RF-07-1532Miami Shores Village Building Department 10050 N.E.2nd Avenue, Miami Shores, Florida 33138 Tel: (305) 795.2204 Fax: (305) 756.8972 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FBC 2004 Permit Type (circle): Building Owner's Name (Fee Simple Titleholder) Owner's Address City 07.4m ifts I/1NAPA Permit No. Master Permit No. ailliminismosbam �i JUL 2 30 B.-- nw.rs..o 001- 1D b2- —.9 Roofing T�®,1 ati C'"AV4s Phone # r Tenant/Lessee Name State Zip Phone # Job Address (where the work is being done) City Miami Shores Village County Miami -Dade Zip 5d N (,5T. FOLIO / PARCEL # Is Building Historically Designated YES NO Contractor's Company Name .-S &Act [24„,. nJ Contractor's Address G'12 S S 1'5 City /1,4.3-„4,1 SiwcLC s State f/ Zip 33 37 Qualifier Name q I4` Phone # Phone# 3e05. 23' -Z3`f State Certificate or Registration No. <" e 457-55S 4, Certificate of Competency No. Architect/Engineer's Name (if applicable) k Phone # Value of Work For this Permit $FaS° Square / Linear Footage Of Work: Type of Work: ['Addition ['Alteration DNew Describe Work: 7£2,�T Repair/Replace ❑ Demolition ******* ** * * *** * * * ****** *** * * ** * * ** * * ** *Fees * * * ***** * ** * *** Submittal Fee $ Permit Fee $ SST Notary $ Training/Education Fee $ t , �® Scanning $ q Radon $ DPBR $ Bond $ Code Enforcement $ Double Fee $ Structural Review. $ Total Fee Now Due $ 23 5 • 0 6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** CCF $ b. Q0 CO /CC Technology Fee $ 6 . Z3 Zoning $ See Reverse side -* Bonding Company's Name (if applicable) Bonding Company's Address City State Zip Mortgage Lender's Name (if applicable) Mortgage Lender's Address City State Zip Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and ghat all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS. and AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. "WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Notice to Applicant: As a condition to the issuance of a building permit with an estimated value exceeding $2500, the applicant must promise in good faith that a copy of the notice of commencement and construction lien law brochure will be delivered to the person whose property is subject to attachment. Also, a certified copy of the recorded notice of commencement must be posted at the job site for the first inspection which occurs seven (7) days after the building permit is issued In the absence of such posted notice, the inspection will not be approved and a reinspection fee will be charged Signature Owner or Agent The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,20 ,by who is personally known to me or who has produced As identification and who did take an oath. NOTARY PUBLIC: Sign: Print My Commission Expires: APPLICATION APPROVED BY: (Revised 02/08/06) Contractor The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Z3 day of 4 %1, - - , 20 , by Ikkatk who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. NOTARY PUBLIC: Si Print: My Commission Expires: Plans Examiner Engineer Zoning SENT BY: ; 1y's Name•(if applicab •. '1 ompany's Adds • 305 534 7527; JUL -3 -07 2:00PM; PAGE i/1 Zip 1�1or�g6gaT:eadex'aNamefif applicable) • .Mate Zip :�li�ipllc 6>et' us by.' middy.* obtain a pe ngt to do the work and installations as indicated I certify that no work or installation has of a permit and that all work will be p rfi need to meet the standards of all laws regulating ':''i i tit t ?Oitt%s jtirisdicdon. I tmderutarid that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, .4YELLS- POOL$; •FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS. and AIR c0NDmONRRS, ETC • 'ar :•ir'•.:�.• : r•.e • •; ' ' AFPIIJAYIT:' l c ttii that all the foregoing information is accurate and that ail work will be done in compliance with alt 37hashb kwn t ng caUstravtzon and zoning. r, YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OP COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR r,:`' PA ``1!; GE4.: •'•.IM 'ItOVEMENT TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, :,.rNSuvI!;,;.;WITH "•.YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF '' lidtik5 td:�il Tf :; 8' 11 tivtr to the issuance of a building ',emit with an estimated Value exceeding 2500 the applicant must idliiithilto WI of the note ((commencement and construction lien law brochure will be delivered to the person fit3Ohiiihyli*(100111tibleatlailtitachnitint Also, it certfied copy (jaw recorded notice cf co mencestent must be posted at tie, ib site litiftestin4pietion which. occurs seven (7) days oiler the building permit is issued In the absence of such posted notice, the •.p. ,iewp Comsa:nett l►e approved and a reinspketion fee will be charged • • V l MegiW- Signature or AVM Contractor hint t• wledged before me this -6 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged belwe me this „.. ,. //6ai12S A/til a li day of . 