11-09-1943 Regular Meeting57 MINUTES OF REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL-NOV.9, 1943. The regular monthly meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on November 9th, with all members present as were the Village Manager and Village Attorney. Minutes of the meeting of October 12th, 1943, were read and approved. Upon motion of Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Reynolds, Ordinance No. 127 was passed by a 4/5 vote, Mr. Dooly dissenting. Said ordinance is entitled: AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE HEIGHT OF HEDGES AND SOLID PLANTINGS, REQUIRING THAT ALL PLANTINGS BE PROPERLY TRIMMED AND MAINTAINED, PROVIDING FOR NOTICE IN THE EVENT OF VIOLATION THEREOF, PRESCRIBING PENALTTES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF AFTER NOTICE, AND REPEAL- ING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. Upon motion of Mr. Dooly, seconded by Mr. Arnold, Ordinance No. 128, was unanimously passed, said ordinance being entitled: AN ORDINANCE SUSPENDING THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE REGULATIONS PROVIDED BY THE OPERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 119 OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE WHICH ORDINANCEIS ENTITLED:"AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO SCREENOUT, BLACKOUT AND AIR RAID REGULATION; DEFINING TERMS; PRESCRIBING REGU- LATIONS FOR ALL LIGHT IN MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE AND UPON VEHICLES SITUATE THEREIN; PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS FOR OUTDOOR FIRES AND REQUIRING PERMISSION THEREFOR; GIVING THE VILLAGE MANAGER AUTHORITY TO APPOINT SPECIAL POLICEMEN AND ESTABLISH MILITARY AND UNSAFE ZONES; DEFINING THE POWER AND MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION OF SPECIAL POLICEMEN; EXEMPTING THE VILLAGE AND INDIVI- DUALS FROM CERTAIN POSSIBLE LIABILITIES; PERMit- TING AUTHORIZED PERSONS TO ENTER PREMISES TO EXTINGUISH PROHIBITED LIGHTS; PRESCRIBING MOVEMENTS AND REGULATIONS FOR VEHICLES AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC AND EXCEPTIONS THERETO; RE- QUIRING ALL PERSONS TO SEEK SHELTER DURING .BLACKOUTS AND AIR RAID ALARMS; PROHIBITING UN- AUTHORIZED USE OF CERTAIN UNIFORMS, INSIGNIA, IDENTIFICATION CARDS, OR MISREPRESENTATION OF AUTHORITY; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY AND PERMISSIVE VOLUNTARY PAYMENTS OF FINES FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; DECLARING THIS TO BE AN EMERGENCY MEASURE"; AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE MANAGER OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BY PROCLAMATION TO INVOKE, ENFORCE AND EFFECT SAID ORDINANCE NO. 119 AND TO CANCEL THE SUSPENSION THEREOF; DECLARING THIS TO BEAN.EMERGENCY MEASURE. Upon motion of Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Earnest, Ordinance No. 129 was unanimously passed, said ordinance being entitled: AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE SEIZURE STORAGE AND SALE OF AUTOMOBILES FOUND ABANDONED UPON ANY OF THE PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGHWAYS OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA. The Village Manager and Attorney were instructed to draw a proper deed of conveyance for the property known as: SW* of the NE* of the NW* of Section 38, Township 52 South, Range 41 East, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, containing 10 acres more or less, said land being a part of Bay View Terrace and comprises Blocks 3 and 4 of that subdivision recorded in Plat Book 8 at Page 129 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. This land having been acqired by tax foreclosure through error. A letter of appreciation was received from the American Legion Post 124, and same was ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Reynolds, seconded by Mr. Arnold, Mr. Ernest Doll was nominated a member of the Library Board to serve the five year term. Upon motion of Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. 00 JohnG. Thompson was nominated to serve the one year term on the Library Board. The Village Manager was instructed to investigate the matter of selling about 25 acres of the nursery land as to price, and it was requested that Mr. Dooly look over this land with the Village Manager. Upon motion of Mr. Dooly, seconded by Mr. Arnold, all fines over six months old were to be charged off the records. Upon motion of Mr. Dooly, seconded by Mr. Arnold, it was unanimously approved that the Village be represented at the Florida League of Municipalities Meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 7th and 8th, in Jacksonville, Florida, and that sufficient money be appropriated for same. Audit report for the period ending July 31, 1943, was approved. Letter was received concerning.. the Recreational Conference in Tampa on November 16-18, but no action was taken. Upon motion of Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Dooly, bonds in the amount of $1924.00 were to be sold and the proceeds transferred to the general funds of the Village. The Village Attorney was instructed to protect the interests of the tax payers at the Golf Course hearing Friday morning, Nov.l2th. Upon motion of Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Dooly, October bills in the amount of $2628.72 were approved and ordered paid. After which the meeting was adjourned. Village Manager and Clary A - 29P, OCTOBER - BILLS - 1943 Belcher Oil .Company $ 334.52 Biscayne Chemical 10.00 Bryant Office Supply Co. 16.55 Burdines 24.00 Burley Welding Works 11.55 Callaghan & Company 12.00 City of Miami 81.00 Alfred Destin 14.00 Dixie Tire Company 52.04 East Coast Equipment Co. 26.46 Eastern Sales 17.50 Electrical Equipment Co. 8.06 Filer Equipment Company 94.40 Florida Tractor & Supply Co. 20.05 Gas -Oil Products 3.20 International City Managers' Assoc. 4.05 Hector Supply Co. 34.20 Little River Hardware 4.95 The Linde Air Products 5.73 Maule Industries 16.40 The McBee Company 65.26 Miami Parts & Springs 84.85 Nolan -Peeler 136.42 Patten Sales 14.80 Frank 0. Pruitt 462.11 Railey-Milani 20.13 Renuart'Lumber Yards 17.24 Sinclair Refining Co. 162.10 Tripura Products Co. .50 Turner's 18.45 The Trutred Tire Company 5.25 Cash 59.11 $1,836.88 0...M. Magnuson $ 315.00 Western Union 1.06 Florida Power & Light Co. 336.17 Southern Bell Telephone Co. 56.28 Bessemer Prop. 83.33 $2,628.72 (0@'