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07-22-1960 Special Meeting
EQUALIZATION BOARD MEETINGS July 21 and July 22, 1960 The Miami Shores Village Council, sitting as an Equalization Board, met on the nights of July 21, 1960 following the public hearing on the budget and again. on July 22, at 7:30 P.M. No one appeared on either night, but a letter was received from Mr. P. L. Watson, owner of the former Pickin Chicken (Shores Center) property, asking for a reduction in the assessment on the building because of its depreciation by vandalism and non-use. The Board denied this petition as it did not appear to be justifiable. There being no further Equalization. Board business the Council dissolved the Equalization meetings and sat in regular session. SPECIAL MEETING MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL July 22, 1960 A special meeting of the Village Council was called for the purpose of hearing recommendations from the Village Insurance Board and to adopt the budget for the next fiscal year. The following Councilmen were present: Mayor Dean R. Claussen Spencer W. Rudnick Michael J. Franco Members of the Village Insurance Board were present as follows: M. E. Reynolds, Frank O. Pruitt, Gordon Boulton and Robert Frix representing Julian Frix. Mr. Reynolds, speaking on behalf of the Board, recommended an increase in liability coverage, including all Village liabilities, Country Club and golf carts, at an additional premium of $785.79. It was suggested that the glass coverage at the Country Club be checked. Also, check the insurance on guests' belongings at the Club. 43 722/60 -2- Mr. Reynolds recommended an increase in fire insurance on the City Hall to a minimum coverage of $75, 000, at an additional premium of $114.08. It was mentioned that the spire on the Village Hall should be grounded. Also, check the insurance on the Maintenance SuperinteudentIs house at 1701 N. W. 103rd St. The additional premium for the extended coverage recommended on the Club House amounts to $900.00 a year. Insurance on contents of the Club House should be increased. Further recommendations were deferred pending receipt of a written proposal from the Board. The next business was to adopt the budget for the fiscal year October 1, 1960 - September 30, 1961. The Village Manager reported that the Golf Committee would like ,$500. 00 for junior golf activities, which can be transferred from the contingency fiend of the Country Club. The Council approved this transfer. Whereupon Mr. Franco moved that ORDINANCE NO. 298 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Mr. Rudnick and passed unanimously, same being entitled: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1960, ADOPT- ING THE FINAL TAX ASSESSMENT ROLL_AND FIXING THE 1960 TAX LEVY OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE.. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Vi age Clerk Approved: V' ge anager APPROVED: Mayor ' General Bud$et $ 645* 768, 60 Golf Course Budget 4Z0, 304. 00 1, 966,068. 60 - ' One Mill produces 31, Q26.23 ' MIAMI SHORES VILLAG9, FloORIDA . 1960-61 BUDGET ' INDEX ILLAGE' (¢0 VKXAT CLUB� Page a—e, Building & ?#oni,ng 4 Council 1 Administrative ' Finance 5 Ear Operations C-4 Fire 11 Club House C1"2 Inspection Stations 10(a) Course Ma,inteoauee C-6 ' Legal 2 Dining Room C-3 Library 17 Golf Activities C�.5 Lot Cleaning 15 swimming Pool C-7 ' Manager 3 Tennis Courts C-8 Municipal Court 8 Aron-A�--p.Axtmental Expense 9 ' Parks lz Police 10 Recreation 16 ' Streets 13 Tax 6 Village Hall, 7 ' Waste 14 ' MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUDGET October 1, 1960 to September 30, 1961 ' REVENUE 1959-60 1959-60 1960-61 ' Est. Rev. Actual Rev. Est. Rev. 14 Mos. 10 Mos. 12 Mos. Cash at beginning of year $ 90, 000. 00 90, 233.09 65, 000. 00 Taxes - Real 317, 184. 52 318, 849. 50 320,839. 02 Taxes - Personal 26, 773. 98 25, 845. 62 28,206.06 ' Occupational Licenses 38, 000. 