20 _, by Mina or who has pnxlitced F tiu�tiu, who is known to me or who has a sILCPd • e,,.etn wy l�'� ::'. fi•$ ••identilicat 6n and who % f" as identification and who did take an oath. •o '� eO •M \SSIQ,�� °�,�� NOTARY PUBLIC: xm ®CRY ., Cj P 177 N * \ BL /C m ign: 27 , ?• z�`a print �o. "fiki nimiitini O ��o`a My bsion Expires: t4;41:irieiiiiiin r+► fit*** *tl***ie'lI+taa4siir********** ****see******** * * * * *** *#'*dr•k *ekes* "- �yry�� ,F'F�i"RO Y t'a.J: DII . .��TjtJlV^ a • 2 Plans Thtnntiner Engineer Zuaing 1V a) m 5 • s 00 w cL Hurricane Zone Uniform Roofing Permit Application Form MiA't 17�ADE COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT ELECTRONIC APPLICATION Section A (General Information) Process No. Low Slope BY DATE MR , AgO ■N `E WITH AL FEDERAL • I -o ' iULES P1I9 RFGIJLATION ramintfavint .iau�IcIi I u Przsc z are U-) LU J Itic Shingles iptive BUR -RAS 150 Page 1 of 1 agMIW JUL 232001 L __..._... Roof Category Mechanically Fastened Tile r- Metal Panel /Shingles 17 Other: Mortar /Adhesive Set Tile r Wood Shingles/Shakes n►� C�qs ueNsr Roof Type FT New Roof 1✓ Re- Roofing IT Recovering E Repair 0 Maintenance there Gas Vent Stacks located on the roof? 17 Yes ITT No If yes, what type? 177 Natural 0 LPGX Roof System Information Lgw lope roof area (fL) � Steep Sloped area (fl.'} 4� ;Total (ft 2 o 0 ° Section B (Roof Plan) sr kettrh Roof Plan: Illustrate all levels and sections, roof drains, scuppers, overflow scuppers and overflow drains. Inciu didim sions e se�onnsa itl levels, clearly Went dimensions of elevated pressure zones and location of parapets. • • • • $ •••• yith (al: Corner Size (a' x a°): .. • ... . •. plifi lir ui urimur��iummi numm>,r,na>iImiislc i r �I■,n Irus e' ■ innsnnimmeCS:::nnonno mummsnunnw::nnannramonnamonnn ■MMi■MNiWnn■■nMM OM MrMMn ®r NI■s ■EMr■■■■r■■■■■r rr MMINA■ ■r SAMM■N ■ ■■ ■■nnn ■r ■I Mrr■n■ MM■■ ■ ■ MM■■■■■■nM U MM■■IN Mlr■,MM1iM■WAMP �M,mi M>fMM�MM�rnnM a Ms r, nnam �in,p„�M■ainM plut°� =iii *gigin 11111111111111111111111 ■ � �� ii_nii_■■■■■� ■.r■ ■n■■■■innn ■ ■ nnun Mun.■ ■ o ■�l,■■s■ ■Mr■rRMALc�i■■■■■UMMEM 1111'119 11111111:C:1'11� 111111::::::::g::::::o :1:: •M OM MNI��■SRUMi■r,nn ■A■■■ ■■MCI■r■rdN ■�,M■ /f ■Ili�l�/■■ is i ■■M nnninimannionannonnonmsnonnounnonnonnmnonnnmunnommonnumonn minnunnumannonsminninionnnunnnnainnonnnonnonnunnonnonnnwann ■■■,■„■■,■,■■■■ '■■uannio, ■■■ ■ ■nundinnannimrnr■nr■n■■■■■■■■■ ■nn n nionsnnn■■■i,r■,nn ■■■lniMM iM nnnnMM■n■M�■■■rnr■ ■■■nonnnu■■ ■n ■MI ■n ■ MM■ rrM>�■r■■■■IMMU■■ ■MI ■ ■rr ■r■■ ■■■ ■ MUMS r■■■■ ■MM ■■■■■■■ nn■ r■ n■■■ MMVn■■ rrMwNMOM■■■■■ 1�1■■■■■MIMMM■■M■rr■■■■■ ■■r■■ iiMMITIM O�A MIMMISMIMM■IMMENiM■Ml EM■MM®rM■MMMM■MO■�M■MIUMMOMMIU AMA W■M■ M■ nM■MMMINU M■ ■■ N■■■■■■■r■n■i r■■■■■M o■■ 4S ■ nn■■M■■nennnT �■i �nn■■■■■■■nrr ■■■■■■■■■ tr r ■■ions ■r ■r W■ , �■■ r■ ■■Mr■■i /■r■■E■■■■■■ ■■■M■n SM M■■ rMN■■■ M■ ■■ r■■■M■■■■■■M■MM■■■■■■■■■ S ■■S nr■ Mrn■■ ii■r■■■■■■■■■Cr■M■■■■■ ■MI ■■■■■■■ ■ ■M■ ■M ■ ■■ ■r ■■ ■n■■■ ■■■■■r■■rM■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■M ■■■. ■■r■ m■■ U■ 5L■■■■.■ CC ■■■■iC■■rr.■■■■rrr■■■ ■r■■■■ M■■ ■r■ ■■ M■ ■r ■■■ in■ ■ ■Mrr■■■■■■■■■M ■M • : Page 1 of 1 High Velocity Hurricane ZOO,. Uniform Roofing Permit Application Form IAMI -DADE COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT ELECTRONIC APPLICATION Section C II� ow Sloped Roof System) 1 Fill in the Specific Roof As §onibly components and identify Manufacturer (If a compon;eht is not used, Identify as "NA") 8y tern Manufactur' I- NOA No Design Wind Press • res, From RAS 128 or Calculations: Pmax1 Pmax 2: Pmax3: Maximum Design Pr1ssure, From the Speciflo NOA System: J Deck typo: I5 /8" Plywood • These decks mop re a fastener pull teat by an approved toat la ratory Other Deck Type: Joist Spacing: L Slope: Anchor/Base Sheet SheetIM No. of Ply(s): o 1 d�,Ar u N0 t Anchor/Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material: Insulation Base Lay ISize & Thickness: Base Insulation Fasner /Bonding Material: Top Insulation Fastelrier /Bonding Material Insulation Top LayefC, lze & Thickness: 1 Wood Nailer: Base Sheet(s) &'No. ofply(s): I i Base Sheet Fastener/Bending Material: Ply Sheet(s) & No. of Riy(s): Piy Sheet Fastener/Bolding Material: Drip Edge Size & Gauge: Drip Edge Material Type: Hook Strip /Cleat gauge or weight: 12" face 26ga. IGalvinized Metal Coping Metal: • Top Ply 1 ,1�,;'�� Top Ply Fastening/Bonding Materla jt f Surfacing: •••• . -. ••••• ju FASTENER SPACING FOR east3m1E P ATTACHMINT Fastener Type: • • 11 IA" R.S. Nails L ••• • • �••• • • • •• • •. • • • • • •• • • • • • •• •• • • - - -- • • •• • •R.