09-10-1936 Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL. September 10, 1936 The regular monthly meeting of Miami Shores Village Council was held on September 109 1936, at 7:30 P, M,, at the A* . Village office. I All members of the Council were present as was the Village Attorney and Village Clerk. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The first business attended to was the matter of deed- ing ten acres of land to W, E. Peach, and it was decided to post- pone action on this until the Planning Board presented the New Zoning Ordinance, and the clerk was instructed. to return Mr, Peache is check, Mr, Caldwell and Mr, Glass of The Florida Power and Light Company, discussed with the Council, a schedule for additional street lights in the Village, It was decided to discuss this matter further at a special meeting to be held within the next ten days, The Council then discussed the WPA work on the streets, and instructed the clerk to have a road engineer inspect the work done and to present his written report at the next Council meeting. Mr, John Ellis, engineer, told the Council of the progress being made towards making application to the PWA for funds with which to construct a Golf Course. Mr, Ellis introduced Mr, R, E. Lawerence of Boca Raton, who discussed with the Council, the drawing of a plan for the Golf Course, and the terms under which he would supervise the construction works Mr. Lawerencets proposition was taken for consideration, and he was requested to attend the next Council meeting for further discussion of this matter. Mrs, Goll informed the Council of the change of Prin- cipals at the Miami Shores Schools and discussed the possibility of the Village aiding in preventing this changes but it was the general opinion of the Council that they had no authority in this matter. Mr, Ring discussed with the Council, his firms audit of the Village books, and recommended that the Village dispose of foreclosed property or recall a number of Tax Certificates of later years, that were issued on this property and sold, The Council, upon motion of lir. C$rlisle, seconded by Mr. Kitson, authorized fir. Ring to remove from the Village records, all amounts due for unpaid taxes levied on property not located in the Village,, it being explained that this levy was done through error. Upon motion of Mr, Kitson, seconded by Mr. Carlisle, the Village Attorney was authorized to file suit to foreclose 1935-36 Tax Certificate #1159 on NJ of SFr,'- of NWWI of 36-52-41, The Village Attorney was also instructed to prepare an Ordinance controlling the traffic of heavily loaded trucks running on the Village Streets. Upon motion of Mr. Kitson, seconded by Mr. Lindseys Ordinance Number 48 was passeds a copy.,-of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes, and upon motion of Mr, Carlisle, seconded by Mr, Kitson Ordinance Number 49 was passed, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes, Upon motion of Mr, Lindseyp seconded by Mr, Goll, the following resolution was passed: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING F. SCOTT KITSON AS COMMISSIONER 'OF FINANCE OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE TO SUCCEED DOCTOR CHARLES To CLEGHORNs, RESIGNEDO WITH ALL POWERS AND DUTIES PERTAINING TO SAID OFFICE AS PROVIDED FOR IN MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE 140. 25 CREATING THE OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. The following list of bills were approved for payment: AUBURN SALES & SERVICE 1.00 AUTO MACHINE & MANUFACTURING CO. 5.00 BELCHER OIL CO. 823.10 BROWARD QUARRIES INC. 67,7,5 FRANK T. BUDGE CO, 32.76 COLUMBIA TIRE CO. 14.25 DADE MOTOR SALES 15.23 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL WASTES 2.89 HAMMEL'S SERVICE STATION INC. 1.25 HECTOR SUPPLY CO. 532.11 FLORIDA POWER AND LGT. CO. 170.20 HOLDEN - WOOD INC. 4.70 IDEAL POWER LAWN MOWER CO. 8100 LITTLE RIVER HARDWARE CO. 29040 LITTLE RIVER PRESS 181-00 E. G. LITTLE 150.00 MAULE OJUS ROCK CO. 40.00 MIAMI WATER CO. 1.50 NELSON 'S GARAGE 7.70 NEWMAN-BUTLER-MACVEIGH CO. 50,00 GEO, W, OBNEOUR 475.40 ORANGE STATE OIL CO. 259.86 RENUART LUMBER YDS INC. 789,51 RAILY-MILAM INC. 11.24 BKA.GSETH STATIONERY CO. 11.25 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. 11.95 SPRUILL-CORDON PAINT WKS INC. 43,00 THE TODD COMPANY 21.85 UNITED RADIATORS CO. 1.60 VANDERPOOL AND CO. INC. 437.56 FLORIDA GLASS & MIRROR CO. INC . 0.10 DODD & DREBERT 77.82 EAST COAST LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. 