00 30, 927. 00 32,000. 00 Permit Fees 10, 000. 00 10, 243. 05 9, 000. 00 Golf Course 14, 000. 00 14, 000. 00 18,000. 00 Cigarette Taxes 48, 000. 00 35,497. 96 42, 000. 00 ' Miscellaneous 4, 000. 00 3, 807. 73 3, 500. 00 Fines and Forfeitures 12, 600. 00 12, 816. 76 14,000. 00 Auto Inspection Station #1 25, 000. 00 21,459. 50 25, 000. 00 it of It #2 35, 000. 00 22, 171. 75 25, 000. 00 Parking Meters 8, 000. 00 5, 858. 91 3, 500. 0;0 Electric Franchise 42, 000. 00 --- 43, 500. 00 ' Garbage Fees 57, 000. 00 57, 667. 75 64, 000. 00 Lot Cleaning & Mowing 2, 588. 80 2, 645. 72 2,223.52 ' Metro Traffic Fines Contract 4, 209. 00 2,400. 00 --- TOTAL 734, 347. 30 654,424. 34 695, 768. 0 Less reserved surplus for ' operating before taxes 45, 000. 00 50,000. 00. 689, 347. 30 5, 7 8. 0 APPROPRIATION'S ' Personal Contract. Materials, Fixed Capital Department Services Services Supplies Charges Outlay TOTALS 1. Council 55. 00 530. 00 390. 00 --- --- 975. 00 ' 2. Legal --- 4, 000. 00 --- -- ,m� 4, 000. 00 3. Manager 15, 168. 00 39. 50 1, 586. 50 - 16, 794. 00 4. Bldg. & Zon. 10, 200. 00 120. 00 1, 270. 00 --- --- 11, 590. 00 t5. Finance 10, 580. 00 1,271.40 2, 195. 00 --- 1,550. 00 15,596.40 6. Tax 4, 160. 00 324.00 787. 00 5, 271.00 7. Village Hall 3,419. 00 1,036. 00 975. 00 4, 380. 00 7, 518. 80 17, 328. 80 ' 8. Municipal Court --` 144. 00 --- --- _ 144. 0.0 9. Non-Dept. 12,254. 74 2,430. 00 61, 226. 23 a- 75, 910.97 10. Police 112, 172. 39 30300. 00 9, 662. 00 2, 685. 00 5, 500. 00 133, 319. 39 ' Insp. Sta.#1 11, 196. 00 =s 1, 131. 20 --- --- 12, 327.20 Insp. Sta. #2 10, 575. 00 1, 296.20 420. 00 6, 840.00 19, 131. 20 11. Fire 12, 168. 26 325. 00 450. 00 100. 00 600. 00 13, 643.26 12. Parks 64, 557. 00 --- 8, 650.00 2, 256. 00 3, 600. 00 79, 063.00 Streets 7, 137. 00 --- 14, 900. 00 29, 372. 00 24, 390. 00 75, 799. 00 Waste 65, 130. 00 -b- 9, 830. 00 8, 160. 00 5, 505. 63 88, 625. 63 Lot Cleaning 1, 833. 5Z --- 390. 00 --- --- 22223. 52 16. Recreation 24, 514. 60 3, 000. 00 5, 656.42 2, 060. 00 7, 768. 98 43,00-0.00 17. Library --- --- 31, 026.23 --- 31,026. 23 ' TOTALS 352, 865. 77 26, 344.64 61, 599. 32 141, 685.46 63,273.41 645, 768. 60 MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS 1 . 1959 1960 ' Estimated Estimated Assessment Taxes at Assessment Taxes at Value 11-1/4 mills Value 11 a 1/4 mills REAL ESTATE Land $ 10, 333, 837. 00 10, 334, 710. 00 Buildings 34, 571,459. 00 35, 260, 113. 00 ' TOTAL 44, 905, 296. 00 45, 594, 823. 00 Less Exemptions 15, 536, 359. 00 15, 887, 506. 00 ' Non Exempt 29,368, 937. 00 29, 707, 317. 00 Less Discount ' & Adjustments 1, 174, 757.48 1, 188, 293. 00 TOTAL REAL $ 28, 194, 179. 52 317, 184. 52 28, 519, 024. 00 320, 839. 02 ' PERSONAL ' Assessment 4, 880, 757. 00 5, 068, 544. 00 Exemptions 2,401, 685. 00 2,456, 872. 00 ' Non Exempt 2,479, 072. 00 2, 611, 672. 00 Less Discount ' & Adjustments 99, 162. 88 104,467. 00 TOTAL PERSONAL $ 2, 379, 909. 12 26, 773. 98 2, 507, 205. 00 28, 206. 06 ' TOTAL REAL & PERSONAL 30, 574, 088. 64 343, 958. 50 31, 026, 229. 00 349, 045. 08 ' COUNCIL - lie t. #1 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. ' A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. 5 Councilmen at $1. 00 yr. plus $5. 00 Board of Equalization 55. 00 55. 00 ' B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Nat'l. Municipal League dues 5. 00 ' Fla. League of Mun, dues 250. 00 Dade League of Mun. dues 275, 00 647. 00 530,00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Office supplies (letterheads, pictures, etc. ) 90. 00 90, 00 ' 2. Miscellaneous Expense 450. 00 300.. 00 54 0 390 1 rp 1 ' TOTALS 1, 242.00 975.00 -1- t ' LEGAL Dept. #2, ' 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Village Attorney fee 3, 000, 00 3, 000, 00 Z. Special Legal Costs 1, 900. 00 1, 000. 00 ' 4, 900. 00 4, 000. 00 1 t tTOTALS 4, 900. 00 4, 000.00 ' II I -2� f MANAGER'S - Dept. #3 ' 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. ' A - PERSONAL SERVICES-. 