•• • • •••• • • • • • • • • • Alternate Fasteners: I 1. Field: 2. Perimeter. 3. Comers: o/c 0 Zaps & " olc © laps & " olc CI laps & ••• • v • •• rows CO " 0/0 rows rows NUMBER OF FASTENERS PER INSULATION BOARD Field: Padrtftec 1__._.... i Comer. Page 3 http:// www. co .i*hiami- dade.fl.us/bldg/roofi4 permiting /section c 4.htm1 "o/c "olc • • • •••• 7/8/2003 • • Page 1 of 1 High Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Roofing Permit Application Form MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT ELECTRONIC APPLICATION Illustrate ponents Noted and D tails as Applicable: Woodblocking4 utter, Edge Terminations/S Oing/Flashing, Continuous Cleat, Cant Strip, Base Flashing,Counte ashing, Coping, Etc. Indicate: MO Roof Height, Parapet Heigh, Height of Base Flashing, Component Material, Material Thickness, Fa* ner Type, Fastener Spacing Or: Submit Mariufacturers Details that Comp(y with RAS-111 and Chapter 16. --f Page 3a Parapet PatW1BoigbL. MetriR.00fHe Ft. http://www.eoitipiami-dade.fLus/bldg/roofu*_permiting/section_c 4 2.htmt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • 7/8/2003 ...._n . u i . , JUU :J J'+ 'Del, JUN-40-U/ 4 :uur@ly VAtit SECTION R4402.13 HIGH[ VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES — REQUIRED OWNERS NOTIFICATION FOR ROOFING CONSIDERATIONS 84402.13.1 Scope. As it pertains to them section, it is the responsibility of roofing contractor to provide the owner with the required roofing permit, and to explain to the owner the content of the section, The provisions of Section R4402 govern the minimum requirements and standards of the industry for roofing system installations. Additionally, the following items should be addressed as part of the agreement between. the owner ant the contractor. The owner's initial in the designated space indicates that the item has been explained. 1• - Aesthetics-Workmanship: the workmanship provisions of Section R4402 are for the purpose of providing that the roof system meets the wind resistance and water instruction performance standards. Aesthetics (appearance) are not a consideration with respect to workmanship provisions. Aesthetic issues such as color or architectural appearance, that are not part of a zoning code, should be addressed as part of the agreement between the owner and the contractor.. 2. _f leenailing wood decks: When replacing roofing, the existing wood roof deck may have to be renailed in accordance with the current provisions of Section R4403. (The roof deck is usually concealed prior to removing the existing roof system). 3. Common roofs: Common roo& are those which have no visible delineation between neighboring units (i.e., townhouses, condoininiums, etc.) In buildings with cotnrnon roofs, the roofing contractor and/or owner should notify the occupants of adjacent units of roofing to be performed. 4. vim''' s Exposed Ceiling: Exposed, open beam ceilings are where the underside of the roof decking can be viewed from below. The owner may wish to maintain the architectural appearance; therefore, roofing nail penetration of the underside of the decking may not be acceptable. The provides the option of maintaining the appearance. S. • • • • Ponding water: The current roof system and/or deck of the bufl lZng may scot . drain well and may cause water to pond (accumulate) in low-lying areaseg► roof. • • : Ponding can be an indication of structural distress and may require the retfewbf a • professional structural engineer. Ponding may shorten the life expectanGfAildferfoithen& of the new roofing system. Ponding conditions may not be evident until tfic originaaal •offile system is removed. Ponding conditions should be corrected. • • •' • • 4444 4444 • • • • • • • 6. Overflow scuppers (wall outlets): It is required that rainwatcr'flAw of.seihat • . the roof is not overloaded from a buildup of water, Perimeter /edge wall :pr gtimPr roof• • • •' • . .extension may block this discharge if overflow scuppers (wall outlets) art'hot 'provviflfid.It: • may be necessary to install overflow scuppers in accordance with the requirements of • Sections R4402, R4403 and R4413. 