950 NE 96 St (6)Lot lj Street Address CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MIAMI SHOES YILLAGE, FLORIDA BUI DIVISION NO 10 Miami Shores Village, Florida, Owner, Agent or Tenant of Building \ \ c` Block ,� Subdivision --4 Approved use by occupancy j Remarks: This Certificate of Occupancy is iss`1.ied to the above. named for building at above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all conditions of Ordinances Nos. 92, 93, 94 and 97, known as the Zoning, Electrical, Plumbing and Building Ordinances of Miami Shores Village pertaining to the erection, construction, alteration or remodeling of buildings or structures. , • , E BUILD G DIVISION a . k • 6- Owner' Name and Address. Registered Architect and /or Engineer _ M W f/-[1 l! 9 H H ' R E E WL Ism ' U GE ®UILDIN' BNSPECTION DEPA F All N FOIR y U L®B G PERMIT Application is hereby made for the approval of the det, iled statenien of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build- ing or o her structure her 1 described This l i licatic is made in compliance and con o'm ty w,th the Building Ordinance of Mia ii Shores Village, 1- ior•da, and all pro, isions of the Law c f the State of l Lrid. all o d nances of Mi in Shores Village and all rules and regu'ations of the Building Div;:; i of ■run Sho, iilage i- '1 c •o, )pl.ed with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specificati n must be kec at buitd.ug durin, progress of tl.e work. Date • State work to be done and purpose .of building (hy floors) . Name . nd address of licem,ed contractor Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot -. - •_ -. --- -- --- _ _ Block. _ _ . __ ; . Subdivision_ ---- Street and Number where work is to be done. Date 5(MEN -\- Amount c `. Permit $.. Zone ^ubage required __ _Plan Cubage____. Distance to net nearost building._ _ _ __Size of Building Lot ------- Maximum live load to be borne by each floor 7 Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Permit No._ . Disapproved (Signed) 1 ui1d ng Inspects_ My Com:nis ion Expires. Notary Public State of Florida and for no other purpose. New Building_ Remodeling._ -__. _ .. __ .: Addition _ __ _- _ ... __ Repairs. _ No. of Stories To be constructed of . _ _ c f foundations._ _ _ _ . Roof Covering _ Estimated ^ .tal cost of improvements $ % `,!__ hereby submit all the plans and speci= i,•ations for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to The unde signed appli -ant for th;s bu lding pc-mit does hereby certify .'i_at he understands and accepts his .•bligations as an employ er of 1 bor under he Florida Workmen's Compensation Act bong S• .Con 7963 Col n led Gen al Laws of Florida P r anc•n S cpith rent, and h s cornpl ed w th he prov' cons thereof, and will require sqnilar cot ; ian_e from ail contractors or sub contractor, cutplo .ed by hum in the wo k to be p rf med under th s pern it and ill post or caw- to :c n:'sted fur inspection on the site of the work ::u •h public not e or •otices as are reyutr d 1:y the Act. The u (1. r igu d agrees to employ only such j1 toner- etors, on work te- be perform d der this perrn.i as are license.! iiy M am. Shores \ il: ge. d Remarks. (S'g led? 6 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. SS. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to adm.nister oaths ..nd take acknowledgment., per onall: ;‘p pea: ed to me well known, and who, being by me first d Iv worn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of th aboc. de c ibed istruction t. . 1• has careially read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and .1 at TI tact~ therem by him stated axe tr ie. PLANNING BOARD -_DATE Chairman Member ... .. Member ._ _ Member .._ Member - Mernbe- _ Council Approved Date Di:a;.• c i Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections cr -•hanges to this application ft -r : i.prova 1 s 1 u .')ta hed from the Planr ng Board. A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is im ncc•es ary by improper notice h r in l'.)^ or 1 v ty materials and /or workmanship. / MOQMO SH® 'ES V LLA f BUILDING INSPECTION DEiPAL TMENT APPU0CAT1®N1 F ®R, ELO04_ ®0NS PED Dvi 0T Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build- ing or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. ' l _ & Date. Owner's Name and Address o,7d .._ ON No..7 Sei Registered Architect and /or Engineer.. 