700 NE 96 St (7)WIND LOAD SCHEDULE OPENING LABEL GLAZED OPENING HORIZ. (INCHES) DIM. VERT. (INCHES) NO. OF GLAZED PANELS SMALLEST GLAZED HORIZ. (INCHES) PANEL VERT. (INCHES) EFFECTIVE WIND AREA (SQ. FT.) BUILDING ZONE (Note 4) DESIGN POSITIVE (PSF) LOAD NEGATIVE (PSF) 1 37 38 2 34 16 3.8 Interior 5.4.7 -59.3 2 37 38 2 34 16 3.8 Interior 54.7 -59.3 3 37 38 2 34 16 3.8 Interior 54.7 -59.3 4 19 63 2 16 29 3.2 Interior 54.7 -59.3 5 74 50 4 34 24 5.7 Interior 54.7 -59.3 6 74 50 4 34 24 5.7 Interior 54.7 -59.3 7 53 38 2 50 16 5.6 Interior 54.7 -59.3 11 72 88 2 30 82 17.1 Interior 52.8 -57.4 12 72 88 2 30 82 17.1 Interior 52.8 -57.4 17 74 38 2 34 16 3.8 Interior 54.7 -59.3 18 74 38 2 34 16 3.8 Interior 54.7 -59.3 NOTES: 1. Wind loads are determined in accordance with the 2001 Florida Building Code and ASCE 7 -98. 2. Wind load calculations are based upon a mean roof height as provided by the Contractor and noted herein. Contractor /Building Official shall verify the mean roof height in the field. 3. Calculation is valid for Enclosed Structures only. All glazed openings shall be impact resistant or have impact protective devices. 4. End zones for this installation are those areas within 3.7 feet of the exterior corners of the building. End zones are based on the building dimensions provided by the Contractor. Contractor /Building Official shall verify the layout plan in the field. 5. This document shall be used for determination of wind loads only. Component installations shall be in accordance with the appropriate product evaluation documents( Wind loads are applicable for component installations at any elevation below the roof. 6. Wind loads are applicable for use on window and glazing systems. For loads on other systems, contact our office. 7. This document shall be valid only when there appears an original signature, date and embossed seal from V. J. Knezevich, P.E. / �tyl�� s_ ALI r �. ; \ \, -. - 8. Use of this document is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use, Version 1.0, available on t web at http: / /ASCE7- 98.Knezevich.com, and any other applicable agreements between the Cli named above, and Knezevich and Associates, Inc. e nt () L._0. v ("�K . _t�4 +' c v" K e i ; Associate:; / t v '' . y L I/ icense #10983 Cnc. FL COA #32 11f . 111 I KNEZEVICH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1260 N. University Drive, Suite 180 :: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33322 :: Phone: 954.382.2800 :: Fax: 954.382.2989 :: www.Knezevich.com ASCE 7 -98 DESIGN WIND LOADS FOR COMPONENTS & CLADDING FOR VERTICAL SURFACES Basic Wind Speed, V = 146.0 m.p.h (3 sec peak gust) CLIENT: Bob Cicero Exposure Category = C Seaview Industries, Inc. Importance Factor, I = 1.00 (non - assembly / non - essential facility) DATE: 12/03/2003, 10:32:28 Roof Eave Height = 10.00 feet STRUCTURE: Lois Butler 75 0 Roof Peak Height = 14.50 feet ORDERED BY: VJK for Bob Cicero Mean Roof Height = 12.25 feet PROCESSED BY: Site Operator Roof Slope = 3.500 inches rise per 12 -inch run PAGE: 1 of 1 Roof Slope = 16.26 degrees Smallest Side of Building = 37.00 feet Internal Pressure Factor, GCpi = 0.18 (fully enclosed building) Topographic Factor, Kzt = 1.00 (non -hilly