7., ., Ventilation: Most roof structures should have some ability to vent natural airflow through the interior of the structure assembly (the building itself). The existing • amount of attic ventilation shall not be reduced. It may be beneficial to consider additional venting which can result in extending the service life of the roof. ner /Agent's Signature Date Contractor Signature Date BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE (BCCO) PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) Polyglass USA, Inc. 150 Lyon Drive Fernley, NV 89408 MIAMI -DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO -DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 -1563 (305) 375 -2901 FAX (305) 375 -2908 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by the BCCO and accepted by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The BCCO (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by BCCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roofing Systems Over Wood Decks 000 0 LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name 84, l fgc city, §ttaVe s and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved ", unless atilieswise noted •.; herein. • •••• .. • RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been fritdca. there his,. • been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance Itkis� product. • • .. •. • .. •• TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has inapt ftovision or • change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse 6f this NOA as.a. endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall autortatiq l y terminate. • this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for terminat%n Ind rerfiesa�1 : of NOA. • • ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA # 03- 0915.05 and consists of pages 1 through 44. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Jc e L. Acebo..%� NOA No.: 06- 0410.06 Expiration Date: 09/13/11 Approval Date: 09/14/06 Page 1 of 44 ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Category: Sub - Category: Deck Type: Maximum Design Pressure Fire Classification: Roofing SBS /APP Modified Bitumen Wood -82.5 psf See General Limitation #1 TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: TABLE 1 Product Polyflex Polyflex G Polyflex G FR Polybond Polybond G Elastoflex S6 Elastoflex S6 (3 Elastoflex S6 G FR Elastoshield TS4 Elastoshield TS4 FR Dimensions 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" Test Specification ASTIvf D 6222 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" ASTM D 6222 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" ASTM D 6222 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" ASTM D 6222 ASTM D 6222 ASTM D 6164 ASTM D 6164 ASTM D 6164 ASTM D 6164 ASTM D 6164 Product Description Torch applied, polyester reinforced, APP modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene back face and a smooth or sanded top surface. Torch applied, polyester reinforced, APP modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene back face and a granule top surface. Torch applied, polyester reinforced, APP modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene back face and a granule top surface and fire retardant chemistry. Torch applied, polyester reinforced, APP modified bitumen membrane with a bum off polyethylen • • • • back face and a smooth or sanded top surface. • • Torch applied, polyester reinfor8jj„'AP ' modif ea• • bitumen membrane with a bum pffgoJYethylene • • back face and a granule top surf %.; • • • • Torch, hot asphalt or cold adhesive` applied, p o1 'esIer reinforced, SBS modified bit untek i inbrane with a • burn off polyethylene or sande41214ffce ands: • • polyethylene or sanded top surfin2 • • • • • • Torch, hot asphalt or cold adhegiygmilied, polyester reinforced, SBS modified bitumen fievbrane w t1 a burn off polyethylene or sanded back face and a • granule top surface. • • • • • • • Torch, hot asphalt or cold adhesive applied, poiye�stee reinforced, SBS modified bitumen membrane with "a" burn off polyethylene or sanded back face and a granule top surface and fire retardant chemistry. Torch, hot asphalt or cold adhesive applied, polyester reinforced, SBS modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene or sanded back face and a granule top surface. Torch, hot asphalt or cold adhesive applied, polyester reinforced, SBS modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene or sanded back face and a granule top surface and fire retardant chemistry. NOA No.: 06- 0410.06 Expiration Date: 09/13/11 Approval Date: 09/14/06 Page 2 of 44 Product Elastoflex V Elastoflex VG Elastoflex VG FR Xtraflex Xtraflex G Xtraflex G FR Dimensions 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" 32' 10" x 3' 3 -3/8" 32' 10" x 3' 6" 32' 10" x 3' 6" 32' 10" x 3' 6" Elastoflex SA P FR 32' 6" x 3' 3 -3/8" Elastoflex SA V FR 32' 6" x 3' 3 -3/8" Base Elastoflex SA V FR 32' 6" x 3' 3 -3/8" Elastoflex SA V 32' 6" x 3' 3-3/8" Elastoflex SA V G 32' 6" x 3' 3 -3/8" Elastoflex SA V G 32' 6" x 3' 3 -3/8" Elastoflex SA P 32' 6" x 3' 3 -3/8" FR Elastobase Polyflex SA P 65' 2" x 3' 3 -3/8" 32' 6" x 