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07-31-1952 Special Meeting
141.. SPECIAL ME19TING MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL July 31, 1952 Following the adjournment of the _Equalization Board, a special meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was called for the purpose of adopting the budget for the fiscal year August 1, 1952 - July 31, 1953. The following Councilment were present: Mayor M. E. Reynolds Michael J. Franco William E. Carpenter S. D.. Phillips Absent: George A. Frix In discussing the budget the Village Manager recommended that the Greensmen on the Golf Course, whose salaries had not been increased, be given a raise to $60. 00 a week. Council approved this increase pending agreement by the Advisory Board. The Village Manager also mentioned the need for one more man in the Waste Department which had been inadvertently overlooked. This was approved with funds to be taken from the Contingent Fund. Thereupon Mr. Franco moved that the 1952-53 budget and tax roll included in ORDINANCE NO. 232 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Mr.. Phillips and passed unanimously. Appointments for the next fiscal year were made as follows upon motion.duly made.and passed: Country Club.Advisory Board - Marshall Luce, William Lindsley Roger Hollis 142 143 -2- 7/31/52 Municipal Judges - George C. Bolles,- Jr. , Judge One yr. term George Meister, Associate Judge it '' It John Prunty, Planning Board - James Voorhies Two yr. term L. J. McCaffrey The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Deputy C1741 4ROVE May r 144 c'' r MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR AUGUST 4 1952 TO JULY 31, 1953 INDEX Assessments Page 1 Lot Cleaning & Mowing Page 10 Auditor 13 Library 14 Building Department 5 Managers Office 4 Bonds & Insurance 13 Police Department 7 Council 4 Parks Department 9 Court 13 Postage 13 Contributions 13 Recreation 12 Contingent Fund 13 Revenue Summary 3 Debt Service 1 Streets 11 Dues & Subscriptions 13 Street Lights 13 Expense Summary 2 Tax Department 6 Finance Department 5 Taxes on Village Property 13 Fire Department 8 Village Hall 6 Golf Course 15 Wastes Department 10 Legal Department 4 SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS 1951 1952 Real Estate 27, 958, 931. 00 34, 233, 288. 00 Personal Property 2, 716, 567. 00 2, 081, 587, 00 (net) Total Value 30, 675, 498. 00 36, 314, 875, 00 Less Exemptions 11, 134, 038a 00 11, 224, 294. 00 Net Value 19, 541, 460. 00 25, 090, 58L 00 1. Five per cent reserves for adjustments and discounts are included in the above figures. Increases are due to new construction and re- assessment of land, 2e The income from ad valorem taxes on real and personal property included in this budget is based on a tax rate of 9-3/4 mills, a reduction of 3/4 mill, 3. There is no tag included for payments of bond maturities as $8,470. 00 has been reserved from cigarette taxes to meet payments due on Village Hall bonds this fiscal year, and $18, 400. 00 has been reserved from Golf Course profits to meet payments due on Golf Course bonds during this fiscal year. -1- b t MIAMI SNORES VILLAGE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR AUGUST 1, 1952 TO JULY 31, 1953 EXPENSES (Summary) Expended 1951-52 11 Mos. 1952-53 100 Village Council 200. 