area) Directionality Factor, Kd = 1.00: End Zone = 3.7 feet M I A M I•DADE PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE PGT Industries 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis ,FL 34275 The expense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. ACCEPTANCE NO.: 01- 0629.08 EXPIRES: 11/01/2006 APPROVED: 11/01/2001 1\ 104500011pc2000 \\templateslnotice acceptance cover page.dot Internet mail address: postmaster @buildingcodeonlinc.com MIAMI - DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO -DARE FLAGLER BUILDING BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE METRO -DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER SIREFr, stint 1603 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 -1563 (305) 375 -2901 FAX (305) 375 -2908 CONTRACTOR LICENSING sIS(: rION (305)375.2527 FAN (305)375 -2558 CONTRACTOR ENFORCFAII•:NT DIVISION (305)375 -2966 FAX (305) 375-2908 rizonuCr CONTROL DIVISION (305) 375.2902 FAX (305) 372-6339 Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of: SH - 701 Aluminum Single Hung Window Impact Resistant under Chapter 8 of the Code of Miami -Dade County governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by BCCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. Raul Koorlgucz Chicf Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEED This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami -Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. Francisco J. Quintana, R.A. Director Miami -Dadc County Building Code Compliance Office Homepage: http : / /www.buildingcodconlinc.com Vinyl Tcch /Prozressivc Glass Technology ACCEPTANCE No.: 01- 0629.08 2 APPROVED November 01, 2001 EXPIRES November 01, 2006 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. SCOPE This revises & renews Notice of Acceptance No. 98 0223.01, which was issued on October 22, 1998. It approves an aluminum single hung window, as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code, 1994 Edition for Miami - Dade County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Series SII -701 Aluminum Single Hung Window — Impact and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the following document: Drawing No. 4040, titled "SH -701 Aluminum Single Hung window" Sheets 1 thru 4 of 4, prepared by manufacturer, dated 2/9/98, 08- 18-98 and last revised on 10 -11 -2001, signed and sealed by Robert L. Clark, P.E., bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control Approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single unit applications only, as shown in approved drawings. 3.2 Water infiltration requirements: see design pressure table. 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The aluminum single hung window and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with the approved drawings. 4.2 The installation of this product will not require a hurricane protection system. 5. LABELING 5.1 Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved ". 6. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the South Florida Building Code (SFBC) in ordcr to properly evaluate the installation of this system. 