3' 33/8" Test Specification ASTM D 6163 ASTM D 6163 ASTM D 6163 ASTM D 6222 ASTM D 6222 ASTM D 6222 ASTM D 6164 ASTM D 6163 ASTM D 6163 ASTM D 6163 ASTM D 6163 ASTM D 6163 ASTM D 6164 ASTM D 4601 ASTM D 6222 Polyflex SA P G FR 32' 6" x 3' 3-3/8" ASTM D 6222 Product Description Torch, hot asphalt or cold adhesive applied, fiberglass reinforced, SBS modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene or sanded back face and a sanded top surface. Torch, hot asphalt or cold adhesive applied, fiberglass reinforced, SBS modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene or sanded back face and a granule top surface. Torch, hot asphalt or cold adhesive applied, fiberglass reinforced, SBS modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene or sanded back face and a granule top surface and fire retardant chemistry. Torch applied, polyester reinforced, TPO modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene back face and a smooth top surface. Torch applied, polyester reinforced, TPO modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene back face and a granule top surface. Torch applied, polyester reinforced, TPO modified bitumen membrane with a burn off polyethylene back face and a granule top surface and fire retardant chemistry. Self- adhered, polyester reinforced, SBS modified bitumen membrane with a self- adhering back face and a granule top surface. • • • Self - adhered, fiberglass reinforced, S$S modif • • • bitumen membrane with a self- aagfin:+back face • and a smooth top surface. • • Self - adhered, fiberglass reinforwil,:1-V modified • • • bitumen membrane with a self- acilypriitg back face • and a granule top surface. •... • • • • • Self- adhered, fiberglass reinforGecj,,,SJ3S modified d. • • bitumen membrane with a self -Alff backface• • •• •• and a smooth top surface. Self - adhered, fiberglass reinfo4ed,•SlIS modified. bitumen membrane with a selfwadherjng back f� .. • and a granule top surface. • • • • Self- adhered, fiberglass reinforced, SBS modi ad. bitumen membrane with a self - adhering back face • • and a granule top surface. Self- adhered, fiberglass reinforced, SBS modified bitumen membrane with a self - adhering back face and a granule top surface. SBS modified asphalt coated fiberglass reinforced base sheet. Self - adhered, polyester reinforced, APP modified bitumen membrane with a self - adhering back face and a granule top surface. Self-adhered, polyester reinforced, APP modified bitumen membrane with a self - adhering back face and a granule top surface. NOA No.: 06- 0410.06 Expiration Date: 09/13/11 Approval Date: 09/14/06 Page 3 of 44 APPROVED INSULATIONS: Product Name Polythene Al Polytherm Composite PYROX, White Line ACFoam II High Density Wood Fiberboard Perlite/Urethane Composite Perlite Insulation Type X Gypsum Dens Deck ENRGY -2 Fesco Board Multi -Max & FA TABLE 2 Product Description Polyisocyanurate foam insulation Polyisocyanurate /perlite composite insulation. Polyisocyanurate foam insulation Polyisocyanurate foam insulation Wood fiber insulation board Perlite / urethane composite board insulation Perlite insulation board Fire resistant rated gypsum. Water resistant gypsum board Polyisocyanurate foam insulation Rigid perlite roof insulation board. Polyisocyanurate roof insulation Manufacturer (With Current NOA) Polyglass USA, Inc. Polyglass USA, Inc. Apache Products Co. Atlas Energy Products Generic Generic Generic Generic G -P Gypsum Corp. Johns Manville Johns Manville RMax, Inc. • • • • • •• • • • •••• •••• • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • •••• ••• • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • •••• ••• • NOA No.: 06- 0410.06 Expiration Date: 09/13/11 Approval Date: 09/14/06 Page 4 of 44 APPROVED FASTENERS: Fastener Number Product Name 1. Dekfast Fasteners #12, #14 & #15 2. Dekfast Hex Plate 3. Dekfast Lock Plate 4. #12 & #l4 Roofgrip 5. Metal Plate 6. Plastic Plate 7. Insul -Fixx HD Fastener 8. Insul-Fixx S 9. Insul -Fixx P 10. Tru -Fast HD 11. Tru -Fast Plates 12. Tru -Fast Plates EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agency /Identifier Factory Mutual Research Corp. Exterior Research & Design, LLC Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. TABLE 3 Product Description Insulation fastener for wood, steel and concrete decks Galvalume hex stress plate. Polypropylene locking plate. Insulation and membrane fastener Galvalume AZ50 stress plate Polyethylene stress plate Insulation fastener for steel and wood decks Galvalume AZ55 stress plate Polyethylene stress plate Insulation fastener for steel and wood decks Galvalume AZ55 steel plate Polyethylene plastic plate Name J.I. 3001334 J.1. 