11-14-1939 Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL Nov. 14, 1939 The regular meeting of the Miami Shores Village Council was held on Tuesday Evening, Nov. 14, 1939, at 7:30 P. M. in the Village Office. Present were Mayor Kitson, Councilmen Frank 0. Pruitt, John J. Lindsey Stanley Milledge, W. Meade Stockdell, the Village Attorney and the Village Clerk. Minutes of the meetings. of Oct. 31st, Nov. 2nd and Nov. 4th were I read and approved. The first business to come before the Council was the consideration of the reply from Bessemer Properties to Mayor Kitson's letter of November 9th� and it was unanimously decided to postpone discussion of these letters until Friday, November 17th, at a Special Meeting, copies of Mr. Kitton' s letter and Bessemer Properties' reply being attached to and made a part of these minutes. a The next matter of business presented wasj etter from Mr. E. W. Nice submitting preliminary drafts of codes and ordinances in compliance with the agreement made between Mr. Nice and the Village, and it was decided to hold a public hearing on Mr. Nice's proposals Tuesday night, Nov. 28th, in the Community House. At this point of the meeting some of the creditors for the Golf Course materials asked that they have an opportunity to know what the letter from Bessemer Properties contained, action upon which had been postponed. Upon motion made by Mr. Milledge and seconded by Mr. Lindsey, unanimously carried, the Village Manager was instructed to make mimeograph copies of this letter for any creditor who might request a copy. ` A proposed new Occupational License Ordinance was presented and after discussing each item contained therein and after some corrections upon motion by Mr. Lindsey and seconded by Mr. Stockdell, the Council unanimously adopted Ordinance No. 91, copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Upon motion made by fir. Lindsey and seconded by Mr. Milledge, the Council authorized issuance of Deed of Conveyance to the Denman Construct- ion Company, owners of Lots 1 and 2. Block 21, El Portal, in order to eliminate a cloudy title created by 1932-33 Tax Foreclosure Suit which was later settled out of court and taxes paid in full. The next business to come. before the Council was the recommendation of the Planning Board that a proposal to resubdivide Block 4, Lots 10 to 14 inclusive, Miami Shores Subdivision� be approved so that there would a be two 72 ft. lots and two 64 ft. lots, instead of the present arrange- ment on the Record Plat, and after some discussion, on motion made by Mr. Lindsey and seconded by Mr. Pruitt, the Council unanimously declined to approve said proposal. 