1. Manager 10, 800. 00 10, 800. 00 2. Clerk-Secretary at 84. 00 wk. 4, 108. 00 4, 368.00 ' 14, 908. 00 15, 168. 00 B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES-. ' I. Typewriter Service Contract 39. 50 39. 50 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: ' 1. Office Supplies & Manager's Expense 1,200. 00 1, 200. 00 2. Auto Expense 215. 00 225. 00 3. Dues and Subscriptions 135. 00 161. 50 ' 1, 550. 00 1, 586. 50 D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Insurance 125. 00 --- t ' TOTALS 16, 622. 50 16, 794. 00 -3- ' BUILDING & ZONING - Dept. #4 ' 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. ' * - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Director 6, 000. 00 61000. 00 Z. Assistant 4, 200. 00 4, 200. 00 10, 200. 00 10, Z00. 00 8 - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ' 1. Planning Board Secretary Service 120. 00 120. 00 C - MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES: ' 1. Office Supplies 430. 00 400. 00 2. Auto Expense - Director 30. 00 mo. Assistant 40. 00 mo. 840. 00 840. 00 ' 3. Dues & Subscriptions --- 30. 00 1, 270. 00 1, 270. 00 ' D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Insurance 110.. 00 -- 1 ' TOTALS 11, 700. 00 11, 590. 00 -4- t ' FINANCE - Dept. #5 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. ' A - PERSONAL SERVICES: Director 7, 200. 00 7, 200.00 2. Cashier & Duplicating Clerk - 65. 00 wk. 3, 049. 00 3, 380. 00 ' 10, 249.'00 10, 580. 0i B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ' 1. Auditing 900.00 900.00 2. Equipment Service Contracts 340. 00 371.40 1, 240. 00 1,271.40 ' C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Office Supplies 850. 00 850. 00 ' 2. Duplicating Supplies 1, 125. 00 1, 125. 00 3. Dues, Subscriptions & Short Course 475. 00 220. 00. T.450.00 2, 195. 00. D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Insurance 30. 00 --- - EQUIPMENT: 1. Multilith Duplicator --- 1, 550. 00 ' TOTALS 13, 969. 00 15, 596.40 ' -5- ' TAX m Dept. #6 ' 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. ' A PERSONAL SERVICES: ti» Deputy Assessor at 80. 00 wk. 3, 900. 00 4, 160.00 B CONTRACTUAL SERVICES- 1. Title Information 65. 00 65. 00 2. Billing Machine Service Contract 184. 00 184. 00 2. Tax Sale Adv. --- 75. 00 2424 04 324. 00 ' C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Office Supplies 750. 0.0 787. 00 ' D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Insurance 13. 00 -- t TOTALS 4, 912. 00 5, 271. 00 ' -6- ' VILLAGE HALL - Dept. #7 t 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. ' A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Janitor at 65. 75 wk. 3,419. 00 3,419. 00 ' B - GONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Building Maintenance 430. 00 520. 00 2. Furniture & Fixture Maintenance 430. 00 516. 00 ' 860. 00 11036. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Operating Supplies 730. 00 975. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES: ' 1. Communications (130. 00 mo. ) 1, 560. 00 1, 560. 00 2. Power (200. 00 mo. ) 2, 100. 00 2,400. 00 3. Gas (15.00 mo. ) 180. 00 180.00 ' 4. Water (20. 00 mo. ) 264. 00 240. 00 5. Insurance 430. 00 4, 53 0 4, 380. 00 ' - BUILDINGS: 1. Reserve for Hurricane Damage 600. 00 600. 00 ' H - DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Village Hall Bond Payments 7, 112. 70 6, 918-80 1 TOTALS 17, 255. 70 17, 328. 80 ' -7- 1 ' MUNICIPAL COURT - Dept. #8 ' 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Fee Costs 144. 00 144.00 ' C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: --- --- 1 1 r r 1 r 1 r 1 1 TOTALS 144. 00 144. 00 1 r 1 r -8- ' NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENSE - Dept. #9 ' 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. ' B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES° 1. Contributions - Humane Society 480. 