3000857 J.I. 3004091 #11757.12.00-1 #11757.04.01 -1 #11751.05.03 #11758.08.03 00NK20869 Manufacturer Dimensions (With Current NOA) 2 7 /g" x 3 1/4" 3" x 3 '/" Various 3" square 3.2" round Various 3" round 3" round 3" round 3 " round Report Construction Fasteners Inc. Construction Fasteners Inc. Construction Fasteners Inc. ITW Buildex ITW Buildex ITW Buildex SFS Stadler, Inc SFS Stadler, Inc. SFS Stadler, Inc. The Tru -Fast .orp• • • • • • • T7he•Ti•Fast Corp' •; • Thp„Ir. -Fast C;tp . • • • • •••• • •• • . • • • . •• •• Date • • •• •• • • • • • FMRC 4470 , , 02.1 S.aa• • • •.. • ; 01.12•• • • 01.12.00•.: UL 790 12.07.00 04.25.01 05.30.03 08.11.03 06.08.00 NOA No.: 06- 0410.06 Expiration Date: 09/13/11 Approval Date: 09/14/06 Page 5 of 44 Deck Type 1: Wood, Non - Insulated Deck Description: 1`'/34" or greater plywood or wood plank System Type E(7): Base sheet is mechanically attached to roof deck. All General and System Limitations apply. Base Sheet: One ply of CertainTeed GlasBase, Polyglass Base, Elastobase, Firestone MB Base, JM Perma -Ply #28, Tamko Glass Base or GAFGLAS #75 fastened to the deck as described below: Fastening #1: Attach base sheet using 11 ga. annular ring shank and 1 -5/8" diameter tin caps spaced 8" o.c. in a 4" lap and 8" o.c. in two equally spaced staggered rows in the center of the sheet. Fastening #2: Attach base sheet using Buildex Roofgrip Fasteners and Flat Bottom Plates, Dekfast #14 with Hex Plates or Tru -Fast HD with MP -3 Plates spaced 12" o.c. in a 4" lap and 12" o.c. in two equally spaced staggered rows in the center of the sheet. Ply Sheet: (Optional) One ply of Elastobase, Modibase, Perma Ply No. 28, Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex V, Elastoflex V 2.5 or one or more plies of Type IV or VI ply sheet adhered in full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-40 lbs./sq. or Elastoflex SA V self - adhered. Membrane: One ply of Polyflex, Polyflex G, Polyflex G FR, Polybond, Polybond G, Xtraflex, Xtraflex G or Xtraflex G FR torch applied or one ply of Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex S6 G, Elastoflex S6 G FR, Elastoshield TS4 or Elastoshield TS4 FR torch or hot• • • asphalt applied or one ply of Polyflex SA P FR, Polyflex SA P, f lasIdljex SA F! ••' Elastoflex SA -P FR or Elastoflex SA -V FR self - adhered. ' • • ••• • • • •' • Surfacing: (Optional) Install one of the following to obtain required fire elMs ezltion. • • • • • . 1. Gravel or slag at 400 lbs /sq or 300 lbs /sq, respectively, in a flo'otregat of :•• • • • approved asphalt at 60 lbs /sq. "" • • • • • 2. Karnak 97 Fibrated Aluminum Asphalt Roof Coating or AsbMtb rok'ree • • : • Aluminum Roof Coating at 1' /2 gal/sq. ••• . • 3. Kokem Products Sunguard Acrylic Roof Coating at 1 gal/sg9 • ; • '. 4. Monsey Endure Aluminum Roof Coating, Weather Check or Pro - lrade • • • • • ` • Aluminum Roof Coating at 11/2 gal /sq. • '..' • • • • • • • • 5. Grundy al MB Aluminum Roof Coating at 1 -2 gal/sq. •• • • 6. Fields F350 Heat Shield Aluminum Coating or F630 Heat Shield Fibered Aluminum Coating at 11/2 gal/sq. Maximum Design Pressure: -52.5 psf; (See General limitation #7.). NOA No.: 06- 0410.06 Expiration Date: 09/13/11 Approval Date: 09/14/06 Page 43 of 44 WOOD DECK SYSTEM LIMITATIONS: 1. A slip sheet is required with Ply 4 and Ply 6 when used as a mechanically fastened base or anchor sheet. GENERAL LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance, refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2. Insulation may be installed in multiple layers. The first layer shall be attached in compliance with Product Control Approval guidelines. All other layers shall be adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-40 lbs. /sq., or mechanically attached using the fastening pattern of the top layer 3. All standard panel sizes are acceptable for mechanical attachment. When applied in approved asphalt, panel size shall be 4' x 4' maximum. 4. An overlay and /or recovery board insulation panel is required on all applications over closed cell foam insulations when the base sheet is fully mopped. If no recovery board is used the base sheet shall be applied using spot mopping with approved asphalt, 12" diameter circles, 24" o.c.; or strip mopped 8" ribbons in three rows, one at each side lap and one down the center of the sheet allowing a continuous area of ventilation. Encircling of the strips is not acceptable. A 6" break shall be placed every 12' in each ribbon to allow cross ventilation. Asphalt application of either system shall be at a minimum rate of 12 lbs./sq. Note: Spot attached systems shall be limited to a maximum design pressure of -45 psf. 5. Fastener spacing for insulation attachment is based on a Minimum Characteristic Force (F) value of 275 lbf., as tested in compliance with Testing Application Standard TAS 105. If the fastener value, as field - tested, are below 275 lbf. insulation attachment shall not be acceptable. 