equipment. Because
of the equipment cost and training period, as reported in a memo from Lt.
Zoovas, and the transfer of our department to Metro on October 1 st, Mayor
McIntosh stated that this request would be forwarded to Metro Dade County
for serious consideration of an underwater program in an area such as Miami
Paying off loan on the fire truck.
Mr. Claussen moved that the balance be paid off on the fire truck
with the money to come from the current budget. The motion was seconded
by Mr. McLeod and passed unanimously.
Bills for the month of June.
Mr. McLeod asked if this list included all checks written and also
if he could get copies of the purchase orders. The coffee expense was
Metro Court
questioned by Mr. Davis which has been blamed in part by
/�employees getting
free coffee. The bills were approved by motion made by /Mr. Claus sen,
seconded by Mr. McLeod and carried.
In a discussion of Metro Court using our facilities free of charge
Mr. Davis stated that the Village Manager should look into this and find out
if we can get some revenue. Mr. Davis then moved that the Village Manager
look into the possibility of charging Metro Dade County for the use of our court
room. The motion was seconded by Mr. Condit and passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business
(a) Removal of dead palm trees on private property - Mr. Lund
reported that if we adopt an ordinance similar to the Council ordinance we will
be required to give the property owners notice to remove the trees, hold
public hearings, provide for appeal, and the filing of liens against the property.
Mr. Lund questioned if this is practical, depending on the number of trees
involved. Before taking this action it was suggested that the citizens be
asked through the bulletin to cooperate by removing their dead trees. Mr.
Claussen moved that an item be put in the bulletin appealing to the people to
remove the dead palms that are on private property. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Condit and carried. In this discussion Mr. R. W. Raymond,
10804 N. W. Znd Ave. , spoke to the Council about four dead trees on 108th
St. and about the property next store to him which has dead trees leaning over
his property and is not being maintained properly.
(b) New Fire Department site location - Mr. Claussen moved that
the Council table action on this for further study. The motion was seconded
by Mr. McLeod and passed.
Planning & Zoning Board - Mr. Claussen moved that James O.
Denham and Kenneth R. Phoenix be re-appointed for a two-year term.
The motion was seconded by Mr. McLeod and passed unanimously.
Mr. Davis moved that Albert R. Toussaint be reappointed to fill
out the unexpired term. The motion was seconded by Mr. McLeod
and carried.
Concerning a replacement for the vacancy created by Mr. Astor's
resignation, Mr. Condit moved that Mr. Joe Curry be appointed
to the Board. Mr. Davis recommended J. Bob Stobs, II, and the
Mayor submitted the name of Mrs. Betty Jensen. The appointment
will be made at the next meeting.
Pension Board - Mayor McIntosh announced the resignation of
Mr. Michael J. Franco from the Pension Board. In regretfully
accepting the resignation it was moved by Mr. Davis that a plaque
of appreciation be presented to Mr. Franco. The motion was
seconded by Mr. McLeod and passed. Mr. McLeod submitted the
name of Robert E. Day as a replacement on the Pension Board.
Personnel Appeals Board - Robert E. McKenney
L. M. Showalter
Robert O. Hach
Oscar H. Martel
Mrs. James J. Lynch
Mr. Claussen moved that this Board be re-appointed for a two-year
term. The motion was seconded by Mr. Condit and carried.
Insurance Advisory Committee -
Gordon Boulton
Robert Frix
Duke Reynolds
William F. George
Mrs. Frances Everett (nominee)
Mr. Davis moved approval of the committee as presented. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Condit and passed unanimously.
Appointment of Village officials - Village Manager
Village Attorney
Village Clerk
Chief of Police
Mr. Claussen moved that the two year appointments be discontinued
inasmuch as these people serve at the will of the Council according to the
charter. The motion was seconded by Mr. McLeod and passed unanimously.
Village Manager's report.
Concerning the 91st Street drainage problem, Mr. Peace reported
that Mr. Bradford has been in touch with the Department of Transportation,
that we plan to get photos of this flooding and then notify them of the problem.
In the meantime Mr. Peace reported, they will put acid in the catch basins
which may alleviate the problem.
Mayor McIntosh complimented the Manager on drafting the club manager
job description and Village budget but pointed out that the budget did not include
what was spent in the first 9 months of the fiscal year, and projected figures
on 12 month expenditures.
Village Attorney's report.
Mr. Lund reported, in regard to conflict of interest on the part of
Council members belonging to the Presbyterian Church and voting on the
closing of Park Drive, that special counsel be employed to advise on this issue
(since he, too, is a member of the Presbyterian Church), or submit the question
to the Fla. Commission on Ethics to render an opinion. Mr. Condit moved that
the Ethics Commission be requested to answer this question and that the Council
abide by the decision. Mayor McIntosh relinquished the chair to second the
motion and on vote it was passed 4/1 with Mr. Claussen dissenting because he
didn't think it was necessary at this time.
Mr. Davis asked the Village Manager to look into the reasons why
at the scene of a robbery that we send three Police cars and two detective .cars
and if it takes five people to write one report.
Referring again to Mr. Lance and his tree trimming at 246 N. F.
102nd St. , the Mayor stated that the Council will ask Mr. Peace to review
operation of the responsible department.
Mr. William Fann, Chairman of the Charter Revision Committee,
reported that a meeting of that committee had been held on the previous
evening and that work was underway.
Mayor McIntosh reported on recent correspondence on the sludge line
controversy and thanke dthe North Dade Journal for the editorial writen in favor
of the Village's position. Mr. McIntosh stated that we are still attempting to
get the line off N. F. 2nd Ave. and if something positive happens the public
will be advised.
Mrs. Helen Morton, 140 N. F. 105th St. , voiced a complaint about the
many solicitors that are coming to her door in the last few months, that were
never permitted in the past. The Mayor asked the Village Manager to check
into this with the Chief of Police.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Village Clerk