02-02-1965 Regular Meeting 7
February 2, 1965
A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held
at 4:00 o1clock P. M. , February 2, 1965, at the Village Hall, with the follow-
ing Councilmen present:
Mayor Ray L. Clement
Elwood Jones
Dean R. Claussen
John F. Saxon
Dale Miller
Absent: None
Mr. Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney, was also present.
The meeting was opened by Mayor Clement and the invocation given
by Dr. Lee A. Lindsley of the Miami Shores Community Church.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved by motion made by Mr.
Jones, seconded by Mr. Miller and passed unanimously.
A petition was received from home owners along the east side of
N. E. 4th Ave. between 103rd and 105th Streets for proper drainage along the
east side of 4th Ave. Bids were received foo the installation of two catch
basins and 100 ft. of pipe, as follows:
O. W. COLLINS $1730 - aluminum pipe
1530 - concrete pipe
BROOKS PAVING CO. $1670 - aluminum pipe
1420 - concrete pipe
Mr. Miller moved that the Council accept the low bid on the aluminum pipe.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Claussen and passed unanimously.
At the last Planning Board meeting approval was recommended for
a house to be built on Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, Navarro Subdivision, by Mr.
John Looby. This is a 50 ft. plot at the southwest corner of 100th St. and
Miami Avenue. After a review of the plans Mr. Jones moved that the Council
uphold the Planning Board decision. Motion was seconded by Mr. Miller and
passed unanimously.
The Council discussed the proposal of the Tropical Cafeteria to
improve the 100 ft. of parking area west of the cafeteria and enclose the south
side and west side with a louvered fence. There was a question as to whether
or not the north side of the lot abutting the alley should be enclosed with a fence.
Mr. Claussen moved that the Council approve the paving and proper drainage
of Lots 22 and 23, Block 16 and that a fence be erected as prescribed by our
ordinance and that we do not require a fence on the north side of the lot at this
time but should it, at a later date, be deemed advisable to protect the general
welfare of the residents on that side, we will re-open the case. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Miller and passed unanimously.
The next business was to confirm the Pension Board appointment of
the Wyatt Company as actuaries for the Village. Mr. Claussen moved that
the Wyatt Company be employed as actuaries for our Pension Plan. Motion
was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed unanimously.
A proposal was made to purchase a new car for the Village Managers
office from Tropical Chevrolet at a price of $1549.23 with trade-in. The
Council tabled this consideration until the new cars come out in the fall of
this year.
A proposal was made to purchase a front end loading machine from
the Florida-Georgia Tractor Company at a net price of $11, 955. 90 which
includes a $1500. 00 credit paid in rentals on this loader during the hurricane
clean-up. Mr. Glen Byrd explained the need for this equipment and stated
that there is no other comparable machine on the market so bids could not be
obtained from other manufacturers. Mr. Saxon moved that the Council author-
ize the Village Manager to buy the front loader specified at this meeting when
the Village receives the money from the Hurricane Relief Fund. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Miller. Mr. Claussen stated he would like to delay this until
we receive the hurricane relief check. Upon vote the motion passed 3/2 with
Messrs. Clement and Claussen dissenting.
It was suggested that the February 16th Council meeting be postponed
because a majority of the Council will be in Orlando attending the Municipal
League meeting. After discussion Mr. Jones moved that the February 16th
Council meeting be cancelled. Motion was seconded by Mr. Claussen and passed
A group of citizens were present to discuss a proposal to put the
Village employees under a civil service program. Mr. Ken Stucker, acting as
spokesman for the group, stated that he was here to ask the Council to consider
civil service for the Village employees. Mr. Stucker continued that with Metro
taking over so many phases of service it is important that the employees and
in particular the Police and Fire Departments, be covered by civil service.
Mr. Stucker stated that the Chapter 174 of the Florida Statutes spells out the
procedure for adopting civil service for Policemen and Firemen, which has
to be done by referendum. Mr. Stucker requested that it be put on the ballot
2/2/65 _
of the coming election for Police and Fire, as outlined in Chapter 174 of the Florida
Statutes of 1963, for job protection of these employees when if and as Metro
moves in. Mr. Stucker further stated that the question can be put on the ballot
by 1010 of the registered voters.
Mayor Clement stated that the Council will have to take it under
advisement. Mr. Saxon moved that the Mayor, Mr. Jones and the Village
Manager be appointed as a committee to study the suggestions of Mr. Stucker
and report back to the Village Council in a reasonable length of time. Motion
died for lack of a second.
It was proposed that the Village take an ad in the special Interama
Edition of the Journal at a cost of $100.00. Mr. Claussen moved that the
Village cooperate with this promotional effort by taking an ad in the Journal
with the money to be taken from the contingent fund. Motion was seconded by
Mr. Jones and passed unanimously.
Unfinished business: (a) Adult Recreation Committee - no report.
(b) Mr. Andrew's travel agency sign - Mr. Jones moved that the
Council deny re-consideration of this request and that the Councills previous
decision prevail. Motion was seconded by Mr. Miller and passed with four
affirmative votes, with Mr. Saxon declining to vote.,--
ote..:(c) Purchase of land north of the Country Club - no report.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
Village Clerk
APP VED: Village Man er