CC-14-849Inspection Worksheet Miami Shores Village 10050 N.E. 2nd Avenue Miami Shores, FL Phone: (305)795-2204 Fax: (305)756-8972 Inspection Number: INSP-227204 Permit Number: CC -4-14-849 Scheduled Inspection Date: January 28, 2015 Permit Type: Commercial Construction Inspector: Rodriguez, Jorge Owner: CHURCH, Job Address: 602 NE 96 Street Miami Shores, FL Project: CHURCH Inspection Type. Final Building Work Classification: Alteration Phone Number (305)754-9541 Parcel Number 1132060141410 Contractor: NET -COM SERVICES INC Phone: (727)272-2638 rsunamq uepartment comments SPRINT TO UPDATE THEIR EXISTING ANTENNA AND I ' `---- """ FIBER COAX INSPECTOR COMMENTS False Inspector Comments Passed CREATED AS REINSPECTION FOR INSP-227142.1/28/2014 - NOTE: Permit with Kendra contractor employee in Black, PT Cruiser parked in NE Park Dr. No permit on site Failed **CALL CONTRACTOR 218-639-6946** Correction ❑ Needed Re -Inspection ❑ Fee No Additional Inspections can be scheduled until re -inspection fee is paid. January 27, 2016 For Inspections please call: (305)762-4949 Page 31 of 34 T `' fi 7 OWE R ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS August 28, 2014 Village of Miami Shores Planning &Zoning Department Miami Shores Village Hall 10050 Northeast 2" Avenue Miami Shores, FL 33138 Attn: Mr. David A. Dacquisto — AICP Subject: Proposed Collocation of Wireless Antennas on an existing 160 -ft (160.5 -ft with appurtenances) Church Steeple Sprint Site Name: Miami Shores Presbyterian Church Sprint Site Cascade: MI03XCO65 TCNS# 115357, filed 8/11/14 602 NE 96th Street Miami Shores, FL, 33138 (Miami -Dade County) Dear Mr. Dacquisto, Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. (TEP) of Raleigh, NC has been contracted by WirelessCo, L.P. dba Sprint to complete an FCC Section 106 Compliance. Checklist for the above proposed collocation site. TEP is contacting your office as part of the completion of the FCC Form 621 Submission for the Florida State Historic Preservation Office as directed by the FCC -Nationwide Programmatic Agreement (FCC -NFA) and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). The proposed collocation site will be located on an existing 160 -ft (160.5 -ft with appurtenances) church steeple known as Miami Shores Presbyterian Church that is located at 602 NE 96th Street, within the Village of Miami Shores, Miami -Dade County, Florida. The existing church steeple is located on the northwestern portion of a property identified as Folio #: 11-3206-014-1410 by the Miami -Dade County, FL Tax Assessors Office.. The ground elevation at the site is approximately 7 -ft AMSL. No new ground disturbing activities are anticipated. WirelessCo, L.P. dba Sprint proposes the collocation of three (3) wireless panel antennas, DD -F V d fl d 11 h 'll b' 11 d 1 h `d f h 1 s an iters, an wa mounts t at wi e msta e a Ung t e si es o t e steep eat a centerline height of approximately 75 -ft AGL. Associated new Sprint equipment will be installed within an existing cabinet on the rooftop of an adjacent structure located east of the church steeple. Three (3) new hybrid coax cables will be routed underground to an existing concealed cable tray along the wall of the aforementioned adjacent building. No new ground disturbance is anticipated with the proposed collocation and the proposed 326 Tryon Road, Raleigh, NC 27603-3530 O) (919) 661-6351 F) (919) 661-6350 sbmillerktepuroup.net 1 l 4 T O W E R ,0" ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS collocation will not increase the height of the existing appurtenances located on the church steeple. The proposed collocation site is located in a portion of the Village of Miami Shores where the surrounding area is primarily occupied by institutional, municipal, and low density residential land uses. The 1-A coordinates of the proposed collocation site are as follows: Latitude: N 250 51' 48.11" (NAD 83) Longitude: W 800 11' 4.53" (NAD 83) A FCC -NPA designated 250 -ft radius Area of Potential Effect (APE) was established for the proposed "non -tower" collocation site to determine if the proposed action would have any visual effect on properties listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places within the 250 -ft radius of the proposed collocation site. According to the Florida Master Site File, one (1) structure eligible for listing on the National Register Historic Properties was identified within the APE for direct and visual effects: Garner Memorial Bell Tower (DA 11715). No (0) recorded archeological sites were