765 NE 96 St (3)„ BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Owner of '- Building Architect Contractor or Builder Legal Description Address of MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA Contractor's 4 1 7 Uonato No Work to be performed under this Permit PERMIT N° 2464 • Lot e. Bi. = This permit is granted to the con herefor in strict compliance wi plans, drawings, statements or -ad at any time if the work is not .E•ich this permit is granted is the CONTRACIVE OR BUILDER Subdi- vision Value of Project or builder named above to construct the building all ordinances.pertaining thereto and with the u nder. s cions that may have been submitted to and in compliance with such ordinances or if the that the contractor or builder nano& . and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown oatbe •411111.11 responsibility for work dont by his agents, servants or employees. „ " Signed BY DATE 11 Amt. of Permit or to install the equipment or device tending that the *York livi# be • by Mint mon ibirol authorities. are changed without Ostitorbatrost. sttertents assu4Lth ibiliey for a or the a 0 consideration of the issuance to me of this perm I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in complierme with all ' attaining thereto and in strict confoemity wlth the plans, drawings, statements or canna submitted to the proper authorities In accepting this peradt I assume roponsibility for all worhdone by either m,a, ent, servant or nopleyee. !•• BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING v Owner of Building Architect - Contractor , nr Bower Lot 411" 4 1 € 4; o bbrtaacroa - ObittaLina MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE Contractor's Liconse No. PERMIT N° 2444 Work to be performed under this Permit • Subdi- vision Value of At. Project i of 400 0, f' t B1. Description Address of Building This oer&t is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to instal the cqupsnt or device 'leaden. erefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the undentandIn g that die vork will be any plans, drawings, statements or specifications theta., have been submitted to and .proved by the proper municipal authorities* roved at any time if the work is nottione in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authotisation. &tett, which this permit is granted is die ng that the contractor or builder e assumes the responsibility for a E lentandi ordinances and regulations pertainin to the work covered hereby whether ' la 'or or in the statements , Alt he assumes responsibility for work by his agents, servants or employees. ma av Sign By INS • In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinate* tions pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plane, drawl statements or specificatiorui submitted to the proper embolic* uf Village. In accepting this permit I asresponslbilhtyjbr all t,iervent or ism . • , ot . aT. Owner of Building Architect Contractor or Builder Legal Description Lot Address of MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT N° 2436 PLUMBING W wk under this Permit si Value of Project Building r.;' " ,fj, This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the build* application herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the un -ith any plans, drawings, statements or that may have been submitted to *sad ate revoked at any time if the work is not in compliance with such ordinances or if n which this permit is granted is the, that the contractor or o rdinances and regulations peraini to the work covered hereby whether -,be assumes responsibility for work by his agents, servants or employees DATE Costracto 's Limns INSPECTOR -apideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all hereto and in strict conformity with the glans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to dale pepper ac. +ng this plait mum* responsibility for all work done by either m "gent, servant IS illii 011Ppit. . svn BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Owner of Building Legal Lot BI. Description Address of Building . MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE 194 PERMIT N9 2464 Contractor's License No. Work to be performed under this Permit Architect Contractor or Builder Subdi- vision Value of Project Amt. of Permit CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER BY AUTHORITY This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the. equipment or device described in the plication herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance -ny plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may ked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition •hich this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder name4above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of inances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plan§ or drawings or in the statements or specifications and assumes responsibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed • By INSPECTOR consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regula- .taining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. Inspector's Report: JOB:/ ' AD: BUILDING • • ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ' ': • • 4DpRK BY: • • • • REQUE3TID : 4W ILL BE READY The following is ready for Insp,3ction: • • • • • • • • : • ,� JOB BUI DING ELE TRICAL • PLU BING . 