11-05-1974 Regular Meeting REGULAR MEETING
November 5, 1974
The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held
at 4:00 o'clock p.m. , November 5, 1974, at the Village Hall, with the follow-
ing Councilmen present:
Mayor James W. Condit
Dean R. Claussen
Raymond L. Clement
Elwood Jones
Harry F. Smenner, Jr.
Absent: None
Mr. David Peace, Village Manager, and Mr. Thomas H. Anderson,
Village Attorney, were also present.
The meeting was opened by an invocation given by Father Clifford
Horvath, of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection.
The first order of business was the presentation of a gift by the
Council to retiring Village Manager, John W. McIntyre, in appreciation of
his 23 years with Miami Shores Village.
In regard to the minutes of the meeting of October 15, 1974, Mr. Jones
moved that they be approved and Mr. Claussen seconded the motion. Mr. Clement
asked that the minutes reflect, in regard to the Mandel alley problem, that in
his opinion Mr. Bradford was entirely out of order in issuing the permit (to
pave the alley). The minutes were then accepted with this notation. Minutes of
the work session of October 29, 1974, were approved by motion made by Mr.
Claussen, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried.
Request from Chamber of Commerce for not more than $90. 00
for one-half cost of Christmas home decoration contest.
Mr. Mike Khoury reported that the Chamber has pledged $1, 000 to
the library this year; that they have decided to decorate N. E. 2nd Ave. this
year, including electricity, and that they are asking the Village to pay half
the cost of the home decoration contest, as they have done in the past, at a
cost of $90. 00. Mr. Claussen moved that the Council authorize payment of this
money for the Christmas decoration gifts. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Jones and passed unanimously.
Recommendation from Chief Fletcher to appoint Dr. Gunion as
Medical Advisor to the Police Dept.
Chief Fletcher reported that Dr. Gunion does the pre-employment
physical examinations of the police personnel and felt that he should be named as
one of the Medical Advisors, which was approved by motion made by Mr. Claussen,
seconded by Mr. Jones and carried.
Ratification of Agreement on Auto Inspection Station Merger
with Dade County.
A copy of the revised agreement had been sent to the Council incorpor-
ating the items requested by the Council. The Village Manager pointed out each
new phrase or condition that had been written in the agreement. Mr. Claussen
moved that the agreement for the merger be approved. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Jones, and passed 4/1 with Mr. Clement dissenting because he felt the
County should pay for the use of the station.
Frank Walker on Treatment program for palm trees.
Mr. Frank Walker of Palm Protectors, reported on the palm tree
program that he had completed and requested approval for treating the remainder
of Christmas palms and Royal palms on parkways in the residential areas, which
he stated needed immediate treatment. He estimated the remainder of these trees
to be between 500 and 750, at a cost of approximately $1, 000 for the injections.
Mr. Walker also offered to discuss a yearly contract on a continuing basis and
removal of dead trees. Mr. Claussen moved approval of treatment of the balance
of trees and that the other details be referred to the Village Manager. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Clement and carried. Mr. Smenner asked for copies of
the reports on the palm treatments.
Bills for October.
After a review of the bills they were approved by motion made by
Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Smenner and carried.
Unfinished Business:
(a) Alley abutting Mandel property at 797 N. E. 94th St.
Mr. Claussen reported on his investigation of the present condition
of the alley and stressed that this is a dedicated alley which should be open to
the public. However, in order to resolve the problem, Mr. Claussen moved
that the Village.Attorney be instructed to draw up a conditional agreement for
Mr. Mandel to use this property until.::such time as the Village needs it and
further, that Mr. Mandel supply a survey by a registered surveyor of the property
in question. The motion was seconded by Mr. Clement. Mr. Sheldon Rosenthal,
attorney•for Mr. Mandel, stated they would compensate the Village for the use
of the property or give space for a truck turn around. Mr. Smenner stated that
this motion will give Mr. Mandel use of the alley and allow the wall to remain.
He thought other people would want the same privilege and felt it would be better
to make an exchange, that Mr. Mandel should give land to the Village for compen-
sation of land taken. The motion passed 3/2 with Councilmen Smenner and Clement
(b) Dog Track assessment - pending receipt of a letter from the
County Tax Assessor.
(c) Recommendation on dry cleaning bids for Police & Fire uniforms.
The following report was received from the Chief of Police:
"I recommend the lowest bid for each department be
Police Dept. Service Supreme - $3391. 10
Fire Dept. Mary MacIntosh 1224. 00 "
Upon motion made by Mr. Smenner, seconded by Mr. Jones and
passed unanimously, acceptance of the recommended bids was approved.
(d) Nominations for Village Attorney.
The Village Manager reported that he had received the following
nominations for the position of Village Attorney:
Richard Lund
William Fano
Donald W. Stobs, Jr.
Denis Dean
R. Harris Turner
A. E. Quinton, Jr.
Burton B. Loebl.
Mr. Clement requested that these applications be taken under advise-
ment for a work session. Mr. Smenner asked that the resumes be sent-to the
(e) Board of Governors for Country Club - Mr. Clement stressed the
need for this Board. He called attention to the following criticisms:
1. Kids all over the golf course.
2. Meat being delivered out of the trunk of a car to the
3. Letter from Kiwanis Club regarding loss of their
musical equipment.
4. Letter written to Big Daddies.
Mr. Clement stated that each member of the Council should appoint
two members to a Board of Governors to operate the club, and that anyone
could name his two members if they wished, in order to get it underway. He
continued that this is a very serious matter and that he would like to see the
Council meet as soon as possible and appoint a Board of Governors.
(f) Report on travel trailer at 1040 N. E. 105th St. - The Village
Attorney reported that the case had been postponed and that we will be notified
when the hearing will be scheduled.
(g) Method of electing Mayor - For special meeting.
Mr. Mike Khoury called attention to the condition of the alleys with
overgrown shrubbery growing in the alley and blocking alley lights, and requested
that an inspection be made of all alleys and hedges. Mr. Khoury also added that
the planters on N. E. 2nd Avenue need rebuilding and replanting.
The meeting adjourned at 5:40 p. m.
Village Clerk
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