1 stwci 1 - L L.4.hcl• !shag I. Chanda, P.E., Product Control Examiner Product Control Division Vinyl Tech/Progressive Glass Technology ACCEPTANCE No.: 01- 0629.08 APPROVED. November 01, 2001 EXPIRES November 01, 2006 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD CONDITIONS 1 Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documents, including test- supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than eight (8) years. 2. Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name, city, state, and the following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approval ", or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acccptancc. 3. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if: a. There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting thc evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes. b. The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved. c. If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product. d. The engineer who originally prcparcd, signed and scaled the required documcntation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profcssion. 4. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be causc for tcrmination of this Acceptance, unless prior writtcn approval has bccn rcqucstcd (through thc filing of a rcvision application with appropriate fcc) and granted by this office. 5. Any of thc following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acccptancc: a. Unsatisfactory performancc of this product or process. b. Misuse of this Acccptance as an endorsement of any product, for salcs, advertising or any other purposcs. 6. The Notice of Acccptance number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may bc displaycd in advertising literature. If any portion of thc Notice of Acccptance is displaycd, then it shall be done in its entircty. 7. A copy of this Acccptancc as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applics, shall be provided to thc user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all time. The engineer needs not reseal thc copies. 8. Failure to comply with any section of this Acccptancc shall bc causc for termination and removal of Acceptance. 9. This Notice of Acccptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this last page 3. END OF TIIIS ACCEPTANCE 3 l c1A-41 I , L1 vtclA Ishaq I. Chanda, P.E., Product Control Examiner Product Control Division DESIGN PRESSURE RATING (P.S.F.) W / S 16 LAMINATED ANNEALED CLASS 5/16 LAMINATED W/ HEAT STRENGTHENED CLASS WATER INFILTRATION REOUIRED WATER INFILTRATION NOT REOUIRED WATER INFILTRATION REWIRED WATER INFILTRATION NOT REOUIRED -50.0 +50.0 -50.0 +50.0 -80.0 +66.7 -80.0 +80.0 76.000 MAX. 5 3/4' 53. MAX. //o +F4 VFNT S17F: 50 1/2' x 38 1/4' 13.000 —{ M4.e. OR CCNTCR TYP. HEAD & SILL ELEVATION LARGE MISSLE IMPACT WINDOWS 1.) GLAZING OPTIONS: A. 5/16' (.350) LAMINATED GLASS (1 /8' annealed /.090 film /1/8' annealed) B. 5/16" (.350) LAMINATED GLASS (1 /8" heat strengthened /.090 film /1/8" heat strengthened) 2.) CONFIGURATIONS: OX .3.) DESIGN PRESSURE RATING: SEE TABLE 4.) ANCHORS: MAX. 5 3/4' FROM EACH CORNER HEAD er SILL) MAX. 6' FROM EACH CORNER (JAMBS) MAX. SPACING AT HEAD & SILL: 13.000 MAX. SPACING AT JAMBS: 13.125 5.) SHUTTER REOUIREMENT. NO SHUTTERS REOUIRED 6.) REFERENCE TEST REPORT: F7L -1889 J 8.000 13 I /8" ON CENTER 6' ITEM J 5 6 7 9 10 1 1 12• 1J 14 15 16 17 . 