1 Upon motion made by Mr. Pruitt and seconded by Mr. Lindsey the Council , by 4/5ths vote, declined to approve the Planning Board's I " recommendation that a house be permitted to face the long dimension of the corner lot, Lot 1 and the West 1/2 of Lot 2, Block 1, Miami Shores Subdivision- and another house to face the wrong way on lot 10 and part of Lot 11, Block 4,Mr. Milledge voting "no" on this motion. Upon motion made by Mr. Pruitt and secondee! by Mr. Lindsey, October bills in the amount of $2806.24 were approved and ordered paid, a list of same being attached to and made a part of these minutes. After which the meeting was adjourned. � G V Manege and Cler A�PPR�IBYHE COUNCIL: ayor November 9, 1939 Mr. Roy H. Hawkins Bessemer Properties, Inc. 1317 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, Florida Dear Mr. Hawkins: I feel there may be a common meeting ground with your people and the Council in regard to the Golf Course matter. It seems to me that, after sober reflection, all parties can still arrive at a solution. With this idea in mind I am suggest- ing to you that you submit in a written form to the Council a financial program regarding whether or not you will be able to carry on with the Golf Course. Personally, I feel that your people will be in a position to offer us a sound program and I am in hopes you will submit a proposition whereby all of us caH proceed without delay. Sincerely yours, FSK:F F. Scott Kitson, Mayor k 1317 Eic`cayne Boulevard Hi ami N'ove.mber 14, 1939 Pair. F. Scott Kitson, 11ayor P�iami Shores Village Florida Dear Pair. Kitson: Reply .ng to your letter of laove.aber 9th, this is to advise that Be^sc__ner Prooei'ties is now and has always been willing to assist the Villa .;o in its fi_ a cine of the golf course project. It is our underst- :.ding t1iat t'_e Village has incurred debts in connection with the project which at this titin it is unable to ditic r�rc., and ti°r . t you ,could like to 1>now is on what basis can be borrowed. This is to advise that: Posscricr Proportic,:� will loa.-_- a siz., equal to all the oxPor_diturOs for labor and and deliver. ed uL t0 nd ii7Cli'l_1,n%: Octobc� 1 , i93 i, ;?ilC ''rCrT� ":'iO�Tf:<1 by John 1I. Carlisle, T. J. Ellis Roy E . r: avr] :i_�_s, or Carlisle and _Hlaw1.i s, W'l'Ll0 1CLi F.: oIf t 'o `"0l1` CO1'.1,30 COii1':1t1;CC, iC'_ Sum w,` ; undorsta.nd. to -u :'T'J L 1L:t :1; ,33,000.00 to- lit:r %rith a alu:1 equal to t;"i aY, of- t of ccivcrs t ccrti- iic_.t.c,. out:,�tandln< <at -;;hc tli"1'3 of t,hc d_is3_harz< c of the rcc iv i's, cs : .cr :'re ^.rc;ed to advc.i-icc to thy; rocoiv,rs, on _pro �cr Cou:,.,t a u.thori.z_.tiur_ (.1 rccci.vcr ' certificates, suf.' '�cicnt at1;1:. to ut t:_"c to3_f colrsc :nd club house it O"oc'ratiUP, inch,.:d _1"l'; an, o-prratinr, fund; the tct-:.l of these surra to be sec,-Oed b- a sce.cr.d only to the prescr_t P-^oportio3 and. Ethel t hauh, this l.ort ;r. "o to l:;c lion of-1v on tho golf course, club house, cq i ,-cnt arC} itE rcvontes, :with interest at tho rat, of 5,1 per iY1r.:u i, 1 aturiZ� on or before; fiftocr_ Nears after d-.te, and _ :,-a 7_o solcl­� fi'c it the rcv(1-,Yi ,c of tele golf COLTS.;' ,___fid �c club houso, and not 1.''1 any way it ,�air_n. t'r_c crcd.it or t rr r the Villas c. This r.lo:c'tgaE;, is to )rovidc t'.iat : g of t:: 7 _ort� ,•o, ti-.c Colf courso urn tie laic �. nd clai) 1" cusc; and its :.cc.`U ;iJY i ,rill-- be oporatcd y Jo .n 4. C�.i°1, lc, G'cor c m. Glar1 c d i�oya. 1c ,, - 1ia;.lLins, TL°ustccs fo,., t1­'o 'chis :--.ort- <;c, r%owcr in thio `_�i—ac'cccs to 3:'2.11 vacancies in their arc r:.o i; to roccivo any cor ;c}:s .'