09-20-1949 Regular Meeting 187
September 20, 1949
A regular meeting of the Village Council of Miami Shores Village,
Florida, was held on September 20, 1949, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., at the Village
Hall, with the following Councilmen present:
George A. Frix, Mayor
Roy Mackenzie
William E. Carpenter
Michael J. Franco
Absent: M. E. Reynolds
Also absent was Mr. Anderson, Village Attorney.
Upon motion made by Mr. Mackenzie, seconded by Mr. Franco and
unanimously carried, reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting was
dispensed with and they were approved as written.
Concerning the development of the N.W. playground, Mr. Donaghey
presented a sketch for a proposed playground layout. It was his recommendation
that a shaded area for the smaller children be created first, with the purchase
of swings, slides, etc. and that the football and softball fields be built later
on. Council agreed that playground should be set back off the street a consider-
able distance so that there will be ample parking space and so that the noise will
not be annoying to the residents south of N. W. 111th St. Mr. Carpenter moved
that we accept Mr. Donaghey's proposal for the new playground, with an increased
set back, and that we authorize him to proceed after the equipment estimates
are approved by proper authorities. Motion was seconded by Mr. Mackenzie and
passed unanimously. The Mayor also stated that Mr. Byrd would be instructed to
have this land scarified and sodded as soon as possible.
The next item was in regard to the purchase of additional land for
playground purposes at the Community House. Mr. Pace, owner of one of the lots
to be purchased, had asked if the Village was still interested in acquiring it.
Mayor Frix stated that he had been informed by Mr. Hawkins that Bessemer Properties
would not be interested in selling their property until January, 1950 and he
suggested we inform Mr. Pace that the Village is still interested and will con-
clude the purchase as soon as possible.
The Building Inspector requested reappointment of the Planning Board
as follows: Irwin G. Redding
Frank J. Holt
James Voorhies
Roy Schneider
Thomas H. Teasley
By motion made by Mr. Mackenzie, seconded by Mr. Franco and unanimously
carried, all members of the Planning Board, as recommended,, were reappointed for
a period of one year.
In regard to the question brought up at the last meeting as to
whether or not admission fees at the Club are subject to Federal taxes, the
Village Attorney stated in a letter, that this point was pending a Supreme Court
The Mayor read a letter from the Cerebral Palsy Association in which
they requested that the Village issue a proclamation on Cerebral Palsy Week to
lend support to their -second yearly fund raising campaign. upon motion made by
Mr. Franco, seconded by Mr. Carpenter and unanimously passed, the Mayor was
instructed to issue this proclamation under the seal of the Village.
A request was made by Mr. Glen Smith for a street light at the
corner of N. E. 95th St. and 9th Pl. Mr. Carpenter moved that we approve this
street light, the exact location of which to be determined by the Chief of Police.
Motion was seconded by Mr. Mackenzie and unanimously passed.
The next item was in regard to bids on 1,000 ft. of fire hose. The
Chief stated 5 bids had been requested from which we received only 3 answers
which were as follows, for the specified hose: Miami Fire Equipment Co. - $1.28
per foot; Hector Supply Co. - $1.03, and Filer Equipment Co. - $1.00. Mr. Franco
moved that we accept the bid of the Filer Equipment Co. dated Sept. 20, 1949 for
1,000 ft. of 2J" hose at $1.00 per foot. Motion was seconded by Mr. Carpenter and
unanimously carried.
Mayor Frix brought up the question of the advisability of carrying
first aid kits in the Police cars which is not being done at the present time.
Council agreed that the Police should be able to administer first aid and that
kits should be carried in the Police cars. The Chief stated he would have the
kits replenished and replaced in the cars.
After an adjustment of Item No. 24 on the list of unpaid bills, Mr.
Franco moved they be paid as corrected. Motion was seconded by Mr. Carpenter and
passed unanimously.
One of the citizens present voiced a complaint about the fee of $1.75
that Mr. White is charging to carry children to school, since he had previously
stated that it would be less than $1.00 per week. Council stated a letter should
be written to Mr. White, quoting him that portion of the minutes of August 2, 1949,
telling him of the complaints from Village residents as to rates and asking him
to appear before the Council to explain why this increased rate is being charged.
A complaint was made concerning the residents on N. E. 109th St. between
Miami Ave. and N. E. 2nd Ave. who have placed markers across the parkways at the edge
of the street which causes parking in the street as well as blocking passage for
pedestrians since there are no sidewalks. This is to be referred to the Village Mgr.
It was requested by the Mayor that an estimate be secured on the cost
of laying a macadam strip on N. E. 103rd St. adjacent to the rock pit for a bicycle
right of way.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
APPROV D: ! Village Manager a6d Clerk