18 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 2B 29 Robert L. Clark. P.E. PE 839712 Structural DESCRIPTION FLANGED FRAME HEAD Alum. 6063 -15 FLANGED PRAMS SILL Alum. 6063 -T5 FLANGED FRAME JAMB (Alum. 6063 - r5) FIXED 74£E71NG RAIL (Alum. 6063 -75) SASH TOP RAIL (Alum. 6063 -75) SASH BOTTOM RAIL (Alum. 6063 -75) SASH SIDE RAIL Alum. 6063-TS) GLAZING BEAD (Alum. 6063 - T5, 6534 571 8 ALUMAX WEATHERSTRIP - VINYL BULB SILICON 5 16" 1 .350 ) W9 AFLEX Y SOU DUPONT LAYER 6 x .750 PHIL. 914. H0. SWEEP LATCH /8 x .625 PHIL FLT. HD. 4 WINDLOAO ADAPTER (Num. 6063 -75) /8 x .J75 PHIL. P.H. TEK WEATHERSTRIP - VINYL BULB \SASH SASH TOP GUIDE SCREEN BALANCE COVER BALANCE WEATHERSTRIP - PILEV1NSEAL SASH FACE GUIDE /6 x .500 PHIL. FLT. H0. SASH STOP (Alum. 6063 -75) /8 x 1.000 P1111... P.H. 5745 SEAM SCALER WINDLOAO ADAPTER (PLASTIC) INDUSTRIES 1070 TECHNOLOGY ORNE NOKOMIS, ft 34275 P.O. BOX 1529 NOKOMIS, 71. 34274 V. T. # 612225 612226 612227 612228 612229 612230 612231 6TP247K 628990 7658PFAA 7858WW 6122)6 78XJ8PPT 6TP249K 6I062W 71087 76X12FPAw '612244 78XIPPA 6SM55W 61207 Reran 8r: F.K. Rmd 8y 0.8. Senrs /Yodel: SH — 701 OTY. / LOCATION 2 2 8 (1 per Glazing Bead) 2 2 2 to attach Balances to Jambs) 1(1.5' from end of vent top roil) 2(i1 width is. >= 42') 2 (Sweep Latch Screws) 4 when using 2 Sweee Latches) . 2 0 frame jambs. 30 from bot.) Windload Adapter Screws) I (ot Vent Bottom Rail) 2 (1 per each balance) 2 1 per each balance) 2 I 0 each frame jamb) 3 O rent jomD.s &vent t op roil) 2 1 /vent iamb. 1.5" from bot. (torn loco guide screws) 2 (0 too or each frame iamb) 4 Frame & Vent Assr. screws) 2 (0 frame iambs. J0' from bat.) brown BY: bore: 0.8. 2/9/98 R 8/0/71/0 78/98 T8, TABLE, EXTR. barn: Re.;aiona: Score: NTS VENDOR ALUMAX ALUMAX ALUMAX ALUMAX ALUMAX ALUMAX ALUMAX TEAM PLASTICS DOW CORNING H.P.G. H.P.C. AOUA FASTENERS MINIATURE 01E CASTING MERCHANTS FASTENER ALUMAX MERCHANTS FASTENER MASTER root NNYL TECH. \PCT WYBORC CALDWELL SCHLEGEL CORP. VINYL TECH. \PCT SCHERER IND. PROD. ALUMAX Shen: I p.o.mq no. 1 0 4 4040 VENOOR I / AF -12225 AF -12226 AF -12227 AF -12228 AF -12225 AF -12230 AF -12231 AF- 534571 TP -247 899 PGT.214.XX AF -12236 TEAM PLASTICS TP -249 STAVE FS7826- 187 .4F -12244 SCHNEE /MOREHEAD 574 MERCHANTS FASTENER PROTOTYPE WC996- 1207 PRODUCT RENEW ED a hgrrftscE Ha oi 0629.00 EXPIRATION DATE N0 ve "4r4 b f`7cQb . Ll,, �{, LTMIDOM BDJ7DO'O CODE 001411 Description: ELEVATION & PARTS LIST 75).: • ALUMINUM SINGLE HUNG WINDOW 76.000 .737 INACTIVE m® .655 — EXTERIOR o° GH !NG x 2.784 2.784 REFERENCE TEST REPORT: F7L -1889 ROUGH OPENING m® .500 34.500 DAYLIGHT OPENING ACTIVE 2.330 34.500 DAYLIGHT OPENING ROUGH OPENING' VERTICAL SECTION INTERIOR 53.125 49.625 DAYLIGHT OPENING P.G.T. 1.123 Flatten L. Clark, P.E. PE 939712 Structural EXTERIOR INTERIOR 48.250 DAYLIGHT OPENING HORIZONTAL SECTION INDUSTRIES 1070 TECHNOLOGY ORNE NOXOUIS. FL 34275 P.O. SOX 1329 NOKOUIS, FL 34274 Re..; 97: Oale: R.we.on F.K. 10/11/0 TB, TABLE. R...e D.le: R..iiwe: D. 8/ 18/98 ao.n er Owe: 0.8. 