�i ;r1 for t .cir sc"�''viccr� bt;t arc to rocoivo ny in connec- r: tion t'ze r duties . Bo Tb_c Trusto,,s wi L filo- runo-rts of rccci-ot,; and- disburs » r.t � each -zir:ot,, C_a ,Ts c.nd i ,1)rov:7.1 of Council s�:. .l� rcGu�rcu of t1.c act: the VilL, of t1.c Trustc," s . Ci. 1�Y1'" < F1r117_'1<`ii _V0._1Jt �_C ab0 Ve p r::1C nt r qu �r(. O�_ 1C __i`., _ C:�. _:r dortE ,:�0 _., e t0 ]_)ot 1,C1'ta ''c, f irst to oss D. Tf t ny tii:c t: _st:;c e, :_a1;. n)+ -r.f:.vc on hand .f;'i_cl . a f' _ t r _, c� tic; c r,r ::tion of the C O o _ r, i- S ' �'S_. �.aC; I�CL�_ t ., d .._l1- ,,­� 1-,"-1U Cr:.' OT t1 O4L. t` nccc s_-,ry 0.,0 r"4-e r, c_fu:-,/ ,..�ti � ri'._'a.: Irl; Ley 1.n colf PTa�ror I,Tr. F. Scott Kitson, November 14, 1939 Page -2- E. The r.iortgago is to contain a default clause providing that in o vont th,.c golf course is not maintained and operated for a period of :,ninety days, the whole az:zount will bocoilo due and payable and the rlortg,.So clay be foreclosed and tl-c property sold. F. In addition to the above, the form and -onoral torrls of this '-lortgag c arc to be substantially in the same form as the e1 iotin; first mortg"ge and it is to be approved by t'ic attorneys for Besserlor Properties . G. This r:ortg_.&o is to be su.braittod to the vote of the freeholders of Kiami Shoros Villaro for approval and no funds will be advanced izntil this approval is given. 2. An aEroei:lcnt shall be oxccutod, ae_olying to the first mortgage held by Bessemer Properties , providing that the pay- riont due under the existing Posscr..ier Prep�_;rtics 1 »ortgago on October 1, 1939 shall be extcr:de '_ ur.ti.l October 1, 1940, and each of the subsequent pavoionts �:rovided i-:1 said existing �.ortgagc are to be doforrcd one -,ear be;;rond. their present duo d tos . If any payment e to, _d_ec1 is ilk t mado, the mortga;�o iaay bo foreclosod and .!-,all. ?iavc all the rights provided in s.,-:.id ,._ort �c nd vr _ 1.cr.:cntal agree- -2. This agrocr11ont is to, beta=:e cf�'cctive za_ on the approval of the now second. _;tort` c.; c to P)csc Properties by a veto of the froohcldcrs, L- ad , _ cn ai:.' oved the ponding slit will be disrzissed without .,arc ju.d.ico. 3. The Villago i.s to pav o.11 bills incurred for labor .nd atorials furni s-_cd a, d delivered --into, the di chare,o of the golf course coTL1. ittoo on 13, 1939, until the tiro of the appointricnt of the Reccivcrs , and also to pay the fce of Bessomor Properties ' attorneys incurred in connection with the foreclocuro suit, togothor Frith cost;, of court. TJ'.iis offer is to be accepted within t1-rcc days from date and is r.iade as a furthor ovidenco of Besse Aer Properties r villin ncss to cooperate with the Villag'o Council and not to be construed in any way as ac.nittir)g any .liability for the debts incurred by the Village, and. is -iado i'rithout prc jud.ico to its right-- u- d,_,r the o,1=icon; ?ort €'..',e and its �agroe _.ents m—de wil th the Villago -.nd tho W.P.A. dated 1 arch 25, 1939 and April 26, 1939. z,,>i i::s ver;;.. truly, EES")'Ill:.1H PR��11D tT%ES, I+'rCORPORATED D77 H.9 Hlawkins RHH:dc November 14, 1939 Honorable :payor and Councilmen Miami Shor�o:s Village, Florida Gentlemen: In accordance with my proposal to you of ' September l..cath and subsequent OrdinF;.ice :tio. 90 accenting sane, I am pleased to hend you herewith the following. 