95 NE 96 St (9)• MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Applicat on is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build- ing o other stru ture he ein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores V-hag F onda, and all previsions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ord'nances of Miami Shores Village and `•11 rules and regulations of the Building Division rf Miam Shores Village sh 11 be con plied with whether her in specified cr not. A , op of approv d plans and specifications must b< kept at building during progress of the work. Date_ March 29 19 69 Owners Name and Address ___ _ Bob Bell N o._ 95 Street__ AT • E • 96t'h St • Registered Archit2cL and or Engineer Name and address of licensed contractor B.scayn?_e Roofing CO. 5180 E. 11th Ave Location -nd legal description of t to be built on: Lot__ __ _ Block __ . _ _ __ _ Subdivision_. Street and Number where work is to be done_ ____ _ 9 5 N . E • 96th St. State work 'c be done and purpose of building (by floors)__ieroof flat decks only 1,0 sqs. of roofing _. __ and for no other purpose. New Building _ _ ___ _ _ Remodeling - ___ _ -. _ Addit _ _ Repairs___ __ _ No. of Stories __ _ .. To be constructed of Kind of foundation _ ___ __ _ _. __ - __ __ _ -. __. _ _ Roo:: Covering_ _ ___ Smooth su - ;.'': ac e Estimated Total cost of improvements $ __ _ 6Q0• 0 0 . _Amo . - - Permit $ Zone cubage required_ _ __ _ _ _Plan Cubage _ __ _ _ Distance to next nearest building_ __ . _ _ _ _ _Size of Building Lot_.__ _ Maximum live load to be me by each floor _ __ _ I here y submit all the plans .d - - :,ecifications o: sa'd _ iilding. All notices with re2erence to the building and its con: tr ction may be sent to _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ The undersigned :pp_ :cant for this buildin3 permit does hereby certify that h .understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Fl rida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section i966, Compiled General Laws of Flo :ica, Permanen Suppi:'aient, and has complied with the - •v'sions thereof, and will require similar _ ompliance from all contractors or sub - contractors _ , p:oycd :1, him m the work io b., rfornr d u der this ^ermit; and will post or cause to be posed for inspection on the site of the work such ublic noti• c or notices as ire required by the Act. The undersigned agree. to - ploy only such permit, .. are licensed by Miai_ S. e Village. Remarks_ _ - - - - - - - - - (Signs ) Per it No. _ . Disapp o ed Signed) Member _ _ Co, • ;il Approved . Date_ Buildi .g I .ec or PLANNING BOARD Chainnan - _ _ _ Member Member - _ _ __ _ Member M ber . _ Da.e D sapp oved _ cobtracto s, on work o be pe formed under th s 77- STATE 1 ^ LORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE j Brfore me, he undersigned authority, a notary pubh., duly uthorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, peruially ap- peared __ -- __ to me well known, and who, being by m fist duly swo-i upon oath deposes and says that he is the __ _ _ _- _ - of he above described const u lion than se has carefully read the or -going - cation, and that he did sign the same and that all facts therein b him . ated are true. ten 997 Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. - Notary Pubhc, to of Florida My Commiss'on Expires DATE NOTE. A charge of $1 00 will be made for making corrections or changes to this appl cation after approval has been obtained from the Plan: ing Board A r i..pe.. t 1 fec of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty materials and /or workmanship. _ - Date $12.50 MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Application is hereby umde for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build - ing or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida. and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Budding Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. , 19.._.7. Mr. B. Bell N o.9 _.. Street— N.E. _96th St. Owner's Name and Address ...._. Registered Architect and /or Engineer ,, ,,,,,,,,,,, .,.....•,., ,...... Biscayne Roofing . C Q. ..... 518Q E......_11.th..Ave.. Name and address of licensed contractor Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot Block Subdivision Street and Number where work is to be done 95 N.E. 96th Street State work to be done and purpose of building (by floors) Repair leak t Q sz► o. _slarfa��...r.Qaf. where it joins shingle tile. Recoat flat deck with alutrlinium,..paita:.,, and for no other purpose. New Building Remodeling Addition Repairs No. of Stories To be constructed of Kind of foundation Roof Covering Coat roof 10 Sgs . Estimated Total cost of improvements $ 315... QQ Amount of Permit Zone cubage required plan Cubage Distance to next nearest building Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Supplement, and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for i pection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such subintractors, on work to be performed under this pennit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Remarks (Signed).. y a STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. Ss. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally ap- peared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the. of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. c .ry�j Permit No. .�_ �_ Date - - ` 7 - . / Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Disapproved _. Date.__..___.._. -.. 1-C - t'.; Notary Public, State of Florida (Signed) .Z."-La1 - .<< c, �.< ... Building In ctor i,' ~ My Commission Expires PLANNING BOARD _.._ DATE Chairman Member MIcrnbcr Member Member ...... -- -.___. -- -• -_ --- _.. -_ -_ Member ...._ �.._..._ Council Approved Date Disapproved Date NOTE: A ch.uge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections or changes to this application after approval has been obtained from the Planning Board. A re-inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty materials and /or workmanship. BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ROOFING Owner of Building MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA ❑ DATE S + " 6 ` 5 195 ❑ PERMIT N? 12965 contractor's ❑ License No Work to be performed under this Permit Architect Contractor or Builder �,, �. ".-"„ °'""�'...: ,»fro..► � r3 Legal Lot II Bl. Description. Address of Building CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER • Subdi- vision Value of Project $ Amt. of Permit This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the application herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: � .i � -. � � INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree td..ptsform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either, myself, my agent, servant or employee. BY � ti:+ a ,,f s ✓ i r BY AUTHORITY Street and Number where work is to be done MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build- ing or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. Owner's Name and Address fire (,O Z Registered Architect and /or Engineer Name and address of licensed contractor.._ Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot Block Subdivision Date ev,44v-- L 7 No L_,$ "St t • c6 5 3a i /t4. 44- 1/ S' / State work to be done and purpose of building (by floors) and for no other purpose. New Building Remodeling. Addition 4 Repairs No. of Stories To be constructed of Kind of foundation Roof Covering__ ■4 ®o �'–z. Estimated Total cost of improvements $ Amount of Permit $ ` Zone cubage required Plan Cubage Disapproved (Signed) Chairman Member Member ...__ . Council Approved Date Distance to next nearest building Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Supplement, and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such ublic notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such su contractors, on work to be performee under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. r.c-e�� — Remarks (Signed).__ __ __ / ^ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. J ss. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally ap- peared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true Permit No :7 ,fi Date Date Building Inspector Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires PLANNING BOARD DATE Member Member Member Disapproved Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections or changes to this application after approval has been obtained from the Planning Board. A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty materials and /or workmanship. 4%00 e.) /** Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. Owner's Name and Address Robert D. Bell No. 95 Street NE 96 St. Registered Architect and/or Engineer Name and address of licensed contractor Biscayne Roofing Co. 5180 E. 11 Ave. Hialeah, Fl. 33013 Location and lee 1 kfescription of lot to be ilt on: �/�j /� M �j Lot J O� ( Block ( Subd ivision r // i {7 /r� 1 ' // 2O � , 0 Street and Number where work is to be done 9 5 N. E. 9 6th S t r e e t State work to be done and purpose of building (by floors), state exterior colors (submit samples) R e -R O O f . Residence . Remove existing tile roof. Tin cap 1 -30# felt. Mop 1 -90# slate. Install White, flat, cement tile. 71 Sg11ares and for no other purpose. New Building Remodeling Addition Repairs X To be constructed of Kind of foundation Roof Covering t T i l e Estimated Total cost of improvements S 5 , 9 7 5 . 