01-14-1936 Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE COUNCIL. January 14, 1936 j The regular meeting of Miami Shores Village Council was held at the Village office at 7:30 P.M,, Tuesday, January 14th, j 1936. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Upon motion of Mr, Carlisle, seconded by Dr. Cleghorn, i Mr, Pruitt was unanimously elected Mayor for the Coming year, i Mr, Halliwell presented plans for the completion of - work already started at the Tourist Camp located on N. E. 90th Street. After due discussion, and on recommendation of Mr, + Lindsey, it was decided that he be allowed to finish this work a provided the Village Attorney finds that the Village Council has authority to do this by resolution, Upon motion of Mr, Carlisle, seconded by Mr, Goll, the Village Attorney was authorized to draw up a resolution to this effect and present it at the next i Council meeting, i A committee from the Miami Shores P, T. A, Association appeared before the Council to request an appropriation for heaters I to be installed in the Miami Shores School. After due consideration the Village Attorney was instructed to look up this matter and report at the next Council meeting whether the Council had the power to appropriate such funds, Mr, Blefgen presented a plan to establish a Polo Golf Course in Miami. Shores Village and on motion of Mr. Lindsey; seconded by Mr, Carlisle, it was decided that this matter be post- poned-until the Planning Board was organized. Mr. Gardner presented a plan for the erection of one family residences to be erected in Asbury Park, at the cost of from $3,250 to $3,600 each. After due consideration it was decided that this was a matter to be decided by Mr. Godard, the building inspector. Mr. Jackson, of the United Shutter Awning Company, reported that his company had ceased their night work after a complaint had been made by the Village Policeman. A sketch of the sign to be placed on the side wall of the building now occupied by this company was; presented, and it was unanimously decided that this matter be postponed until the planning board was established. The question of occupational license for this company was discussed and the Village Manager was instructed to find out what the City of Miami charged for such licenses and report his findings at the next meeting. The question of Homestead Exemption was discussed and the Village Manager reported that if all Home Owners were permitted Homestead Exemption, who were eligible to receive same, it would reduce the Village revenue by $715.08, but would not interfer with the present Budget. On motion of Mr. Lindsey, seconded by Mr. Carlisle and unanimously passed by the Council, it-.was decided that the time for filing applications for Homestead exemption be held open until April first. The Village Manager presented the request of Mr. C. C. Turner, that he be allowed Homestead Exemption on Lot 18 less Fed11 Highway, Asbury Park. After consideration this matter was referred to the Village Attorney. The Village Attorney was authorized to draw up a J resolution to premit the building of houses five feet from the side lines of the property on the west side of Miami Avenue from the North side of N. W. 99th Street to the South side of N. W. lo3rd Street. The Village Manager presented his plan for the Village collection of garbage and it was decided that this matter be post- poned until the next meeting of the Council. The Village Attorney presented the case of Mr. Bulifant on Lot 14, Block 35, and that of Mrs. Junking on Lots 18 and 19, Block 28, and Lot. 20, Block 150 which had been sold to the Suburban Miami Investment Corporation at the 1932-33 foreclosure sale through error.The Suburban Miami Investment Corporation agreed to deed these properties back to the original owners upon payment of the amount invested, plus interest to date and cost of recordation of deeds. Upon motion of Mr. Lindsey, seconded by Mr. Carlisle, the Village Attorney was authorized to . Aisol &en adjust these matters. In the .case of Mr. Massey, on Lot 21, Block 129 on motion of Mr. Carlisle, seconded by Mr. Pruitt, the Village Attorney was authorized to draw up a resol- ution accepting as a receipt, the tax statement on which was written, received payment, J, L. Carothers, per M., produced by Mr. Massey for 1934-35 taxes. Mr. Harrison brought up the matter of repairs to the Recreation Hall and the Village Manager was instructed to confer with Mr, Lindsey regarding a new lease on this property and present it at the next meeting of the Council to be held on Friday, January, 1'7, 1936 There being no further business presented for dis- cussion, the meeting was adjourned, �VFD BY OU�NCIL. �� G R Villa-2e Man# ger._and Clerk