1. Preli-Angry Draft of "Zoning Code and Preliminary Draft of tiia Zoning slap. 2. Preliminary Draft of Plumbing Code. 3. Preliminary Draft of electrical Code. The Preliminary Draft. of the Building Code will be completed within the next two weeks, May I suggeet, in connection with the 'reliBinary Drafts submitted herewith, a lapse of at r least one week be provided for the necessary hearing,- and earing.and suggestions before final passage of the Ordinances. In connectin with these Preliminary Drafts, may I call your special attention to the fact that they are quits cozprehensive and contain many details, some of which if deleted will iuntno wcly affect the general prov- isions of the code. I have completed the rel i.-,Untx ry Draft of the Village ?Qap and h&ve obtainer' a figure of ' 70.00 for the revising and bringing to date the present Village Map Tracing. In connection , ith the revision of the Village ainp, may I suggest that the following, changes in street nares be adopted : t� T ^ ` Page - 2 1. Miami :venue to Miami Shores Drive. 2. 11 , ;` * Ist :,venue to ' oore' s boulevard 3. ,s. W, 2nd >venue to extern Road 4. Nest Railrogd ,venue to 'East Golf Drive 5. '.'est 1�allroad Avenue to test Golf T;rive 6. East a ixle Highway to Gordon Drive 7. N, B. 4th nve. Load to Church Road £3. 1d. L. 5th Ave. Road to :'ark }toad I would further suggest that all Northeast tnd "orthwest prefixes be elLllnated and `.,"est and I'+est Huffixes be added instead. Your approval of these changes or your suggestions should be received before revision of the grillage Map. Your approv€zl of the 't'�70.0G it© a for the revision of the present Village `ap Is necessary before the drafts- an can proceed With this --ork. Respectfully submitted, Eb'VERBTIL W. NICE a: :F Municipal Consultant VILLAGE BILLS - October, 1939 N. Berner-Pease, Inc. Acct. 56 - Parkway Repairs & Parts: 2-1 MO 49 Belts, 1-M048 Belts, #95193 2.66 Parts for Spraying Machine. Acct. 56 - Parkway Repairs & Parts: 1-AC Coil, #96108 1.40 2-C7 - Plugs, #97151 .82 4-0 Com. Champ Plugs, #99439 1.80 5-Rim Bolts, 5-R Nuts .75 7.43 Acct. 33 - Police General Car Repairs 2-5433 Brass H - Police Car, #96730 2.24 9.67 Belcher Oil Co. Acct. No. 7 - General Street Improvement Fund 50 Gal. Cut-Back Asphalt, #788-R 7.50 50 rr " " " , #847-R 7.50 15.00 Baker Insurance Agency,Ine. Acct. 24 -Workman' s Compensation Insur. Policy UB120378 - The Travelers 396. 34 e Acct. 28 - Fleet - PL/PD 10/20/5M Police FA 493103 - The Travelers 787.87 Acct. 29 - Public Liability $5/10M Policy DE 95981 - The Travelers 150.79 1335.