10-12-1943 Regular Meeting55 MINUTES OF' MONTHLY MEETING OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL OCTOBER 12, 1943. The regular monthly meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on October 12th, with all members present except Mr. Earnest. Minutes of the meeting of September 21st were read and approved. An appeal to the Council to overrule the Planning Board in denying a permit to reconstruct an old house at 930 N. E. 92nd Street, was received. Mr. Lyons, attorney, represented the prospective owner of this property. After some discussion upon motion of Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Dooly, the appeal for a permit was unanimously denied. Upon motion of Mr. Dooly, seconded by Mr. Reynolds, the Council denied temporary permission to Robert L. Graham to use the ground floor of a building in the B-1 section for residential purposes. The Village Attorney presented two proposed ordinances concerning the height of hedges, but action was postponed. The Village Attorney presented deed forms from Bessemer Properties on the lots for the library site, park and public building lots purchased from Bespemer Properties. Upon motion of Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Dooly, the Council instructed that the Village Attorney draw an ordinance accepting the deeds with the request that the word "German" be sf1.1 ken out of the deed to the library site. R:> In compliance with previous instruction the Village Manager reported to the Counc1il that it would take about 0500.00 56 to make surveys and prepare plans for a sewer system in the Village. The Council instructed the Village Manager to make a survey of the condition of all streets in the Village and to prepare a program as to repairing of those streets in need of attention at this time. Upon motion of Mr. Reynolds, seconded by Mr. Arnold, the Council approved the Village Manager action in loaning a Village tractor to Bessemer Properties during an emergency on their grove properties. Discussion of the audit report was postponed. Upon motion of Mr. Dooly, seconded by Mr. Arnold, September bills in the amount of $2118.61 were approved and ordered paid. Upon motion of Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Dooly, the Council instructed that the Village liability insurance be renewed with the firm of Frank 0. Pruitt, Inc. After which the meeting was adjourned. Village �Man9ge74nd Clerk/ 53 SEPTEMBER - BILLS - 1943 Bryant Office Supply $ 9.35 Burley Welding Works 7.50 Belcher Oil Company 58.00 City of Miami 250.00 City of Miami 81.00 Central Press 80.15 East Coast Equipment 8.21 Electric Equipment Co. 22.60 M. B. Garris 65.00 Jack Humphreys, M.D. 23.00 Ideal Southern Pictures 80.00 Houser Company, Inc. 4.60 The Linde -Air Products .62 J. L. Logan 15.00 Miami Shores Pharmacy 28.42 Mid -City Radio Shop 12.50 Miami Water Company 10.84 Nolan -Peeler Motors 27.25 Ring, Mahony & Arner 200.00 Railey-Milani 13.68 Renuart 30.43 Renuart 5.71 Sinclair Refining Co. 181.41 Turner's Sport Shop 143.75 Sherwin-Williams 1.10 Town of N. Miami 11.00 Truted Tire Co. 24.50 Turner-Frix 79.02 Wardlaw Oil Co. 35.20 Cash 97.34 Troup Bros. 15.45 01,622.64 Bessemer Prop. $ 83.34 Wally Wright 15.00 Florida Pouter & Light Co. 331.05 Southern Bell Telephone 66.58 $2,118.61