12-14-1943 Regular Meeting7 MINUTES OF REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL -- December 14th, 1943. The regular monthly' meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on December 14th, with all members present except Mr. Earnest. Minutes of the meeting of November 9th were read and approved. Letters were received from Col. Musgrave and Mr. R. N. Lowry, they being present to discuss the Charter change in the tax lien date changed in 1941. After some discussion the Council ordered that letters be written to these gentlemen explaining the change. Mr. Welti and Mr. DeGraff, representing the Miami Shores American Legion Post, appeared before the Council and requested permission to erect a staff for the purpose of listing the names of Miami Shores men in the armed forces. Upon motion of Mr. Dooly, seconded by Mr. Reynolds, this request was unanimously approved. The Village Attorney presented the deeds from Bessemer Properties for the library and parks. Upon motion of Mr. Dooly, seconded by Mr. Dooly, these deeds were unanimously accepted and ordered properly recorded. The Council also instructed that a letter of appreciation be written to Bessemer Properties for the gift of the library site. The Village Manager was instructed to call a meeting of the Libary Board for the purpose of organization. The Village Attorney reported that he had appeared before Judge Barns in connection with a petition from the Golf Course Committee to borrow $5,000.00, and that Judge Barns had granted this petition. Upon motion of Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Dooly, the Council approved a retail liquor package store license at 8980 Biscayne Boulevard, with Mr. Reynolds dissenting. Upon motion of Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Dooly, the Village Manager was instructed to proceed with the street resurfacing in so far as money now appropriated would pay for. The Council instructed that no further action be taken on the house at 930 N. E. 92nd Street without its final approval. November bills in the amount of $4503.00 were approved and ordered paid. The Council appropriated $5.00 each for the Village employees' Christmas. After which the meeting was adjourned. 'a VillageManager(and Clerk APPROVED BY COUNCIL: 297 NOVEMBER - BILLS - 1943 Farrey's $ 44.37 Florida Fuel Oil 290.45 Florida Tractor & Supply Co. 86.85 General Tire Co. 35.62 Gas -011 Products 11.00 R. A. Gray 20.00 Ideal Southern Pictures 85.00 The International City Managers' Assoc. 1.80 Houser Company, Inc. 5.17 Belcher Oil Company 2,062.50 Berner -Pease 3.12 Bryant 7.45 Burley Welding Works, Inc., 5.00 Burrough's 21.60 City of Miami 81.00 East Coast'Equipment Co. 29.28 Eastern Sales Company 5.25 Frank Kremser Radiator Co. 5.00 Little River Press 14.25 Linde Air Products 3.54 Little River Hardware Co. 2.50 Miller Truck Equipment Co. 8.83 Milwaukee Dustless Brush Co. 9.90 Miami Review 5.00 Nolan -Peeler 1.15 Pan American Airway System 1.65 Patten Sales Company 21.77 Frank 0. Pruitt, Inc. 888.73 Renuart!s _ 28.38 Riggles Garage 13.65 Stanley's 18.30 Southern Lighting Supplies 40.00 Sinclair Refining Company 134.68 Turner's 25.90 Troup Bros. 15.45 Village Service Station 12:22 Eli Witt 9.96 $4,056.32 Cash $ 56.83 Florida Power & Light Company 333.73 Southern Bell Telephone Company 56.12 $4,503.00 298