00 Amount of Permit S Zone cubage required Plan Cubage Distance to next nearest building Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to Biscayne Roofing Co. 5180 F. 11 Ave. Hialeah, FJ. 13013 The undersigned applicant for this bui ding permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligatons as an employer of Labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Supplement, and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The uncle..' ned agrees to employ only such subcontractors. on work to be performed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Remarks (Signed) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE. } ss. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments. personally appeared James T. Laing and who. being by me first duly sworn. upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the forRgoing application. and that he did sign the same. and that all facts therein by him stated are true. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permit No. Disapproved (Signed( Building Inspector My Commission Expires Date 30 -00 Roofing Contractor 3/21 19 88 No of Stories 1 to me well known. ary Publi?, e Alti ri ft fE' Fl4RID8 ber to ISSI0i3 EAP, JIf 3 -I£.9 9UuULU IiikU btlitIiNl WS. UWil, ti PLANNING BOARD DATE Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Council Approved Date Disapproved Date NOTE: A charge of S25.00 will be made for making corrections or changes to this application after approval has been obtained from the Planning Board. A re- inspection fee of 525.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty materials and/or workmanship. State # C CC O S z y6 0 Municipal # WORK DESCRIPTION Square Ft v77 2 Signature J' own 4a N % as to Owner and/or Condo President My Commission Expires: 16 1-6 �.y two 1111 - %R y 1% vw. 'iFcawl''ti9t.h ' t r '9 , S ^„ y n .._�j.'. _ FEES: PERMIT OR.S 0 RADON APPROVED: Zoning Building Mechanical Plumbing d Date PERMIT APPLICATIQN FOR MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE Date 3 17 70 LJob Address q S E 6 Tax Folio I / — 3 moo` 01' o 0 Legal Description !, Owner/Lessee / Tenant /`_ �c I (� a f I`� r- Owner's Address 9 5 • 9 �' S Contracting Co. Qualifier /4--C( � 1-IL-0)1) Architect/Engineer Bonding Company Mortgagor G� 2 L7 oz er and/or Ca President a D C.C.F. Historically Designated: Yes No Master Permit # Rfig00 - ' O Phone 3 ti CD Y Address 2_ 7P S1' / . ss# - 99 9hone Competency # Ins. Co. Address Address Address Permit Type (circle one): BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICA ROOF ING)4.VING FENCE SIGN ��- Nair/�; �� � .i/Cgs Estimated Cost (value) / 3i /s 0 0 WARNING TO OWNER: YOU MUST RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT AND YOUR FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY (IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT.) Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do work and installation as indicated above, and on the attached addendum (if applicable). I certify that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that separate permits are required for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, POOLS, ROOFING and MECHANICAL WORK. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all .: ;�%e done compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. Furthermore, I authorize the above -name Signature of tractor or Owner - 37?/oz Notary as to Contractor or Owner Builder My Cosson E Date ate &H. ) NOTARY" d n BOND 3 Q 10-1) TOTAL DUES) 0,10 7'7 2 -z Electrical Engineering 0, Miami Shores Village 10050 NE 2nd Avenue Phone: 305-795-2204 (( Printed:4 /10/2002 ( Applicant: CATHY Owner: WALKER JOB ADDRESS: 95 NE 96 N Contractor FLORIDA ROOF TECH CORP Contractor's Address: 2730 W 78 ST Local Phone: 305 -557 -9685 Parcel # 1132060130880 Permit Status: Approved Work: __ ___ ---- ____ -- If the fee is $ This Pei pertaining 1 proper mur which this i covered he Sign( In consid plans, drain servants or Signet TO THE • ORDER OF Permit Expiration: FLORIDA ROOF TECH CORP. 2730 W 78 STREET HIALEAH, FL 33016 PH: 305- 557 -9685 Building Permit Permit Number: BP2002 -706 WALKER CATHY ST Page 1 of 1 Legal Description: MIAMI SHORES SEC 1 AMD PB 10 -70 LOT 23 & E1/2 LOT 22 BLK 6 LOT SIZE Fees: Description Amount FEE2002 -2026 Building Fee $202.50 FEE2002 -2027 CCF $8.40 FEE2002 -2028 Buildier's Bond $300.00 Total Fees: $510.90 Total Fees: $510.90 Total Receipts: $0.00 10/6/2002 %qtr 44 e0 ��/7-e Construction Value: $13,152.00 COM?VIERCEBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 2750 West 68th Street, Suite 136 40 Hialeah, Florida 33016 "0 IDS 1 L10 1:06 70 LO 5091: 11084004 20 311 63- 1050/670 010511 —1/— 02' O,37/ CHECK NO. I CHECK AMOUNT ordinances d1 by the edition upon the work ty with the I agent, NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT A RECORDED COPY MUST BE POSTED ON'THE JOB SITE AT TIME OF FIRST INSPECTION 02.R2 i 148 1 2002 APR 05 11:02 3 PERMIT NO. TAX FOLIO NO. 7/ ` Z o f —& l o - d O STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvements will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. 1. Legal description of property and street address: 2. Description of improvement: 3. Owner(s) name and address: Interest in property: Name and address of fee simple titleholder: 4. Contractor's name and address: 5. Surety:(Payment bond required by owner from contractor, if any) 6. Lender's name and address: / Name and address: Amount of bond $ different date is specified) Ka tkcA wa,( k'g- 9h5- ot 9ti s4 Si. nature ' Owner Print Ow er's Name g 4A-0 6. k/AtJ .E& Sworn to and subscribed b me this day of f e/97t.CZ., 20 OZ— . Notary Public Print Notary's Name . pt?tlaP My Commission Expires. UANEUE PICON C8950? EXPIRES DEC 13. no t4Rouc ADvAtortGE r: NAY ORMA• COU a I H OF F CERTIFY that e o is t I HER e this office Original tile OffICI DA ,DE A0 j0 f-(o R-c`A o_ ! nF C L\ Q- / t(& f G, 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7., Florida Statutes, Name and address: 8. In addition to himself, Owner designates the following person(s) to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida Statutes. )� Name and address: 9. Expiration date of this Notice of Commencement: (the expiration date is 1 N year from the date of recording unless a Prepared by / ^'r� ` 1 OF cool °I the daY � Seal• c o urts null an County .. C. A . z • SECTION 1524 HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONES REQUIRED OWNERS NOTIFICATION FOR ROOFING CONSIDERATIONS 1524.1 As it pertains to this section, it is the responsibility of the roofing contractor to provide the owner with ' the required roofing permit, and to explain to the owner the content of this section.. The provisions of Chapter 15 of the Florida Building Code, Building govern the minimum requirements and standards of the industry for roofing system installations. Additionally, the following items should be addressed as part of the agreement between the owner and the contractor. The owner's initial in the adjacent box indicates that the item has been explained. PU 1. Aesthetics- Workmanshi The workmanshi provisions of Chapter 15 P� p p p (High Velocity Hurricane Zone) are for the purpose of providing that the roofing system meets the wind resistance and water intrusion performance standards. Aesthetics (appearance) issues are not a consideration with respect to workmanship provisions. Aesthetic issues such as color or architectural appearance, that are not part of a zoning code, should be addressed as part of the agreement between the owner and the contractor. /4.f 2. Renailing Wood Decks: When replacing roofing, the existing wood roof deck may have to be renailed in accordance with the current provisions of Chapter 16 (High Velocity Hurricane Zones) of the Florida Building Code. (The roof deck is usually concealed prior to removing the existing roof system). .1 3. Common Roofs: Common roofs are those which have no visible delineation between neighboring units (i.e. townhouses, condominiums, etc.). In buildings with common roofs, the roofing contractor and/or owner should notify the occupants of adjacent units of roofing work to be performed. i eri 4. Exposed Ceilings: Exposed, open beam ceilings are where the underside of the roof decking can be viewed from below. The owner may wish to maintain the architectural appearance, therefore, roofing nail penetrations of the underside of the decking may not be acceptable. The Florida Building Code provides the option of maintaining this-appearance. IQI 5. Ponding Water: The current roof system and/or deck of the building may not drain well and may cause water to pond (accumulate) in low -lying areas of the roof. Ponding can be an indication of structural distress and may require the review of a professional structural engineer. Ponding may shorten the life expectancy and performance of the new roofing system. Ponding conditions may not be evident until the original roofing system is removed. Ponding conditions should be corrected. rif 6. Overflow scuppers (wall outlets): It is required that rainwater flow off,so that the roof is not overloaded from a build up of water. Perimeter /edge walls or other roof extensions may block this discharge if overflow scuppers (wall outlets) are not provided. It may be necessary to install overflow scuppers in accordance with the Florida Building Code, Plumbing. 