873 NE 96 St (9)Test Location 1 2 Uplift Test (P " MT.--i7- Pull or F) 1 Test Location 26 27 Uplift Test (P I:r,•:ei Pull or F) r Test Location 51 52 Uplift t Pull Test (P or F) 4 i9F17) 3 28 53 4 29 54 5 30 55 6 31 56 7 32 57 8 33 58 9 34 59 10 35 60 11 36 61 12 37 62 13 38 63 14 39 64 15 40 65 16 41 66 17 42 67 18 43 68 19 44 69 20 45 70 21 46 71 22 47 72 23 48 73 24 49 74 25 �' 50 „ 75 THIS 7 Du Quesne & Associates, Inc. t Consulting Engineers Testing Laboratory ON -SITE CONCENTRATED UPUFT LOAD TESTING OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH METRO -DADE BUILDING CODE PROTOCOL PA 106 SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION G CILO-r t9N C1.4t Owner's Name: G � ti s Permit #. 3 1 Z 2-7) Job Address. 8 3 t.1 E. Q fo ( 71 - . 1 NA I A.µ" S l-ko kC ,C' (, Roofing Contractor QV sic LT' 'OO t 0 y Type of Tile: A. (Tt� S I ,-- 4. S E T Date Installed 1 l - 3 -cc s Approximate Roof Height: 14 feet Roof Pitch. - 6. 12- Type of Access to Roof: Scaffolds k Ladder Other 2-9C1 Approximate Square Footage of Roof* ft 2 Required Testing Force: 35 lbs. Testing Equipment: Chatillion DFIS 100 Date Tested 11 - 1 1 - 5 ge Du Quesne, I Engineer #24513 Du Quesne & Associates, Inc. E.B. License #0005245 Lab Certification #94.0318.01 TEST RESULTS P = PASS, F = FAIL SKETCH OF ROOF IN BACK 7821 S.W. 24th Street • Suite 104 • Miami, Florida 33155 • Telephone (305) 264 -1425 • Fax (305) 264 -1426 UTR 14857 Environmental • Civil • Structural Building Inspection Services ROOF TILE COMPLIANCE 1' 4 Q l: 2Qoc 10-1 61 cr IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA OF PROTOCOL PA 106, THIS ROOF ASSEMBLY HAS PASSED THE STATIC UPLIFT QUALITY CONTROL TEST. THIS PA 106 TEST HAS BEEN PERFORMED IN FULL ACCORDANCE TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF DADE COUNTY, WITH NO DEVIATIONS. Please Note: This form is not valid •inless Company logo appears in color (burgundy) $KETCH OF ROOF JOB SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE NOTES. SKETCH OF ROOF 108 S7 • N G- a(P ST,) ti,'ll-ko SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE 1111 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■■■■1111 ■■■ ■�'7'!!�\[ � f IIIIII IIIII 1 IiIIIIuIn! 4 V I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■.m., m u ■■ MIIIIIMMINEIMIMIENSIMUMVIRINE ■ M 1111■■ Iirlir7■NIEMI■ ' ■■E\ ■:r IMUMEMAIMPAIMIEEMIEMINEMIVAMIEMI 1111■■ ■11111UIM11 ■ ■11J EM IO IEPA ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■IG1111 ■ ■r,■ ■%■x'1`11 r■%■1111■ ■ ■■■■11101E 11■`r■M■L'EM I■■■ MI 11- �� ■■■■■11 ■■■Ii■u'u■1111 ■■■11■■ IIIIuiIIflhIuIIIIfl ■■I■■■'11a11■11■■Ic_ I ■ ED ■11•�11 ■■11■ ■ ■■1111111111111111•110 1114 ■ `i11 ■t 1i uuIIIIIInhIIIiIl ■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■IMEI ,�1 MILMILIIIil■/ EM ■11 11■11119Ml hi IUIII ■■ NOTES: P Contractor's Name:04 ra t, t/ Rc04 5 Uni Job Address: 8'9,5 i . E_ 96, ( re U (Low Slope Application) ❑ (Asphalt/Fiberglass Shingles) Flat Roof Area (ft IS Sloped Roof Area (ft `31 sc Total (ft 1 /63 , S9, Master Permit No. Exposure category (per ASCE 7 -88): c. Building Classification category (per ASCE 7 -88 table 1): Ft. Ft. A 123.01.78 9/96 ❑ New Roof Deck type: L)oOd, I 'Cie LL�• Appendix "E" UNIFORM ROOFING PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS No. ROOF CATEGORY ❑ (Nail -On Tile) ❑ ( Metal Roofs \Wood Shingles & Shakes) ROOF TYPE Lld'Re- roofing ❑ Recovering ❑ Repair ❑ Maintenance ROOF HEIGHT AND SYSTEM DETAILS (Draw details as needed) 14 i f/ to, i de- 1- ATTACHM'NT 1),:' Fastener Type: / ( r3 b ntc- rte. \S SPACING )31 1 11 11 li Field: )U, 0 ,C• Perimeter: f ,(. CornerAp 1) ,( DETAIL 1 & 2 Page -1 (Mortar<esive Set Tile ❑ (Other) ROOF PLAN Ridge Ventilation? 1 MEAN HEIGHT Deck type: 2' Appendix "E" UNIFORM ROOFING PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS No. SLOPED SYSTEM DESCRIPTION wood Underlayment: Insulation: kstpk 11" \ ROOP SLOPL D E T A I L 3 Fastener type & spacing: Cap Sheet: Roof Covering: : Page -2 Drip edge: ala� i� G 4'/L 5 c. k4p5 („//0 c. CoPne /J ATTACHMENTS REQUIRED 1) Fire Directory Listing Page 2) Dade County Product Control Notice of Acceptance -Cover Sheet a) Specific System Description b) Specific System Limitation c) General Limitations d) Applicable Detail Drawings 3) Municipal Permit Application 4) Other Component Approvals (Pinar]: 7/.3 X X (Aerodynamics Multiplier): (Pntax2:103 t' X X (Aerodynamic Multiplier): � 13 (Palax3:I D3 ; • l X (Aerodynamics Multiplier): TILE CALCULATIONS M =MPCA: M PCA: Lo( nas0 M ) = M PCA: 10C9 -5 D - r - PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTA . :Vtusa Titc, Almar (USA), Inc. 6645 Northwest 77th Avenue Miami, FL 33166 Your application for Product Approval of: : iltusa Tile Nail-On, hlvrtnr Set or Adhesive c Set One Piece "S" Tile Roofing Tile t ::Ides Chapter 3 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code governing the use of Alternate Materials an,' s of Construction, and completely described :acribed in the plans, snrctttcations and calculations as submitted by: Rcdlontl Technologies The Center for Applied Engineering, Inc. has been recommended for acceptance by the Building Code Compliance Office to be used in Dade County, Florida under the specific conditions set forth on pages 2 -16 and the standard conditions on page 17. l'his approval shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Building Code Compliance Office reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, the Bui.ding Code Compliance Office may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. The Building Code Compliance Office reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by the Building Code Compliance Office that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the