00 45. 00 200. 00 200 Legal Department 5, 400. 00 4, 372. 13 5, 40-0. 00 300 Village ManagerAs Office 13, 0270 00 12, 2M86 13, 82Z. 00 400 Zoning & Building Inspection 9, 158. 00 7, 866. 36 13, 20fio 00 500 Finance Department 10, 150. 36 9, 699. 32 11, 28Zo 00 600 Village Hall 811068. 92 7, 604. 56 12, 396, 36 700 Tax Department 3, 931. 00 3, 410. 13 9, 479. 00 800 Police Department 81, 767A7 47 75, 138. 36 92, 257.47 900 Fire Department 13, 260. 50 12, 537. 43 15, 433, 75 1000 Parks Department 46, 832. 84 41, 512. 51 53, 94-9. 25 1100 Wastes Disposal 43, 475. 58 38, 716. 66 66, 785000 1200 Lot Cleaning &Mowing 9, 460. 36 8, 6054 98 6, 991, 18 1300 Street Department 59, 629. 68 51, 290. 08 42,500. 25 1400 Recreation Department 16, 1380 18 12, 500. 42 16, 386. 37 1500 Municipal Court 1, 550. 00 1,464. 75 1, 750. 00 1700 Auditors t Fees 900- 00 900.00 900. 00 1800 Bonds & Insurance 37Q. 50 262. 38 Z75. 00 1900 Street Lights 11,494. 50 9, 040. 34 12, 7Z3. 50 2100 Library 18, 500. 00 18, 500. 00 23, 836- 05 2200 Contributions 420. 00 3M53 550 0.0 2300 Dues & Subscriptions 4004 00 465. 88 525. 00 2400 Election Expense -0< -0- 200. 00- 2500 00. 002500 Taxes on Village Property 100. 00 76. 50 100. 00 2600 Postage 900. 00 786. 95 1, 200. 00 2700 Employee Ins. (Soca Security) -0- -0- 4, 000. 00 2800 General Contingent Fund 11, 498. 09 8, 449.49 12, 044, 51 366, 632. 98 325, 847. 66 418, 192. 69 -2- . j r MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR AUGUST 1, 1952 TO JULY 318 1953 REVENUE Received 1951-52 11 Mose 195253 4001 Ad Valorem Taxes (Real) 176, 381.47 176, 3810 47 213, 12-00 81 4002 Ad ValDnem Taxes (Personal) 18, 5320 69 18,5324 69 19, 280. 70 4003 Garbage Fees 28,000. 08 30, 319. 35 31, 0000 00 4004 Permit Fees 7,OOQ. 00 10, 3770 00 7, 000. 00 4005 Occupational Licenses 25, 600. 00 26,9280 00 25, 0004 00 4006 Lot Cleaning & Mowing 9,460. 36 9, 148. 27 6, 991.18 4007 Cigarette Taxes 20,0000 00 20, 0004 00 20, 000. 00 4008 Golf Course 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 4009 Fines & Forfeitures 19, 000, 00 22, 6910 00 25,0000 00 4010 Auto Inspections 6¢000. 00 6, 673. 25 7, 000. 00 4011 Parking Meters 7, 000. 00 78 3380 71 7, 000. 00 4012 Sale of Property -0�. 128. 00 m0- 4013 Miscellaneous 1, 000. 00 95L68 800. 00 4014 Electric Franchise 15" 000. 00 -0- 18, 000. 00 335, 374, 52 332,469,42 383, 1920 69 Cash Available at beginning of year 6,3000 tO 4, 9764 73 24,558. 38 Cigarette Tax Funds 24s.958.46 24, 9580 46 10,4414 62 366,6324 98 362,404. 61 418, 192, 69 m $9, 000 plus 3% interest of the Power Franchise revenue is to be pledged each year for 15 years to repay street and alley improvement loan. -3- r MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR AUGUST 1, 1952 TO JULY 31, 1953 Expended 195152 11 Mos. 1952-53 100 VILLAGE COUNCIL $1. 00 per year, Equalization Board, badges, etc. $ 200. 00 45. 00 200. 00 200, 00 45, 00 200. 00 200 LEGAL DEPARTMENT 201 Annual Fee 2,400. 00 2, 200. 00 2,400. 00 202 Special Legal costs, extra fees, books,. Court costs, etc. 3, 000. 00 2, 172. 13 38 000. 00 5,400. 00 4, 372a13 5, 400a00 300 VILLAGE MANAGER 301 Salaries Manager 8, 950. 00 8, 950. 00 Secretary 3,, 252. 00 3, 432. 