04-05-1966 Regular Meeting 63A
April 5, 1966
A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held
at 4:00 o'clock P. M. , April 5, 1966, at the Village Hall, with the follow-
ing Councilmen present:
Mayor Dean R. Claussen
Richard M. Lund
Raymond L. Clement
Elwood Jones
James A. Dixon, Jr.
The meeting was opened by Mayor Claussen and the invocation
given by Mr. D. W. Campbell of the Miami Shores Baptist Church.
At the last Planning Board meeting final plans for the remodel-
ing of the Food Palace at 9636 N. E. 2nd Avenue, were approved with the
lettering on the sign to be reduced to 3-1/2 ft. After a review of these
plans Mr. Jones moved that the Council uphold the action of the Planning
Board. Motion was seconded by Mr. Clement and passed unanimously.
Also recommended for approval by the Planning Board was a
variance to erect a 6 ft. wall by Mr. Frank Jacobi, 1293 N. E. 95th St. ,
at the rear of the property. Inasmuch as some of the Councilmen wished
to view this site and the elevation of the rear property, Mr. Clement moved
that the Council postpone action on the request until the next meeting. Motion
was seconded by Mr. Lund and passed unanimously.
Mr. Clement introduced a discussion of the large sign on the
inside of the door to the "Man Trap" beauty salon at 9701 N. E. 2nd Avenue.
He then moved that the Village Manager be instructed to direct a memorandum
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to the City Attorney to review this type of business and see if we can draw
a new ordinance or amend our ordinance to control this type of sign. Motion
was seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
After a review of the current bills, Mr. Jones moved that they
be approved. Motion was seconded by Mr. Clement and passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business:
(a) Concerning the alley paving bids, the Village Manager
reported that the Holland Paving Company had the low bid and
he recommended that slurry seal be used for this job. He further
stated that he had a firm commitment by Holland Paving to do all
the alleys shown on the map for $5940. 00, $5000. 00 of which is
in the alley paving budget and the additional to be transferred
from the contingent fund. Mr. Dixon moved that the paving bid
be accepted as recommended by the Village Manager with payment
to be made from the alley paving budget and the contingent fund.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Lund and passed unanimously.
Mr. Lund asked that some material tests be made of the asphalt mix.
(b) Beautification Committee - The Village Manager read a
resolution creating a Miami Shores Village Beautification Committee.
Upon motion made by Mr. Lund, seconded by Mr. Jones, RESOL-
UTION NO. 459 was unanimously passed and adopted, naming the
following to this Committee:
Mr. Jack Blair
Mr. Coman Leonard
Mr. William Mercer
Mrs. James C. Nunge
Mrs. William A. Pigford
Mrs. Harold C. Spear
Mrs. Milton R. Adkins
Mr. John D. Simmons
Mr. Carl F. Paulsen, Jr.
(c) Barry College landscape building - not resubmitted.
(d) Country Club improvements - no report.
(e) Veterans' monument - The Village Manager recommended
that the Council authorize the purchase of a monument to be 2-1/2 ft. wide
by 3 ft. high at the low bid of $461. 00 installed. Mr. McCall further
recommended that it be erected in the setback at the southwest corner of
101st St. and 2nd Avenue on the Village Hall property. Mr. Jones moved
that the Council accept this recommendation and the low bid. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
(f) Community House improvements - Mr. Jones stated that
the third preliminary sketch had been given to the architect
this week.
The meeting adjourned at 4:50 P. M.
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Village Clerk
Approved: � �C-
Village N anag r