identified as being potentially located within or in the vicinity of the existing building. TEP contracted Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI), a cultural resources consulting firm, to perform an Assessment of Visual/Architectural Effects of the proposed collocation site, to make an assessment of the potential direct and indirect (visual) effects the proposed collocation may have on resources eligible for listing or listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). According to ESI's assessment "the proposed undertaking will not diminish the integrity or alter any of the characteristics of the Garner Memorial Bell Tower that qualify it for inclusion in the NRNP." Additionally, "based on the design, scale, and height of the proposed equipment and antennas, the proposed project will have a minimal visual presence." Therefore, it is the opinion of ESI that the proposed collocation will have "no adverse effect" on Historic Properties within the direct and visual effects APE's and TEP agrees with ESI's determination. The results of the assessment have been included for your review. Therefore, it is the position of ESI and TEP, the proposed collocation of wireless antennas will have no adverse effect on Historic Properties located within the APE for direct effects and the 250 -ft APE for visual effects. However, we are required by the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement (NPA) to provide notification of the planned undertaking to local governments and potential consulting parties who have an interest in the project area. We would appreciate any comments that you may have on the proposed undertaking, particularly regarding the possible impacts that the proposed collocation may have on Historic Properties listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register 326 Tryon Road, Raleigh, NC 27603-3530 O) (919) 661-6351 F) (919) 661-6350 sbmiller(u)tep rg_oup.net ji T D W E R F R=ENGINEERING F="SIDNALS of Historic Places. Please make any comments within thirty days of the receipt of this documentation. A portion of the USGS 7.5-Minute Miami, FL topographic map that depicts the proposed collocation location, Visual/Architectural Assessment, aerial photograph, Florida Master File map & roster results, construction drawings, and site photographs have been included for your review. If there are any questions, or if any additional information is needed, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. Sincerely, , Sarah-Beth Miller Environmental Scientist II Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. 326 Tryon Road, Raleigh, NC 27603-3530 O) (919)661-6351 F) (919) 661-6350 sbmillerktepgroup.net MyTopo Map Print http://m ap-pass.mytopo.com/maps/print_mytopo.asp?print=20&scale=2... A0 0.5 Mi 0 3000 Ft Map provided by MyTopo.com 1 of 1 8/7/2014 1:15 PM ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 524 S. New Hope Road Raleigh, NC 27610 Phone 919-212-1760 * Fax 919-212-1707 www.environmentalservicesinc.com 22 August 2014 Sarah -Beth Miller Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. 326 Tryon Road, Raleigh, NC 27603 Re: Garner Memorial Bell Tower Collocation Miami Shores, Miami -Dade County, Florida Visual/Architectural Assessment Dear Ms. Miller: Environmental Services, Inc. (ESI), reviewed a proposed Sprint collocation for the existing 160- E (160.5 -ft with appurtenances) identified as the Miami Shores Presbyterian Church steeple (also known as the Garner Memorial Bell Tower) at 602 NE 96th Street in Miami Shores, Miami -Dade County, Florida, for Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. (TEP) to assess the potential impact on historic resources. TEP requested that Environmental Services, Inc., (ESI) conduct a visual/architectural assessment of the proposed collocation within the Area of Potential Effects (APE; Indirect [Visual] Effects) to meet the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Cell Tower Programmatic Agreement of 5 October 2004. This letter report summarizes the results of ESI's investigations. The proposed project plans call for installing three new panel antennas, Remote Radio Units (RRUs), hybrid cables, and antenna mounts (to be mounted on the church steeple). The proposed RRUs will be located on the spire with existing RRUs, panel antennas will be located approximately 75 feet above grade on the northeast and southeast vertical facades of the steeple along with the existing antennas; hybrid cables to be routed underground to an existing concealed cable tray along the