06-19-1973 Regular Meeting 57' REGULAR MEETING MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL June 19, 1973 The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held at 4:00 o'clock p.m. , June 19, 1973, at the Village Hall, with the following Councilmen present: Mayor James W. Condit Elwood Jones Harry F. Smenner, Jr. Absent: Dean R. Claussen Raymond L. Clement Mr. John W. McIntyre, Village Manager, and Mr. Thomas Britton, substituting for Mr. Anderson, Village Attorney, were also present. The meeting was opened with an invocation given by Councilman Jones. The Mayor then acknowledged and thanked Mr. Jack Fitzgerald for his gift to the Council of a hand finished wooden podium and stand for the Mayor's gavel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as written by motion made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Smenner and carried. Planning Board Public Hearing minutes. The Planning Board denied a request for a change of zone on the property at 215 Grand Concourse, Tract A, Miami Shores Sub. , following a public hearing held on June 14, 1973. Mr. Jones moved that the Council uphold the action of the Planning Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smenner and passed. Presentation of gift to Miss Vigneron for 25 years of service. Mayor Condit on behalf of the Council presented Miss Vigneron with 6/19/73 5E -2- a silver bowl and tray in appreciation of her 25 years' service with the Village. Recreation Dept. introduction of players going to Toronto. The soccer teams and their coaches who are going to Toronto for a Championship meet, were introduced to the Council. Recreation Dept. request for additional paving north of the Field House. Mr. Petrey asked approval to complete a paving plan submitted last year to provide additional parking along N. E. 7th Ave. in the amount of $600. 00, plus an additional $200. 00 to level a low spot. Mr. Jones moved that the Council authorize an expenditure up to $800. 00 for this work. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smenner and passed. Library Board annual report. Mr. Carl Paulsen, President of the Board, presented the Library's 25th Annual Report. A recommendation was also received from the Library Board that Mr. Roland Stafford be appointed to a full 5-year term. Mr. Smenner moved that Mr. Stafford be appointed to a five-year term on the Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and carried. Reservations for Dade League of Cities annual membership dinner. The following members of the Council asked for reservations: Messrs. Condit, Jones and Smenner. Mrs. Fabian of Marco Gallery requesting the use of the Village logo. Mrs. Fabian of Marco Gallery, 9730 N. E. 2ndAve. , asked for permission to use the Village seal on ceramic tiles and souvenir pieces. Attorney Britton advised that this is not an unusual request but that Mrs. Fabian 6/19/73 -3- will have to have permission before she can use the design of the seal. Mr. Jones moved that the Council defer action on this request until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smenner and passed. Council authorization for purchasing kitchen equipment. The Village Manager reported that he had signed a contract for $55, 000. 00 for the purchase of kitchen equipment from Collins-Bramlett-Rhodes and that now Mr. Claussen has stated that with additional equipment it will come to $59, 028. 50. Collins-Bramlett-Rhodes submitted the low bid of $45, 242. 00 on the original spec's for kitchen equipment. Mr. Jones moved that the Council authorize an expenditure up to $60, 000. 00 for kitchen equipment. The motion was seconded by Mr. Condit and passed 2/1 with Mr. Smenner dissenting. Report of Country Club Decorating Committee. Mr. Howard McLaughlin reported that his committee has arrived at a figure of $21, 000. 00 for redecorating the Wedgewood room which includes carpeting, paneling, chairs and tables. Also dividers will be needed for the main dining room at a cost of $7744. 00. The Village Manager made a recap of the money available as follows: Improvement loan $150, 000. 00 Bal, in capital improvements acct. 10, 000. 00 C. C. building repairs acct.. 10, 000. 00 170, 000. 00 with expenses as follows: Kitchen reconstruction est. 80, 000. 00 Kitchen equipment 60, 000. 00 Decorating 20, 000. 00 + 160, 000. 00 Mr. Jones moved that the Council authorize transfer of $10, 000. 00 from the Building repair account to the capital improvements account. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smenner and passed. 6/19/73 60 -4- Recommendation to close the Club bar and kitchen from July 15th to August 15th. The Village Manager recommended closing the Country Club bar and kitchen because of the reconstruction, in order to save operating expenses, and to give the employees a vacation at the same time. Mr. Jones moved that the Council authorize that the Country Club close for a 30 day period to fit in with the schedule of construction and approximately from July 15th to August 15th. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smenner and carried. It was further explained that this would only affect the food and drink in the club house but not the snack shack. Discussion of Council recess. Mr. Smenner moved that the Council approve a recess during the month of August. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed. Discussion of housing emergency rescue vehicle. It was reported that the County does not want our old fire truck and that we have been advised by the Underwriters to keep it, necessitating additional housing for the fire/rescue trucks. The Village Manager stated that it could be either a garage or carport. Lt. Fletcher recommended that it be a fully enclosed structure for safety and protection from the elements. Mr. Jones stated that this type of structure must wait for the budget. The Building Inspector estimated that the cost of this garage would be between six and seven thousand dollars. The vehicle is being temporarily housed by the County on N. W. 7th Ave. at 131st St. Set up work session with Planning Board. A joint meeting with the Planning Board and Council was set for Monday,evening, June 25, 1973. 6/19/73 - -5- Air conditioning service contracts. The Village Manager reported that last September when Airko made the low bid on air conditioning service that the present contractor would not release us from our contracts on the Library, City Hall and Community Center until this July. Mr. McIntyre recommended that we now give these contracts to Airko Service, Inc. as of July 1st. Mr. Smenner moved that the service contracts be approved as recommended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed. Bills for May. Upon motion made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Smenner and passed, the bills were approved. Unfinished Business-, (a) Golf course irrigation bids - A letter was received from the Formost Construction Co. , low bidder on the irrigation system, asking for a signed commitment by June 21 st in order to hold their bid. Mr. Quinn of the DeBra company, agents for Rainbird, stated that they could not maintain the present price range on their equip- ment beyond Sept. 13, 1973. It was generally agreed, and stated by the Mayor, that the Council could not make any commitments until the budget is worked out. (b) Appointments to the Personnel Appeals Board - The following names had been submitted by members of the Council: L. M. Showalter 26 N. E. 109th St. Robert O. Hach 987 N. E. 96th St. Oscar H. Martel 374 N. E. 100th St. Robert E. McKenney 145 N. E. 110th St. Mrs. James J. Lynch 510 N. E. 93rd St. 6/19/73 -6- Mr. Jones moved that these persons be appointed to the Personnel Appeals Board as of July 1, 1973 for a two-year term. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smenner and passed. (c) Reminder of June 26th meeting at the Country Club. Mrs. Lois Smith of 672 N. E. 98th St. , called attention to boats and trailers in front yards. Councilman Jones stated that he and the Village Manager had driven around recently looking at boats and trailers and that he felt the 20 ft. length (in our ordinance) was quite fair. He also asked the Council to give con- sideration to providing an area at our inspection station where we might fence it off and make a place for our citizens to park their boats and trailers. A complaint was made about the children on the golf course at night and during playing hours, as well as, congregating around the Community Center. It was suggested that these areas could be posted and that an item put in the Village Hall News cautioning parents to keep their children off the course. The Village Manager was instructed to prepare signs for the problem areas. The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Village Clerk APPROVED: r�7ri Ma