2/9/98 SECTIONS flue: 2.710 ROUGH OPENING PRODUCT RENSVMD . xTPTRNC 3(91VA710N DATt � G L F �� EXTR. RY a „ WS e OLIttDMO COO£ • ALUMINUM SINGLE HUNG WINDOW Serie• /Yod.I; 5<ole: Sneel: 0'o -. q No. R..: SH -701 NTS 2 4 4040 0 . 737 1 2.784 II x. 062 .705 0 ALUM. 6063 -T5 1. 187 1 .062 2.029 1.403 1 ® ALUM. 6063 -T5 1.165 .062 •' 1.348 413 ALUM. 6063 -T5 REFERENCE TEST REPORT: FTL -1889 .655 I- -- 2.784 O ALUM. 6063 -T5 h -- 2.274 —" .062T 1.707 --c-11.187 r - ® ALUM. 6063 -T5 .062 ALUM. 6063 -T5 2.330 2.710 i H 1.350 �4- ® ALUM. 6063 -T5 1 b 1.451 .490 062 1.523 -"w H1 023 H1.123 k-- O ALUM. 6063 -T5 ALUM. 6053 -T5 Robert L Clark, P.E. PE 139712 Structural T ■ INDUSTRIES 1070 rtCl4NoLocr DRIVE NOXOM /S. fl 34275 P.O. BOX 1529 NOKOMIS, fL .34274 R 44 By: F. K. R a 0. EI. Drown 0.8 0.srrot:x rue: SH— 701 1/8" ANNEALED OR HEAT STRENTHENED GLASS .090 INTERLAYER SAFLEX BY SOLUTIA OR DUPONT PVB Dols: 10/11/0 Oel. 8/18/98 0.t.: 2/9/98 Scale: NTS 5 5/16" LAMINATED GLAZING DETAILS Revision,: TB, TABLE, EXTR. 3 4 4 1 /2 " NOM. GLASS BITE 1/8" ANNEALED OR HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS PRODUCT 51 ENV; ntXTVnkwe:.QNe 'O :xFIY*TC7t oAn/vQ ✓G .. A„ SL.� � numno 10007;. c V1"' rkl EXTRUSIONS & GLAZING OPTIONS ALUMINUM SINGLE HUNG WINDOW 0ro.inq No 4040 R..: B TYP, HEAD 1/4 " TAPCON [�1�II 112 PANHEAD TYP. SILL REFERENCE TEST REPORT: F7L -1889 TYP. SULL TYP. HEAQ BUCK Robin L Clark, P.E. PE 439712 MAX. TYP. JAMB INDUSTRIES 1070 TECHNOLOGY OWE NOKOMIS. R 34275 P.O. 80x 1529 NOKOMIS, R 34274 R."? ay F. K. R D.B. Oro.n By: 0. B. a:e,(Rwn: Sene./Yooel: Dole: 0/11/0 8/18/98 oo . 2/9/98 ANCHORAGE .250 MAX. R.w.ion TB, T ABLE. EXTR. Rens:env TYP. JAMB Scale: Sheet Oro.+nq No. SH -701 NTS 4 4 4040 2 x WOOD BUCK P Cr RE f SJI&Tu AUL1r ?+•KOHL O J(i!FTl tl + OAT! /WK W/56 L} P„ ISk. 1 1An GJTU1.M' a52 t ('(+1134+ nu. ALUMINUM SINGLE HUNG WINDOW R..: M I A M I•DADE PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE PGT Industries 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis ,FL 34275 The expense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. APPROVED: 09/06/2001 MIAMI -DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING BUILDING COD(; COMPLIANCE OFFICE NII:TRO- D: \I)Ii FLAGI.FI: BUILDING 1.11) WFS] I'L, \(;I.lilt S'I'Itlili'I' SUITE 1(03 tI1A■I1. FLORIDA 33130.15(3 (305) 375 -2901 FAN (305) 375 -2905 CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION (305) 375 -2527 FAX 0051 375.155M coy "ru:�r. roll FNrott(:I.:MrNr DIVISION (305) 375 -2966 FAN (305) 375-200s ruooUCr CONTROL DIVISION (305) 375.2902 FAX (305) 372 -6339 Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of: Series SWD -101 Outswing Aluminum French Door - Impact under Chapter 8 oldie Code of Miami -Dade County governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Miami - Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by BCCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. ACCEPTANCE NO.: 01- 0- 117.01 EXPIRES: 11/22/2006 Raul Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division THIS IS TIIE COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAI, CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami -Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. Francisco J. Quintana, R.A. Director Miami -Dade County Iuilding