1/ They following is ready for Inspection: - ector's Report : - AD: WORK DONE BY: : :REQUESTED : WILL BE READY it BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Owner of Building Architect Contractor or Builder MIAMI SHORES VILLAI3E, FLORID, DATE—,14‘. . / r T, No! 7 /4 PERMIT N? 3329 ,work fo performed Subdi- vision Legal Lot 1 Bl. Description Address of ` Building / ten s This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device application herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be with any plans, drawings, statements or spedifications that may hire been submitted to and by the proper murridpal be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if tim plans are changed without ottehOlillitiOn. upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the ewpenatbtlity for a the ordinances and regulations pertaining td the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans Q,r, drawings or in the state= that he assumes responsibility for work dotue by his agents, servants or employees. :- Signed ' ° / f By'' Value of Project PORNi?' i ~is Construction may be in violation of War Proucuciion Board General Limitai onS Order 14 YOU are caus..ionq to consult your War Production ' rd office before starting itre worts authorized Iq Jos. parrtNt OR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covieled hereunder in compliance with all ordi tions pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities el Village. In accepting this permit I assumssponsibility for all work done' by either myself, my agen servant or employee. Permit No. .._��_____ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. ss' AP Owner's Name and Address 114_1••- l Street and Number where work is to be performed —No MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT LICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT D ate___. _ ,... ". Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida. and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of work. Registered Architect and /or Engineer Employing Plumber's Name - -MEIL- _— _____ —__- No-113LE Street–I__ Location and Legal Description Lot__ _111 __ __________________Block Subdivisio No– __ 7$a_jpg._ _$t Street State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors) _ $S31 :3O1ie New Building _ Remodeling Addition Repairs No. of Size Septic Type of Tank _ Feet of Drain Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well Nature of Water Supply: ,City- -Well. _ Size of Soakage Pit Amount of Permit S____240. (Signed) ( �! Plumbing The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supph®snt, .end hat plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public nods or notices as are required by the Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work to bl: performed under this permit, re ere licensed by Miami Shores Village. (Signed) _Capacity Gals.___L:, Swop Ortuf Muter Plumber. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared ._.. to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. My Commission Expires 1 Notary Public. State of Florida NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. 1p CLOSETS BATH TUBS SHOWERS LAVA- TORIES SINKS SLOP SINKS LAUNDRY TUBS URINALS CATCH BASIN FLO DR DRAIN DRINKING FOUNT' NS TOTAL Fr %TYRES CONTR. LIST CHECK SEPTIC TANK SEWER CONN. DRAIN FIELD SOAKAGE PIT GREASE TRAP SOLAR HEATER DEEP WELL SPRKLR. SYSTEM SWIM'G POOL CONTR. LIST CHECK i, Permit No. .._��_____ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. ss' AP Owner's Name and Address 114_1••- l Street and Number where work is to be performed —No MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT LICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT D ate___. _ ,... ". Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida. and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of work. Registered Architect and /or Engineer Employing Plumber's Name - -MEIL- _— _____ —__- No-113LE Street–I__ Location and Legal Description Lot__ _111 __ __________________Block Subdivisio No– __ 7$a_jpg._ _$t Street State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors) _ $S31 :3O1ie New Building _ Remodeling Addition Repairs No. of Size Septic Type of Tank _ Feet of Drain Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well Nature of Water Supply: ,City- -Well. _ Size of Soakage Pit Amount of Permit S____240. (Signed) ( �! Plumbing The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supph®snt, .end hat plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public nods or notices as are required by the Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work to bl: performed under this permit, re ere licensed by Miami Shores Village. (Signed) _Capacity Gals.___L:, Swop Ortuf Muter Plumber. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared ._.. to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. My Commission Expires 1 Notary Public. State of Florida NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. 1p Permit No. PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (,,�/ Date 3 / r C- l Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village. Florida. and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with. wheth herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of work Amount of Permit S_M MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE • 1 .CtC_ Street_° `''vim �• Owner's Name and Address Registered Architect and /or Engineer __{ f,; Employing Plumber's Name __ _ - a. _ ) - ° No. _ Y Street. Location and Legal Description Lot___L� _L1 —___ -_ --__Block -° __ Subpsio Street and Number where work is to be performed —No 7 -. __ ..___ _______ __,e_ Street ._ State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors) - _ALL / s..:_ L x ,,,! New Building ______ Remodeling _ Addition____________________ Repairs►! No. of Stories_/ -------- ----- -- ----------- --- - - - ° -- (Signed) My Commission Expires Size Septic Tank__.__._._______ __ ______ ._______ Type of Tank Feet of Drain Tile °_.___________________.___ Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well_-____----_______.____ Nature of Water Supply: City Well _ _______________.Size of Soakage Pit Capacity Gals..._ (Signed) fi Plumbing 1 upector. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supplement, and b.s com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices u are required by the Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work rp be performed under this permit, as an licensed by Miami Shores Village. // STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. ss, Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared -------- - - -___ _. _� to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. Notary Public. State of Florida Master Plumber. NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. CLOSETS BATH Tuns SHOWERS LAVA- TORIES SINKS SLOP SINKS LAUNDRY TUBS URINALS CATCH BASIN FLOOR DRAIN DRINKING FOUNT'NS TOTAL FIXTURES 7 CONTR. LIST 2 / { / CHECK SEPTIC TANK S3WIR CONN. r DRAIN FIELD SOAKAGE PIT GREASE TRAP SOLAR HEATER DEEP WELL SPRKLR. SYSTEM SWIM'G POOL CONTR. CHECK t if LIST Permit No. PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (,,�/ Date 3 / r C- l Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village. Florida. and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with. wheth herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of work Amount of Permit S_M MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE • 1 .CtC_ Street_° `''vim �• Owner's Name and Address Registered Architect and /or Engineer __{ f,; Employing Plumber's Name __ _ - a. _ ) - ° No. _ Y Street. Location and Legal Description Lot___L� _L1 —___ -_ --__Block -° __ Subpsio Street and Number where work is to be performed —No 7 -. __ ..___ _______ __,e_ Street ._ State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors) - _ALL / s..:_ L x ,,,! New Building ______ Remodeling _ Addition____________________ Repairs►! No. of Stories_/ -------- ----- -- ----------- --- - - - ° -- (Signed) My Commission Expires Size Septic Tank__.__._._______ __ ______ ._______ Type of Tank Feet of Drain Tile °_.___________________.___ Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well_-____----_______.____ Nature of Water Supply: City Well _ _______________.Size of Soakage Pit Capacity Gals..._ (Signed) fi Plumbing 1 upector. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supplement, and b.s com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices u are required by the Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work rp be performed under this permit, as an licensed by Miami Shores Village. // STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. ss, Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared -------- - - -___ _. _� to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. Notary Public. State of Florida Master Plumber. NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT J ermit No ppliation is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other truce herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village. Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of ,Ipproved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of work. R t 1 fi�._1 :__��__s Ownex's Name and Address --- ._ -_+ -- L• 4 _SSE _________.___.____ No. __ _ + Street__ Registered Architect and /or Engineer Employing Plumber's Name [Al' _CZ's QI'� No._ _ Street NW 25th St. Location and Legal Description Lot 10 and lL _Block Subdivisiorn1mi Shor Village Street and Number where work is to be performed —No MI6_ _1170_2.6 Street State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors) Suntall Solar New Building Remodeling Addition Repairs_ No. of Storia_ Size Septic Tank_________._ ______---- ....... Type of Tank Feet of Drain Tile Nature of Water Supply: City —Well Size of Soakage Pit. of Permit STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. ss. Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well (Signed) - �t Capacity Gals._ . ..iii, an Plumbing Inspector. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands ar,d accepts his obligations as an employer of Ia6ot under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supplement, and has com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notice u are required by the Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work to be performed under this permit, as an licensed by Miami Shores Village. (Signed) George Crawford Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the . of the above described construction, that he }sas carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. My Commission Expires Notary Public. State of Florida NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessa ry by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. CLOSETS BATH Tuss SHOWERS LAVA- TORIES SINKS SLOP SINKS LAUNDRY TUBS URINALS CATCH BASIN FLOOR DRAIN DRINKING FOUNT'NS TOTAL FIXTURES CONTR. LIST CHECK SEPTIC TANK SEWER CONN. DRAIN FIELD SOAKAGE PIT GREASE TRAP SOLAR HEATER Dear WELL SPRKLR. SYSTEM SWIM'G POOL CONTR. LIST CHECK x MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT J ermit No ppliation is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other truce herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village. Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of ,Ipproved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of work. R t 1 fi�._1 :__��__s Ownex's Name and Address --- ._ -_+ -- L• 4 _SSE _________.___.____ No. __ _ + Street__ Registered Architect and /or Engineer Employing Plumber's Name [Al' _CZ's QI'� No._ _ Street NW 25th St. Location and Legal Description Lot 10 and lL _Block Subdivisiorn1mi Shor Village Street and Number where work is to be performed —No MI6_ _1170_2.6 Street State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors) Suntall Solar New Building Remodeling Addition Repairs_ No. of Storia_ Size Septic Tank_________._ ______---- ....... Type of Tank Feet of Drain Tile Nature of Water Supply: City —Well Size of Soakage Pit. of Permit STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. ss. Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well (Signed) - �t Capacity Gals._ . ..iii, an Plumbing Inspector. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands ar,d accepts his obligations as an employer of Ia6ot under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supplement, and has com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notice u are required by the Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work to be performed under this permit, as an licensed by Miami Shores Village. (Signed) George Crawford Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the . of the above described construction, that he }sas carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. My Commission Expires Notary Public. State of Florida NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessa ry by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. Permit No. ' ° { 47 Registered Architect and /or Engineer Employing Plumber's Name Location and Legal Description Lot_ Street and Number where work is to be performed —No. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT Date.. ! Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Flosidk, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building DivisiOn of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whet r herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building d ut tng unng progress o f wor k Owner's Name and Address __ -'__ se,�e C 2..FStreet__ "'!W fit ![ Block Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well Amount of Permit S_ • � ~ a (Signed) No.-Ld_ Street. Su iston__ Street f� State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors) New Building Remodeling Addition Repair No. of Stories- - Size Septic Tank Type of Tank . Capacity Gals.___ __.__.... ._w.__— Feet of Drain Tile_. Nature of Water Supply: City —Well Size of Soakage Pit Plumbing r, . tor. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supplement, and has com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work jp be performed under this permit, as ate licensed by Miami Shores Village. (Signed) _-_-Il- -".'� a_. My Commission Expires Notary Public. State of Florida aster Plumber. STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. ss. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared to me well known, and who being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the . of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. CLOSETS BATH TUBS SHOWERS LAVA- TORIES SINKS SLOP SINKS LAUNDRY TUBS URINALS CATCH BASIN FLOOR DRAIN DRINKING FOUNT'NS TOTAL rixvututs CONTR. LIST IST f / / CHECK SEPTIC TANK SEWER C CONK. DRAIN FIELD SOAKAGE PIT GREASE TRAP SOLAR H EATER DEEP WELL. SPRKLR. SYSTEM S1VIM'G POOL ` CONTR. LIST CHECK Permit No. ' ° { 47 Registered Architect and /or Engineer Employing Plumber's Name Location and Legal Description Lot_ Street and Number where work is to be performed —No. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT Date.. ! Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Flosidk, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building DivisiOn of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whet r herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building d ut tng unng progress o f wor k Owner's Name and Address __ -'__ se,�e C 2..FStreet__ "'!W fit ![ Block Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well Amount of Permit S_ • � ~ a (Signed) No.-Ld_ Street. Su iston__ Street f� State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors) New Building Remodeling Addition Repair No. of Stories- - Size Septic Tank Type of Tank . Capacity Gals.___ __.__.... ._w.__— Feet of Drain Tile_. Nature of Water Supply: City —Well Size of Soakage Pit Plumbing r, . tor. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supplement, and has com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work jp be performed under this permit, as ate licensed by Miami Shores Village. (Signed) _-_-Il- -".'� a_. My Commission Expires Notary Public. State of Florida aster Plumber. STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. ss. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared to me well known, and who being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the . of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. MIAMI SHORES VI Ll_AG E PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT ,,, /APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT T � Permit Noe Dare y�/R Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith subm' the or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Sho Wine, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether - i • cified or not. A copy of approved plane and specific ns must be kept at building during progress of wor Owner's Name and Address Registered Architect and /or gineer Employing Plumber's Name ____ Location and Legal Description Lot_ Street and Number where work is to be performed—No-___________V____ Street -- State work to be pe med and purpose of building (By Floors) New Building Remodeling_ Addition Repairs Amount of Permit $_ b STATE OF FLORIDA, CO OF DADE. My Commission Expires (Signed) (Signed) ?d. Notary Public, State of Florida Street 4 4fireoglit Street Subdi ision 41 S • No. of Stories- 4 Size Septic Tank .L ' Type of p y - -- -- �- -_._ acit Gals. ; 'AO • Feet of Drain Tile____ _.___�_ Dist. Feet of Tank or rain Field from Well Nature of Water Supply: Cit Size of Soakage Pit. Master Plumber. Plumbing Inspector. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Law;: of Florida Permanent Supplement, and has com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public noti . or notice as ate required by tie Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work to be performed under • is permit, as ate licensed by Miami Shores Village. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take knowledgments, personally appeared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $ 1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. CLOSETS BATH TUBS SHOWERS - LAVA- TORIES SINKS SLOP SINKS LAUNDRY TUGS URINALS CATCH BACIN FLOOR DRAIN DRINKING FOUNT•NS . {, . 'TOT 'MII ORRIS CONTR. LIST CHECK SEPTI TANK SEWER CONN. DRAIN F IELD SOAKAGE PIT GREASE TRAP SOLAR H EATER DEEP WELL SPRKLR. SWIM'S SYSTEM PODL CONTR. LIST CHECK ‘,/ III MIAMI SHORES VI Ll_AG E PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT ,,, /APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT T � Permit Noe Dare y�/R Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith subm' the or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Sho Wine, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether - i • cified or not. A copy of approved plane and specific ns must be kept at building during progress of wor Owner's Name and Address Registered Architect and /or gineer Employing Plumber's Name ____ Location and Legal Description Lot_ Street and Number where work is to be performed—No-___________V____ Street -- State work to be pe med and purpose of building (By Floors) New Building Remodeling_ Addition Repairs Amount of Permit $_ b STATE OF FLORIDA, CO OF DADE. My Commission Expires (Signed) (Signed) ?d. Notary Public, State of Florida Street 4 4fireoglit Street Subdi ision 41 S • No. of Stories- 4 Size Septic Tank .L ' Type of p y - -- -- �- -_._ acit Gals. ; 'AO • Feet of Drain Tile____ _.___�_ Dist. Feet of Tank or rain Field from Well Nature of Water Supply: Cit Size of Soakage Pit. Master Plumber. Plumbing Inspector. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Law;: of Florida Permanent Supplement, and has com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public noti . or notice as ate required by tie Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work to be performed under • is permit, as ate licensed by Miami Shores Village. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take knowledgments, personally appeared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $ 1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. Permit No PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT My Commission Expires MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE (Signed) ____ _ _______ - Date_Olo 5l_td / 61. /94 Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village. Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of work. Owner's Name and Address , .,E1I.C14 c No Z $ /L Street -- _ JP -I Registered Architect and /or Engineer Employing Plumber's Name S�L� - -- ___ No._ ../. ,V 24 Location and Legal Description Lot_ _____________ _ Block Subdivision_ Street and Number where work is to be performed —No Street State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors) New Building __. ____ _______ _______ _______ Remodeling Addition Repairs Notary Public. State of Florida No. of Stories_ Size Septic _____ Type of Tank . Capacity Gals.___...- ___— ____ .._„ Feet of Drain Tile_____ __ ________ Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well_ ____ _____:_ __......... _..... ______.__._.� _ Nature of Water Supply: City —Well Size of Soakage Pit Amount of Permit S — __(Signed) Plumbing Inspector. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supplement, and has com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work to be performed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Master Plumber. STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, peaonally appeared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the . of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. NOTE: A re - inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. CLOSETS BATH TUBS SHOWERS LAVA- TORIES SINKS SLOP SINKS LAUNDRY TUBS URINALS CATCH BASIN FLOOR DRAIN DRINKING FOUNT' NS TOTAL MATURES CONTR. LIST ' / / / CHECK ✓ +" M / SEPTIC TANK SEWER CONN. DRAIN FIELD SOAKAGE PIT GREASE TRAP SOLAR HEATER DEEP WELL SPRKLR. SYSTEM SWIM'0 POOL CONTR. LIST CHECK Permit No PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT My Commission Expires MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE (Signed) ____ _ _______ - Date_Olo 5l_td / 61. /94 Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village. Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of work. Owner's Name and Address , .,E1I.C14 c No Z $ /L Street -- _ JP -I Registered Architect and /or Engineer Employing Plumber's Name S�L� - -- ___ No._ ../. ,V 24 Location and Legal Description Lot_ _____________ _ Block Subdivision_ Street and Number where work is to be performed —No Street State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors) New Building __. ____ _______ _______ _______ Remodeling Addition Repairs Notary Public. State of Florida No. of Stories_ Size Septic _____ Type of Tank . Capacity Gals.___...- ___— ____ .._„ Feet of Drain Tile_____ __ ________ Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well_ ____ _____:_ __......... _..... ______.__._.� _ Nature of Water Supply: City —Well Size of Soakage Pit Amount of Permit S — __(Signed) Plumbing Inspector. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supplement, and has com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The under signed agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work to be performed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Master Plumber. STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, peaonally appeared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the . of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. NOTE: A re - inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. ?'7 MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT feic Permit No. - - Date. - - - - Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of work. Owner's Name and Address Registered Architect and /or Engineer ____ ____ __�_ C Employing Plumber's Name -- x_13 —_ __ ACs.rTo, - __ Location and Legal Description Lot Street and Number where work is to be performed —No Amount of Permit $- _ ^___� STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. j A - - .Li��. �i� -� .... _�� No.� � - • - - ` - - -- - Street - -- -•- -- - - -- -• -- -- - --- - ._ Block (Signed) _ Street-__ A/ Subdivision_ Street State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors)_ -_- CAA _� Size Septic Tank__ _ _ -_ -- -Type of Tank___ Capacity Gals. Feet of Drain Tile_______ _ __Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well Nature of Water Supply: City— Well.__._ ____________________ _____ of Soakage Pit My Commission Expires Notary Public, State of Florida rit P-� K e i c' 3 Elef New Building _-------- --- - -- - -- -_ -- Remodeling----- _- _-- ____ -- Addition --- .-- _._------ __ - -._ Repairs. - _- . -- _ - -- No. of Stories- • _ _ .. -- . __...... Plumbing Inspector. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5968, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supplement, and has com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contras employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the rk s h public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such sub -contra • on work be rformed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Master Plumber. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personall -• appeared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the .__ ........ ......__.__._ _ . _.. _._ of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made•necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. CLOSETS BATH TUBS SHOWERS LAVA- TORIES SINKS SLOP SINKS LAUNDRY TUBS URINALS CATCH BASIN FLOOR DRAIN DRINKING FOUNT'NS TOTAL FIXTURES CONTR. LIST CHECK SEPTIC TANK SEWER CONN. DRAIN FIELD SOAKAGE PIT GREASE TRAP SOLAR HEATER DEEP WELL SPRKLR. SYSTEM SWIM•G POOL CONTR. LIST CHECK ?'7 MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT feic Permit No. - - Date. - - - - Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of work. Owner's Name and Address Registered Architect and /or Engineer ____ ____ __�_ C Employing Plumber's Name -- x_13 —_ __ ACs.rTo, - __ Location and Legal Description Lot Street and Number where work is to be performed —No Amount of Permit $- _ ^___� STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. j A - - .Li��. �i� -� .... _�� No.� � - • - - ` - - -- - Street - -- -•- -- - - -- -• -- -- - --- - ._ Block (Signed) _ Street-__ A/ Subdivision_ Street State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors)_ -_- CAA _� Size Septic Tank__ _ _ -_ -- -Type of Tank___ Capacity Gals. Feet of Drain Tile_______ _ __Dist. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well Nature of Water Supply: City— Well.__._ ____________________ _____ of Soakage Pit My Commission Expires Notary Public, State of Florida rit P-� K e i c' 3 Elef New Building _-------- --- - -- - -- -_ -- Remodeling----- _- _-- ____ -- Addition --- .-- _._------ __ - -._ Repairs. - _- . -- _ - -- No. of Stories- • _ _ .. -- . __...... Plumbing Inspector. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5968, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supplement, and has com- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contras employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the rk s h public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such sub -contra • on work be rformed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Master Plumber. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personall -• appeared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the .__ ........ ......__.__._ _ . _.. _._ of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $1.00 will be made when such re- inspection is made•necessary by improper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. CONTR. LIST CHECK CONTR. LIST CLOSETS SEPTIC TANK Permit No t Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of work. Owner's Name and Address Registered Architect and /or Engineer _ l Employing Plumber's Name .j .L_ Cltx) - ielki -' r''t t C. NO,..., - •• i 7 ›.,..- .,.... BEreet...� ,e ,.! ,a.S.-•!°..� �.... Location and Legal Description Lot Block Street and Number where work is to be performed —No - 7 & , � Street .._ a.__9... -:G_ __.3.. _... i ... - State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Hours)_-_._._•- ... __�.. _ _i� __ L- �L.I(....... -‘4.41/4 14/ 1 . M.AC New Building _. Remoeleling _ _- -._ -.- --- __. - -- Addition--- _. -.__. Repairs ._.1... .- .__...... No of Stories BATH TUBS SEWER CONN. SHOWERS DRAIN SOAKAGE FIELD PIT My Commission Expires MIAMI SHORES VILLAGIE PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT LAVA• 61NKi TORIES S.DP SINKS GREASE SOLAR TRAP • ^ H FATES LAUNDRY Tuns No. URINALS STATE OF FLORIDA, } u. COUNTY OF DADE. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, d-w:y authorized to administer -� c l ,S Street. , e ... S CATCH BASIN SPHKLR. tSWIN' SYSTEM POOL CHECK Size Septic of °For _ Feet of Drain Tile._.— — _—_moist. Feet o.Ra 'rank or Drain Field from Well ... Nature of Water Supply: City —Well __._._______ _.__ __— ___Size of Soakage Pit DRINKING FOUNT' NS FLOOR DRAIN SubdivWon._... Capacity Gals. plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar coripl;auce from all contractors or sub - contractors el performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection no the site of the work required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on . k to be licensed by Miami Shores Village. / / 4 7/7 Notary Public, State of Florida TOTAL FIXTUR[i � // Amount of Permit $ (Signed) ___I� S ` `...._ - __ - . - - -- - - ... Plumbing Inspector. The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts hi/obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5988, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent Supplement, and has corn- by him in the work to be c notice or notices as are this permit, as are and take acknowledg'ents, personally appeared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upar, oath deposes and says that he is the .