00 ' Xmas Decorations 375. 00 855. 00 855. 00 2. Election Expense 240. 00 3. Contingency 10,446.28 11, 159. 74 ' 11, 301. 28 12,254. 74 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES. 1. Postage 1, 680. 00 2, 070. 00 2. Employees Kitchen Exp. (30. 00 mo. ) 360. 00 360. 00 2, 040. 00 2,430. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES. 1. All Insurance (except Team) 250. 00 20, 000.00 2. Federal Old Age Benefit Ins. 6, 750. 00 10,200. 00 3. Pension - 1 mill 30, 574. 09 31, 026.23 37,574. 09 61, 226. ' TOTALS 50, 915. 37 75,910. 97 ' -9- ' POLICE - Dept. #10 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 12 Mos. 12 Mos. 1. Chief 7, 500. 00 7,500. 00 ' Z. Lieut. 475 mo. , 3 Sgts. 450 mo. , 3 Detectives 450 mo. + 7 pd. holidays 36, 965. 51 39, 121. 86 �. 12 Patrolmen 300 to 425 mo. " " 54, 194. 73 58,220. 61 ' 4. 5 School Policemen - 3 for 3 mos. , 2 for 12 mos. 6, 000. 00 3, 300. 00 5. Sign Painter at 320 mo. 3, 840. 00 --- 6. S'cotting Awards 650. 00 650. 00 7. Office Clerk - 281. 66 mo. 3, 120. 00 3, 379. 92 112, 270.24 112, 172. 39 ' B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Traffic Light Maintenance 600. 00 --- 2. Prisoner Confinement at 2. 50 day 175. 00 250. 00 3. Car Repairs 2,400. 00 3, 000. 00 4. Investigations 45.00 50. 00 ' 3, 220. 00 3, 300. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Office and Operating Supplies 2, 222. 00 2, 297. 00 ' 2. Gas, Oil and Tires 4, 800. 00 5, 300. 00 3. Uniforms 1, 500. 00 1, 615. 00 ' 4. Fire Arms Training 1, 000. 00 150.00 5. Parking Meter Supplies 250. 00 100. 00 6. Traffic Sign Supplies 1, 300. 00 --- 7. Pistol Range Parts 225. 00 200. 00 8. Detective Car Allowance (25. 00 mo. ) 300. 00 11, 597. 0© 9176T 0-0 ' D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Communications 2, 275. 00 2, 585. 00 2. Power 614. 16 --- 3. Insurance 3, 500. 00 --- 4. Auxiliary Police 100. 00 100.00 5. Jail Rent 175. 00+ --- 6, 64. 16; 2, 685. 06 G EQUIPMENT 1. Office Equipment 500. 00 500. 00 2. Police Cars (3) 5, 000. 00 500. 00 5, 500. 00 ' TOTALS 134, 251.40 133, 319. 39 -10- 1 ' INSPECTION STATIONS ' 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos, 12 Mos. STATION #1 ' A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. 1 Inspector at 345 mo. for 10-1/2 mo. , 355 for 1-1/z mo. 4, 15-5. 00 ' 1 Inspector at 310 mo. for 7-1/2 mo. , 320 for 4-1/2 mo. 3, 765. 00 1 Clerk at 273 mo. 3, 276. 00 ' 10, 80. 00 11�. OQ C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: ' 1. Operating Supplies 430. 00 1, 131.20 TOTALS 11, 110. 00 12, 327. 20 1 STATION #2 ' A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. 2 Inspectors - 1 at 310 for 8-1/2 mo. , 320 for 3-1/2 mo. & 1 at 300 for 8 mo. , 310 for 4 mo. 7, 395. 00 1 Clerk at 265 mo. 3, 180. 00 ' 10, 200. 00 10, 575. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Operating Supplies 600. 00 1, 296.20 D - FIXED CHARGES: ' 1. Power 480. 00 240. 00 2. Telephone 180. 00 180. 00 660. 06 420. 00 ' H - DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Inspection Station Note Payment 7, 050. 00 6, 840. 00 ' TOTALS 18b 510. 00 19, 131.20 -10 (a)- ' FIRE - Dept. #11 ' 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos, ' .A, - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. 3 Firemen at from 300 mo. to 325 mo. , plus vacation relief of 487. 50, ' & paid holidays 11, 800. 00 1Z, 168. 26 B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ' 1. Fire Truck Repair 175. 00 175. 00 Z. Fire Hydrant Repair 175. 00 150. 00 350. 00 325, 00 ' C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Station Supplies 125. 00 175. 00 2. Uniforms 175. 00 175. 00 3, Gas, Oil and Tires 550.00 100. 00 850. 0t 4 ' D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Volunteer Expense 100. 00 100. 00 ' 2, Insurance 800. 00 •--- 900. 00 lb 00 ' G - EQUIPMENT: 1. Fire Hose 200. 00 200. 00 2> Operating Equipment 175. 00 100. 00 ' 3. Fire Hydrants 300. 