S th Florida Building Code. o� i, n ill The expense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. ACCEPTANCE NO.: 96- 1030.03 Renews 94-0914.0 EXPIRES: 02 /13/00 THIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITIONAL.PAG`ES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE COMMITTEE EE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the Metropolitan Dade County BAding Code Compliance Office and approved by the Building Code Committee to be uset. .de County, FIG id under the conditions set forth above. APPROVED:02 /13/97 METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING NCE BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE SUITE 1603 METRO DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET MIAM,, FLORIDA 33130.1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375 -2908 INTERNET: mdcc0l E'Jshadow.net PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION (305) 375-2902 FAX (305) 3 Raul Rodriguez Product Control Division Supervisor Charles Danger, P.E. Director Building Code Compliance Dept. Metropolitan Dade County Apn�tc:tnt: Altusa Tile A Ifarcria del Turbio, S.A. Barquisirneto, Venezuela Category: Prepared Roofing Sus- Category: Tile ail- on /Nio. ^.ar Set 'Adr•i:,ive Set Sub-Tvoe: Clay Product Control No.: 96- 1030.03 PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE ROOFING SYSTEM APPROVAL- System Description Alfareria del Turbio, S.A. (Altusa), located in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, manufacturers clay roof tile for nail -on, mortar set or adhesive set applications All tile is manufactured from natural Venezuelan clays. This Product Control Ao royal relates to AIntsa's "Altusa S" tile profile. R fe to appropriate Product Control Approvals for other tile rofiles. The "Altusa S" tile profile is available in a variety of natural clay colors and has matching trim pieces used for rake hip, ridge hip, and valley terminations. These accessories are manufactured for all profiles and form a part of this Product Control Approval. Optional rubber or clay eave closures are also available. Altusa roof tiles have been tested in compliance with the South Florida Building Code requirements for clay, nail -on, mortar set or adhesive set tile applications. The minimum roof slope for the A ",Altusa S" nail -on tiles shall be 2 "'12" Altusa . S" profile drawing. See the "Profile Drawing" section in this approval for the p The "Altusa S" profile has beets tested for both wind characteristics and static uplift performance, therefore, any consideration for installation shall be done as a 'Moment Based System'. Data for attachment calculations is noted in Tables 1 through 4 of this Approval. Almar (USA), Inc., located in Miami, Florida, is the, sole approved importer under contract for selling and distributing Altusa'products in the South Florida jurisdiction. Contact: Carlos 1. Fernandez General Manager Altusa Tile, Almar (USA), Inc. 6645 Northwest 77th Avenue Mia111t, FL 33166 (305) 471 -5830 Product Control No.: 96- 1030.03 Approval Date: Expiration Date: Frank Zuloaza Plans i> o a c: C tt_, �.on:rol Division February I3, 1997 February 13. 2000 Trim Piec::s Product Control No.: 96-1030.03 TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT - Test Product Product Dimensions S ecifications Description A lEusa One Piece "S" I = IS" PA 112 Tile ffigh profile clay roof tile for direct w = deck or battened nail-on. mortar or 'A" thick adhesive set applications. Had-lap min. Exposure max. 1 i = varies w = varies PA 112 1 Accessory trim, clay root for use al hips, rakes, ridges and valley terminations. Frartk 7uloaga Plans EN 3 ni in t:r, Prcdnc Con!ro! Underlayment: Roofing Tile: Comments: 1 SYSTEMS (CONTINUED) Product Control No.: 96-1030.03 Deck Type: .Wood, Non Deck Description: New construction ' or greater plywood or wood plank. SYSTEM D: Mortar or Adhesive Set Application Slope I‘an.,.;e: ":!"'" to 7': 2" Note: Svstem D is only acceptable in this slope range. For slopes,in excess of7':12', refer to System C. underlayment system in compliance %■'ith Dade County Application Standard PA 120. (Sc System Limitation g5.) install file in compliance with Dade CountN,.. Application Standard PA 120. (See "Data for Attachment Calculations" included in this Approval.) 1. For re-roof applications, 15 /j2" plywood is an acceptable substrate. Frank Zuloaga PIans Exv:1iner 7-rodu: Contro! gAltusa 'S' Tile Tile Profile Tile Profile 1 3..:12" or less Battens 1 Direct Deck Tile Profile 1 ..Itusa 'S' Tile IAItusa 'S' Tile 5.35 Tile Profile A f DATA FOR ATTACHMENT CALCULATIONS Table 1: Aerodynamic Multipliers - X (ft') Batten Application 0.29 Table 2: Restoring Moments due to Gravity - M, (ft-lbf) from PA 102 Testing 4 ":12" I Battens 1 Direct Ba,te _ ns I Deck 4.40 I 5.27 I 4.31 1 Table 3: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M (ft -Ibf) from PA 102 and PA 102(A) Testing TILE 1 APPROVED I APPROVED' I APPROVED APPLICATION I NAILS SCREWS FIELD CLIP I WITH: I 1 nail 1 2 nails 11 screw 12 screws' 1 nail 12 nails Battens I N/A I N/A I N/A 1 26.80 I N /.A I N/A I Direct Deck I 6.20 I 3.40 I 23.70 I 58.20 I 21.20 I 25.30 t. Cuik Drive screws installed in Iwo manufactured holes located 1 and 1'/," from the head of the tile. Table 4: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M, (ft -Ibf) from PA 101 Testing Tile Application Mortar Set Adhesive Set 12 5":12" Direct Deck 5.16 Product Control No.: 96- 1030.03 X (ft') Direct Deck Application 0.31 J 8a:tens I •:.20 I 5.03 I 4.08 I 6 ":12" I 7":12" or greater Direct I Battens I Deck { I i Attachment Resistance 24.50 I 66.50 Frank Zuloarza Plans E>:an•iin. r, i'r„d;: =: Control 26.90 Direct Deck N/A APPROVED EAVES CLIP WITH: 1 nail I 2 nails N/A I N/A 34.90 1 I I . . . i I ,..17 /7 " 7 •/ -:: ., ,. ..z.