09-04-1956 Regular Meeting a 11 21
September 4, 1956
A regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held
at 4:00 o'clock P. M. , September 4, 1956, at the Village Hall, with the follow-
ing Councilmen present:
Mayor Dean R. Claussen
M. E. Reynolds
William E. Carpenter
S. D. Phillips, Jr.
Absent: Michael J. Franco
Mr. Nadeau attended in the absence of Mr. Anderson, Village
Minutes of the last regular meeting were adopted as written by
motion made by Mr. Phillips, seconded by Mr. Reynolds and passed unanimously.
A letter was received from the Miami Shore's Little Theatre group
in which they reimbursed the Village for a claim made against the group in
the amount of $150.00 which was paid by the Village a few years ago. Mayor
Claussen asked that a letter be sent to the group thanking them for this pay-
After a review of the current bills, Mr. Carpenter moved that they
be approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Phillips and unanimously carried.
Concerning the vacancy still existing on the Planning Board, Col.
Thomas Burkets name was suggested and Mayor Claussen stated he would call
him to find out if he is willing to serve.
The Council discussed the proposal to put electric caddy cars on the
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golf course and whether the `Tillage should lease or buy the cars. However,
it was agreed that we should lease them for at least one year and the .Village
Manager was instructed to prepare specifications for receipt of bids at the
next meeting in order that the cars will be available by November 1st.
It was reported that some amendments are being made to the uniform
traffic .ordinance before it is ready for adoption.
The Boulevard zoning suit was brought up and Mr. Reynolds: stated
that Paul Kinney had definitely withdrawn from the suit. Mr. Phillips stated
he had heard that H. L. Clark had also withdrawn and would find out if this
is true.
The next item of unfinished business concerned the rental for the
driving range at the Golf Course. The Village Manager reported that we had
given this concession to the Pro on a monthly rental fee of $50. 00 for six
months and $125.00 for the balance of the year. Mr. McCall reviewed an audit
of the operation as of the end of June which indicated that all capital expenses
had been taken out of this year4s profit and that the net profit for nine months
was $1172. 77. The Council felt the Village should receive at least 20% of
the gross sales and authorized the Village Manager to negotiate some type of
deal with Mr. Mac Laughlin and bring it back to the .Council for approval.
A-general discussion was held concerning some recent correspondence
from the Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District concerning the
proposed dam on the Miami Shores Golf Course. In regard to the objection to
the effluent of a sewage treatment plant draining into a dammed up canal, the
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Village Manager stated he would check with Coral Gables to see how their
sewage effluent is drained. Mr. Reynolds stated he-would contact Rader
Engineering to find out why the City of Miami had piped the.effluent so €Ar
out into the ocean.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20 P.M.
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