07-21-1953 Regular Meeting 1`03
July 21, 1953
A regular meeting of the Village Council of Miami Shores Village,
Florida, was held at 4:00 o'clock P.M. , July 21, 1953, at the Village Hall,
with the following Councilmen present:
Mayor S. D. Phillips, Jr.
M. E. Reynolds
William E. Carpenter
Michael J. Franco
Dean R. Claussen
Absent: None
Mr. Thomas H. Anderson, Village Attorney, was also present.
Upon motion made by Mr. Franco, seconded by Mr. Reynolds and
unanimously passed, minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as
Mr. Richard E. Seip of 126 N. E. 93rd Street, appeared before
the Council to ask if there was an air conditioning ordinance under consider-
ation. It was explained to Mr. Seip that the Village could not help in his individual
case and that no ordinance had yet been written.
A proposed plat was reviewed subdividing the next section of
Mr. Guernsey's Miami Shores Bay Park Estates, accompanied by a resolution
to cover approval of this plat. Upon motion made by Mr. Reynolds, seconded
by Mr. Franco, the plat was approved and RESOLUTION NO. 336 unanimously
passed and adopted, same being entitled:
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Mayor Phillips mentioned the letter recently sent to the Villagers
concerning the dining room operation at the Ciub and asked if anyone present
wished to discuss this. Mr. Eugene Erb, asked if it is proper for a munici-
pality to engage in this type of enterprise. It was the Village Attorney's
opinion that it is perfectly legal for the Village to operate the dining room.
The Council asked for a written opinion from Mr. Anderson.
After further discussion, it was explained to those present that the
change was brought about by the feeling that better service could be given the
members if it were operated by the Village.
A letter was read from the Mayor of the City of Miami concerning
a resolution passed and adopted by the City Commission, creating a Board
to study the municipal and county governments in Dade County, and specifically
asking that a representative from Miami Shores be named to serve on this
Board. Upon motion made by Mr. Reynolds, seconded by Mr. Carpenter and
unanimously passed, this letter was tabled.
An amendment was proposed to Ordinance No. 241, the dog ordinance,
requiring inoculation against rabies. Mr. Carpenter explained why he thought
this should be made a part of our ordinance and that he felt it would not create
a hardship on the dog owners. Mr. Reynolds asked if this could be postponed
until next meeting as he wanted to secure more information as to why the
Humane Society had advised against this requirement. After further discussion,
Mr. Carpenter moved that this amendment be passed and adopted. Motion
was seconded by Mr. Franco and passed by a 4/1 vote with Mr. Reynolds
dissenting. Said ordinance is to be No. 246 and entitled:
Deleted by action at meeting of 8/11/531
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Letters were received from the Mayor and City Attorney of
North Miami concerning a petition of intervention in the City of North Miami's
efforts to secure a railroad passenger station in North Miami. Mr. Reynolds
stated he thought we should oppose it in an effort to get the railroad out of
here. This request was tabled until further investigation can be made.
The next item on the agenda was the Council appointments.
Mr. Reynolds moved that C. Lawton McCall be re-appointed as Village Manager
and Clerk for a period of two years, beginning August 1, 1953. He further
moved that Thomas H. Anderson be re-appointed Village Attorney for a period
of two years and that Stuart Senneff be re-appointed for two years as Chief of
Police and Fire. Motion was seconded by Mr. Claussen and passed unanimously.
Mr. Reynolds then moved that Herbert Burnham and Marion Arnold
be re-appointed to the Planning Board for a two-year term and that the vacancy
created by the resignation of Robert Stobs be filled by Elwood Jones for a two-
year term, effective August 1, 1953. Motion was seconded by Mr. Claussen
and passed unanimously.
Mr. Carpenter moved that George Meister be named Judge and
Francis Rearick be appointed Associate Judge to fill vacancy created by the
rotation system of our appointments of judges, for a term of one year expir-
ing July 31, 1954, and that John Prunty, Associate Judge be re-appointed
for a term of one year expiring July 31, 1954. ,Motion was seconded by Mr.
Franco and passed unanimously.
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Mr. Carpenter moved that a citizens committee of five be appointed
to serve until such time as the job is done, to continue the study of our parking
problem in the business section of the Village and that the Chairman of this
committee be Mr. Glenn McElwain, and further that this committee make its
report and recommendation to the Planning Board for final study and submission
to the Council for action. Motion was seconded by Mr. Claussen and passed
Approval was recommended by the Planning .Board for construc-
tion of a residence on Lot 13, Block 133, Miami Shores Section #6, a 50 ft.
lot, by the owner, Mrs. Ida Halpin. Upon motion made by Mr. Reynolds,
seconded by Mr. Franco and passed unanimously, approval was granted for
a permit.
Mr. Causey, representing the City Ice and Fuel Go. , appeared
to request approval for the erection of an ice dispensing station to be located
on Lots 24 through 29 less the E. 10 ft. , Block 23, El Portal Subdivision,
which is just west of the Pure Oil Station at 8700 Biscayne Blvd. No action
had been taken on this request by the Planning Board. Mr. Claus sen moved
that since this is in an Industrial Zone, we approve it, provided the property
is properly landscaped. Motion was seconded by Mr. Reynolds and passed
Planning Board recommended approval of a permit for construction
of a residence on Lot 1, Block 53 Bonmar Park, a 50 ft. lot, by the owner,
Mary Reardon. Approval was granted by motion made by Mr. Reynolds,
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seconded by Mr. Claussen and passed unanimously.
A letter was received from the Brockway Post of the American
Legion concerning the Fourth of July celebration and commending the
Council on the fine program held onthat day. The Council voiced appreciation
to the Legion for their participation in the program.
A request was made for freeholder rates at the Country Club
for property owners living outside Miami Shores. After discussion, Mr.
Reynolds moved that the policy of the Village be that all property owners be
accorded the same privileges at the Club as resident freeholders. Motion
was seconded by Mr. Franco and passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 P. M.
Deputy C k
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