00 12, 2020 00 11_, Z05.21 12, 39 0 302 Supplies, office Village letters, notices, etc. 700. 00 957a37 1, 000. 00 303 Insurance Manager's Bond 100. 00 Comp. & Liability 25. 00 127. 03 140. 00 304 Auto Expense -0- 300. 00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 300A O face Equipment -0- 300B Auto Equipment -0- 13, 027. 00 12, 2890 86 13, 822. 00 -4- Expended 195152 11 Mos. 1952-53 400 ZONING & BUILDING DEPARTMENT 401 Salaries Director 5,406. 00 5A 700. 00 Assistant 2, 852. 00 2,496. 00 8, 258. 00 7, 0 0 36 91 06. 00 402 Supplies, Office Maps, permits, etc. 200. 00 192. 25 600. 00 403 Insurance-Comp. & Liability 75. 00 73. 61 85. 00 404 Auto Expense 600. 00 550. 00 900. 00 405 Plaything Board Expense -0- (Zoning Ordinance) 3, 000. 00 406 Communications (Included in Village Hall Acct,) 407 Investigations, Builders 25. 00 m0- 25. 00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 400A Operating Eq pment �0m 400. 00 400B Auto Equipment -0- 9, 158. 00 0-9, 158. 00 7, 866. 36 13, 206. 00 500 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 501 Salaries Accountant 4,45Z. 00 5, 500. 00 Cashier-Clerk 2, 591. 68 2, 756. 00 Clerk 2,591. 68 2,496. 00 9, 635, 3'6 9, 327. 32 16;'752. 6 502 Supplies, Office 500. 00 353. 22 500. 00 503 Insurance Comp. & Liability 15. 00 18. 78 30. 00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 500A Operating Equipment Misc. ) -0- 10, 150. 36 0-10, 150. 36 9, 699. 32 11, 282. 00 -5- Expended 195152 11 Mos. 1952-53 600 VILLAGE HALL 601 Salaries 1 Janitor at $47. 96 2,493. 92 Z, 302. 08 Z, 652. 00 602 Supplies, General Operating Soaps, polishes, light bulbs, sanitary supplies 350, 00 588.48 400. 00 603 Communications 875. 00 865. 66 1, 256. 86 604 Light and Fuel Electricity 700. 00 11500. 00 Gas 150. 00 185. 00 850.,60 1, 148. 23 605 Water 100. 00 114. 62 150. 00 606 Maintenance of Furniture, Fixtures, etc, 200e 00 434.50 450. 00 607 Building Maintenance 7000. 00 683. 88 700. 00 608 Reserve for hurricane damage 600. 00 e0- 600. 00 609 Insurance 200. 00 87. 03 100. 00 Fire Compensation Liability CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 600A Buildva.g Ad iti.ons and Improvements -0- 40.40 -0- 600B Furniture & Fixtures (Air Conditioning) 500. 00 468.48 4,200. 00 6000 Operating Equipment (Floor Machine) 1,200. 00 871. 20 202. 50 8, 068. 92 7, 604. 56 12, 396, 36 700 TAX DEPARTMENT 701 Salaries Deputy Assessor Z. 700. 00 2, 640. 75 Z. 844. 00 702 Supplies, Office 400, 00 648. 00 600. 00 703 Insurance 6. 00 6.43 10. 00 704 Title Transfer Information 75. 00 79. 95 75. 00 705 Postage -.0- -0- «-0- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 700A Operating Equipment 750. 00 35.00 5, 950. 00 3, 931. 00 3,410. 13 99479.100 �6- Expeaded 1951.52 11.Mos, 1952m53 800 POLICE DEPARTMENT 801 Salaries Chief 1 @ 477. 00 Moa 5, 724. 00 @ 500. 00 Mo46, 000, 00 Lieut. @ 350, 00 r, 4, 200, 00 Sgts. 3 @ 321, 00 it. 11, 556. 00 Sgts. 2 @ 338.. 00 8, 112. 00 Patrolmen 9 @ 296. 00 '+ 31; 968, 00 10 @ 311. 00 a9 37, 3200 00 1 @ 281. 00 F+ 3, 372. 00 1 @ 296. 00 3,552. 00 1 @ 26L 00 3; 132, 00 1 @ 275.(6 Nlos, %426. 00 2 @ 2460 00(6 Mos. ) @ 296. " @ 261. 00 6, 08C 00 1 @ 31148 s) 2, 643. 50 School Patrol 1 @ 275A�3osy) 962.50 2 @ 1000 00 Moa 1, 850. 00 School 1, 860, 00 Awards for:-shooting 450,p 00 Awards 450. 