The General Conditions attached tc th_o specificetc•a in general refer tc
the General Contractor, bua the sub=- ccr hall assure any and all
obligations contained herein, in so far as the sEr;, car be applied to his
respectiv. trade. The application of the clauses of the General Conditions
to this contract shall be made by the Architect and hhs deciaion shall be
All mork shell be done according to those specifications and articles of
agreement, signed by tl owner and this Contractor and under the superintendence
and to the satisfaction of the owner.
The Uennral Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits required, give
all legal notices and pay for all fees required for the work.
'b'he General Contractor shall protect all shrubberrr, trees, sidewalks, and
shall replace any damage done during the process of construction by any sub-
Each contractor shell compute in hiis e:ti_mete and properly pay and
di_scherge any obligation hue the United States of America or the State of Fla.
under the pro risione of the Federal_ Socicl Security Act (H.S.7260) erected
by the 74th Congress.
Each Contractor or sub - contractor or supply dealer shall compute in his
cost and properly pay and discharge any obligation due the State of Florida
v_ ::.der the provisions of. Chapter 16,848, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1935, known
as the/O y4/ "Retail Sales Act" or. the "Ch_.in. Store Act ".
The Contractor shall maintain such insurance as will protect bir from
claims under the Workmen's Compensation Acts and from ery otHer claim s for
&linases for - person. €1 i rjury%, incl.udi nb death 9 r:hich may arise from cperatona
u:der this contrbct, w:heth?r Such operations be by hiriself or by a-ly 5i
contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by ether of
Certificates of such insurance shall be filed with the Owner, with e. clause
in such certificates requiring at ?east five days written notice in the event
of cancellation. and shall be subject to his approval_. for adequacy of protection
The Owner shall protect his interest and the contractor's interest against
loss by fire, hurricane and windstorm.
Each sub- contractor shall furnish all necessary scaffolding, joist, p1enk&ngs,
etc., in connection with his particular work. In each ce. e, he sha11 hr respnn..stble
for the safety and maintenance of sine Each sub- contractor will provide al ?.
covers, etc., where his mat ri.ai.s will be in the public wey end elsewhere, to
protc :cc the public from any injury whatsoever. Each sub - contractor ti.ill.. provid e
all necessary employees and public liability insrrence and - old the owner froe
from all damages. Each sub - contractor will provide ell necessary hose connections
to the rater supply in the parking space in the street for the proper cerrying on
of the work.
` 1 - Gei al.. Contractor shall keep premises clean at all times and remove
rubbish ;-hen necessary. Building shall be left broom clean upon its completion.
Excavate for footings to pour footings on original soil.
Concrete __ for tie beams, footings, columns, slabs etc., shell be reinforced
accordigg the City of Miami code and shat l lbe mixed to proportions of 1 -2a-4.
Concrete poured above ground shall be poured in wood forms well braced, wired
against yielding during pouring.
Exterior walls shall_ be 8" x 8" x 16" approved Cement Block and shall_ be laid
up in waterproof mortar. Build in all anchors, Inge, etc.
Cn.17:!Tey "AD .Y,ILL
Pii.b—c-7=Ad-i-i7Ef—s717-71-etr;sery lurbcr vi mill7ork to fully ccite
job -s 71 lorenirL lumber shall be t9 comnon structurrl LrPdc L. .
Wlcor joist:, furrlui - s:rjps, 400111ftias, bucks, plotc o- outside walls,
be treoted Ucicure-sol. Closets .._1c1 have F/3" cedar linings
here called for on plans. Anchor plc to beam - ith G.T. bolts, 4ft.
o- center. Anchor roof rafters vith C.I.chors evcry four'h rftc
tIr vide - 411 necessary rough hardware.
-$e and door trim shall be stock flush cypress t:im.
ISSIIMMOMOMINIMPINObc cypress. Exterior door frames 1-3/8" x 7", interior
17teraor doors — joint c,p-c-e Es shoTn. Interior doors e,tock
Prc_ 'de Ives, books, clothes pole, End shoe rack in each closet.
Medicine c r13.00
bc rEsidecoo ctemcnts of F-net:tra Fe - rought or ecoal,with
bronze t:aoutz,h Screens hardrare. Screens L,hall be mcUl frames wit 18 rcsh copper c_cr.
All c:;erior 7:50"b r !CebhOleE End -,:ring blonze
vcathcvatripping o— heed and jambs.