Code Compliance Office 11s04500011pc20001 \templates \notice acceptance cover page dot Internet mail address: postmasterJbuildingcndconlinc .com Homepage: http : / /www.buildingcodennlinc.com Vinyl Tech /Progressive Class Technolouv. ACCEPTANCE No.: 01 -0- 117.04 A EXPIRES : November 22, 2006 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: SPECIFIC CONIWI'IONS : September 06, 2001 1. SCOPE 1.1 This revises and renews the Notice of Acceptance No. 99- 11128.01, which was issued on February 18, 1999. It approves an outswing aluminum French door, as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code (SFBC), 19 Edition !Or Miami -Dade County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by StI3C Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2.1 The Series SWU -101 Outswing Aluminum French Doors- Impact Resistant and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the following documents: Drawing No 971, titled "French Door XX, X" Sheets 1 through 4 of 4, prepared by manufacturer, dated 02/16/98, with revision C dated 1 -22 -99 and last revised on 04- 13 -01, signed and scaled by Robert 1.. Clark, P.f:., hearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single unit application of pair of doors and single door only, as shown in approved drawings. Single door unit shall include described in the active leaf of this approval. 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The outswing aluminum French doors and its components shall be installed in strict compliance %vith the approved drawings. 4.2 Hurricane protection system (shutters): the installation of this unit will not require a hurricane protection system. 5. LABELING 5.1 Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved ". 6. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMEN'T'S 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Iuilding Official or the South Florida Building Code (SFI3C) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. lshaq 1. Chanda, P.I. Product Control Examiner Product Control Division Vinyl Tech/Progressive Glass Technolooy. 5. ACCEPTANCE No.: 01- 11417.114 APPROVED : September 06, 2001 EXPIRES : November 22, 2006 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD CONDI'T'IONS 1. Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall he considered after a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documentation, including test supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than eight (8) years. 2. A ny and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name, city, state, and the following statement: "Miami County Product Control Approved ", or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if: a) There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation 01' this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes; b) The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved; c) If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product; d) The engineer lvho originally prepared, signed and scaled the required documentation initially submitted is no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and /or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing of revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a) Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b) fv1isuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purpose. 