10-21-1969 Regular Meeting REGULAR MEETING
October 21, 1969
A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held at
4:00 o'clock p.m. , October 21, 1969, at the Village Hall, with the following
Councilmen present:
Mayor Don G. Nicholson
Dean R. Claussen
Raymond L. Clement
Elwood Jones
Absent: Edwin B. Cole
Mr. Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney, and Mr. John W.
McIntyre, Village Manager, were also present.
Mayor Nicholson opened the meeting and an invocation given by
Councilman Dean R. Claussen followed.
Minutes of the regular meeting of October 7, 1969, were approved by
motion made by Mr. Clement, seconded by Mr. Jones and passed.
Mr. William E. Carpenter appeared at the meeting to present the
Council with a check from Continental Assurance Company for $15, 172. 55,
representing a dividend or rate adjustment on the employees group insurance
policy for the year ending June 8, 1969. Mayor Nicholson thanked the
Continental Assurance Company and agents Carpenter & Reid for this generous
Opening bids on 1970 Chevrolet trucks and cars.
Bids were opened and recorded as follows:
Tropical Chevrolet Sark Vic Potamkin
2 Trucks $ 6, 7Z5. 46 7, 247. 96 6, 626. 14
1 Pick-up 1, 895. 02 2, 036. 9Z 1, 869. 1Z
1 4-door Biscayne 2, 720. 20 2, 919. 45 2, 663. 20
1 Station wagon (with trade-in) 2, 864. 17 3, 014. 77 2, 837. 40
Mr. Claussen moved that the bids be referred to the City Manager and
Glen Byrd and that they be authorized to accept the bid of their choice. Motion
was seconded by Mr. Clement and passed unanimously.
Report on cocktail hour business at the Country Club.
The following report was submitted by the Village Manager:
9/23/69 thru 10/15/69, 22 days, or about 3 weeks -
Sales Drinks Price
This year $ 1, 589. 35 1, 673 . 95�
Last year 1, 293. 00 1, 174 . 75�
The Council agreed that this operation should continue to be analyzed
for another month or two.
Approval for putting out invitation to bid on the Detective Bureau.
Mr. Claus sen moved that the City Manager be authorized to submit
plans for bidding and secure at least three bids. Motion was seconded by
Mr. Jones and passed unanimously.
Approval of Country Club Tennis Courts maintenance contract.
A contract was submitted by the Garan Company for maintenance of
four tennis courts at the Country Club for a fee of $200. 00 a month. The
Village Manager reported that this will be less expensive than the regular
annual renovation that has been done in the past. Mr. Dale Miller was present
on behalf of the Tennis Club and spoke in favor of this contract which he
estimated would cost the club $200. 00 to $400. 00 a year less for courts main-
tenance. Mr. Claussen moved that the Council authorize entering into a
contract with the Garan company for maintenance of the courts for one year.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed unanimously.
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Rev. Varner and Mr. Bassett regarding private schools.
Rev. Varner stated he thought each school should be evaluated each
year on the basis of what it provides in the community and secondly, that this
need cannot be fulfilled by any other public agency. It was his opinion that
the amendment permitting these schools should be stricter than it is. Mr.
Bassett stated that his school is not a. regular school but a clinical school
and that there are only three other schools of this type in the area. His present
enrollment is 53 with a probable enrollment of 65 by mid term. He stated that
the school serves a need in this community. Mayor Nicholson stated that the
recent amendment to the zoning ordinance was designed to legalize the oper-
ation of schools in leased facilities and that the regulations may be reconsidered.
Golf Committee's recommendation for increasing electric cart fees.
It was the recommendation of the Golf Course Committee that the
electric cart fees be raised as follows; $8. 00 from Dec. 1st to May 1st and
$6. 00 from May 1st to Dec. 1st and that the fee for 9 holes be $4. 00. These
new fees were adopted by motion made by Mr. Clement, seconded by Mr.
Jones and passed unanimously.
Authority to purchase a Sohmer grand piano.
The Club Manager proposed the purchase of a Sohmer grand piano
with mahogany finish for $1200. 00 with trade-in of the present piano. After
some discussion of this request Mr. Jones moved that the Council authorize
expenditure of up to $1200 for a piano. The motion died for lack of a second.
The Council asked that further study be made of the necessity for a new
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Pension plan proposals.
It was recommended by the Pension Board that:
(a) Authority be requested for pension actuary to make a cost
study of lowering the normal retirement age to 62 at a cost of
between $500. 00 and $700. 00.
(b) Authority be requested for pension actuary to make a cost study
on the saving of combining future police and fire insurance con-
tributions from the State with the pension trust.
In the discussion that followed, Mr. Claussen stated he didn't think
there were many plans in which all employees can retire at the same time.
The Mayor suggested looking into retirement at 60 for police and 62 for all
other employees. The Council deferred action on these proposals.
After a review of the current bills Mr. Clement moved that they be
approved. Motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed.
(a) Apartment permit for Mt. Vernon motel site. The Mayor
announced that Mr. Gianaris requested that this be removed from
the agenda and tentatively scheduled for the second meeting in
Novembe r.
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p. m.
Village Clerk