00 64, 136.. 00 59, 114.,66 689 526. 00 802 Supplies, Office Auto Insp.Supplies, etc. 600. 00 749. 50 700. 00 803 Communications (Radio costs only) 1, 850. 00 1, 659. 28 1, 850. 00 804 Light and Fuel (Incl. in Village Hall Acct. ) 805 Water (Incl, in Village Hall Acct. ) 806 Traffic Light Operation (Electricity & Bulbs) 6000 00 439. 19 600. 00 807 Traffic Light & Sign Mainten4 (Repairs & Paint) 600. 00 409. 00 800. 00 808 Supplies, Operating (Flashlights, etc. ) 350. 00 364. 24 350. 00 809 Care of Prisoners ($600 rental plus meals) 900. 00 367. 50 1, 000. 00 810 Gasoline and Lubricants 3, 000. 00 2,481. 54 3, 000. 00 811 Tires and Tubes 750. 00 590. 26 750. 00 812 Auto Licenses 220 50 22e 00 22. 50 813 Maintenance, Auto Equipment 800. 00 la 6430 83 1, 000. 00 814 Uniforms 1, 615. 00 1, 108. 84 1, 615. 00 815 Fire Arms Training 700. 00 709. 01 750. 00 816 Special Costs, investigations 100. 00 31. 25 100. 00 Continued next page -7- Expended 1951.52 11 Mos. 195253 POLICE DEPT, (contd. ) 817 Insurance Compensation 906,62 Pylic Lia. & Property Damage - Auto 136. 04 Comprehensive 47.60 Public Lia, & Bodily Ijury 519.96 Traffic Lights Auxiliary Police 158.75 1.7619.97 1, 871.89 2, 068. 97 818 Parking Meter Maintenance 75. 00 . 35 75A0 819 Operating Equipment, Repairs 100. 00 100. 00 820 Auxiliary Police Expense 100. 00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 800A Aute► Ejapment, Purr se -0m @0- 4, 500. 00 800D Traffic Lights &Signs 19 3, 600. 00 31441.52 3, 600. 00 80:00 Operating &office Equip. 200. 00 135. 00 750. 00 81, 767-47 75,, 138. 36 92, 257,47 900 FIRE DEPARTMENT 901 Salaries 3 @ $246. 00 Moe 8, 856. 00 8, 044,, 00( 3 @ 259. 00) 9 324. 00 ( 1 @ 246..00) 2$952. 00 12, 276. 00 902 Supplies, Office 125. 00 46, O1 75. 00 903 Communications -0- 904 Operating Supplies 175.. 00 162. 98 175. 00 905 Uniforms 100. 00 117. 85 300. 00 906 Maintenance Auto Equipment 500. 09 82.51 200. 00 907 Fire Hydrant Maintenance 200. 00 54. 70 200u 00 908 Volunteer Expense 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 90.9 Insurance 5W100 431. 17 500. 00 910 Auto Licenses 4,50 4. 50 7. 75 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 900A Auto E;7=pment, Parc se "Oa m0- 900. 00 9000 Fire Rose, Purchase 300. 00 -0- 300. 00 9000 Operating Equip. , Purchase 400. 00 288..71 400. 00 900D Fire Hydrants, Purchase 2" 000. 00 3,205. 00 -Ow 13,260. 50 12,537,43 15,433. 75 -8- Expemmded 195152 11 Mos. 1952-53 10.00 PARTS DEPARTMENT 1001 Salaries Supt, @ 477, 00 Moo 5, 724,.00 @ 500. OOMo 6, 000. 00 3 Men (Small Mowers) @ 47.96 wk. 78481.76 @ 51. 00 wk. 7, 956. 00 1 Maas. (Tractor @ 56. 59 wk. 2,942. 68 @ 60. 00 " 3, 120. 00 1 Truck Driver @ 56.59 wk, 2.942. 68 @ 60. 00 ,es 3,, 120. 00 4 Mea (Landscaping) 1 @ 60. 00 wk. @ 63. 00 3 @ 47. 96 wk, 10, 6010 76 @ 51. 00 11,2.32. 00 2 Men(Gen.Repair & Mech. ) 1 @ 69. 84 wk. @ 74. 00 1 @ 62, 34 60873. 36 @ 66. 00 e" 7, 280. 00 Overtime 52 Saturdays @ 15.00 -------------- 7W00 36,566, 24 32,,8880 30 39 488. 00 1002 Supplies, Office! 25. 00 24. 00 25. 00 1003 Communications 183. 60 196. 85 225. 00 1004 Light and Power 450. 00 403. 68 4"50. 00 1005 Water and Ice 290" 00 230. 37 290, 00 1006 Garage Expense 300. 00 1960. 62 300. 00 1007 Operati ig Equip. -Parts 1"500. 