12-07-1965 Regular Meeting REGULAR MEETING
December 7, 1965
A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held
at 4:00 o'clock P. M. , December 7, 1965, at the Village Hall, with the
following Councilmen present:
Mayor Dean R. Claussen
Richard M. Lund
Raymond L. Clement
Elwood Jones
James A. Dixon, Jr.
Absent: None
Mr. Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney, was also present.
The meeting was opened by Mayor Claussen and the invocation
given by Councilman Raymond Clement.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as written by motion
made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
Copies of the annual audit report of Ring, Mahony & Arner had
been received by the Council. Also a letter of recommendations concerning
financial procedures. Mr. Dixon moved that we accept the report of the
auditors and their recommendations. Motion was seconded by Mr. Clement
and passed unanimously. Mr. Dixon then asked that the letter of recommenda-
tions be placed on the agenda for future consideration by the Council.
A resolution was received from North Miami expressing apprecia-
tion to the Senatorial and Dade County Congressional Delegation for their
efforts in the passage of Interama legislation. Mr. Clement moved that we
take no action on this resolution. Motion was seconded by Mr. Lund and
passed unanimously.
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Mayor Claussen then announced that our Village Manager had just
completed 30 years with the Village on December 5, 1965, making him the
dean of Florida City Managers and fifth in the nation in years of service.
Mr. Claussen expressed appreciation to Mr. McCall on behalf of the Council
and presented him with a radio with an inscription commemorating his service.
A letter was received from Mr. Duke Reynolds, Civic Affairs
Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, requesting beautification of N. E.
105th St. , east of Biscayne Blvd. Mr. McCall had also received a similar
request for trees on this street. Mr. Dixon suggested that Mr. Byrd give the
Council at its next meeting a recommendation of type of beautification and
estimated cost. Mr. Lund felt that we should develop a comprehensive
beautification plan for the Village.
A resolution was received from the County citing recommendations
of the Community Relations Board regarding police relations. No action
was taken on this resolution.
A proposal was made to participate in the County Workman's
Compensation self-insurance program. Mr. Dixon felt that the Council should
study this proposition and give it considerable scrutiny before accepting any
proposal. He thought it should be considered from the insurance viewpoint
as well as how it will affect us to be under Metro. It was suggested that a
meeting be arranged with the Village Insurance Committee to discuss this
proposition. The Village Manager stated he would arrange such a meeting.
Mr. Earl Barber, attorney for Mrs. Mary Yarbrough, 160 N. E.
102nd St. , appeared before the Council for an answer to Mrs. Yarbrough's
request that she be allowed to sell one of her 50 ft. lots as a building site.
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Mr. Dixon stated there is nothing before the Council that they can act
upon. Mr. Claussen stated the past experience has been that if a proper
plan is submitted the Council can take action on it. After further discussion
Mr. Dixon moved that this Council recognize that the Planning and Zoning
Board acted outside of its jurisdiction in acting upon Mrs. Yarbrough's
request at the meeting of October 28, 1965, and that the Council does not
consider the action taken as having any force or effect. Motion was seconded
by Mr. Lund and passed unanimously.
The Village Manager asked approval of Village office hours over
the Christmas holidays. Based on the plan of most city and county offices,
Mr. Lund moved that the office be closed at noon on Thursday, December
23rd, all day Friday, December 24th and all day Friday, December 31st.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed unanimously.
The resolution concerning the purchase of golf cars was not ready
as we have not yet received all the cars.
The next item of business concerned the standing water on N. E.
103rd St. , east of 13th Ave. After some discussion Mr. Clement moved that
the Village Manager contact the Property Owners Association and those
interested and let them know approximately what it is going to cost to correct
the problem before we take any action. Motion was seconded by Mr. Dixon
and passed unanimously.
After a review of the current bills Mr. Jones moved that they be
approved. Motion was seconded by Mr. Clement and passed unanimously.
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Unfinished Business:
(a) Country Club improvements - MrX. Lund's report submitted to
(b) Village Hall addition - Mr. Dixon stated that an interim report
will be coming but that he is not ready to make any recommenda-
tions at this time.
Mr. Jones reported that his project with the Community House
development is at the point where they need a qualified man to
make some drawings.
(c) Veterans' monument - Mayor Claussen stated that the old-timers
are interested in having a monument to all veterans. The Village
Manager reported that he has referred this to the Public Affairs
Committee of the Kiwanis Club for one of its projects.
(d) Concerning the future sewerage disposal connection with the
North Miami system, a letter was received from Rader and
Associates, engineers, stating that they would make a pre-
liminary survey, recommendations and cost estimates for a
fee of $6, 600. 00. Mayor Claussen was of the opinion that at
this time sewers are a long way off. No action was taken on
the proposal.
(e) Analysis of delinquent personal property taxes - to be removed
from the agenda and considered with the letter from the auditors.
(f) Revision of Ord. No. 285 concerning beautification of parking
lots - The Village Manager stated that he felt the ordinance is
adequate without revision. After discussion Mr. Jones moved
that this be removed from the unfinished business. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Clement and passed by 4 affirmative votes
with Mr. Lund dissenting.
(g) Proposal to purchase new garbage trucks - no action taken.
(h) Survey for installing street lights in alleys - not complete.
(i) Amendments to Pension Plan ordinance - not complete.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20 P. M.
Village Clerk
Approved: G
Village age
Mayo r