--- _ - - -- • -- -- ----- - - - - -- -- • - - .._ _.. of the above described construction, that he has carefully lead the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. NOTE: A re- inspection fee of $1.10 *ill be made whirr, re- inspectioe is made.neoessay by bnproper notice for inspection, or faulty materials and /or workmanship. Permit No. /v 1% Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith subra:r for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Mi:. f Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulatir' . of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and spec fications must be kept at building during progress of work. ,, AA Owner's Name and Address 44. 1 .egist::red Architect and /or Engineer ?mploying Plumber's Name 01/1//K ELC % iQiL Ght/4 74/4 • No ,._499 :3 to Q./�/l�Brr• �,,.r,T VE •. '.!;! �!4si'11. Location and Legal Description Lot_ 5 Blorir � + Street and Number where work is to be performed -No Z4 5 N % Street - Amount of Permit $ 1 • 50 State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors)_ New Building Remodeling_____ _ _ Addition STATE OF FLORIDA, } COUNTY OF DADE. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT Date... - .<C Ne.n. 5 ME Street_ g Repairs SubdivWon.__.__ No. of Stories Size Septic Taal ---------------- - - - - -- __._Type of Tank— ___.___ ............ _.___ Capacity ......... Feet of Drain Tile. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well Nature of Water Supply: City - Well. ____ _____.____.___ _____— _._Size of Soakage Pit r7 My Commission Expires Notary Public, State of Florida ALA. 3 3/49 Plumbin;; Inspector The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands, and accepts his obligations as an e n,Iloyel of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5968, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent C upi. lement, ant: eon- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed ly him in ' t v,tris r b performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such publ: notice as no icr!' as a- required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work to be performed as this ,)'r1 + .0 licensed by Miami Shores Village. (Sim) Masts:. Plumber. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, per;os r. l ppeare.. to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the ..---- • .. ............ • -. -. -• -- of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all acts therein by him stated are true. NOTE: A re- inspection fee of ;1.00 will be made when such re- lnspecdan is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, cr fault) materials and /or workmanship. Gummy, TUBE TUGS SHOW[Ra LAVA- TORIES 61NKa SLOP SINKS LAUNDRY Tun• URINALS CATCH BASIN FLOOR I DRINKING DRAIN FOUNT'N• TOT..L FI1[Tl RES CONTR. LI I CHECK SEPTIC TANK SEWER CONN. DRAIN FIELD SOAKAGE PIT GREASE TRAP SOLAR H DEEP W[LL SPRKLR. SYSTEM SWIM•ll POOL CO►rrIt. LIST CHECK .-- Permit No. /v 1% Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith subra:r for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Mi:. f Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulatir' . of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and spec fications must be kept at building during progress of work. ,, AA Owner's Name and Address 44. 1 .egist::red Architect and /or Engineer ?mploying Plumber's Name 01/1//K ELC % iQiL Ght/4 74/4 • No ,._499 :3 to Q./�/l�Brr• �,,.r,T VE •. '.!;! �!4si'11. Location and Legal Description Lot_ 5 Blorir � + Street and Number where work is to be performed -No Z4 5 N % Street - Amount of Permit $ 1 • 50 State work to be performed and purpose of building (By Floors)_ New Building Remodeling_____ _ _ Addition STATE OF FLORIDA, } COUNTY OF DADE. MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE PLUMBING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT Date... - .<C Ne.n. 5 ME Street_ g Repairs SubdivWon.__.__ No. of Stories Size Septic Taal ---------------- - - - - -- __._Type of Tank— ___.___ ............ _.___ Capacity ......... Feet of Drain Tile. Feet of Tank or Drain Field from Well Nature of Water Supply: City - Well. ____ _____.____.___ _____— _._Size of Soakage Pit r7 My Commission Expires Notary Public, State of Florida ALA. 3 3/49 Plumbin;; Inspector The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands, and accepts his obligations as an e n,Iloyel of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5968, Compiled General Laws of Florida Permanent C upi. lement, ant: eon- plied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed ly him in ' t v,tris r b performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for inspection on the site of the work such publ: notice as no icr!' as a- required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such sub - contractors, on work to be performed as this ,)'r1 + .0 licensed by Miami Shores Village. (Sim) Masts:. Plumber. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, per;os r. l ppeare.. to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the ..---- • .. ............ • -. -. -• -- of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all acts therein by him stated are true. NOTE: A re- inspection fee of ;1.00 will be made when such re- lnspecdan is made necessary by improper notice for inspection, cr fault) materials and /or workmanship.