- - f;• '.-3 / • -,....--/ • DOVE TAIL LOCKS 1 0 " hzonLE DRAWING AurusA "S" CLAN Root: TILE ..., tOrti=111(474 9 . / •sl f N.` 4 \\.,.,....... . f/ ,- , . / '3 FraZZt7oaga Pla:15 Prock;c: Conirol - Product Control No.: 96-1030.03 4 BIRD STOP JI ■::::ZZ-r, PROFILE DRAWING ALTL/SA "S" CLAY ROOF TILE ACCESSORIES 14i •C, „ •••••:- uloaga PI:ns Fxarr,iner, Proci..;c: Conzrol Product Control No.: 96-1030.03 NAtL . 1 1 .--. i 7 . , I ', I I ! ••.: N ' ',., AIL zs's --,,,,, ‘.;,. HOLE --------2L , --, I , ....., ,-- /„.. .... ,...,..,-• .... / 7 I . ff / i GABLE—RAKE PROFILE DRAWING APPROVED SCREW 1 I 1 ,n- 1 2 • 5'' 1 1 I I ■ ‘i ; 1,/.1___A---..--6.-:.\--- . --A--A-J-.\- tv„, , ,0.0.„•, I I , --« ■-- np" I \ 0 Fran); Zuloaga Pans Ex%min Prof1.::: Control Product Control No.: 96-1030.03 . Product Control No.: 96- 1030.03 SYSTEM LIMITAT[ONS 1. The standard minimum roof pitch for Altusa "S" high profile tile shall comply with Dade County Application Standards PA 113, PA 119 or P:1 120, dcpentlin on the method of installation. For nail - on applications, fasteners for mechanical attachment of tiles shall have a head diameter larcr than that of the preformed holes in the tile. System installation shall be in compliance with the system specifications outlined in this Product Control Approval. The mctllod of attachment ui!IL:C, "1 n; alt :?"..yule ..,:ilcient attachment resistance e` "essed as a moment to meet or exceed the rc : :li :CJ illo!ileil' Oi r :slstanc' determined in compliance with Dade County Protocol PA 115 or i' :\ 127. ;1!tu ;1 "S" Tile the profile has b'ecn tested for both wind characteristics and static u;)lili performance, therefore, attachment calculatior!s for installation in compliance with PA 115 or PA 127 d D done as a 'IVioment Based System'. For mortar or adhesive set tile applications, :1 field static uplift test by a Dade County accredited testing agency, in compliance with Dade Coun :■ Protocol PA 106, ;hall be performed. For III o1'tar set file applications, 30190 hot till pp: r t d , t 1 ti. lil.,;!�I: �'i;!,ill :! � .i ;F :iIo11J nay !);: perpendicular to the roof pitch unless stated otherwise by the undcriavment material manufac:rurer's published literature. . =.11 tiles shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the l.lanuiac :urer's name or logo for identification in the field. i. Applications for roofing permits shall include a completed Sectionll of the Uniform Building Permit, a copy of Pioneer's current specifications and details, a copy of this Product Control .Approval and a copy of the Product Control Appro.. ..al of any R,Ooiin Component used in the proposed tile application. Reference shall be made: to appropriate da :a for the required fire ratil.g. Ti e applicant shall retain the services ofa Dade County certified testin`, laboratory to maintain quality control in compliance with the South Florida Building Code and related protocols. Samples taken shall be in compliance with Dade County Protocol PA 1 ! 2, Appendix 'A'. ______,...f..__ _ lt; , =j1 Frz,...:'utoan P,.tn . (... :r)]i _r 1 _. Con:: Division Altusa Tile, Alntar (USA), Inc. 6645 Northwest 77th Avenue. Miarni Fl 33166 ACCEPTANCE NO.: 96 - 1030.03 APPROVED : Februar 13 1997 EXPIRES : February 13, 2000 NoTicE OF ACCEPTAN STANDARD C'OND(Tt(N Renewal of this Acceptance ( approval) shalt he considered after a renewal application has been tiled and :he on in:ti submitted documentation, inciudir o• lest suppo ^in' engineering document:;, are no older :han .h; (;i� Lars. ' :1ny and ail approved products .;h::!! be t per ;tlanently labeled with the following ,i•:: ne :n::nuf::ct;,,, n. statement: "'Dade Product 'trnc. City, state, ! County r roduct Control Approved", or ::s spec:tica ll. COndi:t0:t.; o' ' � )Or:) � • ':' .• stated In the sp;;ClliC Yr., l.: this .Acceptance. iZene%v als of : \cceptance will not be considered if: a) There has been a change in the South Florida Building Cod:: affecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes; i) The product is no longer :he same product (identical) as the one originall1_auproveil• c) lithe Acceptance holder has riot complied with all the . including the H equirements of this acceptance, corr.c[ ir,sia,,It r a.io:; of the product; d) The engineer who originally prepared, sign. , . ? - �d and sealed the required documentation initially submitted , is no longer practicing the engineering procession. Any revision or change in the materials, u� r , �.., and,or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing of a revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. 5. : \ny of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a) Unsatisfactory performance of product or process: b) ,\•iisUse. of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any p roduct, for sales, advertising Or any other purposes. 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature: luny displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety, portion °i the Notice of Acceptance is 7. .A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall be provided to the user by the ,,,r„ PP , tl e manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all times. The copies need r,ot be resealed by the engineer. S. Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of Acceptance. 9. This Acceptance contains pages I through 17. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE 17 ~r2ri; Lu of aka Pians Examiner, Product Centro: Division Product Control No.: 96- 1030.03 4 PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF GS Roofing Products Company, Inc. 5525 tMacAuthur Boulevard, Suite 900 Irving, Texas 75038 Acceptance No.: 97- 0520.01 Revises No. 95- 0502.04 ACCEPTANCE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO-DADE FLAGLER 3U.ILDING BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE. METRO -DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130.1563 (305) 375 -2901 FAX (305) 375-2908 PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION (305) 375-2902 FAX (305) 372-6339 Your application for Product Approval of: GS Roofing Products Modified Bitumen Roof Systems Over Wuud Decks under Chapter 8 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types Q. Construction, and completely described in the plans, specifications and calculations as submined by: Factory Mutual Research Corporation and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. has been recommended for acceptance by the Building Code Compliance Depanment to be used in Dade County, Florida under the specific conditions set forth on pages 2 through 31 and the standard conditions set forth on page 32. The approval shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Building Code Compliance Office reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time for a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, the Building Code Compliance Office may revoke, modify or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. The applicant shall re- evaluate this product or material should any amendments to the South Florida Building Code be enacted affecting this product or material. The Building Code Compliance Office reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by the Building Code Compliance Office that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense of such testing will be incurred by th man ac r. Raul Rodr _uei Expires: 06/19/00 ' Product Control Supervisor THIS IS THE COVERSHEET. SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC .AND GENERAL CONDITIONS This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the Metropolitan Dade County Building Code Compliance Department and approved by the Building Code Committee to be used in Dade County, Florida uncle the conditions set forth above. .Approved: 06/19/97 Internet mail address: postmaster @buildingcodeonline.com BUILDING CODE COMMITTEE Director Building Code Compliance Dept. Metropolitan Dade County Homepage: http : / /www.buildingcodconline.com Applicant: CS Roofing Products Company, Inc. (1V113) 5$2S MacArthur Blvd. Suite 900 Irving. TX 7503S Cate orv: Membrane Roofing System Sub- Cate,orv: Built -up Roofing Type: Modified Bitumen Sub -Tvpe: SBS /APP Contact: ROOFING SYSTE' I APPROVAL System Description Pat Neuhaus Commercial District Manager 2900 Bird St. Charleston Heights, SC 29405 (803) 744 -7451 Product Control No.: 97- 0520.01 Product Control No.: 97- 0520.01 Approval Date: June 19. 1997 Expiration Date: June 19. 2000 GS Roofing Products Company, Inc. manufactures and markets nationally a complete line of residential and commercial BUR and modified bitumen products. GS Roofing Products Company, Inc. markets these products t hrough local distribution in the South Florida jurisdiction. GS Roofing products and systems are the result of years of manufacturing experience and product development and have been proven by years of experience in the construction field. GS offers a variety of approved insulated and non - insulated roofing systems. For detailed system constructions, refer to the following publications: "Commercial Roof System Specification Manual ". GS products and systems have been tested in compliance with all provisions of the South Florida Building Code as well as Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual Research Corporation for fire and wind uplift resistance. GS provides technical service and warranty information through regional offices. For the South Florida ;`Metro -Dade area. call 1- 800 - 777 -2563. ran loaga -Plans Exam tn�"er r raduct Control Div. 4 .Insulation Types Maximum Design Pressures Material Design Pressure Wood -45.0 psf Material Classification Wood Class A Note: Fire classifications and maximum design pressures do not reference all assemblies over deck types. Review system listings for design pressures and the Underwriters Laboratories Roofing Materials Directory or other approved testing agency listing directory for Fire Classifications. Fibrous glass Perlite Fiberboard Rockwool Polyisocyanurate Polyisocyanurate Composite Board Maximum Fire Classification 3 Product Control No.: ^7- 0520.01 Fran uloaga -Plans Exams ct Control Div. 39 uloaga -Plans Exam's) Product Control No.: 97-0520.0( Wood Deck System Limitations: A red rosin sheet shall be installed on all wood plank decks to eliminate asphalt seepage and bonding of base sheet to wood plank deck. Red rosin sheet may also be installed on plywood decks as an option. 2 Pre - assembled 'Cap Nail' shall not be used for base sheet attachment. 3 When All Weather Empire base sheet is installed as the base sheet, a ply sheet of ASTtMM D 4601 type 11 (type G2) must be applied in approved mopping asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a race of 20-40 lbs. /sq prior to installation of membrane. uct Control Div. . All asphalt shall comply with ASTM D 312, type 111 or IV requirements and approved by applicant. Fire ratings are determined by a combination of slope, deck type and assembly. Refer to the current Underwriters Laboratories Roofing Materials Directory or other fire testing data listed in the testing file. Fire ratings shall be in strict compliance with Sections 3401.5 and 3401.6 of the South Florida Building Code. 3 Maximum slope range varies for each system. Consult the current Underwriters Laboratories Roofing Materials Directory and manufacturer's specifications for compliance with design criteria for each project. 