building wall and the proposed new equipment will be housed within the existing cabinet on the rooftop of an adjacent structure to the east of the steeple. The attached design plans detail the proposed project construction. Ground disturbance will be limited to the approximately 20 -foot long hybrid cable routing from the steeple to the existing concealed cable tray through a previously disturbed area containing a paved stone walkway. As the depth of previous disturbance exceeds the proposed construction depth by at least two feet, the location has no potential to contain significant, intact archaeological sites. A search of the Florida Master Site File and examination of a 250 -foot radius surrounding the proposed project area indicated no previously recorded archaeological sites, no resource groups and one standing structure (the subject property) within the 250 -ft Area of Potential Effects (APE; Table 1). The Garner Memorial Bell Tower (DA 11715) is considered eligible for, but is not listed in, the National Register. Representative photos of this structure can be seen in the attached figures. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. www.environmentalservicesinc.com Table 1: Historic Properties within a 250 -foot APE. Site ID Site Name Year Built Evaluation DA 11715 Garner Memorial Bell Tower c.1958 Eligible The Garner Memorial Bell Tower (DA11715) built c. 1958, is a 160 -ft octagonal structure, Moderne in style and consists of a masonry foundation, stucco panel body and metal spire. The tower is part of a larger complex of buildings that make up the Miami Shores Presbyterian Church. As the proposed undertaking will not diminish the integrity or alter any of the characteristics of the Garner Memorial Bell Tower that qualify it for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (National Register), a finding of No Adverse Effect for Direct Effects is recommended. The existing collocation can be seen in the attached figures. Based on the design, scale, and height of the proposed equipment and antennas, the proposed project will have a minimal visual presence. As such, ESI recommends that the project, as proposed, will have No Adverse Effect on significant historic resources within the APE for Visual Effects. No other historic properties listed in or determined eligible for listing in the National Register are located within the APE for Visual Effects. In summary, as the proposed undertaking will not diminish the integrity or alter any of the characteristics of the Garner Memorial Bell Tower that qualify it for inclusion in the National Register, the project, as proposed, will have No Adverse Effect on the subject property for direct and visual effects. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at (919) 212-1760 or truss@esina.cc. Sincerely, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Patricia Davenport, MFA Architectural Historian ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. www.environmentalservicesinc.com 4 0 0.5 Mi .c 0 3000 Fc Map provided by MyTopoom Project Location (7.5 -minute topographic quadrangle) ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. www.environmentalservicesinc.com Historic Properties within a 250 -foot Visual APE I ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. www.environmentalservicesinc.com t Photo of Existing Antennas on Church Steeple, facing North from NE 95`' Street ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. www.environmentalservicesinc.com Photo of Church Steeple, facing West from Park Drive Photo of Existing Antennas on Eastern Side of Church Steeple NOTE: THE SITE PLAN SHOWN BELOW WAS REPRODUCED FROM INFORMATION TAKEN FROM MIAMI-DADE COUNTY GIS MAPPING WEBSITE AND INFORMATION PROVIDED BY SPRINT. TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS DOES NOT GUARANTEE. OR ENSURE THE CORRECTNESS, PRECISION. OR ACCURACY. THE INFORMATION SUPPLIED WAS INCORPORATED FOR REFERENCE ONLY. I,- ---,--- 'Xi' ISTNG I EXISTING BUILDNG BUILDING II I I I I I I II I I i NG EXISTING ! EXISTING BUILDIE%ISTI NG BUILDING BUILDING I I lI II LEGEND II II EXISTING I EXISTING III t BUILDING EXISTINGI IBUILDING� SII I. EXISTING LEX IS TINGII BUILDING 'BUILDING LANDLORD NOTES: EXIST. PROPERTY LINE I, CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH LANDLORD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. EXIST. UTILITY POLE =0; EXIST. LIGHT POLE Q EXIST. TELCO PEDESTAL O PROPERTY CORNER • CORNER IRF IRON ROD FOUND - [OU--- EXIST. CONTOUR LINE --�-- EDGE OF PAVEMENT --01--- OVERHEAD WIRE --- R/W--- RIGHT-OF-WAY - X - CHAIN LINK FENCE - " EXISTING TREE LINE II EXISTING I EXISTING III t BUILDING EXISTINGI IBUILDING� SII I. EXISTING LEX IS TINGII BUILDING 'BUILDING LANDLORD NOTES: I, CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH LANDLORD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE C01 LANDLORD EXISTING NAMING LANDLORD AS ADDITIONAL INSURED ON THE / /-� BUILDING POLICY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONTRACTOR .SHALL ADHERE TO ALL LANDLORD / REQUESTS REGARDING METHODS EOUIPMENT REMOVAL, EQUIPMENT STAGING, EOINPMENT , INSTALLATION, AND PROTECTIVE ECMEASURES. / L 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY BE DAMAGES. CAUSED REGARDING THIS PROJECT. EXISTING aEXISTINC 160 -FT CHURCH STEEPLE. SEE SHEET C-2 FOR µ U Ulrylr/ _�J y� y lip I ( 'EXISTING (/A B1IILDINS EXISTING Z '% J ,/� BUILDING V ) %.: I, NE 95TH ST ,I / EXISTING j EXISTING BUILDING BUILDI NG ` i IIS � , � / SITE PLAN / Z / � BUILDING I NE 96TH ST / I / i i —EXISTING ROOFTOP WITH SPRINT EOUIPMENT. SEE i SHEET C -1A FOR PLAN. O NIP NORTHEAST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH U S 11-3206-014-1410 ZONE: CF it FULL SCALE: I" = 40' 112.34) A HALF SCALE: 1" = 80 (tt%L 7) PLANS PREPARED FOR: Sprint 6580 Sprint Parkway OYedand Park. Kansas 66251 idIBI eIMEENK 4--ow— ou MII MEWRRLIM1Y.Se XKITANPA. FL] 15 OEM: r ENGINEERING LICENSE: fP 2No. 77350 Z A 'Q ,13 STATE OF / DRAWING NOTICE: THESE DOCUMENTS ARF CONFIDENTIAL AND ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF SPRINT AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISSEMINATED OR REDISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THF F%PRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF SPRINT. REVISIONS: DESCRIPTION I DATE I BY REV e -u RR 9-17 .11 SRE NAME: MIAMI SHORES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SITE CASCADE: -E ADDMI03XC065 602 NE 96TH ST MIAMI SHORES, FL 33138 (MIAMI-DADE COUNTY) SHEET DESCRIPTION: SITE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: C-� PLANS PREPARED FOR: /' l \ LFDUNrnw NOTES: Sprint 1. I GC IS RESPONSIBLE TO COORDINATE ALL ROOF I i PENETRATIONS WITH BUILDINGS ROOFING COMPANY. 6580 Spdnl Parkway d P I II 'I I OvedandKansas 66251 PLANS PREPARED BY BY: �9 IEPI511141[3A9 270 PXP I �I t GAMMA ' ® EXISTING SPRINT ANTENNA AND MOUNT ) (TVP. OF 3) I 270" �p (MOUNT - 65LBS, ANTENNA = 55LBS) GA~AR,IA TMEIEMREEEDNFA0RIIREAM EXISTING 160-FT STEEPLE TOWER. I 5911 bIENORUL HHYSOI�a11TAMPA, FL 77615 SEE SHEET C-2' FOR ELEVATION. I ,NDO DRM EXISTING RRU o PROPOSED SPRINT ANTENNA AND I oeM: (TYP OF 12) (45LBS) MOUNT (TYP, OF 3) I ` PROPOSED RRU (MOUNT N 95LBS, ANTENNA = 39LBS) I 1 (TYP OF 3) (55LBS)- i I a �6 EN GINEERINGLICENSE: SROOMS o I " q 77310 p w Z I censs o STCf' IJF Q i - R PROPOSED HYBRID TD BE � I II - Q RiJx'� IROUTED UNDERGROUND toRl(]P STONE � I : �/�rlljl't 1i7..' PATH it -- DRAWINGNOTICE: THESE DOCUMENTS ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND ARETHESOLEPROPERTYOFSPRINTAND 1 PROPOSED HYBRID TO BE ROUTED I _ --- — I MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISSEMINATED IN EXISTING CONCEALED CABLE' �- - _ -� ORREDISTRIBUTEDWITHOUTTHEF%PRESS TRAY ALDNG BUILDING WALL, WRITTEN CONSENT OF SPRINT. REVISIONS: j . y'� _— 120POSE6 HYBRID CABLE M 6 DESCRIPTION I DATE JC­ c� BE HOOTED ALONG CABLE TRAY �° /. ,{ C (300LBS TOTAL) . a ERjURSDcrux CONMENIS - I a PER JUR SD CDDN COMNExr3 p C r 1 SRE NAME: f Il I I I MIAMI SHORES FUTURE CABINET BY OTHERS I(- I �(-- slzE AND LocATION MAY VARY. z'-6" PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH II SEE SHEET S-3 FOR DETAILS. —'I r, O (250OLBS) J SUE CASCA DE EXISTING SPRINT RBS CABINET EXSTING .SPRINT EXISTING SPRINT LEGACY (2500LBS) MI03XCO65 CABLE TRAY EQUIPMENT TO BE REMOVED EXISTING SPRINT BBS CABINET 1BY OTHERS (-5800LBS TOTAL) / [8"IADDRISS: BUILDING C (2500L65) ROOFTDP L - 602 NE 96TH ST PROPOSED EX XPTING TO BE MIAMI SHORES, FL 33138 SAN T. AR MOUNTED IN E%ISTING CABINET. _ - - - _ SEE SHEET S-1 FOR DETAILS. (MIAMI-DARE COUNTY) (38L8s) EXISTING SPRINT-- _-- —' EQUIPMENT AREA -. - -----_ -- - ROOF PLAN _--- scRc x rtcr SHEET NUMBER: ROOF PLAN FULLSCALE: t/4" = 1'-0" (22x34) A C-la HALF SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17) G — — — — — PROPOSED ANTENNA NEW MOUNT. SEE Sprint SHEET 5-7 d S-2 FOR DETAILS. (TYP. OF 3) 1151 6580 Sprint Parkway i i \ \\ (MOUNT -� -FIS, ANTENNA - 39LBS) Overland Park, Kansas 66251 PIANS PREPAREDSY: RH.51N41TJ13 / / \ \ PROPOSED RRU/FILTER ON EXISTING PIPE ABOVE EXISTING RRUS. SEE RF / \ DATA