07-18-1972 Regular Meeting REGULAR MEETING
July 18, 1972
The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held
at 4:00 o'clock p. m. , July 18, 1972, at the Village Hall, with the following
Council members present:
Mayor Elwood Jones
Raymond L. Clement
Dean R. Claussen
Mrs. Marjorie A. Dunn
Howard J. McLaughlin
Absent: None
Mr. John W. McIntyre, Village Manager, and Mr. Thomas H.
Anderson, Village Attorney, were also present.
The meeting was opened with an invocation given by Rev. Harold
Davenport of the Miami Shores Community Church.
Minutes of the meeting of June 20, 1972, were approved by motion
made by Mr. Clement, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin and carried.
Village Judges - Mr. Clement moved that the Council appoint Bill
Fann as Judge for the next year and that the other two positions not be voted
on at this time. The motion was seconded by Mr. McLaughlin and carried.
After some discussion Mr. Clement withdrew this motion and made another
one to appoint all three Judges for another year. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Claussen and passed 4/1 with Mrs. Dunn dissenting.
Planning Board - Mrs. Dunn made a statement concerning these
appointments and then introduced two architects she had invited to attend the
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meeting for consideration of their qualifications for the Planning Board. After
discussion Mr. Claussen moved that the Council appoint Mr. Moyer and Mr.
Smenner for another term on the Planning Board. The motion was seconded
by Mr. McLaughlin and passed 3/2 with Mr. Clement and Mrs. Dunn dissent-
ing. Mr. Claussen then moved that the Council appoint Mr. Kenneth Phoenix
to fill the vacancy on the Planning Board. The motion was seconded by Mr.
McLaughlin and passed 3/2 with Mrs. Dunn and Mr. Clement dissenting.
Authorization for Police Chiefs Meeting in September.
The Village Manager reported that El Portal and Biscayne Park are
willing to share the expense of this meeting, each paying one third although
the Biscayne Park Council had not yet had a meeting to approve the expenditure.
The estimated cost of the dinner meeting is $600. 00. Mr. Claussen moved
that the Council approve having this meeting in conjunction with E1 Portal and
Biscayne Park and authorize the Chief of Police and the Manager to extend the
invitation for September. The motion was seconded by Mr. Clement and
Mr. Dan Schmidt on resubmission of application for permit
on a 56 ft. lot.
Mr. Schmidt had previously been refused a permit because his
application was on a lot he did not own which was still part of the owner's yard.
The application was resubmitted at this meeting by Mr. Schmidt after he had
taken title to the lot, on which premise he believed he was entitled to a permit
according to Ordinance No. 361. Some of the Council felt a property owner
should not be permitted to sell or divide a part of his property to provide
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another building site. Mr. Clement moved that the Council disallow the
request. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Dunn and carried.
Opening bids on a fire truck.
The following bids were received:
American LaFrance $43, 931. 00
Ward LaFrance 46, 763. 00
Mr. Claussen moved that the bids be referred to the City Manager
and Chief of Police for analysis and recommendation. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Clement and passed.
Financial report by Mrs. Norma Peck for the Miami Shores
Woman's Club.
A report was made to the Council on the moneys made by the
Miami Shores Women's Club during the past year.
Permission for Mr. McFarlin to attend a government career
development Institute for Municipal Finance Officers at Florida
Atlantic University, Sept. 10-16, 1972.
The Village Manager reported that the registration fee for this
course was $150. 00 with other expenses at $75. 00, or $225. 00. Mr. Claussen
moved that the Council authorize these expenses. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Clement and passed.
Approval of the first Annual Heart and Health Day to be held on
Sept. 30, 1972.
Upon motion made by Mr. Claussen, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin
and passed, approval was given to the Recreation Director to go ahead with
this event.
Appointment of air conditioning engineer to writespecifications
on a new club air conditioning system.
The Village Manager presented recommendations made by
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Mr. Karl G. Frese for air conditioning the Country Club. Mr. Claussen
moved that the Council authorize the Village Manager to negotiate with Mr.
Frese to write specifications for the Country Club dining room and office area
air conditioning. The motion was seconded by Mr. Clement and passed.
Decision to repair or replace the Library air conditioning system.
Mr. Claussen asked the Village Manager to call Sam Hamilton,
who had put the system in, to see what they would charge to replace the
Bids on water tank for new truck.
The following bids were presented by the Village Manager:
Roland Truck Equipment $925. 00
Callahan Motor Co. 850. 00
Upon motion made by Mr. Clement, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin
and passed authorization was given to accept the low bid on this budgeted item.
After a review of the current bills they were approved by motion
made by Mrs. Dunn, seconded by Mr. Clement and passed.
Date for budget hearing.
Mr. Claussen moved that September 25th be set as the date for the
budget hearing, at 8:00 p. m. , at the Community Center. The motion was
seconded by Mr. McLaughlin and carried.
Council recess.
The Council voted to recess during the month of August upon motion
made by Mr. Clement, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin and carried.
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(a) Closing dog track gate on N. W. 112th Terrace - Mayor Jones
reported that the Track stated they would consider the idea of
moving this gate and would work with our Police Dept. on the
safety factor, and it looks very promising that this will be done.
Mrs. Dunn brought up the subject of purchasing practices and moved
that the Village Attorney prepare a proper ordinance to require that sealed
bids be obtained on all purchases above $1000. 00. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Clement and passed.
The Village Manager reported on receipt of a letter from the County
Manager offering a cooperative grant through the Department of Labor to
participate through Dade County in the Public Employment Program.
Mr. McIntyre also reported that the Federal Communications
Commission had awarded us the radio bands from the City of Miami and that
we are awaiting word on the cost of buying their old equipment.
Additional Police personnel.
The Village Manager asked that the Police Chief be given authority
to recruit four more policemen. Mr. Clement moved that the Council give
the Village Manager or Chief authority to recruit four additional men as soon
as possible. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Dunn and passed by four votes
with Mr. Claussen abstaining.
The Village Manager reported that Chief Fowler was in the hospital
being treated for a heart condition and asked if the Council wished to appoint
an Acting Chief in his absence. Mr. Clement moved that the Council appoint
the Village Manager as Acting Chief of Police and when he finds someone he
wants to appoint on a temporary basis to bring the name of the person before
the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. McLaughlin and carried.
Mrs. Biddy Lang, 750 N. E. 101st Street, again stressed the need
for toilet facilities at the tot lot.
Complaints were voiced over the numerous boats, trailers and
campers parked in front yards in the Village.
License ordinance.
A proposed license ordinance was read for passage and publication
pursuant to the provisions of Ch. 72-306, Laws of Florida, 1972. Upon motion
made by Mr. Claussen and seconded by Mr. Clement, ORDINANCE NO. 365
was unanimously passed on first reading, said ordinance being entitled;
The meeting adjourned at 5;50 p. m.
Village Clerk