6. Fastener spacing for mechanical attachment of anchor/base sheet or membrane attachment is basil., on a minimum fastener resistance value in conjunction with the maximum design Talug 4isted Allis. • a specific system. Should the fastener resistance be less than that required, as deterMine; by the • • • • • Building Official, a revised fastener spacing, prepared, signed and sealed by a FlolS registered • • • Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or Registered Roof Consultant may b`e`s'ill pitted. Said • • revised fastener spacing shall utilize the withdrawal resistance value taken from Tiesttn Applicripn•. • Standards TAS 105 and calculations in compliance with Roofing Application Stank ird RAS 1 • • • • 7. Perimeter and corner areas shall comply with the enhanced uplift pressure reglifroitnts o€lthos areas. Fastener densities shall be increased for both insulation and base shut. g4 •calculated. m compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. Calculations prepared, si 'gnd and •• by a Florida registered Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or Registered Roof Cotts,p tr • • (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitstiion ;9 will•uut bg • • applicable.) `• • 8. All attachment and sizing of perimeter nailers, metal profile, and/or flashing termination designs shall conform to Roofing Application Standard RAS 111 and applicable wind load requirements. 9. The maximum designed pressure limitation listed shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones (i.e. field, perimeters, and corners). Neither rational analysis, nor extrapolation shall be permitted for enhanced fastening at enhanced pressure zones (i.e. perimeters, extended corners and comers). (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation #7 will not be applicable.) 10. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 9B -72 of the Florida Administrative Code. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: 06- 0410.06 Expiration Date: 09/13/11 Approval Date: 09/14/06 Page 44 of 44 u E./ '7■171 2k.:107 Ei7:r51 .3O575157 2002 SOCIFING MATERIALS ANC) AT%--.:1..1-"ItPL''' MIAMI - • PiOCIF co'4Eatt 0 mATssu..5 -......_,.....---. ------ - RooErig Systo_.0 . (TC51_:)-Cont:rtacti P. ''' %get laPtional): Coe or :Trore layers "Ct.:Ft.:EV' (httat tosedt. E ....5CBA3E.t...t.STOF ,.:( V" }hot mopped ar heat tused)or T,...'ae Meerbtane: 7rt7.1.;:fALS..". " POLY-, Der-r_.E G R' cc PCC CZ IY.,e. sheet (het rn, -led) PS.1. .; ?It- (modified 'a truf aro), heat rased. 24. Or:el. AI; 3z Incline. 112 Par .atit.n: Poly:soc:/anur te C.: in. rnin}, Ilass (1.5il'a in. tr:1:11. Ja- !ceJ polyiwc?Jrticl•ate. cc cryaktP, perlite!urethane c.oroposito C. tr,- ; az.: Sittcl; '7..ne or morel .yers 'OL:ft-SX'' (hear tteSed or :nechonicill'? roir.. f:ltered.), ''ES...ASTCOA:-F.- "ELASTOri-EX. V" or Type C2 base sheer ,tivt mocatel or tr.erhat:::....,1,,, rd). ety 5h.et tOpkiattall: 'Ile or MOM layeri "O- (ht r-IV`il• Type C2 bast 5he-st (hot at " EL AST0fl.E.X VC PR." (0{)e.ified b.:tut...ten), hut roapPed. , . Deck: -lit 3:: tr.olirte: 112 Note: 1,:nsupc•orted r.,•v ff.", i 'OinC3 lr.q e:overeci by a Min 6, irt:wide itrlp 'f CetitO. ...:',5 11.,i,ifilg, TArrlitt, Asphalt Prudacts or Blade.. WaTrtor ltourinc; 711-te C2 bas.i sl- !et raile.1 in place prior to sociing. 13•3e Sheet:. One Or rnia.t lave*. “OLFLEX"..:'.'ELASTOBA',7-.S' "Et-ASTOFLEX V" (heat fused ar mechanically fastehed) or C.-elate,: • Roofing, Tarnko Asphalt 'toducts Or Slack 'Nairn:Jr-Roaring_ Type G2 ase sheet (mechanically fast ilea). i ...... Ply Sheet One or mote layers "OCIFLEX7, -.E.L.P4SrOBAGE". , TOPLEX V" (Ilea rused vr mechanically fastened) or Celarete C'S Roofing, 'tarrtko ..s.,4pitall Products or131.w..kii.Vartor Rooting Type C2 base sheet (rr.echarticathr ias eneal. FR f Membrane: "T.'0C'f,k1..:, "POI:fRANr. "Of:FLEX C. '. "POLY17`..F..X '7.--■ '...4.'' Or S.mod:fittc!„ 'alt. :.rrert), heat fused, 7.f... Deck:C.3Z trzlint.. l Ir.solation: ; '4 ',.....r:- ck C.? C..--7..s....::-• "2.e.-..-.....-z.:-.-'.: -,...ec..te ‘...z.......:.' f'.'cet ar '3.as.'s :7:et. m, :har.'.:3"r.Y.fastet-.ed. 7ly State: Tyre: (7-. rec.r.ar...-:a ..y :zate•e-.L. Merelaratte: -1:Ci.,';'7 .•'"‹.'', 'r•ea: we'c....-.1. 5uthcirtV "Weather ChecV or • ?ra-Crarie .1.......7r...-..'7• • 27. Deck: NC Bartley lated: tr.. 1. linoulationt ?calyiso4 yarturam. Z B440 Sheet: One ar from blies 7Ytte 7..7.1. VC i.