00 %227,79 1,500. 00 1008 Supplies& Gen. Operating 400. 00 463.48 450.00 1009 Tires & Tubes 600. 00 324. 75 500. 00 1010 Gasoline & Lubricants 10200. 00 1, 099. 72 1, 200. 00 1011 Auto Licenses 18. 00 18. 00 21. 25 1012 Insurance 1,600. 00 1, 687. 65 1. 806. 00 1013 Landscaping 2, 000. 00 1,246.86 la 500a 00 1014 Building Maintenance 400. 00 369. 30 400. 00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1000A Auto Equipment -0 moa 3, 500. 00 1000B Machinery and Tools 500. 00 527.51 1, 5000 0.0 1000C Buildings, Additions & Improvements 800.00 607, 63 800. 00 46,832. 84 41,512. 51 53, 949, 25 W9- Expended 1951-52 11 Mos. 1952-53 1101 WASTES DISPOSAL 1101 Salaries 4 @ 56.59 wk. 11, 770..72 5 @ 60. 00 wk. 15, 600, 00 8 @ 47. 96 it 19$951. 36 10 @ 51. 00 Q9 26$520. 00 1,,722; 08 28,,678.49a 1200 00 1102 Supplies$, Office 300. 00 328. 19 300. 00 1103 Comnmmications 0 1104 Light and Power �0- 1105 Water and Ice 290. 00 224. 02 290, 00 1106 Garage Expense �0. 1107 Auto Equipment Mainteno 1, 000. 00 1V 221.55 11500. 00 1108 Supplies, General Operating 100. 00 70.45 300.. 00 1109 Tires and Tubes 1,000. 00 960. 21 1, 000. 00 1110 Gasoline & Lubricants 2, 500. 00 10559. 10 3, 000. 00 1111 Auto Licenses 13. 50 14.50 25. 00 1112 Insurance 10550900 1, 387. 67 1, 750, 00 111.3 Disposal Ousts 5, 000. 00 4, 272.49 6, 000. 00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1100A Auto Equipment m0- 10, 500. 00 43$475. 58 38, 716. 66 66,.785. 00 1200 LOT CLEANING AND MOWING 1201 Salaries 2 @ 56.59 wk. 5,885. 36 5, 090. 93 (1+@ 60. 00) 4$441.. 18 1202 Operating Supplies-Mowing Blades, ice, etc. 300. 00 392,34 300. 00 1203 Gasoline & Lubricants 700.00 476. 13 550,.06 1204 Operating Equipment Parts Tractor Parts 300000 330. 73 300. 00 1205 Tires and Tubes 150. 00 38. 81 150. 00 1206 insurance 325. 00 477. 04 450. 00 1207 Reimburse Gem.. Fund for work done on Burke property 600. 00 600. 00 -0- CAPITAL OmCAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1200A Equipment, Purchase (Reserve for replacements) 1,200. 00 1,200, 00 800. 00 9,460. 36 8, 605. 98 6, 991. 18 m10 Expended 1951.-52 11 Mos, 195253 1300 STREET DEPARTMENT 1301 Salaries 1 @ 56.59 wk, 2,942e 68 @ 630 00 wk 3,276.. 00 1 @ 47. 96 " 2,493.92 @ 51.. 00 89 2, 652. 00 9,.436. 60 9, 031.26 5,928, 00 1302 Supplies, Office *0- 1303 Communications m0� 1304 Light and Power =0- 1305 Water and Ice 40. 00 26. 02 40, 00 1306 Garage Expense _0- 1307 Auto Equipment Maintenance 500. 00 18.46 50. 00 1308 Supplies, Gen, Operating 1,500. 00 628. 60 500. 00 1309 Tires and Tubes 100. 00 -0m 100. 00 1310 Gasoline & Lubricants 150. 00 127. 87 150. 00 1311 Auto Licenses 2. 25 2. 25 2. 25 1312 Insurance 330, 83 272. 67 300. 00 Compensation Public Liability Auto - 1313 Sidewalk Repairs 60000. 00 2. 076. 60 �0- 1314 Alley Repairs 100. 00 �0_ 100. 00 1315 Street Drains, Repairs -Om 1*0� -0- 1316 Street Signs, Repairs 100. 00 m0- 100. 00 1317 Paging Certificates 21,500, 00 20, 900, 00 33„ 950, 00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1300A Paving Streets wow m0- .0- 1300B Paving Alleys 19, 000, 00 19„ 0860 39 =0m 13000 Street Drains 3, 000,, 00 2,483. 31 #10- 1300D Street Signs 1, 000. 00 636. 65 -0- 1300E Right-of-way(Payment on 1"320. 00 -0- 1, 280. 