390 NE 98 St (5)TAEPHONE 757 -1675 Roof Repairs, a Specialty Old Cuban and Domestic Tile Composition and Built -Up Roofs Ventilators and Sheet Metal Work Sheet Metal Gas & Water Tanks for Boats G & L ROOFING CO. ROOFING - METAL WORK - SOLAR HEATERS 7814 N. E. 4th COURT .i iami, glorida 3313 Mr. William Bradford c/o Miami Shores Building Dept. Miami Shores City Hall 10050 N. E. 2nd Avenue Miami Shores, Fla. 33138 SUBJECT: ROOFING WORK DONE FOR MR. & MRS. J. W. MOORE QON. E. Miami Shores, Fla. Dear Mr. Bradford: Enclosed find a copy of a letter we have mailed to Mrs. Moore. We will apply for a permit for the work we did last March when we hear further from you. TIL:mt Encl. Very truly yours, G. & L. ROOFING COMPANY .tr HOMAS Vice -Pres. *a (• J: h I r % 1 June 27, 1972 N "Satisfied Customers for over 42 Year o _ l MEMBER OF MIAMI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JAMES H. LOVERIN, President THOMAS I. LOVERIN, Vice - President 1.� •, TALEPHONE 757 -1675 MEMBER OF MIAMI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Roof Repairs, a Specialty Old Cuban and Domestic Tile Composition and Built -Up Roofs Ventilators and Sheet Metal Work Sheet Metal Gas & Water Tanks for Boats r1irs. J. IN. 1 °loore 390 N. N. 98 Street Miami Shores, Fla. 33138 Dear li irs . Moore: G & L P00FING CO. ROOFING- METAL WORK -SOLAR HEATERS 7814 N. E. 4th COURT _Miami, T1orida 33138 June 27, 1972 I met Mr. William Bradford, who is with the Miami Shores Building Department at your home Friday morning, June 23, 1972. JAMES H. LOVERIN, President THOMAS I. LOVERIN, Vice - President I explained to him the situation you had with the leak, and that we would have to go further, which would be charged on a time and materiel basis„ I also told sir. Bradford that I had talked to your husband about this two or three weeks ago and told hire the same thing -- -that there would be an additional charge if we had to go back and do additional work. Your husband said to forget about it as he was not going to pay any more. Mr. Bradford asked rte if I had given you a price for the additional work and I told him that I had not. If we have to go further into this and take up a section of the roof where the main roof and the utility room join, it would have to be done strictly on a time and material basis and may run an additional $300,00, depending on the size of the area we have to take up. TIL:mt Vice -Pres. cc: Iir. Uilliam Bradford "Satisfied Customers for over 42 Years" Very truly yours, G. & L. ROOFING COMPANY 01JIA S MITER U