06-05-1962 Regular Meeting REGULAR MEETING
June 5, 1962
A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held
at 4:00 o'clock P.M. , June 5, 1962, at the Village Hall, with the following
Councilmen present:
Mayor Dale Miller
John F. Saxon
Dean R. Claussen
Spencer W. Rudnick
Joseph H. Walker
Mr. Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney, was also present,
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as written by motion
made by Mr. Claussen, seconded by Mr. Saxon and passed unanimously. r
Mrs. G. E. Shingledecker, on behalf of the Library Board, presented
and discussed the Library's 14th annual report. Mayor Miller congratulated
the Library Board on the fine job they have been doing. Mr. Saxon moved
that the recommendation of the Board for the reappointment of Mrs. Shingledecker
to the Board be approved. Motion was seconded by Mr. Claussen and passed
At the last Planning Board meeting a resolution was forwarded to the
Council recommending certain zoning changes in the Shores Center Subdivision
as petitioned by the owners, Mr. P. L. Watson, et al. After some discussion,
Mr. Claussen moved that the Council instruct the Village Attorney to prepare a
proper ordinance to effect zoning changes as recommended by the Board, con-
tingent upon the owners' willingness to tear down the Pickin' Chicken building
and signs within a reasonable time. Motion was seconded by Mr. Saxon and
passed unanimously.
The Planning Board also requested that the property owners within
300 ft. of the Presbyterian Church parking area on the north side of 96th Street
east of 6th Avenue, be notified of the Churchts plan to pave and landscape this
area. On advice from the Village Attorney it was stated that this use of the
property is permitted in conjunction with church activities and does not require
a zoning change. After some discussion as to whether or not this action was
necessary, Mr. Walker moved that the Council let the Planning Board make its
own decision as to whether or not it wants to hear from the citizens. Mr. Saxon
suggested that the motion be amended to include the statement that the Council
does not see any necessity for this action, which was accepted by Mr. Walker.
The motion was then seconded by Mr. Saxon and passed.
A group of property owners from N. E. 111th Street were present
claiming that the sewerage disposal plant recently constructed on the Barry
College property is causing a nuisance to the immediate neighborhood. Mr.
G. G. Glider, 4 N. E. 111th St. , whose complaints concerned odor and noise,
stated that he felt the neighbors should have been notified before this was approved
and that someone was at fault in allowing it to built where it is. Also present
concerning this complaint were: Mrs. Hoenes, 12 N. E. 111th St. , Mr. and
Mrs. Danluck, 112 N. .E. 111th St. , and Mr. Merton Smith, 76 N. W. 111th St.
Mr. Walker moved that the City Manager take whatever action is
necessary in order to study and correct the situation and report back to the
Council as to the progress. Motion was seconded by Mr. Saxon and passed
Commissioner Ben McGahey appeared at this meeting in regard to
a plan to erect a memorial plaque on N. E. 6th Avenue in memory of Wyolene
Neal. Mr. McGahey stated that the County had passed a resolution concerning
this memorial which had also been presented to the Village; that the plaque is
ready to be placed somewhere along 6th Avenue. Mr. Walker moved that the
Council adopt Mr. McGahey's recommendation concerning the plaque as a
reminder to pedestrian traffic crossing 6th Avenue. Motion was seconded by
Mr. Rudnick and passed unanimously.
Mr. Bernard Janis was present on behalf of the Janis Construction
Company, to present to Miami Shores a right-of-way deed to N. E. 105th
Street running east from the present pavement. It was pointed out that this
dedication is for a 50 ft. street whereas the present street has a 60 ft. dedication.
Mr. Janis stated this extra ten feet is needed because the lots are so shallow.
Mr. Walker moved that the Village accept the right-of-way. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Rudnick and passed unanimously.
A group of citizens were present to object to a proposed location of
shuffleboard courts on the park property owned by the Village on the west side
of N. E. 2nd Avenue between 93rd and 94th Streets. It was suggested that
their names be secured and that they be notified as to when this will be brought
up for discussion.
Bids were received fcr the construction of a fence along the north
side of the Golf Course as follows:
WHOLESALE FENCE CO'. $4, 980. 00
4, 780. 00 alternate
CHASTAIN FENCE CO'. $5, 335. 00
In the discussion that followed Mayor Miller stated that he wanted to go on
record as stating that we need this fence and need it badly and if we don't
erect it somebody is going to get killed. The Village Manager was instructed
to analyze these bids and report back to the Council.
Letters of appraisal were received from George Frix and Thomas
Herndon on the 5-1/4 acres north of the Country Club for consideration in the
possible purchase of this property from Bessemer Properties. Mr. Herndon
assessed the property at $200, 000. 00 and Mr. Frix at $179, 900. 00. Further
discussion of this purchase was deferred until budget preparation.
The Village Manager reported that it will cost $2892. 00 to pave and
drain the area between the pavement and sidewalk in front of the Miami Shores
Elementary School. It was suggested that the Village Manager look into this
further to see if a cheaper method of doing the work can be found.
The Village Manager reported that the County Public Works Dept.
has proposed that they will pave the bus stop areas along N. E. 6th Avenue
if the Village will take care of the curbs at Mr. Swan's corner, Grand Concourse
and 6th Avenue. Some members of the Council felt that further effort should
be made to get the County to do this work and instructed that the Village Manager
continue working on this.
A letter was received from the State Road Department acknowledg-
ing receipt of the Council resolution concerning reduction of the speed limit
on Biscayne Blvd. and request for a pedestrian signal in front of the Country
Club. The Road Department stated that field studies will be made in this regard.
After a review of the current bills, Mr. Saxon moved that they
be approved. Motion was seconded by Mr. C1a.ussen and passed unanimously.
The Village Manager proposed a plan for the Village to petition the
County Commission to return to Miami Shores tax money representing what
they spend in the unincorporated area for municipal services, so that the
Village can initiate a law suit in this regard. Mr. Claussen felt that it would
not be a good time this year to initiate any action of this type and no action
was taken.
The meeting adjourned at 6:00 P. M.
Village Clerk
Village Mana /