4 An overlay and/or recovery board is required on all applications over closed cell foam insulations when the base sheet is fplly mopped in hot asphalt. 5 All work shall be performed by a contractor licensed to do roofing work in Metro -Dade County. Contractor shall be familiar with the details and specifications published by the manufacturer and the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. 6 The submission of system specifications and details shall accompany the Section 11 Building Code Permit. This information is available in the publications listed in the 'System Description' of this Product Control Approval. The submission of these documents, as well as the proper application and installation of all materials shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. 7 Perimeter and corner areas shall comply with the elevated design pressures of these roof areas, as calculated in compliance with Chapter 23 of the South Florida Building Code. Anchor or base sheet fastening patterns and/or insulation attachment densities shall be increased in compliance with the provisions set forth in Metro -Dade County Roofing Application Standard PA 117 to meet these elevated design pressures. 8 All attachment and sizing of perimeter nailers, metal profile and/or flashing termination designs s hall conform to Metro -Dade County Roofing Application Standard PA III and the wind load requirements of Chapter 23 of the South Florida Building Code. 9 Flashings shall be installed according to the manufacturer's standard details and may be applied in cold application adhesive, approved asphalt or may be applied in conjunction with an approved torch applied modified bitumen membrane. Specific details, approved by the manufacturer, shall be submitted ■,vith the Section II Permit Application. All details shall comply with the provisions of the South Florida Building Code. 10 Fastener spacing for anchor or base sheet attachment is based on a Minimum Characteristic Resistance Force (F') as determined through field testing in compliance with Metro -Dade County Protocol PA 105 or PA 105(A). If F', as tested, is less than that listed in the System Limitations, a professional engineer may 'submit revised fastener spacings utilizing F', taken from a Metro -Dade County Protocol PA 105 or PA I05(A) test report, and the provisions set forth in Metro -Dade County Roofing Application Standard PA 117. 11 Fastener density for insulation attachment is based on a Minimum Characteristic Resistance Force (F') as determined through field testing in compliance with Metro -Dade County Protocol PA 105. IfF', as tested, is less than 275 lbf., insulation attachment shall not be acceptable. Asphalt moppings shall be applied with approved asphalt and shall be in compliance with the equiviscous temperature (EVT) methods of asphalt determination. Asphalt containers or bulk tickets shall indicate an EVT, finished blowing temperature (FBT) and flash point. Asphalt types and temperature ranges shall be in compliance with Subsection 3403.4(A)(3) of the South Florida Building Code. 13 Insulation may be applied in multiple layers. The first layer shall be attached in compliance with the ,Product Control Approval guidelines. All other layers shall be adhered in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20 -40 lbs. /sq., or mechanically attached using the fastening pattern of the top layer. Refer to manuf csurer's literature and/or the NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual for correct application procedures of insulation panels in approved asphalt or adhesive, which shall comply with the provisions of M.%. �� 0 i i:••:;: • = •. p };cation Standard PA 117. GENERAL LIMITATIONS 30 oaga -Plans Product Control No.: 97- 0530.01 uct Control Div. 14 All standard insulation panels sizes are acceptable for mechanical attachment. When applied in approved asphalt, panel size shall be 4' x 4' maximum. 1.5 In re- covert' applications, prior to.the application, all existing roof surfaces used as a bondino shall be tested in compliance with Metro -Dade County Protocol PA .12 , substrate pressures shall be calculated in compliance with the wind load requirements of 23cof Test Florida Building Code for the roof in question. t the South 16 In re-roofing applications, moisture content in an existing roof must be in compliance with Subsection 3401 . 1 0(m), (n) of the South Florida Building Code. 17 Roof goods shall be stored on end and on a clean. flat and dry surface. 13 If required, any Factory Mutual Approved vapor barrier in conjunction with proprietary or a roved adhesives may be used prior to the application of the insulation layer. pp 19 Consult current Underwriters Laboratories Directory for the appropriate coating for each roofing assembly to obtain the required fire rating. The assembly shall be installed in strict compliance wi.h o Code for maximum ' Subsection 3401.5 and 3401.6 of the South Florida Building mum fire classification. 31 Product Control No.: 97- 0520.01 uloaga -Plans x— uct Control Div. CS Roofing Products Company, Inc. 5525 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 900 Irving. Texas 75038 ACCEPTANCE NO.: 97- 0520.01 APPROVED June 19, 1997 EXPIRES: June 19, 2000 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE STANDARD CONDITIONS 1 Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been fired and the original submitted documentation, including test supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than eight (8) years. Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name, city, state, and the following statement; "Metro -Dade County Product Control Approved", or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3 Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if: a) There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of this prcduct and the product is not in compliance with the code changes; b) The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved; c) If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product; d) The engineer who originally prepared, signed and sealed the required documentation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4 Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing ofa revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. 5 Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a) Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process; b) Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any ether purposes. 6 The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Metro -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. 7 A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all times. The copies need not be resealed by the engineer. 8 Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of Acceptance. 9 This Acceptance contains pages t through 32. END OF THIS ACCE 32 Product Control No.: 97- 0520.01 """ad'AT%- Product Control Div. Membrane Type: SBS MODIFIED Deck Type l: Wood, N insulated Deck Description: "/,." or greater plywood or wood plank decks System Type E: Base sheet mechanically fastened. All General and System Limitations apply. Base Sheet: One ply of GS Glas Base, GS Flex -I Glas Base. Flex -I Glas FR Base or GS Poly Stv1S base mechanically fastened as detailed below. Fastening: Base sheet shall be lapped 4" and fastened with approved roofing nails and in caps 9" o.c. in the lap and rwo rows staggered in the center of the sheet 12" o.c. Ply Sheet: (Optional) One ply of GS Glas Base, GS Flex- I -Glas Base, Flex-1-Glas FR Base. GS PoIySMS or one or more plies of Flintglas Ply Sheet (Type IV) or Flintglas Premiurn Ply Sheet (Type VI) adhered to the base sheet in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20 lbs. /sq.. Membrane: One ply of Flintlastic GMS, Flintlastic Premium GMS, Flintlastic FR -P, Flintlastic Premium FR -P, Flintlastic FR -PG or Flintlastic FR Cap adhered to base or ply sheet with approved mopping asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20 to 40 lbs. /sq. or Flintlastic GTS torch adhered to base or ply sheet Surfacing: (Optional) install one of the following: 1. 400 IbJsq. gravel or 300 lb. /sq. slag in a flood coat of approved mopping asphalt at an application rate of 60 lb. /sq.. 2. Karnak 97 or APOC 212 Fibrated Aluminum at an application rate of I Y gal. /sq.. Maximum Design Pressure: -45 psf Maximum Fire Classification: Class 'A'; see General Limitation #2. Maximum Slope: 1:12; see General Limitation #3. Specification No.: GMS 2 -3, FRP 2 -3, GTS 2 -3, FRBC 2 -3 27 Product Control No.: 97- 0530.01 .4 Frank Zuloaga -Plans Examiner, Pro uct Control D :v. ROOFING- SYSTEMS (TGFU) -- Continued Membrane: One layer "Flinttastic GTA ( -3/4 sq or -1 sq), GIS" (modified bitumen), heat fused or "Flintlastic WAS", hot mopped. Surfacing: APOC "No. 212 Fibrated'Aluniinum•, at 1.1/2 gal. 100 sq /ft. Once: NC Incline: 3/4 Vapor Retarder (Optional): Type GZ "Glasbase base .sheet or UL Classified vapor retarder, Insulation (optional): One or more layers or combinations of the following: U(tragarii Premier, polytsocyanurate, pertite..glass fiber or wood fiber insulation. Base Sheet: One layer of Type G2 "Glasbase base sheet. Membrane: One layer of "Fbntlastic STA (modified bitumen), heat fused. Surfacing: Karnak "No. 97 Flbratad Aluminum ", at 1 -3/2 gat. per 100 • s Dec1c C -15/32 Incline: 1/2 insulation (Optional): 5chutter International "UltraGard Premier. polyisocyanurate, wood fiberboard. perlite, fiberglass. isocyanurate, any thickness. . Base Sheet One or more plies of "Glasbase ", hot mopped or mechanically Fastened: . • Membrane: one ply of "Flintlastic FR" (modified bitumen), hot mopped ill place, Deck: leC Incline: 1/2 Insulation: Potyisocy3nurate, glass fiber. perlite, wood fiber, hot mopped or mechanically fastened, any thickness. Base Sheet Type G2, mechanically fastened or hot mopped. Membrane: "Flintlastic GTA or STA", heat fused. Surfacing: Henry Co. "Henry 520 Aluminum', applied at 1 -1/2 gal/sq. Deck: NC.. Incline: 1/4 Insulation' (0pttonal) :•Glass fiber, perlite or wood fiber board. Ply Sheets T G2. nrechanically •. Membrane: rlIntlastic STA ", "GTA", "GTA Black Diamond' or 'CIA White Diamond", heat fused. Surfacing: Karnak Chemical Corp, "Karnak No. 97', 1 gaVsq. Deck• NC Incliner 1 Insulations Polyisocyanurate. glass fiber, perlite, wood fiber, mechanically fastened or adhered with hot roofing sphalt any thickness. Base Sheet Type G2, mechanically f or adhered with hot roofing asphalt Membrane: "Fllntiuistic GMS ", "GMS Premium ", adhered with hot roofing asphalt • Surfacing: Karnak Chemical Corp "Karnak No. 97 Fibrated Aluminum Asphalt Roof Coeting", 2 -1/2 gal /sq. neck: C•15/32' Iodine: 1 •All joints blocked with 2x4's. Insulation: Glass fiber, perlite, 3/4 in. min, joints in insulation must be offset 6 in. from joints in deck, mechanically fastened. Base Sheet Type G2, mechanically fastened or adhered with hot roofing asphalt Membrane: "Flintlastic GMS ", adhered with hot roofing asphalt Surfacing: Karnak Chemical Corp. 'Karnak No. 97 Fibrated Aluminum 4 sphalc Roof Coating ", 2 -1/2 gaVsq. Deck: NC Incline: 1/2 Insulation: Polyisocyanurate, glass fiber, partite, wood fiber, mechanically fastened or adhered with hot roofing asphalt, any thickness. ease Sheet: Type G2, mechanically fastened or adhered with hot roofing ,asphalt Membrane: "Ftintlastic STA " "GTA , 'GTA Black Diamond' or "GTA White Oiamond ", heat fused in lace. Surfacing: Karnak Chemical Corp. 