SHEET FOR RRU MAKE/MODEL. / \ SHEETSEE NG (5 S) DETAIL (TYP. OFF3)B / - EXISTING NV SPRINT MOUNT AND ME BRIIFBeIR XNRLIKI%u / ANTENNA (TYP. OF 3) WILEWRRL-. -Pk (MOUNT N 65LBS, ANTENNA 55LBS) OEM: ` 5'-0' ENGINEERING ENSE: I6 O--C±ACL HIGHEST APPTENANCE le \� ON & m EXISTING RRU (TYP. OF 12) \ _ / = No. 77350 p STAI EXISTING 160—FT STEEPLE \ ORAVANG NOTkE: THESEDOCUMENTSARFCONFMENTIAL AND \ f ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF SPRINT AND \ MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISSEMINATED \ \ OR REDISTRIBUTED WRHOUTTHE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENTOF SPRINT. / / \ \ REVISIONS: DESCRIPTION DATE BY REV \ / CDNSmuEribi s -Ie -r. Re 75'-D"t AGL \ _ _ — -I I 0 O ) PER .MR¢Dcnox 1 PB E .. -s - — xa .uNsocmN cowE- xrs e w E SPRINT EXISTING ANTENNAS \ ` PROPOSED HYBRID CABLE SRE NAME: ROUTED IN STEEPLE INTERIOR C Ir MIAMI SHORES EXISTING SPRINT CABINETS ROOFTOP (SOOOLBS TOTAL) ON I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PROPOSED HYBRID PENETRATION �FO SITE GSCADE: _ THROUGH CONCRETE FLOOR IINCERBSNT INS�ALLED N E%ISTBE BE TCAB NET - MI03XCO65 (38LBS) PDE ADDRESS: 602 NE 96TH ST EXISTING_ BUILDING - — MIAMI SHORES, FL 33138 o' -2"l AGL ___ (MIAMI-DADE COUNTY) SHEET OESCRIP11oN: FINISHED GRADE PROPOSED HYBRID CABLE BUILDING ROUTED UNDERGROUND C (300. ISrout) ELEVATION HEET NUMBER BUILDING ELEVATION FULL SCALE: 1/16" — 1'—O' (22x34) A HALF SCALE: 1/32" = 1'-0" (11x17) C-2 270' GAMMA `—EXISTING STEEPLE EXISTING SPRINT 75'± AGL FULL SCALE: 1/2- _ -0" (22x39) HALF SCALE: 1/4" - -'0" (11x17) EXISTING OTHER CARRIER ANTENNAS EXISTING PIPE TO BE REUSED E%ISTING OTHER CARRIER. ANTENNAS NOTES: Sprint ,� ALL NEW EXTERIOR EQUIPMENT TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH STEEPLE EXTERIOR. 6580 Spdnl Parkway Overland Perk, Kansas 66251 PUNS PREPARED BY: t 1.:111.12111 EXISTING OTHER CARRIER. IOXBIBANEERIR6/NR59RYU ANTENNAS M1I MENORDLIMY_1UFE 201 AAIPp, FL}b+5 w ¢p1mx0.�I C OEM: PROPOSED ANTENNA MOUNT. SEE' SHEETS -2 FOR. DETAILS: (TYP. OF3) (MOUNT -. 95LBS) 6� p ENGINEERING LICENSE: r� 27G* GAMMA �XCEN - EXISTING SPRINT NVLTE/CDMA 270' ANTENNAS (TYP. OF 3) 5LJ N7. 77350 O _ (MOUNT - 65LBS, ANTENNA = 5BS; GAMMA :. w t ¢" j EXISTING SPRINT NV RRU'S * 1 'r 4 (TYP. OF 12) (45LBS) +0 STA "I QF 'f EXISTING PIPE TO BE USED ��j�(,�iC• FCORILi,R�✓✓.;- NAt PROPOSED HYBRID CABLE DRAWING NOTICE: L (1.05LBS/FT 300LBS) THESE DOCUMENTS ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND ARETHESOLEPROPERTYOFSPRINT AND PROPOSED PANEL ANTENNA ON NEW MAYNOTBEREPRODUCED,I) EMINATED MOUNT. SEE RF DATA SHEET FOR OR REDISTRIBUTED WITHOUTTHE EXPRESS ANTENNA MAORI ODEL. (TYP. OF 3). WRITFEN CONSENT OF SPRINT. PROPOSED RRU/iILTER ON (ANTENNA - 39LBS) C REVIsroNs: EXISTNG PIPE ABOVE v DESCRIPTION DATE BY REV E.TO NG RRUS. SEE RF ' DATA SHEET FOR RRU �� rER eua�spelxru eoNuexrs T -s -I. Ba - e MAKE/MODEL.MOSEE SHEET 7 PER .unlswc.Kw couuExrs B-�-�. m c 5-2 FOR MOUNT DETAILS, (TYP. OF 3) (55LBS) PROPOSED BREAKOUT CYLINDER EIS MOUNTED. SITE NAME: USING STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE. (-aes) MIAMI SHORES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH \-1111111; STEEPLE EXISTING OTHER CARRIER ANTENNAS SITE CASCADE; FINAL SPRINT 75'± AGL MI03XC065 FULL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" (22x34) SITE ADDRESS: HALF SCALE: 1/4" - 1'-0" (1107) 602 NE 96TH ST MIAMI SHORES, FL 33138 (MIAMI-DADE COUNTY) SHEET DESCRIPTION: EQUIPMENT AND ANTENNA LAYOUT SHEET NUMBER: C -3a EXISTING PANEL EXISTING TELCO r/ BOX ` CLASSROOMSA EXISTING CABLE TRAY ✓l I o `-EXISTING SPRINT /�I 1 NETWORK VISION GPS Sprint 6560 Spdnt Parkway Overland Park, Kansas 66251 PLANS PREPARED BY: ' � TEPC 511d0.1YAa0 Y EXISTING PANEL EXISTING TELCOBoy CLfORBBXa®61WWY6xkIS ASSROOMS EM7 Y MEMDRk=.SUIIEIN.-AWA. 80.1615 EXISTING CABLE TRAY ✓/�� OEM; PROPOSED HYBRID CABLE TO BE ROUTED ALONG C CABLE TRAY (1.05LBS/FT) , ENGINEERING LICENSE: No. 77380 STATEDF ------------ EXISTING SPRINT 1. I NETWORK VISION GPS ( DRAWING NOTICE: RBS THESE DOCUMENTS ARE CONFIDENTIALAND j - ARETHESOLEPROPERTVOFSPRINTAND C fI -- MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISSEMINATED FUTURE CABINET BY ORREDISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS OTHERS, 512E AND ! WRITTEN CONSENT OF SPRINT. i LOCATION MAY VARY. `--- 2500L8$) REVISIONS: ( II DESCRIPTION DATE BY REV coxsxunrox iNNI , —E— T RB PROPOSED EQUIPMENT TO BE ` III BUILDING uP so cTwx coxMExrs m MOUNTED IN EXISTING CABINET. '� ROOFTOP SEE SHEET S-3 FOR DETAILS. ''BBS (38LBS) - SITE