07-10-1945 Regular Meeting MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING
JULY 10, 1945
The regular monthly meeting of Miami Shores Village
Council was held on July 10, 1945. All members of the Council
were present.
Minutes of a special meeting held at 9:00 o1clock a.m.
June 21st were read before the Council.
Minutes of a meeting held at 8:15 p.m. June 21st were
read and approved after correction.
Minutes of special meetings held on June 28 and June 30
were read and approved.
The first business to come before the Council was the
consideration of a proposed resolution authorizing the issuance
of $350,000 golf course bonds, but action was postponed until
the Village Attorney could ascertain the exact beginning date
of interest on said bonds.
Council received a letter from Bessemer Properties,
Incorporated, petitioning that Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 59,
Miami Shores Subdivision, be rezoned from Utilities (public
or private) to Industrial. The Council instructed that notice
be given of a public hearing on the matter, to be held on ,
July 27, 1945.
Upon motion of Mr. McKee, seconded by Mr. Reynolds,
the resignation of James A. Dixon from the Village Planning
Board was accepted.
July 10, 1945 - 2 -
The Council received a letter from the Miami Shores
Home Owners ? Association, expressing appreciation to the members
of the Council on the way in which they had acted in carrying
out campaign promises .
Letter received from Mr. G. E. Ramer, suggesting
methods of raising additional taxes was read and ordered filed.
Council denied an application from J. P. Foreman to
construct a storage room closer than 10 feet to the side line
of his property.
The Village Manager reported that investigation dis-
closed that there was no truth to the charge of a negress that
C. Simmons, Village Marshal had beaten her with a blackjack.
The Village Manager brought before the Council the
verbal request of C. Simmons, marshal, for a leave of absence
of three months, and recommended that "in view of the fact that
the Village marshal left his position on June 16,, 1945, without
prior notice to proper authority and in view of the fact that
he has now requested a three months ? leave of absence, I feel
it my duty to recommend, in order that proper police protection
may be provided for the Village, that I be authorized to employ
a new marshal to be confirmed by the Council. Upon motion made
by Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. McKee, Council unanimously
approved the recommendation of the Village Manager.
Upon motion made by Mr. Reynolds, seconded by Mr. Parish,
Council unanimously appointed Mrs . John G. Thompson to a five
year term on the Village Library Board.
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July 10, 1945 - 3
Current bills in the amount of $1870.61 were approved
and ordered paid. .
Council discussed the injunction suit filed by the
Brockway Post of the American Legion, and Mr. Parish moved that
the Village Attorney not only be authorized but instructed to
vigorously oppose the injunction suit brought by the American
Legion Post No. 124 on Lots 15 and 16, Block 30, Miami Shores
Subdivision, in the interest of maintaining status quo on the
property based upon the rescinding order of the Council. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Kilburn and carried four to one,
with Mr. Reynolds dissenting.
The Council then considered the tentative budget sub-
mitted by the Village Manager for the fiscal year August 1,
1945, to July 31, 1946 ., Upon motion made by Mr. McKee, seconded
by Mr. Kilburn, the Council unanimously approved the tentative
budget and designated July 27, 1945, as the date of a public
hearing to consider the various items of the budget.
There being no further business presented for discussion,
the meeting was adjourned.
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