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Acct. #80 - Misc' 1. Supplies - Printing & Stationery 2-Typewriter Ribbons 1.20 City of Miami Account No. 34 - Two-Way Radio Service 50.00 Account No. 80 - Fire Protection, T hird Quarter, 1939 250.00 300.00 Cunningham's Sporting Goods, Inc. Acct. 74 - Recreational Dept. Equipment & Misc' l. Supplies 1-Football, 12 doz. Schuttles, #27305 4.75 Division of Shops & Wastes Acct. No. 72 - Garbage Disposal 79.10 Dixie Tire Co. Acct. 32 - Police T ire Replacements 4-600 - 16 Seiberling Safety Tires 67. 68 Less 4 tires off of Pontiac 4.00 63.68 The Electrical Equipment Co. Acct. 56 - Parts for Whirlwind Mower: 1-29029 B&S Rod, #D02926 1.88 2-Bearings, 1-Piston, 1-Pin, 4- Gaskets, Inv. D03132 4.43 2-B & S, #D02947 1.28 7.59 Parts for Briggs & Stratton Engine, Inv. D03445 7.65 15.24 Florida Tractor & Supply Co. Acct. 66 - Lot Cleaning -Equipment Repairs: Inv. 13563 - 1-C rank etc. 3.00 Inv. 13614 - Misc' 1. Parts 2.00 5.00 J Florida Power & Light Co. Acct. 13 - Office Lights 7.04 Acct. 14 - Garage Lights 10.40 Acct. 15 - Community Housb Lights 1.18 Acct. 16 - Traffic Light -N.E.2 & 96th 5.60 Acct. 17 - " rr Bisc.Blvd & " 6.72 Acct. 18 - " " N.E. 2nd & 89th 6.72 Acct. 22 - Street Lights 286.40 324.06 Mr. Foster's Store Acct. 80 - Misc' 1. Office Supplies Inv. 18529-47 - R epair Pen .50 1-Bx. Blue Pencil Carbon 1.50 1- r' Carbon 3.50 1-Fountain Pen 3.50 9.00 Fountain Pen returned - Credit-3.50 5.50 Acct. 79 - Tax Roll Supplies Inv. 12440 -16 1 spc Binder 4.90 Acct. 82 - Misc' l. Office Equip. Inv. 13657-23 - 6-1510 Pronto Files 12.00 Acct. - Spc. Appropriation B1dg.Dept. Inv. 12440-38 500 Large Envelopes 11.00 60 Legal Manila Guides 1.80 500 - 5x8 C ards 1.25 15 - Ft. Clear Indexing 5.25 19.30 Less C mdit for return -5.25 14.05 Inv. 15724 -9 30 #8159 Folders .90 " 15724-16 - 30 #8159 .90 38.25 Gresham Stationery Co. Acct. 80 - Misc'l. Office Supplies 200 I115 Ledger Sheets 2.50 1 Bx. #4905 W. Pads 2.50 1-7078 B. Eraser .10 5.10 Harmond Inc. Acct. Special Appropriation Bldg. Dept. Inv. 5729-A 2-Blue Prints .72 1-Copy of each plat B-4, 3-112 6-1292 6-130, 39,41,10-60 , 4.50 5.22 Inv. 4978-A - 1 Plat 35-4n . .75 Inv. 19617-A 1-20 Yd Roll Tracing paper 3.20 Inv. 1.9626-7 .75 9.92 Hector Supply Co. Acct. 56 - Parkway Repairs & Parts SD2615 - 6 Cu 126A-Shaft 4.50 6 Lu 25A - Bushing 1.80 6-3/4 Nuts .30 2-65126 Governor Spring .30 Freight .15 7.05 SD ALU81B Adj . Screw __ 1.10 2-ALU 77A Adj. Screw 2.00 Freight .10 3.20 Bal. Forward 10.25 SD2969-11-CU110 B Knife Screws .55 1-LU 11E Bed knife Bar 7.25 Freight .68 8.48 SD-3141 - 2 Rockwood Pulleys 3.10 21.83 Acct. 59 - Pkwy. Shrubbery Trees & Soil - SD-2646 1-Case Arsenate Lead 5.52 26656 - 2 Cases Arsenate of Lead 11.04 16.56 38.39 Little River Hardware Co. Acct. 55 - Parkway Mis.c'l. Supplies Inv. 22940 - 1-50' Steel Tape 3.00 Acct. 54 - Pkwy. Misc'1. Tools 4 - LH RP #7 C. Shovels 6.00 2-LBSP #2 it " 3.00 9.00 Acct. 66 - Lot Cleaning Repairs Inv.22419-50 1/4x1 Cap Screws .83 50 - b/4 x 1 Sq.Nuts .50 1.33 Acct. 56 - Parkway Repairs & Parts Inv.22946 - 2 doz.3/16 x 1/2 Screws .24 2 doz. 3/16 Washers .10 .34 A ect. 71 - Garbage Cans Inv. 22443 - 6-416 Garbage Cans 9.00 22.67 Little River Press Acct. 80 - Misc'l. Printing 1000 Driver' s Licenses 9.25 1000 E nvelopes 6.50 750 Delinquent Tax Statements 5.90 Return Address on 1500 Envelopes 