7. Ventilation: Most roof structures should have some ability to vent natural airflow through the interior of the structural assembly (the building itself), The existing amount of attic ventilation shall not be reduced. It may be beneficial to consider additional venting which can result in extending the service life of the roof. Owner' /Agent's Signature C:ID000>IE -P <mp \LOCALS- IVremp \SECTION I524.doc / 27 / Date Contractor's Signa 1 High Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application Form 1 INSTRUCTION PAGE COMPLETE THE NECESSARY SECTIONS OF THE UNIFORM ROOFING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM AND ATTACH THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AS NOTED BELOW: ATTACHMENTS RFnI II n. Roof System Required Sections of the Permit Application Form Attachments Required See List Below Low Slope Application A,B,C 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Prescriptive BUR -RAS 150 A,B,C 4,5,6,7 Asphaltic Shingles A,B,D 1,2,4,5,6,7 Concrete or Clay Tile A B D E,6,7 Metal Roofs A,B,D 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Wood Shingles and Shakes A,B,D 1,2,4,5,6,7 Other As Applicable 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1 High Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application Form 1 INSTRUCTION PAGE COMPLETE THE NECESSARY SECTIONS OF THE UNIFORM ROOFING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM AND ATTACH THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AS NOTED BELOW: ATTACHMENTS RFnI II n. 1. Fire Directory Listing Page 2. From Notice of Acceptance: Front Page Specific System Description Specific System Limitations General Limitations Applicable Detail Drawings 3. Design Calculations per Chapter 16, or If Applicable, RAS 127 or RAS 128 4. Other Component Notice of Acceptances 5. Municipal Permit Application 6. Owners Notification for Roofing Considerations (Re- Roofing Only) 7. Any Required Roof Testing /Calculation Documentation 1 High Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application Form 1 INSTRUCTION PAGE COMPLETE THE NECESSARY SECTIONS OF THE UNIFORM ROOFING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM AND ATTACH THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AS NOTED BELOW: ATTACHMENTS RFnI II n. High Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application Form Master Permit No. Contractor's Name Job Address Section A (General Information Process No. 5 /v im 9C S T ROOF CATEGORY ❑ Mechanically Fastened Tile Er Mortar • a nesive S ❑ Metal Panel /Shingles 0 , � .Shakes ❑ Prescriptive BUR -RAS 15 N SITS o te ROOF TYPE Lp0A.0 ❑ New Roof a Re- Roofing ❑ Recovering ❑ Repair ❑ Maintenance ROOF SYSTEM INFORMATION ® Low Slope ❑ Asphaltic Shingles Low Slope Roof Area (SF) 2 Steep Sloped Roof Are44 Total (SF) Flass a Z a Sketch Roof Plan: Illustrate all lev ► a / / ahJ, e � ' et, � G` els and sections, roof drains, scuj(p t, overflow scuppers and overflow drains. Include dimensions of sections and le4ls, clearly identify dimensions of elevated pressure zones and location of parapets. _■ ■■■ ■�m■I ■R slMg ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■n ■n ■mn r., ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■il■■■iunn■■wt'■■n ■ ■nn■■ nnrAm n ■■■■■■ ■■■•■■■■■nmemnumnum ■■■■ , iii Ran■nMM■S�i■1■■n■■■um■■■■ ■ ■ ■u■ ■11m ■[? �iE:iLGt31J��►��►J:r ■�icnix mn ■ ■e! ■n mans!' ■���iiiii�iiiiiii■ saa ■ ■ ■ ■uo■ ■n■naru ■■■ ■nunnr.z ■lens ■E9■ lin ■ i n ■■■■ICUM ■■■■■■■■MIX i►,■■ir�c i■■■ I�•'�".'c' = = = ■'��,,�■. ..,.■n■ ■.1 ■■ ■■■■■■ ■uu 11 ■■■■ ■■un■■ , ■■E WIR M I >•■m■m■■■ ■■■■i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■r■■1 1 ■ ■■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■mimi '%n■■■■■■■i iiiiionnnonnnonmoiiii iiii ■ ■■■ on■■ ommnneiIG►1.1nIonnu ■n■■ ■ ■ %■n■ ■■ ■ ■m■■ ■nand■ ■n■■ ■in■■■ ■■■■■ em■■■u■n numw en ■/%I uem n n ■ ■ ■■■■■ ■oi■ ■■■■ ■u■ %■u■■■■■ i■m■n ■■■■■gy ■■■■■m ■ ■VI■ ■ ■rt7l./_►.�' \ ■■ ■■ ■■i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■I. /■u■■■ ■m■i■■■■ I � i .■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■i■■■■ 1111 11111 .m■E■■ ■n ■., ■ ■■■ ■■■■:■■:iii. ■■ ■annum ■ ■■na u■ ■■n■ ■u■ ■ ■u ■■m 111 /R1 /I11/,/11/111/1UMMIi1 111.. •••�••� ■��•••••••••••■■• 11111►11/11/11/11i111 '■■ ■m■■■■r ■ ■■■■ ■ ■■■■ 111 11 /11111►11/1111111111 ■m■u■■. ■■i.■■■■ ■■.... ■■n■. ■■■.■■■S■■.■■i.■ ■■■■■ ■SSu■■u■n ■u■■■■■ ■..■■ ■■■m•• ■ :11D _:rm nonn111 ■■■ ■■■■sn unnemii■■■m■Sm■■■■■um■n■m■■m n■■■■■r�■.,.ay muni■■ Slid ■■■ l�unnu mm��■■ /■■■■■■■noun■ ■nu■no mm■■ ■ ■ ■nsimim■nn■■■ ■■ nelN ■' Viii■ ga gn onnn onm u■"'i�mumniinun ■mm�unlinnon'. iii :�1;S=SS::1;:i:nimmuSl:::::ls: nnum.....mn- ...... .... �■■orminn ■ ■ ■ ■ennal�.. S menngnminn /no n■ num _� l nnionnunnnnn l.r� ",_■ S . � MU MR ■ �. _ __ • ■gym /aW ■ ■ ■/■ >•O■ ■m■ ■ .. _ _ ■umms■m►mu■�iNs -�_. _t_._ , - _.. ■ dmilmm ■ liana ■ ■n ■■ ■ s Section B (Roof Plan 1 High Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application Form 1 FiII in Specific Roof Assembly Components and Identify Manufacturer (If a component is not used, identify as "NA') System Manufacturer. 7;0.4 6: , e NOANo.: DO' — OSTOn. Design Wnd Pressures, From RA.S 128 or Calculations: Pmax1: -, ' 2- Pmax2: 4 3 Pmax3: Max. Design Pressure, From the Specific NOA System: 5 2. . Deck: Type: WOO D IX • Gauge/Thickness: Slope: y q Anchor /Base Sheet & No. of Ply(s):6.4SEg AnchorBase Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material: Insulation Base Layer: Base Insulation Size and Thickness: Base Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material: Top Insulation Layer: Top Insulation Size and Thickness: Top Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material: Section C (Low Sloped Roof System) Base Sheet(s) & No. of Ply(s): Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding Materal: PIy Sheet(s) & No. of Ply(s): Z- A1 PIy Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material: #o % Alsf / Top PIy: C 'A,b "Yee--/ Top PIy Fastener/ Bonding Material: A i 4/pi,7 Surfacing: r --- Fastener Spacing for Anchor /Base Sheet Attachment " / i Field: 9 ' oc @ Lap, # R ows Z @ • oc Perimeter: � • oc @ Lap, # Rows3 @ -C /( • oc Comer: et' oc © Lap, # Rows @ • oc Number of Fasteners Per Insulation Board Field — Perimeter Corner Illustrate Components Noted and Details as Applicable: Woodblocking, Gutter, Edge Termination, Stripping, Flashing, Continuous Cleat, Cant Strip, Base Flashing, Counter- Flashing, Coping, Etc. Indicate: Mean Roof Height, Parapet Height, Height of Base Flashing, Component Material, Material Thickness, Fastener Type, Fastener Spacing or Submit Manufacturers Details that Comply with RAS 111 and Chapter 16. crf oi 4k4 ‘' 4-4 c t yFT. Parapet Heiaht i Mean Roof Height High Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application Form Section D Stee Sloped Roof S stem Roof Slope: : 12 Notice of Acceptance Number: 99-Ma- a Z Minimum Design Wind Pressures, If Applicable (From RAS 127 or Calculations): Pmax1: 4 6 Pmax2: /46_ Pmax3: /6 4. Maximum Design Pressure (From the NOA Specific System): ��• Sloped System Description Deck Type: ype Underlayment: Insulation: Fire Barrier: Fastener Type & Spacing: Mean Roof Height:/4f Adhesive Type: D ype Cap Shee : J I/ Q�G�S ;/o7/k g 44//C9 / "a -C. Roof Covering: Type & Size Drip dge: /% r4 461.6 zca,,L4)66 I 1 High Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application Form 1 Section E (Tile Calculations) For Moment based tile systems, choose either Method 1 or 2. Coxpared the values for M with the values from Mr. If the M values are greater than or equal to the Mr values, for each area of the roof, then the tile attachment method is acceptable. Method 1 "Moment Based Tile Calculations Per RAS 127" (P, : x t •2(f/ = /3.7f ) - Mg: 63 ° = 7. 4.f �: : 160 - G x 7� .28/ = g707 o = r, NOA M� �S• .� (P . x • ) - Mg: 3 - 111x:22 77 NOA M 45 -.)- 7 = ) - Mg: 6-3 P = Mr2 27 77 NOA M �- Method 2 "Simplified Tile Calculation Per Table Below" Required Moment of Resistance (M From Table Below • 7 NOA M M Required Moment Resistance* Mean Roof Height -4. Roof Slope 2:12 3:12 4:12 5:12 6:12 7:12 15' 30.7 28.7 26.6 24.5 22.5 20.8 20' 33.4 31.3 35.7 33.4 28.9 26.7 24.5 22.6 25' 30.9 28.5 26.2 24.1 30' 37.7 35.2 32.6 30.0 27.6 25.4 40' 40.7 38.1 35.2 32.5 29.8 27.5 *Must be used in conjunction with a list of moment based tile systems endorsed by the Broward County Board of Rules and Appeals. For Uplift based tile systems use Method 3. Compared the values for F' with the values for F If the F' values are greater than or equal to the F values, for each area of the roof, then the tile attachment method is acceptable. Method 3 "Uplift Based Tile Calculations Per RAS 127" (P,: xl: = x w:= - W: x cos B.• - Fr,. NOA F' (P2 x I: = x w: = ) - W: x cos 0: = (Pa: xl• = x h,;= _W: F n• NOA F' x cos B. = F NOA F' Where to Obtain Information Description Design Pressure Mean Roof Height Roof Slope Aerodynamic Multiplier Restoring Moment due to Gravity Attachment Resistance Required Moment Resistance Minimum Attachment Resistance Required Uplift Resistance Average Tile Weight Tile Dimensions Symbol P1 or P2 or P3 H 0 x M, Mr M F' F, W 1= length w= width All calculations must be submitted to the Building Official at the time of permit application. Where to find RAS 127 Table 1 or by an engineering analysis prepared by PE based on ASCE 7 Job Site Job Site NOA NOA NOA Calculated NOA Calculated NOA NOA >5/237 1E: 14 MEDITERRANEAN ROOF TILE -► 305 558 4883 • .n •;t o F1 i.e�.ve MIAMI .OAp ifilit Approved :13/30 ;1999 MIAMI - DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA y&ETRO.OADE FLAGLER BUILDING pRODUCT CONTROL. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (Monier Lifetile LLC 135 NW 20 St. Boca Raton FL 33431 NO. 748 D01 BCILDINC COOS COMPLIANCE OFFICE NIETRO•DADE FL.AGLER BUILOING 1�O 'NEST FLACLER STREET. SUITE 1601 FLOR(O,a. 3)130.156) (303) )73••)01 FA;( (305, )75.2908 CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION (305) 373•2327 FAX (303) 3 253d CONTRACTOR ENFORCEstENT SECTION ()05) 3 FAX (303) 375.2908 PkOOCCT CONTROL D(VtS1ON 13031 315•290` FAX (303) 372.6339 Your application for Product Approval of: Villa el Roll Capri Low Profile Tile under Chapter 8 of the Codc of Miami - Dade County governing o the use of Alternate Materials and Types of County Building ng Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Miami - Dad: This approval she :11 not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right co secure this product or material at anytime from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined BCC') that this product Or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense of such testing tvi11 be incurred by the manufacturer. Acceptance No.: 99- 1012.02 (Revises No.: 97- 1124.16) Expires ;12/16/2002 Raul Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITION {L PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL �~ COND[TIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Codc and Product Review Committee to be used in Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. 1 ( . 1 ,7 7, J rancisco . u1nt R.A. Director 1 of 9 Nliarni -Dade County Building Code Compliance: Office Internet n1Hi1 4■11rei.: POWnus(erehutla,n coacouline.eon1 H•.mepuce: b( 1p ; / /- •••�.bvitdtokc�deonl,��.eum '08!23/00 16;.14 MEDITERRANEAN ROOF TILE -i 305 558 4883 Trim Pieces olaraL TILE -- ACCEPTANCE No. : 99- 1012.02 APPROVED :December 30, 1999 EXPIRES :December 16, 2002 NOT —= QF ACCEPTAYCE; STANDA1 D CO��iD[TIONS 1. SCOPE This revises a roofing system using Monier Lifetile Villa, Roll, and Capri Concrete Roof Tile, as manufactured Monier Lifetile LLC described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code, 1994 Edition for Miami -Dade County. For the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Chapter 23, do not exceed the design pressure values obtain by calculations in compliance with RAS 127 using the values listed in section 4 herein. The attachment calculations shall be done as a moment based system. Category: Prepared Roofing Sub Category: Low Profile Tile 2 . PRODUCT DESCRIPTION :�fa u actur?r..1 by d► licarit Test Product ---�' im nsions Snecifrc�tions psuriatj Monier LiFetil: LLC t re �, Villa & Roll w 1 • � P A 112 Low profile, interlockin;, high pressure !' extruded concrete roof the equipped with thick one nail hole and double roll ribs. For direct deck or battened nail -on, mortar or adhesive set applications. Nlonier Li`aitilt LLC L e 17 •, Capri Tile PA 112 Lo.. profile, interlocking, high pressure `h" thick extruded concrete roof tile equipped with one nail hole and double roll ribs. For direct deck or battened nail -on, mortar or adhesive set applications. I a varies w - varies varying thickness PA 112 Accessory trim. concrete roof pieces for use at hips. rapes, ridges and valley term inations. Manufactured for each tle profile. Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Era.•nine NO.748 DO2 JJER FETILE LL(' Produce. Rainproof If Ice and Water Shield Wood Batten :: Tile Nails Tile Screws Roof Tile Mortar ( "Ti leTi to T M ", Roof Tile Molar ( "Quikrete® Roof Tile Mortar #1140") NIA N/A ACCEPTANCE No.: 991012.02 APPROVED :December 30, 1999 EXPIRES :December 16, 2002 N OI gCsmAN F Sr.aVt1A'RQC0ND[TIN 2.1 Components or products manufactured by others Dim ensions 30" x 75' roll 36" x 75' roll or 60" x 75' roll 36 "x75'roll 10dx 3" 4 2 W' long 0.335" head dia. 0.131" shank dia, 0.175 screw thread dia. PA 123 PA 123 Test Specifications PA 104 PA 103 Vertical IVood Preservers Min. I "x a ', institute LP - 2 ori�ontal Mn. i I "x for use with vertical battens or Min. 1 "x 2" for use alone Product Description PA 1 14 appendix E CQrrOSion resistant screw or smooth shank nails PA 114 A ppendix E Corrosion resistant, coated, square drive, galvanized, coarse thread wood Screws Prepared mortar mix designed for . mortar set roof tile applications. Prepared mortar mix designed for mortar set roof tile applications. Zuloaga. RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner atif:tnuf�ct uer Single ply, nail-on Protect -O -Wrap, undcrlaymcnt with Inc, 2" self- adhering top (with current NOA) ed;e. Self adhering W.R. Grace Co. underlaymenc (with current NOA) Salt pressure generic treated or decay resistant lumber barrens generic generic Bermuda Roof Company, Inc. with current PCA Quikrctc Construction Products with Current PCA NO. 748 t733 •08/23/00 Roof Tile Adhesive ( "Polypro® A H 160 ") Roof Tile Adhesive TileBond Hurricane. CIic. & Fasteners 3. LINIIT.. TIONS 16:15 MEDITERRANEAN ROOF TILE -+ 305 558 4883 NIONZER 1 tI ACCEPTANCE No. 9- 101r.O APPROVED :December30, 1999 EXPIRES :December 16, 2002 ivOT1CF OF A r"rpTaNCE STAN CONDITIO,N$ Product l imensions Roof rite Mortar N/A PA 123 ( "BONSAL® Roof Tile Mortar M ix ") N/A Factory premixed canisters Clips Min. `/'" width Min. 0.060" thick Clip Fasteners Olin. Sd x 1 '1." Test Spe c i fif a t i o n � Product Rescrt�atian Prepared mortar mix designed for mortar set roof tile applications. See PCA Two component polyurethane adhesive designed for adhesive set roof tile applications. See PCA Single component polyurethane foam roof tile adhesive 4 t ioaga, R&C Roofing Product Control Examiner Manufacturer W. R. Bonsai Co. with current PCA Polyfoam Products, Inc. Flexible Products (with current NOA) PA 114 Appendix E Corrosion resistant Generic clips with corrosion resistant nails. 3.1 Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 3 .2 For mortar or adhesive set tile applications, a static Feld uplift test shall be performed in accordance with RAS 106. 3 . 3 Applicant shall retain the services of a Miami -Dade County Certified Laboratory to perform quarterly test in accordance with PA 112, appendix `A'. Such testing shall be submitted to the Building Code Compliance Office for review. 3.4 Minimum underlayments shall be in compliance with the applicable Roofing Applications Standards listed section 4. 1 herein. 3 . 3 30/90 hot mopped underlayment applications may be installed perpendicular to the roof slope unless stated otherwise by the underlavntent material manufacturers published literature. 3 .6 This acceptance is for wood deck applications. ., .. -. be in compliance with chapter 29 of the SFBC �.�' • s shall 4 N0.748 D04 •08/23/00 f�JOiti ER L T LLC NOT ICE t?f -�CCFPTaNCE• STANDARD CONDITIONS 4. INSTALLATION 4 .1 N:onier Lifetife Villa, Roll, and Capri Concrete Roof Tile and its components shall be installed.in strict compliance with ,Miami Dade County Roofing Application Standard RAS 118, RAS 119, and RAS 120. 4.2 Data For Attachment Calculations Monier Lifetife Villa. Table 2: Restoring Moments due to Gravi M Tile 3 4":12" �- (ft-1bf} Profile Monier Lifetilf:: Direct Battens Direct Vista. Roll, and Deck I Deck Capri The 5 6.30 1 5.48 6.18 Tile Profile 16:15 MEDITERRANEAN ROOF TILE -► 305 558 4883 Table 1: Aerodynamic Multipliers - X. (ft X (ft') Batten Application 0.267 Tile Profile Roll and Capri The Battens 1 able 3: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M, (ft -lbf) for Nail-On Systems Fastener Type Monier e Li`etilE 2 -10d Ring Shank Nailg I villa, Roll, and 1 -10d Smooth or Screw Capri Tile Shank Nail 2-10d Smooth or Screw I 16.4 Shank Nails 1 2-10a Rin I ^ !.O_ ^ _On with a 4 tale 7$8 Screw 2 *8 Screw 1 -100 Smooth or Screw Shank Nail (Field Clip 1 -10d Smootn or Screw Shank Nail (Eave Cli.) 2 - 10d Smooth or Screw Shank Nails (Field Ctipt 2.10d Smooth or Screw Shank Nails (,ve Clip) Direct Deck (min 15/32" Plywood) 27.8 8.8 25.8 d . 24.3 19.0 35.5 31 5 .9 5 ":12" 6 ":12" 7 ":12" or _ greater attens Direct Battens Direct 8anens Oi` ' Deck I Deck Deck 5.37 I 6.05 I 5.24 ACCEPTANCE No. : 9 9-1012.02 APPR.O,. ED :December 30, 1999 EXPIRES :December 16, 2002 Direct Deck (min. 19/32" plywood) 37.4 11.8 19.0 35.5 31.9 5.90 f 5.09 rank Zuloaga, RRC Rooting Product Control Examiner 5.73 Battens 28.8 4.1 25.8 22.9 47.1 _ 49. 24.3 32.2 1 24.2 22.1 34.8 Shank Nails' 43 C -1 1111111101111111 are i heaalap and rastemerq aye lctcaLed a min. of 2i : m ead of ti NO. 748 D85 08/23/00 16: 15 MEDITERRANEAN ROOF TILE -+ 305 558 4883 NO. 748 D06 ■■, O / LIFETILE LLC ACCEPTANCE No.: •lot .02 APPRO\D :December 30, 1999 EXPIRES :December 16, 2002 NICE OI' AC'CEE Te 4C I STANDr1Rp CONDITIONS fable 4: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment M, (ft_Ibf) for Two Patt Adhesive Set Systems Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment Profile Resistance Monier Lifetile Villa, Roll, and Adhesive Capri Tile 26.1 2 See manufactures Component approval for installation requirements. 3 Flexible Products Company Tile9ond Averag weight per patty 11.4 grams. Polyfoam Product, Inc_ Avera a wet ht per patty 8 grams. Table 4A: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M, (ft-Ibf) for Sinjte Patty Adhesive Set Systems Tile Tile Application Profile 1 Minimum Attachment Resistance Monier Lifetile Villa, Roll, Polyfoam PolyPro"' j 86.61 and Capri lire Polyfoam PolyPro'" L 4 5 53 4 Lar a paad placement of S4 rams of Pot Pro'". - 5 Medium paddy placement of 24grams of PolyPro '. Table 48: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - Mr(ft -lbf) for Mortar Set Systems Tile Tile Profile Attachment Monier t.ifetilt r Roll, and Application Resistance Capri Tiie Mortar Set' 20.60 S. LABELING All tile!. shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo, or following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved". 6. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the follo>.ving: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the South Florida Building Code (SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. to f oaga„ RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner W • jv;zn ►1DITERRANEAN ROOF TILE -+ 305 558 4883 MONgER L.X 'ETILF LLr ACCEPTANCE No. : APPROD :December 30, 1999 EXPIRES :December 16, 2002 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD COND1j(ONS MONIER LIFETILE VILLA CONCRETE ROOF PROFILE DRAWINGS 16 -1/2" MONIER LIFETILE ROLL CONCRETE ROOF TILE 7 Villa Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner NO.748 007 y ONIEp._Lt ETILE LLC N•TI • CC . T +NC 1 17^ MONIER LIFETILE CAPRI CONCRETE ROOF TILE 8 ACCEPTANCE No. 9- 1012.03 APPROVED :December 30, 1999 EXPIRES :December 16, 2002 CON , I • NS 1 2.3/8 . ul oaga. RAC Roofing Product Control Examiner f 00 %23/00 16:16 MEDITERRANEAN ROOF TILE -. 305 558 4883' MONIER LIFETILF LLC ACCEPTANCE No.: 99- 1012.02 APPROkED :December 30, 1999 EXPIRES :December 16, 2002 NOTICE OF AC t».PT ST CO I`1D ITIONS Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documents, including test- supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than tight (8) years. 2. Any and all approved products.. shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name, city, state, and the following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approval ", or as specifically stared in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if: a. There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes. b. The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved. c. if the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation ark product. d. The engineer %vho originally prepared, signed and scaled the required documentation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing of a revision application with appropriate tee) and granted by this office. 5. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. U''satisfactory performance of this product or process. b. Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sates, advertising or any other purposes. 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. 7. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents where it applies 3. shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all time. The engineer need not reseal the copies. Failure .:o comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of Acceptance. 9. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 1 through 3 and this last page 9. END Or THr3 ACCEPT'1N n rants Zuloaga. RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner NO. 748 P09 lTERRANEAN ROOF TILE y 305 558 4 883 ..._... -.. ••.-....,. y ...:.. a::.�:�in•�rnoemr:is�er_4::xw.. x+sr" idea "w %:�...:L'::. r � ..wd.✓ �:_4::'.'� - ...- •' LtleIAR (USA), (NC, �i TICE OF AC 'TANCE: AC' EPTANC>E No. • 99;1103.0/ APPROVED EXPIRES :December 16, 2002 CONDr TONS I Renewal of this Ac ceptance (approval) •. filed and the original submitted documents, including te considered after a renewal a arc no older than ei ht 8 PPoRins data, en ine�tr noon has been g ()years• engineering documents, -'• Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturers f • g statement: "Miami. Dade Coun rl Appr, nary, : or city, state, and the following specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. product Control A • pproval' , or as 3. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if: a• There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affeccin product and the product is not in complianc with the code changes. b. The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the ore g the evaluation of this c !f the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the .requirements of this including the correct installation of the originally approved, d. The engineer who originally Product. '•:; acceptance, prepared, signed and sealed the ;required documentation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering' profession, 4. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture;of automatically b� cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless 'pr or1evri� d u approval has se en quested (throw • g g of a revision application with appropriate fee) and been office. re h: th Ming granted by this 5• Any of the Following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b. Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of an other' purposes. Y product, for salts, advertising or any 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising li Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done in its entire '(f any portion of the erature. , h . A copy of this Acceptance as w as approved drawings and other documents, where era shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its. des nbu"`o'rs. and shall•be a vatlable for inspection at the job site at all time. The.engineer need not reseal th i DPlies, � .• ? es. Failure to comply/ with any section of this Acceptant; shall be cause for terrain of Acceptance, anon and removal This Notice of Acceptance consists ofpagcs I through 7 and tFis Iasi '' END OF THIS ACCEPTrtNC NO. 909 008 : December 16, 1999 318 ROOF COVERING MATERIALS (TEVT) ROOFING SYSTEMS (TGFU)— Continued "Glass -Base" or "Vent -Ply" or Type G1 ply sheet, "Tam-Glass Premium" or "Tam -Ply IV ", hot mopped or nailed. Ply Sheets: 3 layers Type G1 "Tam-Glass Premium" or 'Tam -Ply IV ", hot mopped. Surfacing: Gravel in a flood coat of hot roofing asphalt at 60 lb /sq. 6. Deck: NC Incline: 1 - 1/2 Base Sheet: Type G2 "Glass- Base ", "Tam -Glass Premium" or "Tam -Ply IV ", hot mopped. Ply Sheets: 2 or more layers Type G1 "Tam -Glass Premium" or "Tam Ply IV ", hot mopped. Surfacing: Type G3 "Tam -Cap ", hot mopped. 7. Deck: NC Incline: 2 Insulation (Optional): 1 -5/16 - 3 -1/4 in. max. in. glass fiber perlite or woodfiber, isocyanurate sprinkle mopped. Base Sheet (Optional): 1 or more Type G2 "Vent -Ply ", "Vapor- Chan "; Type 61 "Tam-Glass Premium ", 'Tam -Ply IV" or "Glass- Base ", hot mopped. Ply Sheets: 1 layer "Awaplan Versa - Smooth" surface (modified bitumen), hot mopped or heat fused. Surfacing: Type G3 "Tam- Cap ", hot mopped. 8. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1/4 Base Sheet: Type 15 "43# Base Sheet", Type G -1 "Tam -Glass Premium ", "Tam -Ply" IV" or "Glass- Base ", nailed. Ply Sheets: 2 or more layers Type 61 "Tam -Glass Premium" or 'Tam -Ply IV ", hot mopped. Surfacing: Type G3 "Tam-Cap", hot mopped. 9. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1 Base Sheet: On8 or more layers of Type G2 "Glass- Base ", "Versa- Base" or "Vapor- Chan ", hot mopped or mechanically fastened in place. Ply Sheet: One or more layers of Type G1 'Tam -Ply IV" or "Tam -Glass Premium ", hot mopped in place. Cap Sheet Type G3 "Tam- Cap ", hot mopped in place. 10. Deck: C - 15/32 Incline: 2 Base Sheet: One or more layers of Type 15 "43# Base Sheet", hot mopped or mechanically fastened in place. Ply Sheet Two or more plies of Type 61 "Tam -Ply IV" or "Tam-Glass Premium ", hot mopped in place. Cap Sheet: Type G3 "Tam- Cap ", hot mopped in place. 11. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 2 Insulation (Optional): Perlite 3/4 in. thick min. or polyisocyanurate, 2 in. thick min. Base Sheet: One or more layers of Type G2 "Glass- Base ", "Versa -Base" or "Vapor- Chan ", hot mopped or mechanically fastened in place. Membrane: One layer of "Awaplan Versa - Smooth" (modified bitumen), hot mopped or heat welded. Cap Sheet: Type G3 "Tam-Cap", hot mopped in place. 12. Deck: NC Incline: 3 Base Sheet: One or more plies of "Tam -Ply IV ", hot mopped or mechanically fastened. Ply Sheets: One or more plies of 'Tam -Ply IV ", hot mopped or mechanically fastened. Surfacing: Gravel, crushed stone or crushed slag, in a flood coat of hot roofing asphalt. Class B 1. Deck: C - 15/32 Incline: 1 Base Sheet: One or more plies of Type G2 "Glass- Base ", Type 15 "43# Base Sheet", or Type G2 "Vapor- Chan ", hot mopped or 'mechanically fastened in place. Cap Sheet Type G3 "Tam- Cap ", hot mopped in place. 2. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 3 Base Sheet: One or more plies of Type G2 "Glass- Base ", Type 15 "43# Base Sheet ", "Versa- Base" or Type G2 "Vapor- Chan ", hot mopped or mechanically fastened in place. Ply Sheet One or more plies of Type G1 "Tam -Ply IV ", 'Tam -Glass Premium" or "Versa- Base ", hot mopped in place. Cap Sheet: Type G3 "Tam- Cap ", hot mopped in place. 3. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1/2 Base Sheet: One or more plies of Type G2 "Glass- Base ", Type 15 "43# Base Sheet ", "Versa- Base" or Type G2 "Vapor- Chan ", hot mopped or mechanically fastened in place. Cap Sheet: Type G3 "Tam-Cap", hot mopped in place. Class C 1. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1/2 Insulation: 1 - 1 -15/16 in. glass fiber, perlite or wood fiber, nailed or sprinkle mopped. Ply Sheet: 3 layers Type G1 'Tam -Glass Premium" or 'Tam Ply IV ", hot mopped. Surfacing: Glaze coat hot roofing asphalt. 2. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1/2 Base Sheet: Type G2 "Glass- Base ", "Tam -Glass Premium ", "Tam Ply IV" or "43 lb. Base ", nailed or spot mopped. LOOK FOR MARK ON PRODUCT ROOF COVERING MATERIALS (TEVT) ROOFING SYSTEMS (TGFU) — Continued Ply Sheet 3 layers Type 61 "Tam -Glass Premium" or 'Tam- Pty•IV ", !lot mopped. Surfacing: Glaze coat hot roofing asphalt. 3. Deck: C - 15/32 Incline: Unlimited • Base Sheet: O ee or more plies of Type G2 "Glass - Base ", "43# Base Sheet" "Versa- Base" or "Vapor- Chan ", hot mopped or mechanically fastened. Ply Sheet: One or • more plies of Type G1 'Tam -Ply IV" or "Awaplar Smooth" (modified bitumen), hot mopped or heat fused. Cap Sheet: Type G3 "Tam-Cap", hot mopped in place. COMBINATION HOT AND COLD SYSTEMS Unless otherwise indicated, these constructions may utilize any thickness o perlite, glass fiber, polyurethane, isocyanurate, combination isocyanurate, perlite or polyurethane /perlite insulation hot mopped or nailed. Wood fibe insulation is a suitable substitute on noncombustible decks only. Class A 1. Deleted. 