1 Name and address of licensed contractor 4 —�� id G CQ[ v/h ,v,,2 /S / o� G(.), .2 %Xi & ire 41 6��� Location and legal description of lot to be built on: r Lot Block Subdivision Street and Number where work is to be done f 1 _73 4E 96£7 State rk to be done9nd purpose of buildin (by flo ) STATE OF FLORIDA, p COUNTY OF DADE. ss. /.)‹ My Commission Expires- f_ , [j. and for no other purpose. New Building Remodeling Addition • • - Repairs No. of Stories To be constructed of Kind of foundation Roof Covering Estimated Total cost of improvements $ / , Amount of Permit $,- tZ ° ?' Zone cubage required _Plan Cubage Distance to next nearest building Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Sup element, and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - ac ors employe by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted fo- '. action on the site of a won such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such subco trac , on work rformed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Remarks (Signed) Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally ap- peared — — to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the. of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. /' Permit No._!_3 • -� Date ' ad, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Disapproved , F . Datcl_ g/ / / / , z +/ ,, / Notary Public, State of Florida (Signed) - — Building Inspector ,19 Ip BOARD DATE Chairman Member Member Member Member - ... Member Council Approved Date Disapproved Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections or changes to this application after approval has been obtained from the Planning l3oard. A re inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty materials and /or workmanship. Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build- ing or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. E �1 ( . 0: I �_�_L Registered Architect and /or Engineer Nano and address of licensed contractor..,: E Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot Block Subdivision Street and Number where work is to be done Owner's Name and Address. State work to lie done and purr se of building STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. ss. A(P(PLOCAT0ON FOR Building In.pector iviBAM0 SHORES V LLASE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT it 6 n a_{ floors) and for no other purpd New Building Remodeling Addition Repairs' No. of Stories To be constructed of Kind of foundation Roof Covering 611e Estimated Total cost of improvements $ Zone cubage required _Plan Cubage Distance to next nearest building Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference be sent to Chairman Member Member ..._ .. Council Approved Amount Member Member Member Date Disapproyed U0L ®0N6 PERMIT PLANNING BOARD DATE Date - / ( / 7 L ,19....._ No c 3 () )V Street_. �Z of Permit $ to the building and its construction may The undersigned applicant for this building pernit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Supplement, and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such subcontractors, on work to be performed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. x '101,A-4 - (, �,. 'IL, (Signed) i d - " ' as --/L. tj Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally ap- peared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the. of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. I Permit No l�� �S ' Date._ 6� I ` t Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Disapproved _ (Signed) Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections the Planning Board. A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice materials and /or workmanship. or changes to this application after approval Date has been obtained from for inspection or faulty BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Owner of Building Architect MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE 194 PERMIT Y.' 6043 Work to be performed under this Permit f. Contractor's License No._ Contractor or Builder Legal Lot Bl. Subdi- Description vision Address of r Value of . / r Amt, of , Building ..... { �" Project . f,, P€ - t This per mit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or tD install the equipment or device 'bed in the appli- cation herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will he performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes respon- sibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: • r r� i B INSPECTOR V In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. r CONTRACTOR O1i BUILDER AUTHORITY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build- ing or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. Date Nom.. - -213 ,19 47 Owner's Name and Address s R. 7:est No 950 Street r • • Stith St. Registered Architect and /or Engineer Name and address of licensed contractor Little Jobbers, 9201 N. •d• 4th Ave. Tel. 7 - 2096 Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot Block Subdivision Street and Number where work is to be done ___ __950 N. L, 96th St. State work to be done and purpose of building (by floors) Qp it .sg reens , doors, etc. - -- and for no other purpose. New Building Remodeling Addition Repairs X No. of Stories To be constructed of Kind of foundation Roof Covering Estimated Total cost of improvements $ U29.18 Amount of Permit $ /l Zone cubage required flan Cubage Distance to next nearest building Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Supplement, and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such subcontractors, on work to be performed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. LI'1'TL'; JOBSE: Remarks____ ( Signed) Bar STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. j ss. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally ap- peared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully reed the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. Permit No z Date __�__ ' Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Disapproved Date (Signed) Building Inspector My Commission Expires Notary Public, State of Florida PLANNING BOARD DATE Chairman Member Member Member Member ____ Member Council Approved Date Disapproved Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections or changes to this application after approval has been obtained from the PIanning Board. A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty materials and /or workmanship. BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE 194 Contractor's License No PERMIT N? 7347 Work to be performed under this Permit Owner of Building Architect Contractor or Builder Legal Lot Bl. Subdi- Description vision Address of Value of Building Project This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the appli- cation herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes respon- sibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Amt. of Permit Signed: By INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER BY AUTHORITY Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build- ing or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. Owner's Name and Address Mrs. Thos .R. West Registered Architect and /or Engineer Name and address of licensed contractor Little Jobbers„ 9201 N. W. 4th Ave. Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Block Subdivision_ 0 Date Nov, 16 No 950 Street and Number where work is to be done 950 N. E. 96th St. State work to be done and purpose of building (by floors )______ Rapair SO.r_@nn — - -- ------ - - - - -- and for no other purpose. New Building____ Remodeling Addition Repairs X No. of Stories To be constructed of Kind of foundation Roof Covering_____ Estimated Total cost of improvements $ 77 .4Q _ — _Amount of Permit $ Zone cubage required _Plan Cubage Distance to next nearest building Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Supplement, and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such subcontractors, on work to be performed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Remarks (Signed) ss. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally ap- peared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. , Permit No __ -r 1 Date_,, < %" Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. i Disapproved / Date_ ( Signed) Chairman Member Member Council Approved Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections the Planning Board. A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged materials and /or worlananship. Notary Public, State of Florida PLANNING BOARD DATE ,19 Street 'N. E. 96th St. Building Inspector My Commission Expires Member Member Member Disapproved Date or changes to this application after approval has been obtained from when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty Address of _ Value of ` Amt. of Building �,. Project / ei Permit This pe i t is granted to the contract�_Riuilder named above to construct the building or [6msta • a equipment or devic di ibed in the appli- cation herefor ' strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with anv plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the or specifications and t he- respon- sibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. r 'P, 1 j . Signed- tr> . 