12-17-1974 Regular Meeting REGULAR MEETING
December 17, 1974
The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held
at 4:00 o'clock p.m. , December 17, 1974, at the Village Hall, with the follow-
ing Councilmen present:
Mayor James W. Condit
Elwood Jones
Harry F. Smenner, Jr.
Absent: Dean R. Claussen .
Raymond L. Clement
Mr. David Peace, Village Manager, and Mr. Richard M. Lund,
Village Attorney, were also present.
The meeting was opened with an invocation given by Rev. Lewis of
the Miami Shores Presbyterian Church.
Minutes of the regular meeting of December 3, 1974 were approved
as written by motion made by Mr. Smenner, seconded by Mr. Jones and
Opening of garbage truck bids.
The following bids were received and opened:
Tally Embry Ford Chassis & cab (2) $19, 153. 75 ea.
Alternate (2) 23, 615. 00 ea.
White Trucks Chassis & cab (2) 19, 048. 30 ea.
Tom Wood Garwood bodies (2) 17, 990. 00
Alternate-complete truck 24, 941. 00 (1)
Rowland Truck Equip. Bodies (2) 18, 960. 00
International Harvester
Chassis & cab (2) 16, 802. 48 ea.
H: F. Mason Equipment
Bodies (2) 20, 232. 00
Southland Body (1) $ 9, 508. 40
Chassis, body, cab (1) 26, 843. 40
Royal Truck Equip. Bodies (2) 20, 806. 00
Mack Trucks Chassis & cab (2) 42, 756. 00
Mr. Jones moved that the bids be accepted and referred back to the
Village Manager for analysis and recommendation at the next meeting. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Smenner and carried.
Report on Lethal Yellowing treatment of Village palm trees.
Village Manager Peace reported that he and Henry Boliek have
worked out a system for doing the work ourselves which will require hiring
an extra man full time at an estimated cost of $11, 000-12, 000. Mr. Peace's
proposal was based on doing three injections a year for less than the estimated
$24, 500. 00 that it would cost the Village with Palm Protectors. Mr. Jones
suggested that a limit be put on the project of, say, $19, 000. Mayor Condit
moved that we go ahead and start immediately to do one complete round of
injections. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smenner and passed.
Village Manager's reports.
(a) Price increase on food served to civic groups at Country Club.
The Village Manager reported that based on the recommendation
of the Club Manager, effective January 1, 1975, the prices will
be increased to achieve a 55% gross profit on food.
Mr. Jones argued that better leadership was needed at the club and
that he would not vote for an increase as long as we have the present
(b) Price increase on dining room and bar sales.
Mr. Peace stated these prices will also be increased as of January
1st to achieve the percentage profits anticipated in the budget.
Mr. Smenner felt the Council should be notified when increases
are made in prices and that it is up to the Council and management at
the Club to watch if the volume falls off due to prices. He also
suggested looking into charging employees for meals or coffee.
Mr. Jones asked Mr. Peace how many golf members have given up
their memberships, as well as pool and tennis members, since
October 1 st.
Bills for November.
After a review of the current bills they were approved by motion
made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Smenner and carried.
Re-evaluation of tennis courts maintenance bids received
December 3, 1974.
A. recommendation was made by the Village Manager to accept the
bid of Trevor Shuert in the amount of $3960. 00, the only bid submitted from
five companies invited to bid. Mr. James Willenborg, representing the Tennis
Club, recommended the work of this contractor and urged the Council to
accept the bid. Upon motion made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Smenner
and passed, the bid of Trevor Shuert for the maintenance of the Country Club
tennis courts was accepted.
Unfinished business:
(a) Alley abutting Mandel property.
(b) Board of Governors for Country Club.
(c) Method of electing Mayor.
Upon the suggestion of Mr. Jones these items will be deferred until
a full Council is present and Mr. Philpott and Mr. Mandel will be notified
when the alley question is going to be taken up.
The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.,m.
Village Clerk