02-03-1948 Regular Meeting MWT39 OF RE ULAR MEETING
February 39 1948
A Regular Meeting of Miami Shores Village Council was
held February 39 1918 at 7s30 P.M• All. members of the Council were
present. Mr. Thomas H• Anderson, village attorneys was also present.
On motion made by Mr. McCaffrey, seconded by Mrs Frixs and
unanimously carried, Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Tanuary 200 1918
were approved as written.
Mr. Walkers President of the Golf Club Directors; Mr. McArthur,
Vice President; and Dick Branham- Club Managers discussed with the Council
the current operations concerning Saturday night dances and the possibil-
ity of serving food at night - one or two nights a week, Also,,. the ad-
visability of increasing membership dues. They reported that in the near
future they would make recommendation concerning the membership fees, in-
eluding social memberships to apply when the swimming pool is completed.
After these men lefts the Council further discussed the golf course and
upon motion of Mr. Frixs seconded by Mr. Pariahs and unanimously carried
Council instructed the Village Manager to contact Mr. Walker and Mr.
McArthur requesting them to submit within two weekss with their recommenda-
tions, the names of three citizens, one of whom will be appointed by the
Council as 3rd Vice President on the Executive Committee.
Mr. Parish moved that the Village establish an Occupational
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License of $10 per year for each milk truck delivering milk at retail
within the limits of the Village* Motion was seconded by Mr. McCaffrey
and unanimously carried.
Upon motion made by Mr. Frix, seconded by Mr. Parish* and
unanimously carried, Council denied a request for a license to sell beer
in a proposed restaurant on N.E. 2ad Ave. near 98th Street,
After some discussion concerning the consolidation of Dade
County and the City of Miami., meeting was adjourned*
Village Mane or and Clerk