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded 'by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. 7. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall he provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all time. The engineer need not reseal the copies. 8. Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of Acceptance. 9. This Noticc of Acceptance consists of pages I, 2 and this last page 3. I 1 � 5 1 t4c1 1 . Ll au Jc (shag 1. Chanda, P.E. Product Control Examiner Product Control Division END OF Tins ACCEPTANCE 3 2" 71.750 I-- I "" *.- I —II- 7 1/2' I I .750 tux. / \ \ i \ J / 1 5 1/2' L 7 13.5" r-- " / / / / / / / / / / 2 POINT LOCK OPTION \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / / / / / / / 13._ 1 11 I 5 1/ 1 /2 " ---i �13 "—I I 7 1/2" - h--- 1 7 1/2' -- X 13" — MAX. ON CENTER TYP. HEAD & SILL 37.500 --I �--- 7 1/2" 5 1/2" 13.5" 7 V SEALANT ON FRAME CORNERS & PANEL CORNERS 7 1 MAX. ON CENTER TYP. HEAD Jr SILL XX TYP. MAX. 2' SEALANT ON FRAME CORNERS & PANEL CORNERS LARGE MISSLE IMPACT DOORS 1.) GLAZING: .401 /464 LAMINATED W /INT£RLAYER (MONSANTO OR DUPONT) 2.) CONFIGURATIONS: X. XX J.) DESIGN PRESSURE RATING: 3a) 4 C 4 LAM.. - 75 P5r - 75 P5 r. Jb) .401 LAM.: +60 P.S.F. —60 P.S.F. 4.) ANCHORS: MAX. 7 1/2" FROM CORNERS (HEAD & SILL) MAX. 5 1/2" FROM CORNERS (JAMB) MAX. SPACING AT HEAD & SILL: 13.000 MAX. SPACING AT JAMB: 13.500 5.) NO SHUTTERS REQUIRED 6.) REFERENCE TEST REPORT FTL -2241 7.) FOR LOCKING ASSEMBLY OPTION - SEE SHEET 3 OF 4 PRODUCT RENEWED ACCF.VTMICE6. Ul ^GH17•04 EXPIMATION I)A'IE I`LD+EN{ {C 12, Zao 54,5 \ 111016 Y.T O 6NITHL IX VISION RUILUD ; coot: WM YUYNCE OFFICE Robert L. Clark, P.E. P.E. #39712 Structural R..i.ion.: D) added 2pt. lock info Material: R..+6 ey: Toole: D.B. l 1 /I 7/00 Dro.n By. D. B. 0246 Doer 2/ 16/95 ink.onm ONnt NO'W' F,Re6oa t 1/64 d .. 4 o.ad .070 4 Se.;eo /MOeet SWD - 1 01 1070 Technology Dr. Nokomis, Fl. 34275 De.enOfion: French Door — X, XX PCT NO: VENDOR NO: 544 le ix 54..0: 1 = INDUSTRIES ()rowing No . 971 95.750 93.625 ROUGH OPENING 1.272 4.000 SEE SHEET 3 FOR ANCHORS .250 --- MAX. SHIM SPACE ROUGH OPENING 1.750 3.000 -- 1 91 ED 84 3/4" DAYLIGHT OPENING MAX. SHIM . 250 SPACE 3 f 1.479 VERTICAL SECTION INTERIOR 34.625 TYP. BOTH PANELS ACTIVE PANEL 25 — DAYLIGHT OPENING 71.750 EXTEPIOR HORIZONTAL SECTION INTERIOR 1.750 INACTIVE PANEL .250 MAX. SHIM SPACE ROUGH OPENING 1.480 PRODUCT RENEWED nCCEPr.WCE 11• CU 1:2CP1RATION 1)A17. NZ1EKCE5 ,2.06 \sGa- PROM 6101111X.:421 sit [UN DUDDMU cu% 0O1411J•4CE 011ICE .489 EXTERIOR 4.000 1.489 n .250 1 MAX. SHIM SPACE ---- 3.000 --I ROUGH OPENING of Robert L. Clark, P.E. P.E. 434712 Structural RM D) p odded 2 pt. lock info ueledea Reese By: Dale: I CAAe By: (Do: n/77/Do f Drawn By D.B. Dale 2/16/98 Iw.a,ee, Dnrn Nrlre' !ratio= ± 1/54 D.v,.at .00 1 ..dad .m7 : NyJ - 2 I Serie,Noaer. SWD -101 D..cnplia,: French Door — Elevations. PDT NO: 1070 Technology Dr. Nokomis, F1. 34275 VENDOR NO: 15004: Shoot 2014 INDUSTRIES Drawing Na. 971 Paw 3 POINT LOCK ASSY. IF- Robert L. Clark P.E.