NAME. EXISTING SPRINT MIAMI SHORES EQUIPMENT AREA _ _ _ _—_=-". PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH _ - --SITE CASCADE: EXISTING SPRINT ft85 CARNET. -- - --' (2500LB5) — - _ _ _ _ MI03XC065 EXISTING SPRINT BBS CABINET. (2500L85) -- _ - _ - _ - FE ADD602 NE 96TH ST IAMI SHORES, FL 33138 MTAMT-RADE COUNTY) SI IEETSI DESCRIPTION FINAL SPRINT EQUIPMENT AREA EQUIPMENT AND FULL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" (22.34) HALF SCALE: 1/4" - r -D" (11.17) ANTENNA LAYOUT �aHEET NUMBER: C-3b-3b EXISTING SPRINT LEGACY EQUIPMENT 70 BE REMOVED --' BBS I BUILDING ROOFTOP BY OTHERS (5800LBS) EXISTINGSPRINT ` EQUIPMENT AREA _ EXISTING SPRINT RBS CABINET. ___-_----- - (250BLBS) -. EXISTING SPRINT BBS CABINET.---- (2500LBS) __-__---_ EXISTING SPRINT EQUIPMENT AREA FULL SCALE: 1/2" 1'-0" (22x34) HALF SCALE: /4" = 1'-D" (11.17) Sprint 6560 Spdnt Parkway Overland Park, Kansas 66251 PLANS PREPARED BY: ' � TEPC 511d0.1YAa0 Y EXISTING PANEL EXISTING TELCOBoy CLfORBBXa®61WWY6xkIS ASSROOMS EM7 Y MEMDRk=.SUIIEIN.-AWA. 80.1615 EXISTING CABLE TRAY ✓/�� OEM; PROPOSED HYBRID CABLE TO BE ROUTED ALONG C CABLE TRAY (1.05LBS/FT) , ENGINEERING LICENSE: No. 77380 STATEDF ------------ EXISTING SPRINT 1. I NETWORK VISION GPS ( DRAWING NOTICE: RBS THESE DOCUMENTS ARE CONFIDENTIALAND j - ARETHESOLEPROPERTVOFSPRINTAND C fI -- MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, DISSEMINATED FUTURE CABINET BY ORREDISTRIBUTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS OTHERS, 512E AND ! WRITTEN CONSENT OF SPRINT. i LOCATION MAY VARY. `--- 2500L8$) REVISIONS: ( II DESCRIPTION DATE BY REV coxsxunrox iNNI , —E— T RB PROPOSED EQUIPMENT TO BE ` III BUILDING uP so cTwx coxMExrs m MOUNTED IN EXISTING CABINET. '� ROOFTOP SEE SHEET S-3 FOR DETAILS. ''BBS (38LBS) - SITE NAME. EXISTING SPRINT MIAMI SHORES EQUIPMENT AREA _ _ _ _—_=-". PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH _ - --SITE CASCADE: EXISTING SPRINT ft85 CARNET. -- - --' (2500LB5) — - _ _ _ _ MI03XC065 EXISTING SPRINT BBS CABINET. (2500L85) -- _ - _ - _ - FE ADD602 NE 96TH ST IAMI SHORES, FL 33138 MTAMT-RADE COUNTY) SI IEETSI DESCRIPTION FINAL SPRINT EQUIPMENT AREA EQUIPMENT AND FULL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" (22.34) HALF SCALE: 1/4" - r -D" (11.17) ANTENNA LAYOUT �aHEET NUMBER: C-3b-3b I • t1 `' •1 rr•' - . k. tl 1, V,r — S •', tr + � � I _ 1 I r r :�1 IIJ r t 1 1 r r C Y/[ i r{ t r i • t ` •f. �� �• .,..kii • r. + 1 4 , r z Florida Master Site File Florida AR=O SS=1 cM=O *Master site =O BR File Tota1=1 SitelD Type Site Name DA11715 SS Garner Memorial Bell Tower Cultural Resource Roster Address Additional Info 602 NE 96th ST, Miami Shores c1958 Moderne Page 1 of 1 SHPO Eval Eligible Created: 1/27/2014 NR Status 1) Photo facing north from NE 95th Street towards church steeple. 01 2) Photo facing north from NE 95th St. towards existing antennas on steeple. 3) Photo 04101/2014 1 north from NE 95t" St. towards existing antennas on steeple. 4) Photo facing west from Park Drive towards church steeple. 5) Photo facing west from Park Drive towards existing antennas on church steeple. 6) Photo of existing antennas on the southeastern side of church steeple. 7) Photo of existing antennas located on the northeastern side of church steeple. 8) Photo of existing antenna located on the western side of church steeple. 9) Photo facing of existing antennas on eastern side of church steeple. 10) Photo of existing antennas on eastern side of church steeple. 11) Photo facing southeast towards northwestern side of church steeple. f i", �A' BU DING Miami Shores Village Building Department 10050 N.E.2nd Avenue, Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Tel: (305) 795.2204 Fax: (305) 756.8972 INSPECTION'S PHONE NUMBER: (305) 762.4949 PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Type: BUILDING JOB ADDRESS: 602 NE 96th Street MWAdW5 & FBC 20 �Z) Permit No. Master Permit NoLc 1�1 — 5-CLA 671 ROOFING City: Miami Shores County: Miami Dade Zip: 33138 Folio/Parcel#: 11-3206-014-1410 Is the Building Historically Designated: Yes NO Flood Zone: OWNER: Name (Fee Simple Titleholder): NE Presbyterian Church U S Phone#: Address: 602 NE 96th Street City: Miami State: FL Tenant/Lessee Name: Sprint Email: landlordsoIutions@sprint.com 33618 Phone#: 305-321-5655 CONTRACTOR: Company Name: IV� ��m 'Y �% V 1 l.