3.50 1000 Bldg. Permits in Triplicate 17.50 1000 Applications for Bldg. hermits 16.00 1000 " " Plg. Permits 16.50 1000 it " Electrical " 16.50 91.65 Moore Furniture Co. Acct. 82 - Office Equipment Inv. 1.3021 -1 3-9075 C.B. Armchairs #40 Webb 34.50 Inv. 13021-1 2-9075 CB Armchairs #48 Web 23.00 57.50 Maule Industries Acct.7 - General Street Improvement Fund Inv. 31053 - 2 Yds Sand Asphalt 10.50 it 34925 - " " it If 10.50 21.00 Miami Review Acct. 80 - Misc' 1. Printing & Supplies 1 years subscription to Miami Review 5.00 Orange State Oil Co. Acct. 58 - Gas & Oil 315 Gal.Gas, Inv. 37855 45.67 480 " It , Inv. #41416 74.40 315 " ,r Inv. 41971 48.82 168.89 Railey-Milam Inc. Acct.54 - Parkway Tools 2-snaths, 1-Scythe, 2 eye hoes, 2 eye hoe handles, Req. 1171 6•2D Acct.71 - Garbage C ans - 2-doz. Garb- age cans, Req. #1172 35.00 41.20 Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc. Acct. 59 - Parkway Shrubbery, Trees I Soil : 2 bags limes, #9191 1.00 3 bags finish lime, #1191 1.95 2.95 Acet. 75 - C ommunity House 4-cans Floor Cleaning Compound, #9972 3.00 1-# Putty, 1-pc. Glass, # 9318 .53 3.53 Acct. 7 - General Street Improv. Fund 100 lin. ft. 1x4 Cyp. , 1-G al. O.S. White 5.23 5-bags Cement, Inv. #11256 3.50 50# Docor. dater-proofing, #9386 3. 38 12.11 Acct.. 80 - Mise' 1. Supplies: 1-Box Corr. Fasteners, 1x6 #2 Cyp. , 1x2 #1 Cyp. , 5# 6d Fin. nails, 2" wood chisel,#11155 7.50 12 sheets Sandpaper, #11165 .20 7.70 26.29 Sinclair Refining Co. Acct. 58 - Gas & Oil 6- Gal. Penn. Lt.Med. , Inv.43535 3.60 6- Gal. " " ", 25 Opa Cup Gr.#3, Inv. 43888 5.5 50 gal. superflame Kerosene, #44209 4.25 100 if " Fuel #2 Lt.Med. ,#44453 8.00 6-Gal. Penn.Med. Hvy. , 6-Gal. Penn.Lt. .13.0-r Med. , # 44828 7.20 281" Sayres Pharmacy Acct. 80 - Office Misell. Supplies 4-Light Bulbs, Req. 1200 .65 1-Package Moth Flakes, Req.1016 .15 .80 Acct. 75 - Community House 1-Light Bulb •20 Acct. 42 - Traffic Signs & Signal Maint. 1-#150 Lt. bulb, Req.1015 .20 1-#150 " T' " 1030 .20 .40 1.40 Spies Service Station Acct. #39 - Police Gas & Oil 10/7 Lube Job, Ticket 13 .50 10/16 It rt I tt 9 .50 1029 ft rt, it 29 .50 1.50 Acct. #33 - Police General Car Repairs: 1-head li§ht, Ticket #1 .25 1- if , It #16 .25 .50 2.00 Warner V. Des Rocher, Inca Acct. #56 - Karkway Repairs & Parts Machine work on 'jriggs-Stratton Engine, Whirlwind Mower, - Req. 1028 16.38 Sam Murray Acct. 38 - Misefl. Supplies Polic for car 1.88 John F. Gaffny Co. Acct. 80 - Misctl. Office Repairs Changing Lavatory in office 10.26 Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. Acct. 10 - Office Phone Local Service 7-1234 12.30 7-5440 10.25 22.55 Acct. 11 - Garage Phone Local Service 7-4825 11.70 Acct. 12 Telegrams & Long Dist. Hollywood .15 Boca Raton .60 Tallahassee .25 Tax .11 1.11 35.36 Cash Acct. 80 - Misell. Office Supplies Soaps & Mop 1.03 Misell. Expenses 1.85 Brinting 2.00 Ice 2.00 Moving table 10.00 16.88 Acct. 55 - Parkway Misc'l.Supplies Freight & Supplies .44 Ice 6.00 6.44 Acct. 75 Community House Equip. Keys 1.00 Acct. 81 - Stamps 1.50 Acct. 40 - Car Inspect. Expense Frei ht on Additional Car Plates 5.96 31.78 ` ltoo. G y