00 Note) 593 6290 68 51,2900 08 42,5M25 -a Paving and drains to be done out of Improvement Loan on pledge of Power Franchise revenue, �11 Expended 1951-52 11 Mensa 1952-53 1400 RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1401 Salaries 1 @ 3, 600. 00 6 Mo. 275.00 6 " 300.00 3,450. 00 1 @ 1, 820. 00 (35. 00 wk) 37. 00 wk, 1, 924. 00 1 @ 2, 331.68 (44. 84 ) 48. 00 It 2.,496. 00 7, 751. 69 6,UK 33 7-1 7qo 0 1402 Supplies, Office 100.00 75. 73 100. 00 1403 Communications 159.00 159.95 180.00 1404 Light and Power 150. 00 148. 77 175. 00 1405 Water 120,00 171. 52 200. 00 1406 Supplies, General Operating (Largely game supplies) 700.00 455.58 800. 00 1407 Building Maintenance 200. 00 392.94 300. 00 1.408 Maintenance, Grounds & Play Areas 300. 00 238. 50 300. 00 1409 Transportation Expense 400.00 121.43 (Bus 400) (Car 300) 700. 00 141.0 Insurance 400. 00 172. 35 220. 00 Compensation. Building Liability Auto CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1400A P yground Equipment 00- -0� -0- 1460B Land Purchase (Payment on Note) 23857.50 2,576. 82 2,. 541. 37 1400C Improvements to Additional Areas 3, 000. 00 1,321, 50 3g, 000. 00 1400D Auto Equip. Purchase -0 -0- .0- 16. 138.18 12,500.42 16,3860 37 X12- Expended 195152 11 Mos. 1952-53 1500 MUNICIPAL COURT 1501 Fee Costs 1, 500. 00 1, 392. 00 10 7000 00 1562 Supplies 50. 00 72. 75 50. 00 In 550. 00 1,464. 75 1, 750. 00 1700 AUDITORS FEES 900. 00 900. 00 900. 00 1800 BONDS AND INSURANCE 1801 Blanket Bond, 350. 00 238. 96 250. 00 1802 Burglary Insurance 20.50 23.42 25. 00 370. 50 262. 38 275. 00 1900 STREET LIGHTS & POWER 1901 Burning Costs 11,494,50 9. 040. 34 44 OH @ 28. 50 1, 254, 00 184 OH @ 22. 50 ® 4, 140, 00 11 OH @ 24. 50 269. 50 127 WW @ 390 50 m 5, 016. 00 Two poles @ 20 00 4.00 Fuel 800 p 00 11 New- 20 @ 39. 50 20 @ 220 50 1,240, 00 12, 7230 50 128 7230 50 1902 Installation Costs -0- 2100 LIBRARY One mill less reserve for Discounts & Adjustments 18.0 500. 00 189, 500. 00 23, 836, 05 2200 CONTRIBUTIONS 420. 00 • 312. 53 550. 00 Red Cross., Humane Society, Xmas - Decorations, etc. 2300 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 400. 00 465. 88 525. 00 City Managers' Assoc, Information Service Municipal Finance Fla. League American City Mag, Natl. Municipal League Washington News Letter Flap Laws Police Assoc„ Fire Assoc. Dade County Police Amer. Planning Officials Assoc. 2400 ELECTION EXPENSE -0- -0.- 200. 00 2500 TAXES ON VILLAGE PROPERTY 100. 00 76p50 100. 00 2600 POSTAGE 900. 00 786.95 1, 200. 00 2700 EMPLOYEES INSURANCE -0- -0- Social Seco 4, 000. 00 2800 GEN. CONTINGENT FUND 11,4980 09 8,449.49 128 0440 51 TOTAL 366, 632.98 325, 847,66 418, 192. 69 Miami Shores Village BROCKWAY MEMORIAL LIBRARY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR AUGUST 1, 1952 TO JULY 31, 1953 EXPENSES.': Salaries Librarian (10 months) $ 3, 210. 00 Ass°t. Librarian .3, 175 a 00 Aide 2, 808. 00 Assistant 2, 604. 00 Clerk 2, 000. 00 Janitor 1, 000. 00 14, 797. 00 Janitor's Supplies 100. 00 Exterminator 60. 00 Interior Plants 24.00 Insurance 294° 85 Maintenance of Building 300. 00 Hurricane protection Re-webbing of furniture Equipment Catalog 751. 00 Library Supplies 600. 00 Periodicals 250. 00 Binding 500. 00 Books 5, 000. 00 Utilities Gas, Electricity, Water, etc. 750. 