0 ,,: t / ;. By / - INSPECTOR * In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shc1 es Village. _ In accepthig this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either ytself, my agent, serva Or employee. BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Owner of Building Architect Bl. Contractor or Builder '= Legal Lot Description MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE 1 v -rC 194 5 PERMIT N? 6043 Work to be performed under this Permi , CO ACTO$o OR BUILDER Subdi- vision Contractor's License No. r AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA BUILDING DIVISION N° 10 Miami Shores Village, Florida, Owner, Agent or Tenant of Building Lot Block Subdivision Street Address Approved use by occupancy Remarks: This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named for building at above named location only upon the express provision_ that the applicant will abide by and comply with all conditions of Ordinances Nos. 92, 93, 94 and 97, known as the Zoning, Electrical, Plumbing and Building Ordinances of Miami Shores Village pertaining to the erection, construction, alteration or remodeling of buildings or structures. BUILDING DIVISION N9 1600 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA BUILDING DIVISION Miami Shores Village, Fla., Owner, Agent or Tenant of Building Lot Block Subdivision Street Address Approved use by occupancy Remarks. This Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the above named for building at above named location only upon the express provision that the applicant will abide by and comply with all conditions of Ordinances Nos. 92, 93, 94 and 97, known rs the Zoning, Electrical, Plumbing and Building Ordinances of Miami Shores Village pertaining to the erection, construction, alteration or remodeling of buildings or structures. BUILDING DIVISION LOCATION F an 1_ IBS vV I, GARBAGE TAX RECORD PAID BY YEAR ANNUAL TAX PERIOD USED AMOUNT PAID DATE PAID RECEIPT NUMBER f - f � 44 1940 1941 1942 / �' '° /6 � ` a _„ • — /"/ ` V/Q `i/ i(?_. Z, et f . , ! ( / - V., (/, , / / 2'4s--' . �- )C 1943 / / - aO /Z ) e 4 , i ce 1 .y4'.. ' , ', ,�� r< / / � //7- ii /,(,,,(' -- 1946 ` c : 1.-7 1947 - 6> co P > d `/ 1948 12.U0 /2 -5/- li — /�•a /2 i' /6 g-3 1-- i/ 1949 /� ,y /Ii 7 -3/ SU ea e, I. // ,.��/ / /4' SO 1 „, � - /,, / �/ / y / i 'I 1950 fr LOCATION F an 1_ IBS vV I, GARBAGE TAX RECORD year annual tax period used •ount paid3 date paid receipt # /f5/ ig .• ere •-• / / AV 6/6 7/ , - ,„ - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ROOFING Owner of Building Architect Contractor or Builder Legal Lot Description Address of Building CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA El ❑ PERMIT N9 14222 ❑ Work to be performed under this Permit !!a Subdi- vision Value of Project $ DATE 195_ Contractor's License No Amt. of Permit $ This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: BY INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either, myself, my agent, servant or employee. BY AUTHORITY BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ROOFING Owner of Building Architect Contractor or Builder Legal Description Address of Building Lot CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA PERMIT 'N° 13109 Work to be performed under this Permit BL Subdi- vision Value of Project $ DATE - X195 Contractor's License No. Amt. of Permit $ This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed • } '✓< �., BY INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either, myself, my agent, servaatjazemplcryee. BY AUTHORITY 9_50 ntreet BUILDING PERMIT NO. ZONE OWNER'S NAME JOB LOCATION (ST. OR AVE.) GENERAL CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS CU. FT. DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS. RESTRICTIONS AND CUBE CHECKED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION 13109 REPAIRS ALTERATION ADDITION jalousie porch adc7m. SUBMITTED TO PLANNING BOARD RE- SUBMITTED TO PLANNING BOARD SUBMITTED TO VILLAGE COUNCIL DATE 4 28-'52 APPROVED LOT REJECTED PLAN CUBE PRESENT ADDRESS ADDRESS PERMIT FEE S BLOCK 76 2 83 TYPE STORIES 1 ROOF CONSTRUCTION DESCR IPTION D ESCR IPT ION REFERRED TO COUNCIL 6.co CU. FT. REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NO. ° °� ISSUED I BY TO BUILDING PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD —MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE LICENSE NO. SUBDIVISION PHONE NO. BUILDER•S BOND aJ ?? DATE EST. COST 5 '$ INTERIOR CONSTRUCTION REASONS PHONE Cis?. LICENSE NO. DATE INSPECTIONS DATE BY RE- INSPECT BY RE- INSPECT BY FOUNDATION DATE FEE TEMPORARY SERVICE S BEAMS & LINTELS $ SEWER FRAM ING SOLAR HEATER - r lit $ GAS ! $ INSPECTIONS DATE FINAL RE- INSPECT BY RE- INSPECT BY ROUGHING TEMP. SERVICE CLEAN -UP GAS ROUGHING CONTRACTOR PHONE PERMIT NO. 1 DATE FEE S NEW BLDG. I ALTERATION I ADDITION REPAIRS SPECIAL PERMITS PERMIT NO. DATE FEE TEMPORARY SERVICE S SEPTIC TANK $ SEWER $ SOLAR HEATER - r lit $ GAS ! $ INSPECTIONS DATE BY RE- INSPECT BY RE- INSPECT BY ROUGHING TEMP. SERVICE GAS ROUGHING SEWER H. W. HEATER CONN SEPTIC TANK RANGE CONN. SOLAR HEATER FIXTURES FIX'T'URES & FINAL CONTRACTOR '.." 2__... -- PHONE (' ` r /' • O ; o l PERMIT NO. � t. DATE � ' FEE $ % BLDG. 1 ALTERATION I ADDITION / REPAIRS SPECIAL PERMITS PERMIT NO. DATE FEE TEMPORARY SERVICE $ H. W. HEATER CONN. $ RANGE CONN. $ MOTORS $ FIXTURES $ $ INSPECTIONS DATE BY RE- INSPECT BY RE- INSPECT BY TEMP. SERVICE ROUGHING H. W. HEATER CONN RANGE CONN. FIX'T'URES & FINAL BUILDING INSPECTIONS PLUMBING PERMITS & INSPECTIONS ELECTRICAL PERMITS & INSPECTIONS APPROVAL TO POWER CO. FOR SERVICE GATE BY FRI > \T ' DEPTH 1 Drumm. STORIES TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION BUILDING TO BE USED FOR ROOF COST ( )l• BV'ITA/MG 1'1:10IIT r'r:1: I Frame, Tile Concrete. Stucco Residence, Ants., Stores, Hotel BUILDING PERMIT No. 1 Owner of Building Architect. . Contractor or Builder STREET A A. 4 0 % , Dated , 19. OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR Miami Shores Village, Florida, ..: '. :.: - "4 - *{ .. ....... , 193 PART OF LOT PROPOSED LOCATION LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING This t permit is hereby issued to -- - . �-- - -,,� ° ^ - - -"� .- ,� ' - .' -- -- _ -_ _ - -- -- To the building above described, as per application, Plans and Specifications heretofore filed in this office. This permit is granted upon the ex- press condition that all facts stated in the application are true and that the construction complies strictly with the plans and specifications submitted, and in accordance and compliance with the building laws of the State of Florida and with the building ordinances and zoning laws of Miami Shores Village, and rules and regulations of the building department of Miami Shores Village. This permit may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any provisions of said laws, ordinances or rules and regulations, or upon any change in the -plans and specifications 4p authorized by the building inspector. • . In consideration of the issuance to me of this building permit I hereby agree to do the proposed construction in strict conformity with the application and plans and specifications thereof heretofore by me submitted, and in compliance with all provisions of all building laws of the State of Florida, all the building ordinances and zoning laws of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the building department of Miami Shores Village. .. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE 1 N S BhtV1 ION Br-ILnivo I �hPI:CTOR (SEAL) MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Application is hereby made for the approyal of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build- ing or other structure herein described This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. Date_ 28 ,19 67 OW11°T'S Name and Address... .. -Janet Cory No 950 st reet N. E. 96 Street Registered Architect and/or Engineer . Name and address of licensed contractor. _ T i Nolen 600 N.