'Karnak No. 97 Fibrated Aluminum Asphalt Roof Coating ", 3 gal/sq. Iodise: 1 Insulation (0 tional):1'Erltis~ glass.fih�y_ polyurethane, isocyanurate, phenolic combination iisocyanurate /perlite, p /pct orwood fiber, any thickness. hot mopped or nailed. _ Membrane: "Flintlastic STA'. "GTA', "GfA Black Diamond ", "Flintlastic GTA White Diamond ", "GMS', "GMS -5M', 'GMS Double Coverage' or 'GMS Premium ", heat fused or hot mopped in place_ Surfocing: Grundy Industries, Inc. at MB Aluminum Roof Coating" at 1r2 LOOK FOR MARK ON PRODUCT ROOFING SYSTEMS (TGFU) — Continued Base Sheet Type G2, 'Flex- I -G'as FR" or "Flintlastic FR Base', mechanics fastened or adhered with hot roofing asphalt • • Membrane: 'Flintlastic FR -P “, "Flintlastic Premium fit "Flintlastic- FR /PG' or "Flintlistic FR,,Cap', adhered with hot roofi asphalt .12. Deck: C- 15/32' Incline: 1/2 • 'All joints in deck blocked 'rith 2z4's. • •1” Insulation (optional): P•ilyisocyanurate, glass fiber, partite.' combination, any thickness mechanically fastened. Base Sheet Type 6-2, mechanically fastened or adhered with het t asphalt s: Membrane: 'Flintlastic FR -P", "Flintlastic Premium FR -r,or "funds FR/PG "-e adhered with hot :oofing asphalt ;Y eckktiC Incline: 1/2 Insulation •(Optional): E'S. any thickness, covered with 1/2,i'1; perlite or wood fiber, user hanicelty fastened • •a Base Sheet: Type G2. men hanically fastened or adhered with hoti asphalt. •;r Membrane "Flintlastic Ft.r. 'Flintlastic Premium FR -P' or'Rint FR /PG', adhered with hot roofing asphalt. 14. Deck: NC incline: 1/2 Insulation:. Polyisocyanrurate, . glass fiber, perlite, wood -fiber combination. any thickt,ess,'mechanically fastened- ••• s; • Base Sheet Type 62 or 'Flex- i -elas , adhered •wittthot,rooRng Ply Sheet - Poly SMS Base Sheet ", adhered with tot roofihg ;asptli Membrane: "GMS ", adhered with hot roofing asphalt T: Surfacing: Karnak Chr mical Corp. 'Karnak No. 97 f1brated -Alas', Asphalt Roof Coating ", at 2 - 1/2 gaVsq. 15_ Deck NC Incline 1/4 =,? Insulation (Optional': Polyisocyanurate, glass fiber, pertiteawb any combination. any thickness, mechanically fastened or adtie hot'roafing.asphalt : .:*„ Base Sheet: Type G2 or• "flex i•glas', mechanically fastened+op with hot roofing asp iak Ply Sheet (Optional): Type G2 or "Flex- i- glas", mechanic:44 adhered with hot ro lfing ,asphalt- Premium ::,r. Membrane: "Flintla!tic GMS", "Get", adhered with:hoe...II Surfacing: Asphalt Products Oil Corp. 'APOC-400 Sunbritea.,13:' eil Insulation: Glass fiber, perlite, 1 in. min. joints in insulatia offset 6 in. from j:inis in deck, mechanically fastened-110 Base Sheet Type G2 or 'Flex i - glas ", ,mechanically fastened with- hot roofing ; sphait 1 .: ; j"' Ply Sheet (Optionral): Type G2 or "flex- i- glas", mechanically. adhered with hot roofing asphalt. • ; ;� Membrane: "Ftirr.lastic GMS'. 'GMS Premium', adhered withlho asphalt Surfacing: Aspli :rlt Products Oil Corp. 'APOC -400 Sunbrite'•,f' , Deck NC Incline: 1/2 • 1a: Insulation (Optional): Polyisocyanurate perlite.' glass i1 fiber, any thidatas, mechanically fastened or hot mopped Base Sheet One or more layers of Type G2 or "Flex -i- glass' fastened or hon mopped in place. eeze• Ply Sheet (Optional): One or snore layers or Types 61, G2'of mechanically frsteried or hot mopped in place_ • '• • »• i Membrane: "Finttastic GTA', "GTA Stade Diamond', 'GTA W or 'STA", heat fused. Surfacing: Karnak Chemical Co. "No. 97 ", applied at;li 18. Dec )c NC • • ' Incline: 1/4 Insulation (Optional): Pcriite, glass fiber, mechanically:+, mopped in pace, 2 in. max thitkne z. ' • • ., :. s , i ),c Base Sheet One or more layers of Type G2 "Flex- i- gla,�' stened or not mopped in place Ply Feet (i)ptioual); One or more layers of Types G1•,;G2' or "Poly Set. Base Sheet", - rnecha iically_fasten.ed or riot loop Membrane: "GTA ", "ETA Black Diamond', 'GTA Waal:dam h fused • . • • Surfacing: APOC No. 212 Aluminum Coating,•applied'a 19. Deck C -15/:2 Incline: 1/2. Insulation: Glass fiber or perlite, min 1 in. thick media or hot mopped in place. •. • r. Sace Shett: Type G2, "; lex -I -Gies' or "Flex- I•Glas FR Base • ft:etaned or hot mopped in place. GaVsq• reek C•15/32 Incline: 1/4 • ' Insulation (Optional): Any thickness potyieocyanurate. glass fiber or periitc, mechanically fastened, joints in insulation must be offset 6 in. from joints in deck. save Sheet: Type G2 base /ply sheet, mechanically fastened' or hot mopped. Ply Sheet: Type G2 base /ply sheet, mechanically fastened or hot noppcd. i Membrane: "Flintlastic SSA ;'GTA White Diamond' or "VA Black Diamond'. Insulation (Optional): perlite glass fiber. polytirethj Surfacing: Grundy's "al 148 Aluminum Roof Coating' at 1 to 2 gal/sq. phenol'', combination isocyanurate /perlite. potyureth , 3ck NC Incline: ]/2 fiber, a ry thickness. mechanically fastened or hot mdp Insulation (Optional): Polyisocyanurate, glass fiber, perlite, wood fiber, • ease Slseetr'Flex- I -Glas FR Base', Type G2 or'Flei - -GL st: Membrane: "Flint:as FR - P', 'Flintiasric Premium FO r FR/PG', lot mopped in place.. 20. Dcc:c NC Incline any combination, any thickness, mechanically fastened, . fastened or hot mopped in place • . gY tiembr FR•P" • i 1. Deck C -' Insula or hot Base Memb Deck C InSLL' combf nurst Base roans' Base with Ply' Base M otoc lnSt tag B,is adh gal, ::Ply Date Legal Description Owner/Lessee / Tenant PERMIT APPLICATION FOR MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE 7- 14- 98 JobAddress 873 N.E. 96 Street Tax Folio Chad Elliot Owner's Address 873 N. E. 96 Street Phone 758-8006 Contracting Co. Quality Roofing Contractor, Inc. Qualifier Carlos Arocho State# RC 0 0 5 8 6 2 7 Municipal # Architect/Engineer Bonding Company Mortgagor Permit Type (circle ne); BUILDJNG ELECTRICAL PLUMBING 1VMEC�I OOF PAVING FENCE SIGN T/ k �'f- a !'est r 0 f �� .yo - cs 3�+ /0. MAP 90 lb 4 r�sr4 ING I t .sy�l�..