2. Deck: NC Incline: 1 -1/2 Ply Sheets: 3 or more layers Type 61 "Tam -Glass Premium" or "Tam-PI IV ", hot mopped. Surfacing: Grundys "Fibered Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating, 039" at gal /sq. 3. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1 Insulation: 1 in. minimum glass fiber, perlite, wood fiber, polyurethanc isocyanurate or combination isocyanurate /perlite, nailed or sprinkl mopped. Base Sheet (Optional): Type G2 "Glass- Base" or Type G1 "Tam-Ply IV"( "Tarn-Glass Premium ", nailed or hot mopped. Ply Sheets: 3 layers Type G1 'Tam -Glass Premium" or "Tam -Ply IV", hi mopped. Surfacing: Pure Asphalt's "Fibered Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating" at gal /sq. 4. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1 -1/2 Insulation (Optional): Glass fiber, perlite, 2 in. max. Base Sheet Type G2 "Glass- Base ", "43# Base Sheet" or "Vapor Char nailed, sprinkle or hot mopped. Ply Sheets: 3 layers Type 61 'Tam -Glass Premium" or "Tam -Ply IV ", h mopped. Surfacing: Pure Asphalt's "Fibered Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating" at gal /s4 5. Deck: C - 15/32 Incline: 3 Insulation: Glass fiber, wood fiber or perlite 2 in. max. Base Sheet Type 15 "43 lb Base - Sheet" or "Glass Base" nailed or h mopped. Ply Sheet 3 layers Type 61 'Tam -Glass Premium" or 'Tam -Ply IV", h mopped. Surfacing: Pure Asphalt's "Fibered Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating" at gal /sq. 6. Deck: NC Incline: 1/2 Insulation (Optional): Wood fiber or perlite, any thickness, mechanica fastened. Base Sheet: One or more plies of "Glass- Base ", "Base -N -Ply" or "43: mechanically fastened or hot mopped in place. Ply Sheet One or more plies of Type G1 'Tam -Ply ,IV" 9r 'Tani -G4 Premium ", hot mopped in place. Surfacing: "Tam -Pro FR Aluminum Roof Coating", applied at 1 -1/2 gal/: • Class B 1. Deck: C - 15/32 Incline: 3 Base Sheet One br more plies of Type 15 "43# Base Sheet`, hot nlopf or mechanically fastened in place. Ply Sheet: Two or more plies of Type G2 'Tam -Ply IV" or "Tam -Gl Premium ", hot mopped in place. Surfacing: Grundys "Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating ", applied at 1 -: gal /sq. 2. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 1/4 Base Sheet: One or more plies of Type G2 "Glass Base ", "Versa Base" "Vapor Chan ", hot mopped or mechanically fastened in place. Membrane: "Awaplan Premium ", "Awaplan Premium FR", "Awaplan 17 "Awaplan 170FR ", "Awaplan Versa - Smooth" and "AwaFlex". Surfacing: Grundy's "Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating ", applied at 1 -• gal/sq. 3. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 2 Cap Sheet: Type G3 "Tam -Cap" (inverted), mechanically fastened place. Membrane: "Awaplan Premium ", "Awaplan Premium FR" ", "Awaplan 17 "Awaplan 170FR ", "Awaplan Versa - Smooth" and "AwaFlex". Surfacing: Grundy's "Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating", applied at 1- gal /sq. • Class C 1. Deck: C -15/32 Incline: 3 Insulation: 1 in. min glass fiber, perlite, wood fiber, polyurethi .. J C L V • MIAMI.OADE IKE PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Tamko Roofing Products, Inc. 220 West Fourth Street Joplin ,MO 64804 The expense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. ACCEPTANCE. NO.: 01- 0508.01 EXPIRES: 1)8/23/2006 . APPROVED: OS/23/2001 1\ 40 acceptance over R1Eo.doc Internet mail address: postmaster :?buildingcodeonline.com I'd ET TO EBB SCE OV VJ r y,C • • ,r MIAMI -DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO -DADE FLAGLER BUILDING !IU)LD , N 1 C CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE �P4.t: rlto 3),tnl% PLACU.V)t 11UlLI >IN(1 1.10 \V lis'r PI.AC;I /Eft S rltl:i:r, Stan, 1603 MIAlMI, PLORIOA 33130 -I363 (305) 375 -2901 PAX (305) 375 -29013 coN rltA( :IY)u 1.1( :ENx1N(: SECTION (305) 375.2527 FAX (305) 375.2553 CONTRACTOR I• :NI:OW :F: \IF :1NT DIVISION Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of: Tamko BUR RoofSystern over Wood Deck under Chapter 8 oldie Code of Miami -Dade County governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the tvtiami -Dade County.Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time from a jobsitc or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. if this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, T3CCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by I3CCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. (305)373.2 PAX (305)373.2908 I ItOD(I(:'p CO3VrR O►VISION O0$) 3 75.2002 VAN (303) )72.13)0 Raul Rodriguez Chia Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSI•IEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMI'1TT:E This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami-Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. Francisco J. Quintana. R.A. Director Miami -Dade C :ounty 13uikiing Cole Compliance Orticc Home page: http : / /www,btlildingcodconline.cum ci too pull tuuns e9T:IT TO 12 ° a' 'd TAMKO ROOFING PRODUCTS, INC. Acceptance No:01- 0503.01 ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Cltccorv: Roofing b Approval Date: Auctt.st 23, 2001 Sub -Cate orv: Built-up Roofing Lxpiration Date: Auateft 23, 201)6 Deck Type: • Wood Maximum Desitn Pressure -60 psi' Fire Classification: See General Limitation ill TRADE NA MES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: Test Product Product Dimensions Specification Description Awaplan 170 FR Roll weight: 9S.Ibs.; ASTM D 6164 A 1S0 g/m' polyester reinforced SI3S 33' 11" x 39'/ Typo i modified bitumen membrane surfaced with granules and treated for additional fire resistance. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. Awaplan 170T`t Roll weight: 98 lbs.; ASTM D 61.64 A 180 5/nt' polyester reinforced SBS 33' 11" x 39 '/8' • Type( modified bitumen meinbranc surfaced with granules. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. Awaplan Heat Roll weight: 96 Ibs.; ASTM 0 6161 A 250 g /rn' polyester reinforced SBS WeldingT`t 25' 5" x 39 3 4" Type 11 modified bitumen membrane surfaced with granules. Applied by torch and also used as n tvnikwny material. Awaplan Premium Roll weight: 101 ASTM D 6164 A 250 gins polyester reinforced modilicd How lbs.; 33' 11" x 39 Type 11 bitumen membrane surfaced with 1 /3" granules. Applied by hot asphalt and also used as a walkway material. Awaplan 1'remiunt'" Roll weight: 101 ASTM D 6164 A 250 On= polyester reinforced SI3S lbs.; 33' 11" x 39 Type 11 modified bitumen membrane surfaced with granules. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive, and also used as n walkway material. Awaflex Roll weight: 76 ibs; ASTM O 5147 SBS modified cap sheet constructed with a 33' 39 -3 /S" 155gm /n non- woven polyester mat saturated with asphalt, coated on both sides with SBS rubber modified asphalt and surfaced with ceramic granules for UV protection. Awallcx FR Roll weight: 76 Ibs; ASTM f) 5147 S13S FR modified cap sheet constructed 33' x 39 -3 /S" with a 155gnt /nr' non - woven polyester mat saturated tvith asphalt, coaled on both sides with SI3S rubber modified itsphalt, FR treated, and surfaced with ccrumie. granules lbr UV protection, E1 TO E88 SDE Page 2 duoo puet;uuns V V,.T1 VuT Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner • a .e9T :T1 10 12 oaa TAMKO ROOFING PRODUCTS, INC. Product Awaplan Versa- Smooth Awaplan Versa- 1 Base- N -1 Glass-Base ' Tan1- CapT^a Versa -Base FRT`a Versa- 13ase'''" Versa -Cap "lam -Pro Fibered Emulsion Tam -Pro Primer E'd ETTO 688 SOS Dimensions Roll weight: 100 lbs. 33' 1 I "x 39 Roll weight: 76 lbs; 33' I1" x 39 -3/8" Roll weight: 72 lbs.; 108'x36" Tcs t Specification AsTh1 06164 Type 1 ASTM D 6164 Type 11 ASTM D 4601 Roll weight: 72 lbs.; ASTM 0 4601 97.5' x 39.3/3" Roll weight: 83 lbs.; ASTM D3909 32' H" x 39 -3/8" Tam -Glass PrcmIwnT" Roll weight: 53 lbs.; ASTM D 2178 161' 9" x 39 -3/8" Type V1 Tarn -Ply IVT" Roll weight: 44 lbs.; AS D 2173 161' 9" x 39 -3/8" Type IV t b Type 43 Base Sheet Roll wch. lit: 85 lbs.; AS1'M 1) 2626 A 72' x 36" s Vapor- ChanT" n Roll weight: 86 lbs.; AS'I'M 1) 4897 F 32' 11" x 39 -3/3" Type 11 11 II st h Roll weight: 60 Ihs.; ASTtvt 0 5147 A 48' 2" x 39 -3/8" fi at Roll weight: 94 lbs.; ASTM 0 6163 A 48' 2" x 39-3/8" Type I fit all Roll weight: 87 lbs.; ASTM D 5147 A 33' x 39 -3/8" SL 5 gallon ASTM 0 1227, Pr type 11 5 gallon As'fM D 41 Page 3 Aspha d�oo puejiuuns N V NJT I UU)T■ Acceptance No:01- 0503.01 Product - i - )eseription A 180/x' polyester reinlirtccd SI3S utod1Iicd bitumen membrane. Applied in hot asphalt, by torch, or mechanically fastened, as a base ply in 2 ply modified systems. A 190 g /nr' nonwoven polyester reinforced SL3S modified bitumen membrane. Applied in hot asphalt, as 0 base ply in 2 ply modified systems. Type 11 asphalt impregnated and coated glass fiber base street for use in conventional and modified bitumen built- tip roofing. Type 11 asphalt impregnated and coated glass fiber base sheet for use in conventional and modified bitumen built up rooting. Asphalt impregnatcd'and coated felt sttrfaccd with mineral granule, used as the top ply in conventional built -up root" membranes. Type V1 asphalt impregnated glass fell for use in conventional and modified bitumen built -up roofing. Type IV.asphalt impregnated glass felt for Ise in conventional and modified bitumen wilt -up roofing. n organic felt reinforced asphalt base beet. Applied in hot asphalt or lechanically fastened. Leavy duty fiber glass base sheet nprcgnated and coated on bout sides %vith sphalt ■■ith or without a fine mineral abifiicr. Surfaced on the bottom side ith coarse mineral granules embedded in of asphaltic coaling. sphalt impregnated and coated glass bcr base sheet for use in conventional id modified bitumen built -up roofing. sphalt impregnated and coaled glass >er bast sheet for use in conventional c1 modified bitumen built-up roofing. fiberglass reinforced, mineral surfaced, IS modified bitumen lop membrane. otective coating. Frank Luloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner • r" - Y e9T:TT TO TE oaa ( WA VL. JVr I rl l'Ir.0 U0001'100.