��j Phone#: 122 "27Z' LSO Address: CT2 522 ofI Gam( `�F' f� City: nA �(( //� Stater-- Zip: 33� Qualifier Name: State Certificati( Contact Phone#: DESIGNER: Architect/Engineer: Tower Engineering Professionals, Inc. Value of Work for this Permit: $ 0 0 Square/Linear Footage of Work: Type of Work: ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑New ❑Repair/Replace Description of Work: Sprint to update their existing antennas and fiber coax Color thru tile: 910-622-0111 ❑Demolition Submittal Fee $ Permit Fee $ CCF $ CO/CC $ Scanning Fee $ i Radon Fee $ _ DBPR $tj Bond $ Notary $ Training/Education Fee $ - Technology Fee �$q��, k� Double Fee $ Structural Review $ i --,r` ' "� \ .� ��, ' � .M;�;-'y TOTAL FEE NOW DUE $ Bonding Company's'Name (if applicable) N/A Bonding Company's Address City State Mortgage Lender's Name (if applicable) N/A Mortgage Lender's Address City State Zip Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS and AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC..... OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. "WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Notice to Applicant: As a condition to the issuance of a building permit with an estimated value exceeding $2500, the applicant must promise in good faith that a copy of the notice of commencement and construction lien law brochure will be delivered to the person whose property is subject to attachment. Also, a certified copy of the recorded notice of commencement must be posted at the job site for the first inspection which occurs seven (7) days after the building permit is issued. In the absence of such posted notice, the inspection will not be approved and a reinspection fee will be charged. Signature Owner or Agent The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of iZ,'I. , 20 r'L> by 4]:1.t^'..... who i ersonally� to me or who has produced v As i n i btu-TnV, tY' 9AEL LINET Notary Public - State of Florida NOTARY PUBLIC: g, ,Comm Expires Nov 16, 2014 iNy ' + Commission #r EE 42724 Bonar �l,� National Notary Assn. Sign: / / Print: �°dn tll//_e e lI n e r My Commission Expires: iil/ &-,//� Signature s� - Contractor The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before mme,t_h(is day of A ork , 20 L, by UttA Z i who is personally known to me or who has produced NOTARY Notary POk - State of Florida sy s my EWM- Emires Nor 18.2014 �y;;ovr�tl; COM111183100 0 EE 42724 - Bonded Tfirouph National Notary Assn. Sign: y Print: My Commission Expires: /1/ /&// APPROVED BY1 16 ns Examiner Zoning g ` Structural Review (Revised 3/12/2012)(Revised 07/10/07)(Revised 06/10/2009)(Revised 3/15/09) Clerk aw No ' w\ wl<,\ To: MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE Page 3 of 6 2014-09-09 20:18:03 (GMT) 12605722253 From: Chuck GrUalva STATE. OF FLORIDA "AO14 Abilto NET «. ET CCK SERn«, _ CENTRO3522 EL CENTRO ST 3522 EL ST ST PETE BEACH, FL 3370E ST PETE BEACH, FL 33706 License #luralm 20'140980 Dab Paid SIMM013 Amount Paid $60-00 Erse 9130f2014 This occupational tax license does not permit the holder to operate in violation of any city taw, ordinance or regulation. Any change in location or ownership must be approved by city Dense deparbruent, subject to zoning restrictions. This occupational tax does not oonstitue an endorsement, approval or disapproval of the holder's skill or competence or con -competence of the holder with other laws, regulations or stamlafds. Every person required to have a city #cense shall at all tknes from the issuance of such license by the city, conspicuously display such Awse in his Place of business, and where the licensee dose not have a place of business he shall be prepared at all times to his occupation to present his license for Inspection by any police officer or license ct3oar of the city when requested to do so. Ucensee copy Uceme Number 2014 a gfSt Pete Beach Pal* er iftcatee 20 40980 Mail to Data Paid NET COK SERVICES NET CONI SERVICES 811812013' 3522 EL CENTRO ST 3522 EL CENTRO ST Anwunt Paid $60.00 ST PETE BEACH, FL 33706 ST PETE BEACH, FL 3370E .r rr Expires 913012014 This 000upsmormw frac license does not permit the holder teato in tion of any city low, ordinance or regulation. Any change In location or ownership must be approved by city Incense department, subject to zoning restrictions. This 000upationai taco does not constitue an andorasrrent, approval or disapproval of the holders skill or conhpMnoe or n of the holder with other taws, regulations or standards. Every person required to have a city beams shall at sit Forbes from the isauence of such license by the city, conspicuously display such !bowie in his place of business, and where the licensee dose not haws a plane of business he shall be prepared at all times while engaged in his oco"ation to Present his license for inspection by any police officer or license officer of %a city when requested to do so. city COPY '°rte Ro CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCEDATE 14 "") THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terns and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Mutual Insurance Inc 1900 1 st Ave North PO Box 12350 St Petersburg FL 33713 CONTACT William Wanless ext. 2213 PHONE (727) 896-0006 FAX .