-'7%', neat ....set.' =7 7 Sase Sheet! Type c 1 rr.e..'y Membrane: ."C; . •A",..."- l'-';...."....5". ..C1L..f7k'-'. Ply Sheet: Ty;te PI-VS-. heat ;:user... 29. Deck: C-t:3%3" 1:-....::r.e..".......c "...;.!-•.::.:..7.7. Insulation: i.'0IV'. Z.717:3•!--2.•Jt't 07 ".7.....:.:,'S.,;+:'•:-17.'-7:..-.2 ::::-...:".C1Ts.-e '.1". :•.. , • fostered Merabeartte "n _,..-A.1.L ltu...'...:-', '''.'CLY1,AV. Ply Sheet: l'yFe • '..-..' hat r:•.:-..tcec.. ', hea • 30. Deck: NC Tr:cline: No timitattons t e-■.E: I:SSUI3tiCle.; Poly sec.:art:irate. polyisacyanorato cumposite. perlite, any thickness. mecha licafty fastened or hot mopped. Ply Sheet 'Type CL meclianic34(y fastened or hot moppd. 'Membrane: "1", 3LYALL PLUS'', -FOLRAM PLUS" or -POCYSTEEL PT-US". heat Ns, d. 31.. Deck: t-t / 2 TstsC Incline: No Limitation Base Sheet: 1? ae CZ, one or mare layers, but mopped, liaise bind or rnechoMcally (a tened. InStalation: Pn yisocyanurare. 1.3 in_ nun. triwtatioPly Sheet: "ES ASTOFLEX V", heat fused, hat chaPPed 6e mediaolcatiF n: Pe 'lite. 3/4 in. min- faste.ried. Nlembratte: " .OLYALL. PLUS-. 31 Deck: C.I.i/ 32 Instinct 21/2 Barrier, Hoard 1/4 in. (min) CA" Gypsurn Chet-fDeck with Ill loints VIVWCIOd lOillr3. P.COF CCV.C.Filt4G MATERIALS creill g.tirtg Systetrti (1-CFS,2)-t:ortrintird 33. Deck: SC Incline: l,":1 Insulation gDpttonal}: Polvtsocyar.urate., gla...; fiber, Ferlite, wood fil-,e; anti cambiranorts. any 0-..icitte.35, mechanically i'asterald, Ba:se. Sheet.: Tv-,-,41 C1 mechanically fasterte,a. Nterrtarane: ''PGLY7J--7.c.r,"?CLYee0" or Dt.:74.5.X*, heat tused in " saelcinic "7,C0 AFX Alu custom. Root C4.14tillg 4t t-t :2 gall if.;. place. 14. Deck C43.132 tactine: Z Insolation (Optior.al): Poivtsocyar.e.rare. perlitc. wood fiber or yolyisocyarvaa,:e; perlize ''.1cac•ed. ire thleAr.esS. Barrier Soa.rd: I ' 4 ..n. ?min) C-7 Gyr,41.:::: Dens-clackg. mechanical:IT Easrened with ali joint; tetasij.eted 5 in. tram the plinvued icents. eat Sheet: "St-.ASTOBA5.7.." (poly; 34Sta}, tiled;glialy fowled ot "Ei-A.550FL'E.S.X SA V 711. 5AE' ,,self adhered-1. Ply Sheet taptiona ''ELASTCFL8X. SA V Fa B.,a- (v1i Adhr). • !.41.ernbrane. "12CLYV...SX 5A 7 FR'. "ELASTOFI.FA SA 7 Fa", L FLEX SA it rIv t•sol( adhetee or -POLIfLE( G Fr, `( C FR'. "SI.ASTOFLEX SO FT', -AS1OFLEX VC F. "ELAS. LO TS 4 57" 31 Incline: t,:a. 1 OratItlant ridlyixt;:nr.urrg t.:-., in. (Min.) with ali join* 6-irt. (min.) front the plywood ;nine% • .; • ., . ' t Ea$tened Vii feil'uwed h‘ji PAGE 10/11 I, 15 ._ srag.gr Sheet: Type C rne . • BASE-. rneettartically iageerted. . ' • ' . Ply Sheet (Optional): "ELASTOFS-8X .; V FR 3A5r! (,,alt ocalemii. • Membrane: 'ICl/FIFA SA P FR-, "E.L.4$10FLEX $A P Er, "ELA.STOFLE-X SA VC Fr (self aciheredl or "Citift.EX C "St-AST05`._,EX C Sa 5a.". ''ELASTOR.EX VC Fr . " ELASTCSKIELD TS heat &used. Deck: NC tneline; : ... ".,...." ..... ,..7a:v' s..nr1-',. her. Iosg.f. cr. metarteat ..'t..5t-e.rect :,... 1.t.'_AS-77.-:;:-SX.::,4A '.,* it''.t. 3....4E • .1e..i, sai:-..isti'. kle-Ta:a7e. -:t i'...1. ? 7.•17{-, "I-I'...A..57CF-F, Fi.,.. 7 P.% "E'-.•A=7::'7.-7-7( = ; .t. 57-- '.Fe.ia...".,!•erti' Z. '7 - :-11100-11.1 t.-, 7.•:?.' . -7, !--.1- . • • • • e otin :1'.:tr 3 • . • • • , 7 7.',ecrt:',:•'.i. 3"... • 4,,,- lOattor :V.: t:reitle...(*xd'' PillVel • A ... +.; z.ertr azare,: *. i.5.:10 Ea:fere:. ieiE:E:Er. ii cr.r.ts V::-.4v....!StIo from 4e., rardiitlitt .„ '-'-,.. '5 cse Ailosles_4141Ancil, mechanically fastesii'Ver: P'y Sheet lOrriona1): "1:1,4•0 ir SA V,Ft." keladhereff4:4- tavalation }Optional} : Atas Ronflag "ACEoin ill" lar l'iumtet -14,5hield". any thichness.• • • ••••.,. • 44 SAte Sheet "hAsT0FLE•A.vv fa EIASE".00103aAete'd)°_, Mmbrane: "MI/R.5X SX 5' A", ''EudoiVt,p. sx 4-• adhered), • • • .. 1.!-..r. Insulation tOptionall: Polyi6ocyarnsZteellectfil 1 •fitte• r, ye....tittes.:'‘.14;•- fiberboard, any thiekstess, arty combittorion, miactiardegly fastenifi 39 fleck: INC • east Sheet: Type CZ. "stAsTocksz-, -otooteAsg" mapped 'm place. !Ia. Lt7C;IIFIP tr Ty CZ ZI-A5. " r11311" Hot 'D LEX V''. meehanically fastened. asdailateltecid, With "703 SIB PRSMIUNI",cOld yrcn:ess sdhasi'vezr. 10 Ste ta:1-1(b3stirfleLI:10:btet,'S4c-to:r4';.:::..aitisOcLILE;f:stiFC.ft.. El C,,11:1;1111101111;:riciNktEiXtdIVQEGui 40. Deck: CI5112 ..;.c.: Insulatiert lOyteartallt, Polyisocyanuralta:(11.113l. ttlittlf gl°"-At iir,ti.rnetn) or yerlits.(5/ la. min), mechanicalt y tastentd '''' It°. t .. • Lilt Sheet: T,..o pliesTypeG" tint ylv tri.,!chaniCIII 64. •■•••••••,..4 t, lIt'v adhered wtth -WM '!41.13 PRE:411.14 • Cia3.E. ,',17..1.5731•1■Fo 9:: 77. -.27-* -• -4, : „Po • woo.. Merr'oranfr ' heat Ea*ti'll • ;41..•'+' :34 t.eit NC. • • Incline: 3 • . . ) -