�.�� c! / /he.ssi WORK DESCRIPTION Tear off flat roof to wood deck, tin cap base stYeet felt as per building code, mop on with type III asphalt one layer of Flintlastic FR, install galvanized eave drip metals. Square Ft. r 1wr 1 5 s q . ¶• k 3) Si , WARNING TO OWNER: YOU MUST RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT AND YOUR FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY (IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT.) Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do work and installation as indicated above, and on the attached addendum (if applicable). I certify that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that separate permits are required for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, POOLS, ROOFING and MECHANICAL WORK. ignature o o "'er an or Con President Date �; :'' y ''; MARYLOU HERNANDEZ �� MY COMMISSION # CC 660474 � EXPIRES: October 10, 2001 'R if,' Bonded Thni Notary Public Underwriters OWNE laws r Notary as to •', er and/or My Commission Expires: APPROVED: Zoning Mechanical ID VIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable d zoning. Furthermore, I authorize the above -named contractor to do the work stated. FEES: PERMIT ) RADON C.C.F. I ° `y o NOTARY Building Historically Designated: Yes No Master Permit # Address 13800 N.W. 1st Avenue SS# 751-0382 Competency # 17 8 89 Ins. Co. Address Address Address Estimated Cost (value) $ Signature of Contractor qF Owner- Builder Date G4� AAUP MARYLOU HERNANDEZ Z �• MY COMMISSION # CC 660474 �-•a' EXPIRES: October 10, 2001 4f ''' Bonded Thru Notary Public Undenrntters Notary as to Contactor or Owner- Builder My Commission Expire Electrical z/39 fl BOND 3130 TOTAL DUE Date Plumbing Engineering PERMIT NO. TAX FOLIO NO. STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: 1. Legal description of property and street address: A F ECORDED COPY MUST BE POSTED ON THE JOB SITE AT TIME OF FIRST INSPECTION 98R447767 1998 SEF' 10 09:21 THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvements will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. 2. Description of improvement: Reroof to a new flat roof. ner(s) name and address: Interest in property' Owner Name and address of fee simple titleholder: N/A 4. Contractor's name and address: Quality Roofing Contractor, Inc. 5. Surety:(Payment bond required by owner from contractor, if any) Name and address: N/A Amount of bond $ 00 6. Lender's name and address: 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7., Florida Statutes, Name and address: N/A 8. In addition to himself, Owner designates the following person(s) to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida Statutes. Name and address: N/A 9. Exp tioildate of this otice of Commencement: (the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a differ, Sig re of Owner Print Owners Name if k Sworn to and subscribed before me this ($ day of Q- , 19. Notary Public Print Notary's Name My Commission Expires: f , 13800 N.W. 1st Avenue Miami, Florida 33168 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT E 11 i o 4- N/A MYCOMM'rr' 1' 1 f1) Z s•= ISSION N CC 680474 "I : ' tober 10, 2001 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters 3 Miami Shores, Florida iAT� 6F (LO9V) , C7lcYY0 rhi, is c vr c V c4 N:;Rc } C[e11�Y �,� c? C.ainatfilu in ire .Mi an 5,p 873 N.E. 96 Street Prepared by:Carlos Arocho Quality Roofing Contractor, Address: 1 3800 N.W. 1st Ave. Miami, Florida 33168 t 12101.52 2/93 i Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rues and regula- tions of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. Zone cubage required MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Owner's Name and Address Registered Architect and /or Engineer Name and address of licensed contractor Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot_ Block_ Subdivision Street and Number where work is to be done State work to be done and purpose of building (by floors) —..- -- �: – ----- _____ -- No.______ -- Street— ._— ._ —_•_ _ -------------- - - - - -- – _– _and for no other purpose. New _ Remodeling_______________ Addition_______ —_ —____ Repairs No. of Stories__ To be constructed of — ___ - -_ Kind of foundation Estimated Total cost of improvements $ ______Amount of Permit $ —Plan Cubage Building Inspector My Commission Expires Roof Covering Distance to next nearest building___ __ —_ __ _— _ —_ ___ Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that be understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Supplement, and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit: and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such subcontractors, on work to be performed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Remarks (Signed) STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that be has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. Permit No Date Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Disapproved _ _ —_— — ________ —___ Date (Signed) Notary Public, State of Florida PLANNING BOARD DATE Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Council Approved- -_-- -- - -_ _ - - - - - -- __ -_ -__ Date Disapproved ___ - __ _ . to me well known, _Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections or changes to this application after approval has been obtained from the Planning Board. A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty materials and /or workmanship.