VILLAGE COUNCIL - October 16, 1945
An adjourned meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council
continued from October 9 , 1945 was held at 7:30 P.M. on October
16, 1945 with all Council members present. The matter of an
operation plan for the Golf Course was taken up.
The Mayor asked each Councilman to present his plan of
operation. Mr. Reynolds stated that he would not offer a. plan in
view of the fact that he had read the proposed plan of Messrs Parish
and Kilburn and he favored said plan. Mr. Parish and Mr. Kilburn
offered their plan ,jointly.
Mr. McKee read a plan whereby the Council would appoint 12
men from among the freeholders of the Village to serve as a Board of
Directors to be fully responsible for the operation of the Course.
Mr. IJIcCaffrey read a plan whereby the Council would appoint
12 men to run the Golf Course. Q)
After some discussion an Ordinance was read incorporating u
the plan submitted by IJtessrs Parish and Kilburn. After some de-
letions and changes in the Ordinance upon motion made by Mr. Parish, o��
seconded by IJIr. Kilburn, Ordinance 149 was adopted. h� �
The Council unanimously approved the appointment of Mr.
Kenneth IJ:. Dunning as President of the Golf Club according to the
plans set forth in Ordinance 149.
Iter. Parish then moved that the Council go on record as re-
commending to those charged with the operation of the Golf Course
the use of the general plan submitted by councilmen Parish and Kil-
burn as a guide in formulation and operation of the Club. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Reynolds and carried il to 1 with Mr. McKee dissent-
ing. cztid Vv�r. l" cCa C-Croy not Voiin G—
Upon motion of Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. Kilburn, the
Village Manager was instructed to employ at the earliest practical
moment a capable Club IJlanager subject to the approval of the
The next business to come before the Council was the placing
of the Village insurance for the coming year and IJfr. Reynolds who
hed been appointed to study the insurance question reported that he
had no recommendation to make regarding any change from the present
Company writing the insurance, Frank 0. Pruitt being the Agent.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Village Manag r and Cler