00 Contingency Fund 1, 409. 20 Total Expenses 24, 836, 05 REVENUE 1 Mill on net assessed value 23, 836. 05 Registration fees, fines, etc, 1, 000. 00 Total Revenue 24, 8360 05 -14- MIAMI SHORES COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET Acct Expended Proposed No, Budget Account 1951-52 11 Mos. 1952-53 GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE 5001 Salary w Manager 6, OOQ. 00 7, 789. 59 8, 500. 00 5002 Salary Secretary 2, 70Q. 00 2, 475. 00 2, 835. 00 5003 Salary - Clerk 11800. 00 1, Z49. 00 -), 200. 00 5004 Charges for Services rendered by the Village 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 5005 Air Conditioning Contract- Retirement -0- 4, 500. 00 50015-A Air Co .ditioning Service Contract -0- 600. 00 5006 Advertising 800. 00 840. 11 1, 500. 00 5007 Auto Expense 360. 00 330. 00 360. 00 5008 Entertainment 200. 00 123. 79 200. 00 5009 Dues & Subscriptions 1504 00 142. 80 150. 00 5010 Insurance & Bonds 3, 700. 00 4, 155. 33 3, 700, 00 5011 - Auditors Fees 600. 00 750. 00 750. 00 5012 Miscellaneous Expense 200. 00 148. 31 200. 00 5013 Tournament Expense 1, 200. 00 1, 259. 13 1, 200. 00 5014 Office.Supplies (new desk) 250. 00 217.40 500. 00 5015 Postage 300. 00 316. 77 400. 00 5016 Printing & Stationery 300. 00 235. 67 300. 00 5017 Telephone & Telegraph 750. 00 893. 18 1, 100. 00 5018 Overhead Expense (dances, etc,) 3, 000. 00 3, 694. 68 4, 000. 00 5019 Contingent Fund 3, 500. 00 1,941.45 3, 300.. 00 28A 810. 00 29, 5624 21 39,29�. 00 GENERAL GOLF COURSE 510 . Salary Pro 1, 800b 00 1, 650. 00 1, 800. 00 5102 Salary - Starters 3. 529. 95 3, 257.41 3, 529. 95. 5103 Salary - Rangers 750. 00 602. 00 1, 000. 00 5105 Drinking Fountain Operation 1,400. 00 1, 160. 55 1,400. 00 5106 Miscellaneous Expense 300. 00 279. 20 300. 00 5107 Printing & Stationery 5W00 28. 50 500. 00 5108 Supplies 200. 00 116. 94 200. 00 5109 Water - D. F. 40. 00 15. 47 40p 00 5110 Tel. & Tel, 10. 00 71. 78 -0, 8, 529. 95 7, 181, 85 8,769. 95 -15- Acct, Expended No. Budget Account 1951-52 11 Mos, 1952-53 GENERAL GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE 5201 Greenskeeper Salary -0- -0- -0- 5202 Salary - Asst. Greenskeeper 3, 372. 00 3, 142. 82 3, 540. 00 5203 Wages Greensmen 26, 500. 00 25, 682.. 15 28, 537. 00 5Z04 Salary • Mechanic 3, 372. 00 3, 112. 32 3, 540. 00 5205 Greens - Seed 1, 200. 00 993. 50 1. 200. 00 5206 Fertilizer 6, 000. 00 4, 515. 00 6, 000. 00 5207 Greens & Tees - Top Soil 11500. 00 1, 460. 25 1, 500. 00 5208 Re-conditioning 6, 000. 00 3, 777.40 -0- 5209 Repairs - Supplies 750.00 924. 83 750. 00 5210 Repairs - Trucks & Tractors 500. 00 412. 90 500. 00 5211 Repairs - Machines 750. 00 766. O1 750. 00 5212 Water Pump Maintenance (New Auxiliary Pump) 50. 00 54. 18 900..00 5213 Water Dose -0- 250. 00 5214 City Water 225. 00 154. 80 225. 00 5215 Insecticides 750. 00 1, 297. 01 1, 250. 00 5216 Electricity 180. 00 220. 83 275. 00 5217 Electricity - Water Pump 2, 000. 00 1, 589. 15 2, 000. 00 5218 Tires & Tubes 250. 00 177. 85 250. 00 5219 Gas & Oil 1, 800. 00 1, 543. 45 1, 800. 00 5220 Misc. Supplies & Expense 500. 00 964. 59 500. 00 5221 Storm Expense 500. 00 -0- -0- 5222 Telephone & Telegraph 275, 00 219. 80 275. 00 5223 Equipment Replacement - (New Mowers) -0- -.0- 21000. 