___JAL .Mi.ami,...Elorida Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot__ Block Subdivision Street and Number where work is to be done State work to be done and purpose of building (by floors) Fumigation New Building Remodeling Addition Repairs No. of Stories To be constructed of Kind of foundation Roof Covering_ Estimated Total cost of improvements $ 350 Zone cubage required Distance to next nearest building Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications foi said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to__ _ The undersigned applicant for this building permit dot hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen s Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Pennanent Supplement, and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub-contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such subcontractors, on work to be performed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Remarks ( Signed)_ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. ss. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally ap- peared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. Permit No _OC P Date. Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Disapproved Date (Signed) uilding ector My Commission Expires_ PLANNING BOARD_ Chairman Member Member . Council Approved , .Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for the Planning Board. A re-inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged materials and/or workmanship. Amount of Permit $ _Plan Cubage Size of Building Lot Notary Public, State of Florida and for no other purpose. DATE Member Member Member ........ - ..... Disapproved Date making corrections or changes to this application after approval has been obtained from when such re-inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty APPLICATION NE X FOR PERMIT TO FUMIGATE WITH CYANIDE METHYL BROMIDE ACRITET APPLICATION NO. DATE 19 1. Location of building to be fumigated 953 N. E. 9G Street 2. Name and address of owner of premises „snot C 3. Type, size and construction of building CBS - 12eragc'lenee 4. Is entire building to be fumigo,eu: 'irks 5. If not, state what portion 6. Approximate number of cubic feet of space in building or in portion to be fumigated. 40,000 7. Kind and quantity of fumigant to be used and manner of application and length of fumigation period Vikan.a - Approx 20 :lours 8. Distance of nearest building and direction from building to be fumigated 9. In what manner will vents to exterior of building be sealed? over 10 ft Nyica tent 10. Date whem fumigation will be begun 1'.-3.ay 1, 1967 Time 3.100 A.M. 11. It is hereby agreed to station a guard on the premises to be fumigated during the fumigation period and to post suitable placards at each entrance into the building bearing the following words in letters at least two inches by one inch in size: "DANGER" — THIS BUILDING UNDER FUMIGATION WITH A DEADLY GAS." 12. It is hereby agreed to make such provisions that all openings into the building may be opened from the outside after the period of fumigation is over and to take such other precautions as may be necessary to insure that all of the fumigant is removed from the building before anyone is permitted to enter. 13. It is hereby agreed to notify the County Health Department when the building has been prepared for fumigation. FIRM NAME: TRULY NOLEN, INC. 600 N. W. 7th Avenue Miami 36, Florida (Signature / ' certified pest c of this fu -igation job.) BUILDING ❑ MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA ELECTRICAL ❑ PLUMBING ❑ PERMIT N° 8694 ROOFING ❑ Owner of Building Architect Contractor r "` or Builder E . Legal Lox Description 1 BI Address of , Building -% Signed: —. " 4 -' Date Contractor's License No. 19 / Work to be performed under this Permit Subdi- vision Sq Ft Value of 11 Amount of Project $ 11 Permit $ `> This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the applica- tion herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes respon sibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. (INSPECTOR) BY In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit ¥ agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulation, pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either, myself, my agent, servant or employee. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER BY AUTHORITY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Archives, History and Records Management DS-HSP.3AAA Rev 3.79 FLORIDA MASTER SITE FILE Site Inventory Form FDAHRM 802= = 1009= = Site No. Site Name 830= = Survey Date 8506 820= = Address of Site: 950 NE 96 St., Miami. Shores, FL 905= = Instruction for locating on SW corner of NE 96th St. and NE 10th Ave 813= = Location: Miami Shores Sec. 3 76 1& 2 868 = = subdivision name block no. lot no. County Dade 808= = Owner of Site: Name:. Onett, George L. Address 950 NE 96 St. Miami Shores, FL 902= = Type of Ownership pri vate - 848= = Recording Date 832= = Recorder: Name & Title Rodriguez, Vivian $ Newton, Margo (Chair) Address MSHPB 818= = Condition of Site: Integrity of Site: Original Useprivate residence 838= = Check One Check One or More Present UsePrivate residence 850 = = ❑ Excellent 863= = 1 Altered 858= = Dates: Beginning +1935 844 = = Ki Good 863= = 111 Unaltered 858= = Culture /Phase Antpri can 840= = ❑Fair 863= = Li(OriglnalSite 858= = Period 20th Century 845 = = ❑ Deteriorated 863 = = ❑ Restored ( ) (Date: )( ) 858 = = ❑ Moved ( ) (Date: )( )858= = NR Classification Category: Building 916= = Threats to Site: None Check One or More ❑ Zoning( )( )( )878= = ❑ Transportation( )( )( )878= = ❑ Development ( )( )( )878= = ❑ Fill ( )( )( ) 878 = = ❑ Deterioration( )( )( )878= = ❑ Dredge( )( )( )878= = ❑ Borrowing ( )( )( ) 878 = = ❑ Other (See Remarks Below): 878 = = Areas of Significance: Architecture Significance: Structure is a fine example of the large homes which are predominate in the area of Miami Shores east of Biscayne Boulevard, particularly along NE 96th Street. The architect, Robert Law Weed, was one of the most active in the 1920s and 1930s development of Miami Shores and helped establish its architectural character. Noteworthy features include a classical doorway surround with dentil cornice and brick base. The structure is in scale and character with the surrounding neighborhood. 911 = = 910= = ARCHITECT Weed, Robert Law Miami, FL) 872 = = BUILDER - -- 874 = _ STYLE AND /OR .PERIOD _Masonry Vernacular 964 = = PLAN TYPE irregular/irregular 966 = _ EXTERIOR FABRIC(S) textured stucco 854 = = STRUCTURAL SYSTEM(S) concrete block 856 = _ PORCHES N: balcony 2nd entry - .}1st story 942 = = FOUNDATION: concrete block 942 _ = ROOF TYPE: _gable 942 = = SECONDARY ROOF STRUCTURE(S): gable 942 = = CHIMNEY LOCATION: W; int . 942 _ = WINDOW TYPE: steel casement, jalpusie, aluminum awning,' fixed plate 942 = = CHIMNEY: CBS 882= = ROOF SURFACING: flat tile 882 = = ORNAMENT EXTERIOR: wood, brick 882 = = NO. OF CHIMNEYS one 952 = = NO. OF STORIES two 950 = = NO. OF DORMERS none 954 = = Map Reference (incl. scale & date) Miami Shores Vi 1 1 aga Plat 1980 Latitude and Longitude: Site Size (Approx. Acreage of Property): LT 1 W , .74484 ° • W Q kaa c ° ROI 11 M® ISM ■.E. 95 s 1 it; sr LOCATION SKETCH OR MAP N•£ gbnr sr. t Contact Print z N S m / 4 1527 N.6 -46 7 sr• Township Photographic Records Numbers 85N107HG18/85N120MS14 53S 42E UTM Coordinates: — Zone tasrng IlFing 809 = = 800 = = 833 = = 812 = 890 = = 860 = = ATE OF FLORID' DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Archives, History and Records Management DS (SP•3E 9-74 CONTINUATION SHEET Sito Name 950 NE 96 St. Miami Shores, FL Physical Description: Structure is two -story Masonry Vernacular residence. Classical doorway surround has fluted pilasters, dentil cornice and brick base. 2nd story N has wood balcony with square posts and wood balustrade. MSHPB USE ONLY Original owner: Thomas R. West 1952 jalousie porch addition Reroof 1974 A v N 15 MI/NMI 314012t 3 GOP & /04017 ay Cloles 'Piz eve Car 95 Ea/9 NE 78' S • ')3 LJ 1111M1111 orinlimato NOW sr a Sr - Ng 4krt • 4, Ir SO 0 0 SNORES CENTER 4' Le •?,;' 'fl 44 vs, ra ACT (/1L 465 55051 5‘77 5401/30 u•chnl53 /431 /.3 • C r • At 4 '■ s c „ , arition , Q Amigo AMINE AMP AMR F Al 94 sr. N. 4111110 Balinhal* N.0 93 5T. • .1‘ Aniant • / 4 . " 3 5 7 . 74-2A N E 9Z" ST. Am§ • • NOCICIOCEIMICINW • ASO MIMI Mania Nommossi maim SUSEPAINV mold s 4 1111101rw N. N. 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AMP/ 1 EN' .5 7.7 SI NE 10010. 57. mom a MAN= 3 9 04 57. morageon 58 57. 974-44 57. al II I NMI= 1 iIiiL 1 7• ty I/ ; Cr, ,/ • • 'S ST NINIESIN Anima' agew 4/4 N4 .4.. 077 AMR' AMIN= /I 9 1 M.E. 10 57. 4.4 01 44 44 44 4.4 5 52 [...,•••441 000 109 4 s ▪ 77 No. Sr. rt 111 " 1111128111N40 It •• 04 0 0 sr 51 JULIA 13 approspp NOP OS 14 5 (4. • 14 Trlito r 4 • 1 • 1 —1 C - • 14 5115. (1-74/ MtArAl 51.kozes, FL • s ° MIAMI 5110Re VILLAGE (4 • • 4/ ‘, 1 o rurr+