Demo-4-13-736_Plans Revisions SQ. TUBE 2' x 2' 96' X 14 0. 2 PL EXfStiNG ' 10'-0' ASPHAL7T \ ALLEY POST $a TUBE Q 3' X 3' X 1/8' - --- -- --------------------- -------------------------- -------------------- PICKET $0. TUBE 4- /! /! ,�! �! ,/! /!— ,/� ,/� !! !! ./� 1' X I' X 140. $a TUBE 2' X 1 1/4' X 14 G. 2 PL EXISTING 4'-0' EXISTING 4'-C' ' CHAIN LINK GATE CHAIN LINK FENCE C\ �\ �� `� �\ `��� �� `��� / CONCRETE FOOTING UJ LLI vi` 3/6" (VERTICAL PICKET FENCE DETAIL) A'i EXISTING METAL SHED 1� `� ` `� '�� �,\� `� `� y • Site to be filled to County flood criteria elevation Nj3.VD.or an elevation no less than the TO REMAIN �� `�`� `� `� ` y ( highest approved crown elevation of the road abutting the property Area adjacent to lake or canal to be Graded so as to prevent direct overland discharge of storm- � W T water into lake or canal. g p g W 0 A, `� `� `y y I . Lot well be graded so as to prevent direct over-lend discharge of storm water onto adjacent � U �--- � EX15t(NG CONCRETE SLAB `� `��� ` `�`� �� v ' property. Applicant will provide cartification prior to final inspection. I TO REMAIN `�i ANY APPLICABLE RESOLUTION NOTES: Q = LL .2; ' \`�`�i \' �a \V y} • in addition to the requirements of this permit,there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property �__ �i I that may be found in the Public Records of this County. Section 553.19(10),Florida Statutes,effective 1/10187. CL 3 y DASHED AREA DENOTES • A s W separate permit will be required For all driveway approaches onto public right of way. Contact W 4 �<\` iy EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB ; Public Works Dept. < 06 0) Q �� � TO BE REMOVED TO ALLOW i v FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ( The height of Fences,wall and hedges shall not exceed 2 5' In height within 10' of the edge of any driveway z W NEW POOL i leading to a right of way. _ \ \ \\ �y I . The height of fences is being measured from grade. Grade = Elevation of public sldewa ik or crown of road. 0 0 z Z Lo Q 1 \ Q W T " EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB C) Q TO REMAIN GENERAL NOTE5 JJ W The work shall include the Furnishing of all transportation, labor, < materials scaffolding, apparatus and equipment needed for the �• performance of all the work specified to be provided under the trade subdivision required to produce the construction of the project. The Architect will be, in the first instance, the interpreter of the m requirements of the contract documents and the ,Judge of the 4 Jperformance thereunder by both the owner and the contractor. in _ I ; matters related to artistic effects the Architect's decisions will be ° ' Final if consistent with the contract documents. The owner shall furnish all eurveys, and he shall secure and pay for s easements For permanent changes in existing facilities. 0 EXISTING TWO I The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all construction, STORIES C.B.S. means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for Z IRESIDENCE i coordinating all portions of the work under the contract documents. cc NEW 5' HiGH PERMANENT FENCE WITH No 1055 NEW 5' HIGH PERMANENT FENCE 41TH References must be made to the existing building site, as the drawing � � 8 GATE '6ELF-CLO61NG AND GATE 'SELF-CLOSING AND for all measurements before ordering any worm, the Contractor shall SELF-LATCPIWG'. SELF-LATCHING'. I veriry all measurements at the building for his work and shall be o 0 ' responsible For the correctness of same. No extra charge or icompensation will be allowed to the Contractor on account of 17 differences in actual dimensions and the measurements shown by the Q LL w ' drawings, any noticeable discrepancy in this respect shall be ' d reported to the Architect for his consideration and decision. �/ �• All material and workmanship ei-a ll be the best of their kind and / C- installed in the beet standard of the trade involved, no substitutions will be permitted except with a written change order from the Arch > ® ' vW Z � C U W I Q I I 3 � General Contractor shall keep all excavations, pits, trenches, W footings, etc. entirely free of debris an Q d water. General Contractor shall execute all site work In an orderly manner with consideration to any and all surrounding structures, open areas, U sodding or planting which are to remain. ® 1hZ- �a G.G. shall clean and rub all subterranean or surface materials from U ' the site and all the material shall become property of the Contractor and sha I I be removed by his crew. N � G.G. shall provide the owner with a one year warranty from a licensed Ul 49 ------------------------------, --- -----`--y-----------------------y-------- peat control c a y For soil poisoning inet termite infestation. Job No. --� omp n p ng a9a J EXISTING 5'4' CONC. SIDEWALK \� Date cc f' Scale EXI3TiNG PAW,WAY � %T-a7,: Shores VHli ge BY DATE NOTE _ BLDG DEOT l"�6'� I SCOPE OF WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE DEMOLITION T o ;r, fir cE Vvl 7'H A_i FEUE�AL i I1 OF PORTION OF EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB AND THE ERECTION OF A NEW i Seal ALUMINUM PICKET FENCE TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW FOOL r3 I A �,s UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT _. __._ ___ .__ _ AA-26001560A N.E 96TH STREET Sheet No. A- 1