194.26 PETTY CASH EXPENDITURES 28.50 --@4779,97 T-here being no further business presented for approval a the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL: ' q Villag-6Manager and Clerk Mayor _ _ -- - MIAMI SHORES VILLA(M ORDINANCE NO.48 AN ORDINANCE PROHIbITING THE SALES GIFTS BARTER, EXCHANGES OR DISTRIBUTION OF AMYTAL, LUMINALs VERONALS BARBITAL# ACID DIETHYLBARBITURIC, AND/OR ITS DERIVATIVES, EXCEPT IN CERTAIN CASES; PROVID- ING FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF SAID ORD- INANCE: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST. BE IT ORDAINED BY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporationto sell, give away, barter, exchange, or distribute in Miami Shores Village, s ytal, luminal, veronal, barbital, acid diethylbarbituric, or any of its salts, derivatives, or compounds of the foregoing substance, or any preparation or compound con- taining any of the foregoing substances, or its salts# derivatives, or compounds, or any registered, trade-marked, or copyrighted preparation or compound registered in the United States patent office containing more than four grains to the avoirdupois or fluid ounce of the above substances, except upon the written order or prescription of a physician, surgeon, dentists or vet- erinary surgeon duly licensed to p ractice in the State of Florida, and shall not be refilled without the written order of the pre- scriber; provided, however, that any prescription for phenol- barbital or any preparation, mixture, or compound of phenol- barbital may be refilled, and said preseciption or order shall be at all times open to the inspection by duly authorized officers of the law, and shall be preserved for at least three (3) years from date of the filling thereof; provided, howevers that the above provisions shall not apply to the sale at wholesale by drug jobbers, drug wholesalers, and drug manufacturers to pharmacies as provided by law, or to physicians, dentists, or veterinary surgeons, nor to each others or to physicians, dentists# or veterinary surgeons duly licensed to practice in this State. SECTIO 2, Any person, firm or corporations who, or whichs shall for himself or through another violate the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $x100.00 or by imprisonment at hard labor on the streets or other public works of the Village, or any other lawful place for a period not exceeding thirty (30)dayss or both such fine and im- pris6nment in the discretion of the Court of the Village. SECTION 3, Each word, phrases sentence or section of of this Ordinance shall be severable and the invalidity of any word, phrases sentence or section shall in no way or degree im- pair any other part or parts thereof. SECTION 4, This Ordinance shall be effective immediate- ly upon its passage, SECTION 5, That an emergency exists for the protection of the public welfare, life and property. UNANIMOUSLY PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF SEPTEERs A. D., 1456• FRANK 0. PRUITT mayor ATTEST: C . LAWTON MCCALL Vii lage Clerk and manager MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE NO. 49 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE ORDINANCE NO. 6 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE IM- POSING OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAXES AND RELATING TO LICENSES AND THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF% CHANGING AND REDUCING AMOUNT OF LICENSE TAX FOR THE OPERATION OF GASOLENE FILLING STATIONS, RETAINING THE PENALTIES AND OTHER PROVISIONS AS SET FORTH IN SAID MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE OR- DINANCE N0.6 AS AFORESAID, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST. BE IT ORDIMED BY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE: SECTION 1. That Section 1, 1,319 which reads as follows: "Gasolene filling and service stations - - - $250,00" of Miami Shores Village Ordinance #6 entitled "An Ordinance imposing occupational license taxes and relating to licenses and the enforcement thereof", be, and the same is hereby amended and changed to be and read as follows: SECTION 1, 1,31 - Gasolene Filling and service stations $25,00 containing or having four (4) gasolene pumps or less and $5,00 for each additional gasolene pump over and above the number of four ,(4) gasolene pumps". SECTION 2, That all of the provisions, penalties con- tained in said Miami Shores Village Ordinance #6 as aforesaid not hereto fore amended or changed shall remain in full force and effect anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding. SECTION 3, Each word, phrase, sentence, or section of this ordinance shall be severable and the invalidity of any word, phrase, sentence or section shall in no way or degree impair any other part or parts thereof: Section 4. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage, SECTION 5. That an emergency exists for the protection of t he public welfare, life and property. UNAITIMOUSLY PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS _ loth DAY OF SEPTEMBER A. D. 1936* FRANK 0. PRUITT Mayor ATTEST: C . LVTON MoCALL Village Olerk M Manager