00 300, 00 TOTALS 14, 575. 00 13, 643. Z6 1 ' -11- ' PARKS --Dept. #12 ' 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. ' A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Superintendent 7,200. 00 7, 500. 00 2. Crane Operator at 75. 50 wk. 3, 926. 00 3, 926. 00 ' 3. 3 Drivers at from 69. 50 to 74. 50 wk. 10, 842. 00 11,466. 00 4. 11 Helpers at from 60. 75 to 65. 75 wk. 36, 194. 79 36,465. 00 5. 1 Mechanic at 100.00 wk with overtime 5,200. 00 5,200. 00 ' 63, 362. 7q 64, 557. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: ' i. Office Supplies 25. 00 50. 00 2. Operating Parts and Supplies (250. 00 mo. ) 3, 000. 00 3, 000.00 3. Gas, Oil & Tires (200.00 mo. ) 2,400. 00 2,400. 00 ' 4. Bldg. Maintenance Supplies (100. 00 mo.) 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 5. Landscaping 1, 285. 68 2, 000. 00 7, 910. 69 8, 650. D - FIXED CHARGES- 1. Communications (18. 00 mo. ) 216. 00 216. 00 ' 2. Power (70. 00 mo. ) 840. 00 840. 00 3. Water & Ice (100. 00 mo.) 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 4. Insurance 3, 000. 00 -�- 5, 256. 00- 2,256. 00 G a EQUIPMENT: ' 1. Machinery & Tools Chipper 3, 000. 00 Tools 600. 00 2, 050.00 3, 600.00 1 ' TOTALS 78, 579.47 79, 063.00 ' -12- STREETS - Dept. #13 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. 1 Driver at 74. 50 wk. 3, 874. 00 3,874. 00 Z. 1 Man at 62. 75 wk. 3,419. 00 3, 263. 00 7, 293. 00 7, 137. 00 ' C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: ' 1. Truck Parts (15. 00 mo, for 2 trucks) 120. 00 180.00 2. Operating Supplies (150. 00 mo. ) 1, 800. 00 1, 800.'00 3. Gas, Oil & Tires (35. 00 mo. ) 420. 00 420. 0 ' 4. Street Surfacing 4, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 S. Alley Surfacing 7, 500. 00 6, 340. 00 T4-79 ' D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Ice (6. 00 mo. ) 72. 00 72. 00 ' 2. Insurance 1, 000. 00 --- 3. Street Lights 28, 996. 00 29, 300. 00 30, 068. 06 29, 372. 00 ' E - LAND 1. Street Drainage 4, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 ' 2. Parking Lot Purchase & Improvement 10, 500. 00 13, 500. 6-0 ' H - DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Revenue Certificate Payments 11, 160. 00 10, 890. 00 1 ' TOTALS 58, 861. 00 75, 799. 00 ' -13- ' WASTE - Dept. #14 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. ' A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. 1 Foreman at 81. 00 wk. 4, 212. 00 4, 212. 00 2. 6 Drivers from 69. 50 to 74.50 wk. 22, 953.43 22, 620. 00. 3. 10 Helpers from 60. 75 to 65. 75 wk. 33, 907.29 33, 098. 00 4. 1 Mechanic at 100.00 wk. with overtime 5, 200. 00 5,200. 00 272. 72 65, 130. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Office Supplies 100. 00 350. 00 ' 2. Truck Parts (250.00 mo. ) 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3. Operating Supplies (40. 00 mo. ) 480. 00 480. 00 4. Gas, Oil & Tires (500, 00 mo. ) 6, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 ' 9, 580. 00 9, 830. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES: ' 1. Ice (30. 00 mo. ) 360. 00 360. 00 2. Insurance 3, 500. 00 3. Disposal Costs (650. 00 mo. ) 7, 800. 00 7, 800. 00 ' 11, 0. 008, 160. 06 G - EQUIPMENT, 1. Pickup Truck 1, 700. 00 --- H - DEBT RETIREMENT: ' 1. Note Payments on 2 Packers 5,499. 14 5, 505.63 1 TOTALS 94, 711. 86 88, 625.63 ' -14- LOT CLEANING - Dept. #15 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos, IAw PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. 1 Man part of year only 1, 933. 80. 1, 833. 52 ' C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1. Equipment Parts 240. 00 140. 00 2. Gas, Oil & Tires 300. 00 250. 00 5440. 00 390. 00 ' D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Insurance 25. 00 --- 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTALS 2,498. 80 2, 223. 5Z 1 -15- RECREATION - Dept. ##16 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. A - PERSONAL SERVICES. ' 1. Director - 300. 00 mo. 3, 100. 