02-07-1967 Regular Meeting 7
February 7, 1967
A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held
at 4:00 o'clock P. M. , February 7, 1967, at the Village Hall, with the follow-
ing Councilmen present:
Mayor Dean R. Claussen
Richard M. Lund
Raymond L. Clement
Elwood Jones
James A. Dixon, Jr.
Mr. Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney, was also present.
The meeting was opened by Mayor Claussen and the invocation
given by Dr. George Fowler, Visitation Pastor, Rader Memorial Church.
Minutes of the meeting of January 17, 1967 were approved as
written by motion made by Mr. Lund, seconded by Mr. Jones and passed
The first business on the agenda was the presentation by Mayor
Claussen of a plaque to James D. MacLaughlin, golf pro, in recognition and
appreciation of his 20 years' service with the Village.
Mr. Ralph Raymond, 10804 N. W. 2nd Ave. , appeared before the
Council to request paving of the west lane of N. W. 2nd Ave. between 105th
and 111th Streets. The Village Manager reported that bids for this paving
had been included in the bids on the paving of 93rd Street to be opened at this
meeting. Action on the bids was deferred until later in the meeting.
Resolutions were received from the City of Miami Springs and the
Hialeah-Miami Springs Chamber of Commerce endorsing the re-location of
the Florida State Capital to a more centrally located area. Upon motion made
by Mr. Lund, seconded by Mr. Jones and passed, action on these resolutions
was tabled. 1
Resolutions were received from the City of Coral Gables and the
City of North Miami urging the Legislatiuxe to modify Section 193. 031 of the
Florida Statutes restricting tax increases. Mr. Lund moved that we adopt a
similar resolution. Motion was seconded by Mr. Jones. Mr. Clement stated
that he didn't want to see us adopt a resolution that will allow communities to
raise taxes. Motion was passed 4/1 adoption Resolution No. 467, with Mr.
Clement dissenting.
A letter was received from Mr. Emrys Harris in which he submitted
his resignation from the Planning Board. Mr. Jones moved that we accept
the resignation and send a letter of thanks and appreciation for the service
rendered. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
A letter was received from Dr. J. H. Tanous, 107 N. E. 96th St. ,
in which he urged the Council to provide more activities for the teenagers.
Mr. Dixon moved that we acknowledge receipt of Dr. Tanous' letter and instruct
the City Manager to write him a letter of thanks on behalf of the Council in
bringing this matter to our attention and refer the matter to Mr. Petrey for
any suggestions and recommendations that he might have. Motion was seconded
by Mr. Clement. Mr. Lund asked that the motion be amended to refer the
matter to Mr. McCall instead of Mr. Petrey as to an overall recommendation
of the feasibility of this suggestion. The amendment was accepted and upon
vote the motion was passed unanimously.
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An amendment to the zoning ordinance which had been written by
the Village Attorney was read. This ordinance is to clarify the use of wood
in connection with masonry construction. Mr. Lund moved that the Council
defer action on this until copies of the ordinance are received by the Council.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
The paving bids on N. W. 2nd Ave. and 93rd Street were then
reviewed. The bids on N. W. 2nd Ave. were: $2025. 00 for Brooks Paving
and $2400. 00 for Southern Paving Co. Mr. Dixon moved that we accept the
bid of Brooks Paving Co. to do this work and authorize the Village Manager
to see that the work is done. Motion was seconded by Mr. Jones. In the
discussion that followed question arose concerning the drainage problem on
this street and whether or not this paving will alleviate it. Also, on further
study it appeared that the bids had not been quoted correctly. Mr. Dixon
withdrew his motion and Mr. Jones withdrew the second. Mr. Dixon then
moved that the bids be received and taken under advisement. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Jones and passed unanimously.
Concerning the bids for paving 93rd Street in Bay Lure Subdivision,
Mr. Dixon moved that we defer action on these bids. Motion was seconded by
Mr. Clement and passed unanimously.
The next item on the agenda concerned approval to keep the men's
lounge at the Country Club open on Thursday evening which was to be reviewed
on February 1st. After some discussion Mr. Jones moved that we continue
this privilege for another two weeks, until after the meeting with the golf
committees. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
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A letter was received from the Chamber of Commerce requesting
that the Village pay partial cost of publishing general government information
in its annual brochure. Mr. Dixon stated he would like to discuss this before
taking action. Mr. Lund stated he would like to see the material which would
be contributed by the Village and ask Mr. Anderson to review it and indicate
any legal objections and if there are none, he would be in favor of it. After
further discussion Mr. Dixon moved that we table this until the next meeting.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed unanimously.
A letter was received from Bessemer Properties declining the offer
made by the Village of $141, 300 for the purchase of the land lying north of the
Country Club. The Village Manager reported that he has begun further studies
on how this land may be used. Mr. Dixon wanted to find out if they would be
willing to negotiate the figure of $175, 000 downward. Mr. Jones moved that
we accept this letter and delay any action at this time until Mr. McCall comes
back with his report. Motion was seconded by Mr. Lund and passed unanimously.
After a review of the current bills Mr. Clement moved that they be
approved. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
A proposal was made to take bids on two new garbage trucks. The
Village Manager stated that this is the normal equipment replacement program
of adding new trucks each three years.and that he would like to have Council
concurrence before writing specifications on what we are going to put in an order.
Payment on these trucks will not be due in this year's budget. Mr. Lund moved
that we authorize the Village Manager to take bids for two new garbage trucks.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
The Village Manager reported that the County is about to build an
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incinerator in North Dade at which time we will be required to use this
incinerator ani will increase our disposal cost about four times what we are
currently paying.
A proposal was made to add scenic wall paper panels to the new
card room at the Club and¢wabi xvs on the window seats($386. 76), also add a
new sofa and two tables to the club entry ($569. 00), and install carpet on the
stairways ($456, 00). After some discussion Mr. Lund moved that we install
the wall panels and carpeting on the stairways. Motion was seconded by Mr.
Jones and passed unanimously.
Two resolutions were received from El Portal, one endorsing
State-wide automobile inspections and the other requesting the Metro Commission
to investigate tax inequities, Mr. Jones moved that we table these resolutions.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
A resolution was received from the Community Relations Board
which was tabled by motion made by Mr. Clement, seconded by Mr. Jones
and passed unanimously.
Concerning the Metropolitan Miami Flower Show, Mr. Clement
moved that we decline the invitation to participate with regrets. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Jones and passed unanimously.
A proposal was made to erect a louvered fence on the Village-owned
parking lot on 98th St. east of N. E. 2nd Avenue at a cost of $397. 00. The
Village Manager recommended that the same type fence be installed on this lot
as we have on the other Village parking lots. Mr. Dixon moved that we authorize
this expense. Motion was seconded by Mr. Lund and passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business:
(a) Community House improvements - no report.
(b) Drainage in Bay Lure Subdivision - to be handled next meeting.
(c) Playground regulations - copies with changes made by Village
Attorney to be sent to thae- Council.
(d) Men's locker room air conditioning - Bids were received from
Sam Hamilton - $5, 220. 00 (not including electrical) and
McDonald Air Conditioning - $5736. 00 (all installation except
painting). Mr. Lund moved that we accept the bids and refer
them to the Village Manager for analysis and recommendation,
with copies of bids to be sent to the Council. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Jones and passed unanimously.
(e) Group insurance proposal from Massachusetts Mutual Life
Ins. Co. - to be followed up.
Mr. Dixon asked the Council to consider advisability of holding
one Council meeting a month at night rather than both meetings in the after-
noon, on a trial basis.
The meeting adjourned at 5:35 P. M.
Village Clerk
Village Manager