+U TAMKO ROOFING PRODUCTS, INC. Acceptance No:01- 008.01 Test Product Product Dimensions SJ)ecifieatinn I ri) tinn Tam -Pro Fire Rated 5 gallon ASTM 0 2824. A (lame retardant protective Coating that Aluminum Roof type 111 firms a highly reflective surface. Coating EVIDENCE SUI3MITTED: Test Agency /Idcntilier Name Retmrt Date Factory. Mutual Research Comparative Rupture Testing .1.1. 400A7.AM 10.21.98 Corporation Class 1 Fire J.I. 0Z4A3.AM 08.27.97 Class 1 Firc: 1.90 Windstorm J.I. I D4A7.AM 10 20.97 Classification Class 1 Fire; 1.90 Windstorm J.1. 3B5A9.AM 03.27.97 Classification Underwriters Laboratories, Fire Classification -- see R3225 Published Inc. current directory Annually Wind Uplift Resistance 83226 -I through 13 02.17.94 Dvnatcch Engineering Wind Uplift Testing 4440.05.95-2 05.01.95 Corporation Wind Upl Testing 4440.05.93 -1 05.01.95 Exterior Research & Design, Wind Uplift Testing 4444.06.98 -1 06.15.98 LLC. b'd ET TO EBB S0E Page 4 Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner dJoo pueiTuuns e9T :TT TO Ti? °au LT .d ..z r L. v V 1 Ply Sheet: Cap Sheet: Surfacing: Fastening: ~+off rr nKu TAMKO ROOFING PRODUCTS, INC. Acceptance No:01- 0503.01 Deck Type 1: Wood, Non - insulated Duck Description: 1 ' / or greater plywood Or plank decks System Type E: Base Sheet mechanically attached. All General and System Limitations apply. Base Sheet: One:ply of"1'antko Class-Base, Vapor -Chan or Base- N -1'1y fastened to the fleck as described below: Maximum Design Pressure: Sec Bose Sheet Fastening; Options above ET 10 EBB SOE (Option 11/) Attach base sheet using 11 ga. annular ring shank nails and 1 -5 /8" diameter tin caps spaced 9" o.c. in a 4" lap and 9" o.c. in two staggered rows in the . center oldie sheet. /eels —52.5 psf, See General Liutiiuiirn 117.) (Option 112) Attach base sheet using CF Dekfast or 1114 Dcktast Fasteners with CP Ilex Plates, SFS 1112 or 1ID 1nsulftxx S, or 13uildcx Accutrac fasteners and 3" Square Plates spaced 12" o.c. in a 4" lap and 12" o.c. in two staggered rows in the center of the sheet. (Aleuts —60.0 psf, See General Limitation N7.) Two or more plies of Tain-Glass Premium® or Tate Ply I V ply sheet adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the E VT range and nt a rate of 20- 40 lbs. /sq. ouvOTao0 T r „ (Optional) 'Onc ply ol Tnm- Cape adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the L• VT range and at a rate of 20 -40 lbs. /sq.. (See Tamko application instructions for approved method of installation), (Required ifpo cap sheet is used) Install one of the following: 1. 1-1% g,allons fihercd aluminum coating per square (Tropical Asphalt Products AlumaOritc 120. Taal -Pro FR Aluminum Roof Coating), 3 gallons emulsion roof coating per square, or asphalt surface at an application rale of 20 -25 lbs. /sq.. Coatings shall he applied according to the munntitcturers' recommendations regarding specific application rates and weathering. 2. Flood coat with an application rate of 60 lbs. /sq.; plus gravel or slag with an application rate of 4110 or 300 lbs. /sq. respectively, Page 17 Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner duoo pue1tuuns eo2:TT TO T2 oaa Sep 26 01 02:46p iHMKU BT'd ETU] EBB S0E Page 13 ODUOY l OOTJ TAMKO ROOFING PRODUCTS, INC. Acceptance No:01- 050$.01 WOOD DECK SYSTEM LIMITATIONS:... 1 A slip sheet is required with Ply 4 and Ply 6 when used as a mechanically fastened base or anchor sheet. (;I:NERAL LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire clnssilication is not part or this acceptance, refer to a current Approved Roofing tvlaterials Directory for lire ratings of this product, 2. Insulation may be installed in multiple layers. The First layer shall be attached in compliance with • Product Control Approval guidelines. All other layers shall be adhered in a )till mopping of approved asphalt applied within the L• VT range and at a rate of 20 -40 ibs. /sq., or mechanically attached using the fastening pattern of the top Layer 3. All stanclard panel sizes nre acceptable for mechanical attachment, When applied in approved asphalt, panel size shall be 4' x 4' maximum. 4. An overlay and /or recovery board insulation panel is required on all applications over closed cell foam insulations when the base sheet is fully mopped. if no recovery board is used the base sheet shall be applied using spot mopping with approved asphalt, 12" diameter circles, 24" o.c.; or strip mopped -8" ribbons in three rows, one at each sidclap and one down the center of trip sheet allowing a continuous area of ventilation. Encircling of the strips is not acceptable. A 6" break shall be placed every 12' in each ribbon to allow cross ventilation. Asphaft application of either system shall be at a minimum raw of 12 lbs. /sq. Note: Spot attached systems shall be limited to a maximum design pressure of -45 psf. 5. Fastener spacing for insulation attachment is based on a Minimum Characteristic Force (F') value of 275 Ibf., as tcstcd in compliance with Testing Application Standard TAS 105. 1r the fastener value, as field- tested, are below 275 lbf. insulation attachment shall not be acceptable. 6. Fastener spacing for mechanical attachment of anchor /base sheet or membrane attachment is based on a minimum fastener resistance value in conjunction with the ntaxip1u111 design Value listed within a specific system. Should the fastener resistance be less than that required, as determined by the Building Official, a revised fastener Spacing, prepared, signed and sealed by a Florida Registered Engineer, Architect, or Registered Roof Const Itant may be submitted. Said revised fastener spacing shall utilize talc withdrawal resistance value taken from Testing Application Standards'i'AS 105 and calculations in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. 7. Perimeter and corner areas shall comply with the enhanced uplift pressure requirements of these areas. Fastener densities shalt be increased for both insulation and base sheet as calculated in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation #9 tt•ill not be applicable.) 8. All attachment and sizing of perimeter nailcrs, metal profile, and /or flashing termination designs shall conform with Roofing Application Standard RAS 111 and applicable wind load requirements. 9. The maximum designed pressure limitation lis ed shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones (i.e. field, perimeters, and corners). Neither rational analysis, nor extrapolation shall he permitted for enhanced fastening at enhanced pressure zones (i.c. perimeters, extended corners and corners). (\Vlten this limitation is specifically referred tvithin this NOA, General Limitation #7 %t•ill not be applicable.) Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner d�oo pueITuuns e02 :TT TO T2 oaa GT'd - JCr+ t0 V1 VL.TVr+ r 11.Ir.V ETTO EBB S0E Puge 19 TAMMIKO ROOFING PRODUCTS, INC. Acceptance No:OI -0503.01 - NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE STANDARD CONDIfrONS 1 Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall he considcred renewal application has been tiled and the original submitted documentation, including test supporting data. engineering documents, arc no older Than eight (R) years. 2 Any and all approved products shall be pcnnpnently labeled with the manufacturer's name, city. state, and the lbllowingstatenlent: "Mianli.Dade County Product Control Approved ". or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3 Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if: a) 'There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code a11ecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes; b) The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved; c) If the Acceptance holder has nor complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product; d) The engineer who originally prepared, signed and sealed the required documentation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4 Any revision or change in the materials, usc, and /or ntanufacuu•c of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing of a revision application with appropriate Ice) and granted by Mk office. 5 Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a) Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process: b) Misuse o this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or nay other purposes. 6 111c Notice of Acceptance number preceded by thc words Mianti -Dade County, Florida, and followed by thc expiration date may be displayed in advertising litcrature..11 any portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed; then it shall be done in its entirety. 7 A copy of this Acceptance as wg11 as approved drawings and other documents. where it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all times. The copies need not he resealed by the engineer, ti Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of . Acceptance. 9 This Acceptance contains pages I through 19. END OF TIIIS ACCEPTANCE Prank Zuloaga, RRC Rooting Product Control Examiner dJoo pue1 tuuns r• -• eIi::II TO Ii; oaa NAILA= DECKS (WOOD) ,512 Tw Glair Premium 612 Tant4 111 (REGIONS 1. 