00 3, 600. 00 2. Athletic Director at 1. 85 hr. 2, 315. 00 2, 215. 00 ' 3. 2 Ladies at 1. 50 hr. 3, 153. 00 3, 307. 50 4. 7 Men, 2 at 1.70 hr. , 3 at 1.60 hr. , 2 at 2.00 hr. (only 2 hrs. wk. ) 8, 297. 00 8, 823. 60 5. 3 Boys at 50� hr. 1, 545. 00 1, 312. 50 ' 6. Maintenance man at 78. 00 wk. , Janitor at 100. 00 mo. 5, 100. 00 5, 256. 00 ES. 23, 510. 00 24, 514 ' B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES.R C ' 1. Tennis Pro --- 3, 000. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES. ' 1. Office Supplies 130. 00 200. 00 2. Game Equipment 3, 900. 00 2, 857. 92 3. Building Supplies & Maintenance 860. 00 700. 00 ' 4. Grounds Maintenance 1, 030. 00 1, 153. 50 5. Transportation Expense 690. 00 745. 00 T, 610 a 00 5, 656.12 ' D - FIXED CHARGES. 1. Power 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 ' Z. Telephone 151. 00 180. 00 3. Water 129. 00 80. 00 4. Insurance 550. 00 --- 27-6-30. 00 -- 230. 00 2, 060.06 E - LAND ' 1. Improvements 6, 000. 00 3, 730. 00 H - DEBT RETIREMENT. ' 1. Playground Note 2, 116. 12 2, 055. 38 2. Certificate of Indebtedness, Blk. 107 2, 048.85 1, 983. 60 471-6-4-. 97 4. 97 4, 038. 98 1 ' TOTALS 42, 914. 97 43, 000. 00 -16- LIBRARY - Dept. #17 ' 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 12 Mos. 12 Mos. ' D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Appropriations for fiscal year 26, 500. 00 31, 026. 23 ' TOTALS 26, 500. 00 31, 026. 23 1 Miami Shores Village COUNTRY CRUD BUDGET ' October 1, 1960 to September 30, 1961 ' REVENUE 1959®60 1959-60 1960-61 ' Est. Revenue Actual Rev. Est. Revenue 14 Mos. 10 Mos. 12 Mos. ' Miscellaneous Income 1, 000. 00 616. 50 800. 00 Cotillion Income 750. 00 1,491. 50 1,000. 00 Dining Room (boss Income 65, 000. 00 54, 533. 64 65, 000. 00 ' Dar Gross Income 70,000. 00 61, 896.22 70, 000. 00 Guest Fees 47, 000. 00 40, 164. 25 45, 000. 00 Pull Cart Rental 2, 100. 00 1, 759.50 Z1000. 99 Locker Rental 3, 000. 00 2, 565. 00 2, 500.00 Membership Dues 170, 000. 00 133,281. 01 140,000. 00 Swimming Pool Dues 10, 600. 00 6, 243. 75 7, 500.00 ' Swimming Fees 3, 500. 00 1, 543.50 2,500. 00 Electric Carts 22, 500. 00 59, 553.63 70., 000.00. Citizens I. D. Cards 7, 000. 00 7, 010. 00 7,900. 00 ' Tennis Court Receipts ed_ --- 7, 000. 00 TOTALS 402,450. 00 370, 658. 50 420, 300. 00 ' APPROPRIATIONS 1960-61 Budget Personal Contract. Materials, Fixed Capital Department Scrvices Services Supplies Charges Outlay TOTALS A B C D E, F, G, H Administrative 22, 598. 00 19, 900. 00 10, 521. 74 13, 800. 00 40, 000. 00 106, 819. 74 Club House 13, 570. 00 228. 00 19, 840. 00 8, 532. 00 16, 068. 76 58, 238. 76 'Dining Roos 40, 160. 00 5, 168. 00 8, 040. 00 1, 899. 25 1, 500.00 56, 767.25 Bar Operations 24, 050. 00 3, 600.00 1, 550. 25 Z9, 200. 25 Goll Activities 23, 540. 00 2,400. 00 9, 840.00 3, 300. 00 --- 39, 080.00 ' Course Maint. 44, 384. 00 250. 00 22, 000. 00 2, 660. 00 28, 020. 00 97, 314. 00 Swimmirp, Pool 8, 400. 00 6, 840. 00 5, 020. 00 2.0, 260. 00 Tennis Courts 2,400. 00 3, 600.00 750. 00 120. 00 5, 750.00 12, 620. 00. ' 'I'OTAIaS 179, 102. 00 31, 546. 00 81,431. 74 36, 881. 50 91, 338. 76 420, 300. 00 Country Club ADMINISTRATIVE - Dept. #101 ' et 1959-60 Bud et 1 60-61 Hua g 9 g ' 14 Mos. 12 Mos. A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Manager 10, 205. 30 9, 000. 00 2. Secretary at 84. 00 wk. 4, 819. 00 4, 368. 00 3. Bookkeeper at 62. 50 wk. 3, 660. 00 3,250. 00 4. Cashier at 62. 50 wk. 3, 660. 00 3, 250. 00 ' 5. Receptionist at 52. 50 wk. 3, 050. 00 2, 730. 00 6.. Village services 14, 000. 00 a-- ' 39, 394. 30 22, 598. 00 H - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ' 1. Audit Service (Yr. 700; Mo. 1, 000) 1, 700. 00 1, 700. 00 2. Machine Service Contracts 233. 32 200. 0.0 3. Village Services 18, 000.00 1, 933. 52. 19, 900. 00 ' C MATERIALS &. SUPPLIES: 1. Auto Expense (60. 00 mo. ) 700.00 720. 00 2. Entertainment 600. 00 700.00 3. . Dues & Subscriptions 100. 