00 5224 Sand for Traps -0- -0- -0- a 5225 Fillvor tees -0- -0- -0- 5226 Top Soil Fairways -0- -0- -0- 5227 Machine Rental 500. 00 -0- 250. 00 5228 Bridge Repairs 1, 800, 00 699. 10 1, 800. 00 5229 Extra Labor -0- -0 -0- 58, 774. 00 51, 7070 94 58, 092, 00 -16- Acct. Expended No. Budget Account 1951-52 11 Mos, 1952-53 CLUB HOUSE EXPENSE 5301 Salary - La.diesl Lockerroom Att, 1, 800. 00 1, 569. 50 1, 800. 00 5302 Salary Manns Lockerroom Atte 1, 452. 00 1, 359. 00 1, 525. 00 5303 Salary - Houseman 2, 421, 36 2, 236a 32 2, 542, 00 5304 Salary Maintenance 5, 500, 00 4, 977. 92 6, 592. 00 5305 Gardener - Salary -0" -10- -0- 53o6 Electricity 2, 000. 00 1, 685. 07 4, 500. 00 5307 Exterminating 100. 00 80. 00 10M0 5308 Fuel - Heating Water 500, 00 359. 68 500. 00 5309 Laundry & Linen 1, 3510. 00 907. 55 1, 350. 00 5310 Cleani-ng Supplies 1, 000. 00 886. 73 1, 000. 00 5311 Misc. Expense & Supplies 600. 00 446. 57 600. 00 5312 Gen. Repair & Maintenance 8, 000. 00 6, 820.28 5, 000. 00 5313 City Water 450. 00 270. 81 450. 010 5314 Kitchen - Silver, Dishes, etc. 1, 500. 00 1, 716. 52- 1, 500. 00 5315 Kitchen Repair & Maintenance 500. 00 329. 02 500. 00 5316 Drinking Water Lockerro®ms -0- mOm -0- 27, 173. 36 23, 644. 97 27, 9590 00 BAR ,OPERATION 5401 Salaries - Bartenders 3, 647. 36 3, Z76. 32 4, 170, 00 5402 Salaries m Bar Waitresses 1,543. 36 1, 642. 25 1, 800. 00 5403 Wages - Extra Party Help 1, 800. 00.. 1, 620. 50 1, 800. 00 5404 Ice 150. 00 176.46 200. 00 .5405 Electricity m0- m0- -0- 5406 Licenses & Taxes 1, 550. 25 1, 5650 25 1, 57Z. 25 5407 Laundry & Linen 75. 00 70. 12 100. 00 5408 Glassware Replacements 200. 00 101. 83 300. 09 5409 Misc. Exp. -Sugar, Cherries, Coasters, Napkins, Matches, (Cash register) 900. 00 562. 61 1, 500. 00 5410 Snack.Shack 750. 00 8.57. 82 1, 000. 00 10, 615. 97 9, 875. 16 12, 4420 25 -17- Acct. Expended No. Budget Account 1951-52 11 Mos. 1952-53 SWIMMING POOL..., EXPENSE 5501 Salary - Manager 2, 200. 00 2, 1270 39 21200. 00 5502 Salary - Life Guards 2, 840. 00 2, 154. 74 2, 840. 00 5503 Salary - Cashier 960. 00 810.00 960. 00 .5504 Contingent Fund -0m -0- -0- 5506 Miscellaneous Expense 400. 00 173. 83- 400. 00 5507 City Water 600.00. 443.82 600. 00 5508 Electricity 1, 800. 00 2, 164.59 1, 800. 00 5509 Chlorine '& :Disinfectants 11500. 00 976.50 11500. 00 5510 Laundry & Linen 100. 00 . 85. 100. 00 5511 Telephone & Telegraph -0W =0- �0m 5512 Painting & Gen. Maintenance 1, 500.00 1,486. 86 1, 500. 00 5513 Insurance 212. 60 28. 17 300. 00 5514 Advertising, Water Shows, etc. 200. 00 250.51 500. 00 12, 312. 60 10, 887. 26 12, 700. 00 TOTAL 146, 215. 88 132, 8590 39 159,258. 20 INCOME 6001 Daily Green Fees 70, 000- 00 66, 672.00 68, 000. 00 6002 Advance Green Fees 55, 000. 00 59, 934, 01 62, 000. 00 6003 Advance Swim Fees 6, 000. 00 4, 900. 00 5, 000. 00 6004 Cart Rental 4, 000. 00 3, 994. 00 4, 000. 00 6005 Locker Rental 2, 900. 00 1, 826. 00 2, 000. 00 6006 Club House Rental 1, 500. 00 1,520.50 2, 000. 00 6007 Party Income 1, 200. 00 2, 387. 25 2, 700. 00 6008 Dining Roam Concession .2, 500. 00 3,433. 10 4, 000. 00. 6009 Daily Swim Fees 3, 000. 00 3, 386.48 4, 000. 00 6010 Gross Bar Profit 35, 000. 00 35, 545. 87 42,500. 00 6011 Miscellaneous Income -0- 967. 04 11000. 00 TOTAL 1801200-.20 184, 566.25 197,200. 00 -18-