2, & 3) Material Requirements TArxO FIBERO A33 /PLY SHEETS TAMKO TYPE 43 Gaud Sue Shen or BASE-N-PLY Base Shat TAMKO FIBERGLASS PLY SHEETS (Options Below) 512 TAM -GLASS PREMIUM 612 TAM-PLY IV TAM(O Gass misty- / suites NO:00 oEOc 1/2 m • 50 cm - 19 -11/16 inches 1 m . 100 cm = 39 -3/8 inches TAMKO TAM -CAP Fiberglass Mineral - Surfaced Cap Sheet 1 Ply laterply Asphalt (Per 100 sq. ft.) Approx. 691b. Cllnchtype nails (Pee 100 sq. ft.) Approx. 100 Nails Slope: Postuve drainage up co 1.1/2 m. per linear 1. For slopes above 1 in. per linear Il., fastening of the roofing felts Is required (see Section 9.0). Deck The deck should conform to TAMKO general requirements (see Section 4.0). Asphalt: The asphalt should be certified by the manufacturer to meet ASTM 0 -312, Type 11 for slopes up to 1/2 in. (except in FL TX. NM. A2. CA) and Type 1I1 for slopes up to 1.1/2 in. (see Secaon 11.01. TYPE 43 Coated Base Shea or BASE -N -PLY Base Sheet: Starting ar the low pout of the roof. install 1 ply of TAMKO TYPE 43 Coated Base Sheet or BASC -N -PLY, sick lapped 2 M. and end lapped 4 M. Apply at a nght angle so the slope of the roof. Nail the sheet along the by at intervals of no more than 9 to Stagger -toil on 18 m. centers along 2 lines looted 12 in. from each edge of the base shoe. For specific fastening patterns for wind uplift lisueas, contact the Te imial Saunas Deportment (see Section 10.0). Fiberglass Ply Sheets: Over the base ply. install 2 plies of TAMKO TAM -GLASS PREMIUM or TAM -PLY IV Fiberglass Ply Shen to speu(tmuon asphalt. Stan with a 1/2 m width fol- lowed by full I m widths, shingle fashion. tapping each ply 20.11/16 in. over the preceding; ply so that as least 2 plies cover the base ply at any point. Approramately 23 lb. ( =15 %) of specifttmtton asphak per 100 sq. ft. should be used to embed each ply (sec Section 8.0). TAM - CAP MlnetalSudmed trap Sheet: Starting at the low point of the roof. apply 1 ply of TAMKO TAM -CAP. side Lapping each sheet 2 in. and end lapping 6 in. over the preceding sheets. Fully mop each sheet with specification asphalt at the rate of 23 lb. (s15 %) of speci(Iattson asphalt per 100 sq. ft. On slopes o( 1 M. per foot or greater. nail adjacent to the top edge on 12 tn. centers. Nail laps on 3 in. centers and mop the full width with specification asphalt. NOTE: BEFORE APPLICATION OF TAM -CAP. CUT INTO 12 PT. TO 18 PT. LENGTHS, ALLOW TO FLATTEN AND RELAX. STAGGER THE END LAPS. (SEE COLD - WEATHER APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS, SECTION 15.0.) Alierrutedy. installation by the - fly -in' or "mop and !lop" method requires the Installer ro use maximum of 12 ft. sections and to mop the 2 in. selvedge and the back of the TAM -CAP that will cover the selvedge. Flashing: The flashing material must he a TAMKO polyester - reinforced modified asphalt flashing material (see Section 32.0). U.L Requirements: Contact TAMKO for rnformauon on U.L. systems requirements. NAMABLE DECKS (WOOD) 514 Tam -Class Prentiss 614 Tam-Ply 10 (REGIONS 1. 2, & 3) ►taruu FLOOD COAT eineva YAUN0 meeaataaa PLY eNEETB Material Requirements • z• 1 Ply TAMKO TYPE 43 Coated Base Sheet of BASE -N -PLY Base Sheet 2 Plies TAMKO FIBERGLASS PLY SHEETS (Options Below) 514 TAM-GLASS PREMIUM 614 TAM -PLY IV Interpiy Asphalt (Per 100 tut. ft.) Flood Coat Asphalt (Per 100 sq. ft.) Gravel (Per 100 sq. ft.) ClInehtype nails (Per 100 sq. rt.) Set Pates 18 -10 inr TAMKO System Llmued Warmnry Durations TAMXO Buse SHEET. NAILED 0 1/3 m • 33.1/3 cm . 13.1/8 Inches 2/3 m .66.2/3 em . 26-1/4 Inches 1 m . 100 cm = 39-34 inches 1 Ply 3 Piles Approx. 69 lb. Approx. 60 Ib. Approx. 400 Ib. Approx. 100 Nails Slope: Positive drainage up to 3 M. per linear ft. Foe slopes above 1 in. per linear ft.. (lstentng of the roofing felts Ls required (see Section 9.0). peek The deck should conform to TAMKO general requirements (see beaaiun 4.0). Aspbah: The asphalt should be certified by the manufacturer to meet ASTM 0 -312. Type R for slopes up to 1/2 in. (except in FL TX. NM. A.Z. CA) and Type TT! for slopes up to 3 in. (see Section 11.0). TYPE 43 Coated Base Sheet or BASE -N•PLY Rue Sbcee Starting at the low point of the roof. Install 1 ply of TAMKO TYPE 43 Coated Sax Sheet or BASE -N -PLY, side bpped 2 in. and end lapped 4 in. Apply it 3 nght angle w the slope of the roof. Nail the sheet along the lap at uttervals of no mom than 9 In. Stagger -tail on 18 in. raters along 2 line: lured 12 in. from each edge of the base sheet. For specific fastening patterns for wind uplift ltsuogs, contact the Technical Service Department (see Secaon 10.0). Fiberglass Ply Sheets: Over the base ply. autall 3 plies of TAMKO TAM.GL 3S PREMIUM or TAM -PLY Iv Fiberglass Ply Sheet in $f aflcttton asphalt. Scarring from the low pant of the roof. apply a 1/3 m width. then a 2/3 m width, and follow tuh full 1 m widths, shingle fashion. Lapping each ply 20.15/16 in. in such a manner so that al least 3 plies of ply ; fiat cater the base ply at any point. Approximately 23 Ib. (x13%) oI specthicauon asphalt per 100 sq. It should be used to embed exit ply (see Section 8.0). Surfacing: Apply a flood coat of 60 Ib. ( =15 %) of specification asphalt per 100 sq. fL over the entire surface. While hot. embed approximately 400 Ib. of clean roofing gravel or 100 Ih. of slag per 100 sq. (t, of completed roof area (see Sexton 110). Flashing: The flashing material must be a TAMKO polyester - reinforced modified asphalt Bashing material (see Section 32.0). U.L. Requirements: Contact TAMKO for in(omution tan U.L systems requirements. 42 ** TOTAL PAGE.01 ** MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 305- 795 -220 Building Inspection Request Date S 141'0'G Time Type Insp'n Approved Correction Re- Insp'n Fee Permit No. Name Address 3 7[ 7 9 Company ? /.. ' _ 00 /we' Phone # For Inspector: ,S / ' ea Name MIAMI SHORES V T BUILDING DEPARTMENT 305 - 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request Dates° --' Time Type Insp' n Permit No. Name Address Company Phone # For Inspector: 5. /b 0 L Approved Correction Re- Insp'n Fee ❑ Name &ate 1 1� MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 305- 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request Date Si? 002 Time Type Insp'n /14P-7 Permit No. 2 P�oc� 2 -- 7 Q Name tt Address i A f 6 5r Company T /Ot:''legci Phone # 345:5 For Inspector: S _a�� Name & Date Correction Re- Insp'n Fee No. RESULT No. RESULT No. RESULT No. RESULT No. RESULT 1 -5 Passed 21 -25 Passed 41-45 Passed 61 -65 81 -85 6 -10 Passed 26 -30 Passed 46 -51 66 -70 86 -90 11 -15 Passed 31 -35 Passed 52 -55 71 -75 91 -95 16 -20 Passed 36-40 Passed 56 -60 76 -80 96 -100 ZAARA AND ASSOCIATES., ZINC., Metro -Dade County Approved Testing Laboratory Lab. Certification # 98- 0116.01 CONCENTRATED UPLIFT LOAD TESTING ON ROOF TILE TO COMPLY WITH METRO -DADE COUNTY PROTOCOL PA -106 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 95 NE 96 ST OWNER: Kathy Walker CONTRACTOR: Florida Roof Tech. ROOFING SQUARES: 21 sq TILE TYPE: Monier CONTACT PERSON Yusi (305)205 -0327 i Digital Chatillon DFIS 200 TEST RESULT TABULATION THIS ROOF HAS PASSED: X FAILED THE STATIC UPLIFT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MIAMI -DADE COUNTY PA106. F.F. Flaquer, P.E. P.E. #23070 Flat 43 "ROOFING SKETCH" Roof Roofing Laboratory Testing & Research Moisture, Up -lift, Fastener Testing Complete Building & Roofing Inspections Consulting Engineers PERMIT No: 2002 -706 PCA No: ROOF PITCH :: 3/12 INSPECTION DATE; 05/09/02 TEST DATE: 05/22/02 JOB NUMBER; 052602 t4 Flat Roof 19 Required Testing Force: 35 lbs. 25 2921 NW 6 Ave. Miami, Florida 33127 (305) 256 -4550 Fax (866) 333 -6988 Permit No. (1 (� �� '1 C? Name 1 NJ � Address cis 1,e_ '7 6 ,p Company -� Type Insp'n Phone # For Inspector: Sl Zcl O Name & Date Approved Correction Re- Insp'n Fee MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 305- 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request Date /Z;'S /OTime 3o57- j AMI SHORES VILLAGE J � UILDING DEPARTMENT 305- 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request Date .9-/6- - Time Type Insp'n ,n. L d�f Permit No. L " 20()2. '7 ®� Name Address Company Phone # For Inspector: Correction 93' WE if4 J Re- Insp'n Fee ❑ / L % g o & /i e l/ e -cam (39 0'3 cr4 r - /`'2° Name & Date S f t/7 / 0 3 h MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 305- 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request Date 5 $ — 2, ' Time Type Insp'n ! 44, Permit NAP 2 Ca Name -1 Address f5 `'vt Company / , �� /% 77-10 Phone # 3‘,37_5'r9- Correction Re- Insp'n Fee For Inspector: Name Date Approved ❑ 7i/44e. eta 04,47cAttile jel-ne Date i2 O Time Type Insp'n L/f/ , / Permit No. R T' ,0c4 JCS 6' Name Ved/ Address 1.C1 ye r Company r,04Y1i-) / e ) co,1 /7 - C� Phone # For Inspector: E- Correction Re- Insp'n Fee MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 305- 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request Name & Date MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 305- 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request Type Insp'n Permit No. /- Name Address <F J Phone # S-- < Time (14 PA- 6 I For Inspector: ._ /2c r $ Name & Date r j Approved Correction Re- Insp'n Fee q MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING DEPARTMENT j % 5\ 305- 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request Date_____________ mime ,., „f -�--ti -- - Type Ins �'n ���ti Lp /i�si Y c p / 1 y' f r c y `ti Permit No. !� a2 - / t Name 42-eLt'- fAL) Address y3 �j ( 7 1 i s i Company . F . -J�(t, Zle /. GyZ Phone # 30 — c - 2 - 9 - For Inspector: Name & Date Correction Re- Insp'n Fee ' S' - �f / ;- 0 / / 3 9 4 , ( 1 , - , / 3 05