00. 200. 0.0 ' 4. Office Supplies 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 5. Postage 770. 00 700. 00 6. Contingent 6, 080. 64 6, 201. 74 ' 7. Printing 1, 162. 00 1, 000. 00 10,412. 64 10, 521. 74 D FIXED CHARGES: Y. Insurance 7, 000. 0.0 8, 000. 00. 2, Telephone (100. 00 mo.) 1,400. 00 1,200. 00 ' 3.. Payroll Taxes 3,262. 50 4. 600. 00 I1, 2. 50 13, 860-06 ' H DEBT RETIREMENT: I.. Bona Redemption Fund Payment 40, 000. 00 40, 000. 00 ' TOTALS 103,402. 76 106, 819. 74 C-1 Country. CLUB HOUSE ACTT T;zS Dept. #�02 ; `1959-6a Budget 1960-61 Budget 14 Mos, 12 Mos. A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Nightwatchman 57. 50 wk. plus relief ' 10. 00 for 52 wks. plus vagatiog 30965. 00 3, 625. 00.. 2. Maintenance men - 1 at 55. 00. w1C. 1 at 80. 04 wk. 7, 930.00 7, 020. 00 ' 3. Gardener - 56. 25 wk. 3,431,25 21 925. 00 1V.Z5 ' B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Exterminating 266. 00 228. 00 ' C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Cleaning Supplies (120. 00 mo. ) 1, 540.00 1,440. 00 2. Miscellaneous Expense (100, 00 mo, ) 1, 540. 00 1, 200. 00 ' 3. ' Building Repairs & Improvements 10, 000, 00 10, 000. 00 4. Music & Functions (600. 00 mo.) 7,400. 00 7, 200. 00 Z0,780.''�019,-846. 0 ' D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Electricity (615. 00 mo. ) 8, 610, 00 7, 300, 00 ' 2. Fuel Oil (60. 00 mo. ) 700. 00 720..00 3. City Water (36. 00 mo. ) 504. 00 432. 00 9,�814. .8"53,z. 00 ' G - EQUIPMENT. 1. 50 Dining Room Tables 1, 900.00 --- 2. 200 Chairs 5, 200. 00 --- 7, 100. 0 ' H - DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Certificates of Indebtedness 20, 718. 75 16, 068. 76 ' TOTALS 73, 705. 00 58, 238. 76 Country C10 ' DINING ROOM • 02pl, #103 ' 1959-50 BOW 1960-61 Bud pt 14 Mos. 1Z Mos. ' A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1 Chef 650. 00 mo. 8, 750. 00 7; 800, 00 ' 2. Second Cook 80. 00 wk. 4, 575.00 4, 160, 00 3. Pantryman 60. 00 wk. 3, 660.00 3, 120.00 4. Dishwashers - 4 at 50. 00 wk. 9, 150.00 10,400- 00 . ' 6. 1 Waitress at 120. 00 mo. 1, 680. 00 1,440.00 7. Shack Waitress 42. 00 wk. plus 6. 00 wk, relief, plus vacation 4, 9Z8. 00 2, 580r 00 ' 8. Janitor at 55. 00 wk. 3, 355. 00 2, 860,00 9. Extra Help & Overtime at 650. 00 mo. 9, 100. 90 7, 800. 00 45, 198.06 40 ' E - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Degreasing Ovens 196.00 168,00 ' 2. Air Conditioning, Refrig. & Ice Machine Service Contract plus parts 3, 500, 00 5, 000.00 ' C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Dish Replacement (50. 00 mo. ) 700, 00 600.00 ' 2. Repairs (50. 00 mo. ) 700, 00 600.00 3. Silver Replacement (25. 00 mo. ) 275. 00 300.00 4. Kitchen Utensils (20. 00 mo. ) 300. 00 240.00 ' 5. Miscellaneous Supplies (175. 00 mo. ) 2, 300. 00 Z' 100.00 6. Laundry (350. 00 neo. ) 4, 900. 00 4,:200.00 T.777r.00 8,040 0 D - FIXED CHARGES: ' 1. Licenses 198. 50 99,25 2. Gas for Cooking & Heating (150. 00 mo, ) 1, 960.00 1, 800. 00 T,T5-8-."'5-0 17895.25 ' G - EQUIPMENT 1. Kitchen Equipment - Ice Machine 250. 00 1, 500. 00 TOTALS 58,477. 50 56. 767,25 C-3 Country.Club BAR OPERATIONS - Dept. #104 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget ' 14 Mos. 12 Mos. A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Bartenders 1 at 7Z. 50, 2 at 62. 50 11, 590. 00 10, 270. 00 2. Bar Hostess - 130. 06 mo. it Waitresses - 2 at 110. 00 mo. 4,480. 00 4, 200. 00 ' 3. Janitor at 55. 00 .wk. 3, 050. 00 Z, 860. 00 4. Extra Help and Overtime at 560. 00 mo. 7, 840. 00 6, 720. 00 2 6,9 6 0. 0b 24, 050. 00 ' B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: 1. Air Conditioning 280. 00 --- C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Repairs (25. 00 mo. ) 200. 00 300. 00 ' 2. Glass Replacement (3.0. 00 mo. ) 40.0..00 360. 00 3. Bar Supplies (145, 00 mo.) 1, 750. 00 1, 740. 00 4. Ice (100. 00 mo. ) 1,400: 00 1, 200. 00 ' 3, 750.00 300. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES: ' 1. Licenses 3, 054. 