C11 all opouincs 71th D.S.A. glaas i good putty ard bcc7..:: puttied.
Exte)-ior v,alls shall receiv t—o
71terIrGefinb a turcc tuetu Fs dirrotc
r7TYr fl1 TAFT7o'rwrC-
Interior T F ccilin:s sl■ he 1t12c a2d 11.-,:ir ;ill
rtL 'd two oats plaster, broln rrC f:rYire , t. e
rri, I 1= (r - 1 rrgle5 , o ...rmr' tile is called for in b.ti.roor;
on j r. and hr.rdt of 7ire•ws Ime metal lath and pltster.Point up
after compluf cif ctber track worlr.
be7select oak floorinL 11 room r-7,:cc1
en6 porch. Kitchen floor shell he pine lorec 7ith linoleum finish. Da1a7oom
fns iiJ. bc tiled. Porc' flor shf 17e cement 1R7? or concrete
n struck off in 2.attE71 re. selected.
Tn brthrooms fuTnish n
eThwer. to be 4.
ceramic. Lccessories — 6
of tile wok. in "Y.c.c kitcl
oat CCt 1f 'it'i Crystex
nd install tile 7a1ls 4 and 5'-6" around
x l/2" co7or s selected. Floor to be
pieces, color selected. Sec drrings for (7dert
E007_17,..AIT_S7TT YET/T1_
Ail of roof area shall be covered pith M'slrte surn:cec7. Lth
tile covers n finish.
rrr rccf mcot:7 vertical fc€u ircJr. fl.r,shAnLf2 shall be used
Flai7.trell.rd vent pies.
Exterior valls pair' tTo coats lime -Psh, waterprofed.
exterior sash and v 3 cots le..?.d and oil.
Tntcria cirrbing o Ell lat,strr cot e of Sorry or
cy l_athroome End kitchen rhicb shell h3ite two coats one half enamel
rt pv r l , f rqm-1
r irec-d-crk fainte6 t'vee coats.
All pcylit sbll be firet rade of "Dupont" or equal.
e • 4
r Vr'=K-
Fu-nish and in5tP31 electrfcal -ork as chown in steel tube conduit to
:-0L1 rd ov.rhead to hoe. C;. shall give location of electrical
service rveilctic.
Vorlc 21::.11 he , flone i accorCrncr vrjth ci code End rec—Aircrent;:. of F.1. F. Co.
1LFCTRICAL WORK ( continued)
Fixt:urc allowance - -- Thirty dollars ( t30.00) Sid fixture to
be hung by the ll.ect :zeal contractor under this contract.
- APDTI P...LO4ANCF ( Fifty dollars -
Furnish end install complete plumbing system fo„ bathrooms a
kitcl en in acco_ :c1e nce with oft code and furnish and connect to
septic tank located as directed.
Water pipes shall . be 0/1/ galvanized 1/2" to Lavatory and eater
closet and tub.
Vents, soil, etc., shall be standard cast iron.
"u1;; all ; rmit s and run ell tests for approval of city.
Fixti'r (s :o be or standerd grade f•)r lavatory, closets and shower,
either "Standard ", Kohler, or "Crane"
Ir_,stdl? Solar Heater complete with gallon task v:it_i suitable
frame size fo" southern exposure.
All pIumbin ; fixture shall be of Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co.
meke or e „a1 es ;-.:proved, complete ir evEny r spect, according to
t hE, follov ink, plate cumbers. Allcxposed m tal part; shall be Chrorrard
CLOSET: F -21.86 Moderr,,,s closet corn nation w/ concca ' Fd tack
`u p11 , #70 Church scat, brass flrnge and bolts.
KITuHLN: 20" x 24" P -7021 acid resisting enameled cast iron
, ink r/ K -878 C.P. E'ouhle st, i, er, K -9C6 -S finish Y.C.P. faucet,
17 gauge 1 -1/2" C.P.P. trap.
T,AVATO-Y: 24" x FO" F -131 floxbury china lavatory on C.P.
; Eta1 legs, K-709 -Y lavatory fitting, C.P. 3/8" supplies, K -960 C.P.
1 -1/4" P tap.
TTJB ALJ SHOr.::ER: $ft. P -231E Pr-m11-okc Enameled iron tub, #47-Y
tub end shower fitting, K-446 C.P. waste, K -"95 ::od with pins.