(727) 821-7483 E-MAIL wwanless@mutualinsuranceinc.com INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC d INSURER A: Auto Owners Insurance Co 18988 INSURED Netcom Services Incorporated P 0 Box 66958 St. Pete Beach FL 33736- INSURER B: HUL/Rockhill Insurance Co 28053 INSURER C: Southern Owners Ins 10190 INSURER D: INSURER E : COVERAGES CFRTIFICATF NIINIRFR• REVISION NIIMRFR- THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP 1D1YYYY1 LIMITS C GENERAL LIABILITY 20053429 12/09/2013 12/09/2014 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED $ 300,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS -MADE T OCCUR MED EXP An ieperson) $ 10,000 PERSONAL &ADV INJURY $ 100,000 X No deductible. GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GENT AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 $ POLICYFX—]PRO- 1F(T F7 LOC A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITYCOMBINED 4900683403 12/09/2013 12/09/2014 SINGLE LIMIT 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ X ANY AUTO I BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accideno X HIRED AUTOSX NON -OWNED AUTOS $ C X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR 4900683402 12/09/2013 12/09/2014 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5,000,000 AGGREGATE $ 5,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE I DLX 10,000 C WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITYN ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE Y� 20085585 9/24/2013 9/24/2014 X WC STATU- I JOTH- I ER E.EACH ACCIDENT $. E.L. OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) / E.L. DISEASE- EA EMPLOYEE $, 1,000,000 If es, describe under E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 1,000,000 B Contractors Pollution Liability ENVP006676-01 12/08/2013 12/08/2014 Occurrence 5,000,000 Deductible: $2,500 Aggregate 5,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 107 Additional Remarks Schedule, U more space is requiredLicense Cancellation Terns: 30 days notice of cancellation except for 10 days notice for non-payment of premium. cense M CGC1514455 Brant Curtis Moffatt CERTIFICATE FIOLDFR CANCFI I ATIAN At 019741 Fax: ( ) - ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION.. All rights reserved. ACORD 26 (2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Miami Shores Village g ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 10050 N W 2nd Ave Miami Shores FL 33138- AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Fax: ( ) - ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION.. All rights reserved. ACORD 26 (2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD r Miami shores Village;,,-, Building Department 10050 N.E.2nd Avenue Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Tel: (305) 795.2204 Fax: (305) 756.8972 A, t I. - 'f / 3"- /14 Permit No: Structural Critique Sheet In AIG_41�_t L ek'i Page I of I r C�V M _:1 CA_6,711 6 1— STOPPED - STOPPED REVIEW Plan review is not complete, when all items above are corrected, we will do a complete plan review. If any sheets are voided, remove them from the plans and replace with new revised sheets and include one set of voided sheets in the re -submittal drawings. Mehdi Asraf j C�V M _:1 CA_6,711 6 1— STOPPED - STOPPED REVIEW Plan review is not complete, when all items above are corrected, we will do a complete plan review. If any sheets are voided, remove them from the plans and replace with new revised sheets and include one set of voided sheets in the re -submittal drawings. Mehdi Asraf Miami Shores Village Building Department, _ 10050 N.E.2nd Avenue Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Tel: (305) 795.2204 .; Fax: (305) 756.8972 { Permit No: Structural Critique Sheet 'u..,l yt,.,, OR Page 1 of 1 M STOPPED REVIEW Plan review is not complete, when all items above are corrected, we will do a complete plan review. If any sheets are voided, remove them from the plans and replace with new revised sheets and include one set of voided sheets in the re -submittal drawings. Mehdi Asraf