02-16-1954 Regular Meeting I-7
February 16, 1954
A regular meeting of the Village Council of Miami Shores Village,
Florida,, was held at 4:00 o'clock P.M. , February 16, 1954, at the Village
Hall, with the following Councilmen present:
Mayor S. D. Phillips, Jr.
M. E. Reynolds
William E. Carpenter
Michael J. Franco
Dean R. Claussen
Absent: None
Mr. Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney, was also present.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as written by
motion: made by Mr. Franco, seconded by Mr. Reynolds and passed unanimously,
The first business was the opening of bids for new Police pistols.
The bids were to cover 20 new pistols with allowance on 18 old ones, and are
tabulated as follows:
20 guns $58.58 each . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . $ 1171.60
Allowance on 18 guns $26. 58 each . . . . 478.44
$ 693. 16
Net price $ 760.40
Net price . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 795.7.2
(This bid covered only 19 new guns with allowance on 17)
Upon motion made by Mr. Claussen, seconded by Mr. Franco and
passed unanimously, the contract was given to Edward Meyers, low bidder.
. . . . . . . . . . .
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Another request was made by the Presbyterian Church for 1953-
tax exemption on Lots 11 - 18, Block 100, Miami Shores ,Section, this time
in view of the fact that the church paved a part of these lots and is now using
the property as a church parking lot. Mr. Reynolds thereupon moved that
the ad valorem takes for 1955 be -waived. Motion was seconded by Mr. Franco:
and passed unanimously.
A recommendation was grade by the Planning Board for approval
of the preliminary plans for an office building to'be constructed by Dr. R. E.
Baxter on Lots 1 and 2. Block 60, Miami Shores. Section 2,' provided same
were resubmitted showing a 25 ft. set back from 6th Avenue, with additional
parking area. After a review of these plans Mr. Claussen moved that they
be approved, subject to final approval by the Planning Board. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Reynolds and passed unanimously.
Upon the request of H. J. Clark, 1.031 N. E. 114th Street, the
Planning Board recommended a change in the cubic foot requirements of the
three Bay front lots in River Bay Park Subdivision, as follows..
Lot 22, Block 3 reduced to 26, 000 cu. ft.
Lot 24, Block 4 - reduced to 28, 000 11 ti
Lot 23, Block 4 reduced to 30,040 11 1t
The reason for the step up to 30,000 cu. ft. being to correspond
with the requirements of the adjoining water front lots in the Guernsey
subdivision. After it was pointed out that the lot, No. 22, on the canal was
directly across from an Apartment zone and therefore should be of a lower
cube requirement,-. Mr. Reynolds moved that the Planning Board recommenda-
tion be approved. Motion was .seconded by Mr. Franco and passed unanimously.
The Council reviewed a proposal made by C. A. Brown of Tampa
to furnish an electrical target turning machine for the pistol range, at a cost
of $1500, not installed. Mr. James Elder, electrical contractor, proposed
to build and install a similar target timing system for a cast not to .exceed
$1200 completely installed. Mr. Claussen moved we accept Mr. Elder's
proposal to build and install an electrical target turning device at a cost not
to exceed $1204,- completion date within ten weeks' time. Motion was
seconded by Mr. Reynolds and passed unanimously.
Mr. McCall reported that a request had been made by the Bessemer
people to prohibit cars parking on their land north of the Golf Course. After
some discussion as to how this can be enforced and at the suggestion of the
Village Attorney, the Council recommended that this property be posted by
the owner. Iu the general discission concerning this property and whether
or not the Village could obtain all or some part of it by purchase or condemna-
tion, the Council instructed Mr. McCall to make an appointment for the Council
to discuss it with Mr. Hawkins of Bessemer Properties.
By motion made by Mr. Claussen, seconded by Mr. Reynolds and
passed unanimously, the Village Manager, Vinance Director .and ,Building
Inspector were given approval toattend the Short Courses at the University-
niversityof Florida in March.
A letter was read from Mr. Milton Link, landscape architect, offer-
ing his services to the Village in laying out and supervising landscaping on.an.
annual retainer of $1200.00. After some discussion, the Council instructed
that Mr. Link be requested to give the Village a figure on the cost of an overall
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plan for landscaping the specified streets and paikways, without future services.
A proposed ordinance was read to aid in the protection of child
molestation in theatres which required that an adult person patrol the aisles sand
that the adults and children be seated in different sections. After some dis-
cussion of the ordinance, the Village Attorney suggested that our .own ordinance
be drawn up is a more simplified manner, defining child molestation and pro-
viding penalties therefor, and from this snore specific measures may be
taken if necessary.
The Club Manager presented his final figures on the Doherty
Tournament which indicated a cost to the club of $1134. 57. He also presented
comparactive figures on green fees and dues over the past two years-, as well
as, overall business, showing a steady increase in revenue.
Mr. Morton Schoenfeld was present in regard to his application for
permit to operate the White Cab Company, through a transfer of the license
granted Edgar T. White, former owner of the company. After satisfactory
evidence that the applicant will be able to maintain the present service, Mr.
Claussen moved that we grant Mr. Schoenfeld the license transferable from
Mr. White and if service is not maintained at the present standard we will
open the field to someone else. Motion was seconded by Mr. Re molds and
passed unanimously. It was also pointed out that future licenses should not
be granted in the name of a corporation.
Mrs. L. M. Ascherenka of the Miami. Shores Womants Club,
announced the plans of the Woman's Club to bring the Mobile Unit of the Blood
Bank to the Community House on Friday, April 9, 1954, and asked that the
Mayor proclaim this as Blood Bank Day in Miami Shores.
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Concerning the Village insurance analysis, Mr. Reynolds reported
that he had liability coverage put on all premises, not already covered, to
the extent of 100/300, 000 dollars, that he had alsoincreased the automobile
and traffic light liability to this extent and that he was still waiting for
figures on the cost of liability on the streets -and sidewalks. A discussion
took place concerning the type of coverage on our volunteer fire and policemen
and it was pointed out that the volunteer policemen are not covered by
Workmen's Compensation and therefore, do not have death-or disability
benefits. Additional coverage is to be considered on both volunteer fire and
police and will be discus sed further at the next meeting.
Mr. Glenn. McElwain, Chairman of the Parking Committee,
made a report to the Council that the parking plan proposed required the
acquisition of some lots now owned by Ken Dunning, Charlie Yuille and
Bessemer Properties and he added that Mr. Dunning had offered his lots
free to the Village providing the others will do likewise. However, it was
pointed out that Bessemer will not donate or sell their lots. Mayor Phillips
instructed the Village Manager to arrange a meeting with Messrs. Yuille,
Parry, Dunning, Hawkins and the Council as soon as possible before March 2nd.
The meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M.
Deputy rk
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