50 1, 550. 25 ' TOTALS 34, 044. 50 29, 200. 25, 1 ' C-4 1 ' Country Club GOLF ACTIVITIES - Dept. #105 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget ' 14 Mos. 12 Mos. A - _PERSONAL SERVICES-. ' 1. Professional (200. 00 mo. ) 2, 800. 00 2,400. 00 2. Starter - 7 days 95. 00 wk. plus relief 140. 00 yr. 5, 570. 00 5, 080. 00 ' 3. . lunger - 52 woks. at 50. 00 1,270. 00 2, 600..00 4. Ladies Locker Attendant- 200.00 mo. 2, 800. 00 2,400. 00 5. Men's Locker Attendants - 3 at 100.00 mo. t plus 5. 00 wk. relief 3, 780. 00 3,860.00 6. Electric Cart Attendant-500.00 mo. plus relief 120.0.00 yr. --- 7, 200. 00 ' 16, M. 06 23, 540.00 B - CONTRACTUAL.SERVICES: ' 1. Pro fee for Electric Carts --- 2,400.00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: ' .1. Laundry (15 0. 0 0 mo. ) 1, 960. 00 1,800.00 2. Miscea"Lnt;oas Expense (100. 00 mo. ) 1,400. 00 1,200.00 3. Prig�linl,- & Stationery (70. 00 mo.) 700. 00 840. 0.0 ' 4. Tournament Expense 4, 083.24 4, 000. 00 5. Electric Cart Supplies 1,500. 00 6. ,sunior Golf Activities --- 500. 00 ' 8, 143. 24 99, $�00 44 D - FLXED CHARGES: 1. Drinking Fountains (Water & Ice at 125. 00 mo. ) 1, 750. 00 1, 500.00 2. Electric Cart Power (150.00 mo. ) 2, 100. 00 1,800.00 3, 850. 00 3,' 300. 00 ' TOTALS 28, 213.24 39, 080. 00 ' C-5 ' Country Club COURSE MAINTENANCE - Dept. #106 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget ' 14 Mos. 12 Mos. it - .PERSONAL SERVICES: ' 1- Superintendent at 600. 00 trio. 8,400. 00 7, 200. 00 2< Mechanic at 85. 00 wk. 5, 795, 00 4,420. 00 3. 9 Greensmen - 1 at 73. 00, 1 at 70. 00 ; 1 11 ' 2 at 68. 00' 1 at 67. 00, 2 at 66. ;0, 1 at 65. 00, 1 at 64. 00, plus vacation relief of _ 1200. 00 yr. � 35, 990. 00 32, 764. 00 ' 0, 1 5. 00 44, 384. 00 B - CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: ' 1. Machine Rental 250. 00 250. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES,, ' 1. Seed and Grass Stoles 5Q0. 00 500. 00 2. Fertilizer 9, 800. 00 9, 000. 00 3. Top Soil & Sand 1, 750. 00 Z' 000. 00 ' 4, Repairs & Supplies (250. 00 mo. ) 39500. 00 3, 000* 00 5. Hose 250, 00 300. 00 6, Insecticides (3150. 00 mo. ) 3, 500. 00 4,200, 00 t 7. Gas, Oil & Tares 2, 000. 00 Z' 000. 00 8. Building Repairs 1, 200. 00 1, 000. 00 22, 500. 00 Z2, 000. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. Power (30. 00 mo. ) 280. 00 360. 00 ' 2. Power for Pump 2,450. 00 2, 000. 00 3. Telephone 252. 00 225. 00 4. City Water 150. 00 75. 00 -13Z. 00 2,'660. 00' E - LAND: ' 1. Fairway Renovation --. 15, 000. 00 F - BUILDINGS: ' 1. New Shed --- 10, 000. 00 G - EQUIPMENT; ' 1. 2 Cushman Trucksters (other 1, 500. 00 2. 2 Greensmowers equipment) 720. 00 3. Fertilizer Distributor 800. 00 ' V50-. 0 0 3, OZO. 00 TOTALS 8Z, 717. 00 97, 314, 00 1 C-6 ' Country Club SWIMMING POOL - ]dept, #107 1959-60 Budget 1960-61 Budget 14 Mos. 12 Mos. A - PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Pool Manager - 375, 00 mo. 4, 900. 00 4, 500. 00 ' 2. Life Guards (325. 00 mo. ) 4, 200. 00 3, 900. 00 99, 100,100 8,400. 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. Pool Chemicals (120. 00 Mo. ) 1,400. 00 1,440. 00 Z. Miscellaneous Supplies 400. 00 400. 00 ' 3. Painting & Maintenance 2, 500. 00 Z, 500. 00 4. Swimming Everts 2, 500. 00 Z, 500. OQ 40. 0 D - FIXED CHARGES: 1. City Water (100. 00 mo. ) 1, 050, 00 1, 200. 00 ' 2. Power (285. 00 mo. ) 3, 990. 00. 3,420. 00 3. Insurance 650. 00 --- 4. Heater Gas 300. 00 400,00 5,,990. 00 5, 09W,'00 1 1 TOTALS 21, 890'. 00 20, 260. 00 1 ' C-7 ' Country Club TENNIS COURTS - Dept. #108 1960-61 Budget lZ Mos. A PERSONAL SERVICES: 1. Maintenance Labor 2,400. 00 B - C,- i RACTUAL SERVICES: ' 1. Professional 3, 600, 00 C - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1, Maintenance 750. 00 D - FIXED CHARGES: ' 1. Water 20, 00 2. Power 100.00 12 . 0 ' H - DEBT RETIREMENT: 1. Note Payment 5, 750. 00 1 1 1 ' TOTAL 12, 620.00 1 1 C -8