# 9712 2 POINT LOCK ASSY. F.. D) added 2 pt. lock info Mot.dac Rand Br 0.l.: O.B. 11/17/00 er 0.8. 7/8 ANN. .090 3/76 ANN. ---1 .250 J MAX. SHIM - 3.000 SPACE 2/16/98 rAktmr., INN.. Net., leadite,< S 1/64 a.er„al.o7 ± D.on 4 sa, 2 An _r. r 1' S.n../Ncd.c SWD -1 D.scnp6an: 7.489 401' 1A11. W /MONSANTO SAFI EX PV9 INTFRIAYFR OR 401 1AM W /DUPONT BUTAIITE 1NTER?AYER SEE ,NOTE J ON SHEET 1 OFSIGN PRESSURE RATING: *60 or( 3/16 ANN. .090 3 /16 ANN. .250 MAX. SHIM SPACE 1070 Technology Dr. Nokomis, FI. 34275 3.000 --- French Door — Exploded /Glazinq Kt N0: VENDOR NO Scot.: S8..7 Drn. No. 3.'4 977 7.489 464 1AM. W /MONSANTO SAFIFX PVR INTFRIAYFR OR ,464' UM. W./DUPONT AUTAIITT INTFRIAYFR SEE NOTE J ON SHEET 1 DESIGN PRESSURE RATING. =75 off, PRODUCT R ENEWED Accrrri.Na l4,. °1-04 4 EXPIRATION OATt N .4 ER 71 tr I Sksg MOO Ail )7Y!T ■014 wwD•J cX 7L ()um KE cl>•laXi f�T INDUSTRIES R.v TYP. JAMB TYP. SILL . /12 FLATHEAD TYP. HEAD ITEM 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 75 16 17 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 U' l Robert L. Clark, PE. P.E. #39712 Structural DESCRIPTION DOOR HEAD /SILL DOOR JAMB (HINGED) 3 IDOOR ASTRAGAL 4 1.250 x .187 FINSEAL STRIP DOOR W -STRIP CHANNEL FRAME JAMB FRAME HEAD GLAZING BEAD (ROLL FORM) OUTSWING THRESHOLD 5/16x18 THREADED ROD TRUSS CLAMP 5/16x1/16 TRUSS WASHER 5/16x18 TRUSS NUT FRAME SCR. COVER CAP STRIKE PLATE STRIKE PLATE INSERT 10x3/4 SCR. FLT. HD. PHIL HIN E ASS'Y. 10x.625 FLT. HD. PHIL 10x1/2 FLT. HD. PHIL TOP OTT. SLIDE BOLT LOCK 6x1 /2 FLT. HD. PHIL. 8x 1 1/2 SCR. PN HD. OUAD. SEAM SEALER LOCK SUPPORT ASS'Y. 6x3/4 FLT. HD. PHIL. .200 x .190 QLON .375 x .190 QLON 3 POINT LOCK ASS'Y. LOCK (ACTIVE) LOCK (DUMMY) DEAD -BOLT LOCK .401 LAM. W /MONSANTO SILICONE 112 Ph. Pn. SMS 1/4 TAPCON .401 LAM. W /DUPONT .464 LAM. W /DUPONT R.a D) added 2 pt. lock info (Mown er D.B. V.T. # 60375 60376 60377 67924G 60379 60380 60411 65170 61069M 6TROOA 60378M 7WASHA 7JNU7A 41722W 7955X 41721 71034A 7FRMOW 71058FP 710X12PPW 41720 7612 FYI 78112A 6SM55W FD3PTAY 7LOKAP 7LOKIP 7BLTIP 62899C .464 LAM. W /MONSANTO 2 POINT LOCK ASSY. �8 x .75 Ph. Fl. Tek 7834FPT Meathal: R.nd Or Dol.: Chka Br Dolt: 0.8. 11 /17/00 0,, / 6/98 OTY. /DESCRIPTION 8 (2 /each door to & bot. roil) 4 1 /door top & bat. roil) 8 2 /eo. door too & bat. ro il 8 2 /eo. door top & bot. rail 8 2 /eo. door top & bot. rail 6 (3 frame iambs) 30 5 /hinge &hinge -frame iamb MERCHANTS FASTENER 26 66 /hinge - hinge -door iamb i MERCHANTS FASTENER I 2 1 ® top /bot. of 1.h. astragal 4 2 /slide bolt locks) 4UBLOK. 1 lock) 6. 2 lock support 7634F ossy ) 3 1 CP 'r.h. astragal 1 ® r.h. astragal 60200K tombs & head) 603 4 1 /astragals & 00W - frame iambs) 1 ® r.h. astrogol 1 ® r.h. astragal 1 (® r.h. astragal) TM.ranc.. Ihn.., Nn'M. Erato,. t 1/62 a D.M .00 t D¢d i, .Dao t Mp+r t n r' S.../M 1: ad. SW0 -101 PCT NO: 1070 Technology Dr. Nokomis, Fl. 34275 VENDOR Fro: Scab: VENDOR ALUMAX ALUMAX ALUMAX SCHLEGEL CORP. ALUMAX ALUMAX ALUMAX FLORIDA SCRFFN ALUMAX FASTEC INDUSTRIAL ALUMAX FASTEC INDUSTRIAL FASTEC INDUSTRIAL PGT INDUSTRIES CAMCORP PGT INDUSTRIES MERCHANTS FASTENER NATIONWIDE IND. PGT INDUSTRIES MERCHANTS FASTENER 12 6 /head & sill) FASTEC INDUSTRIAL SCHNEE MOREHEAD SCHLEGEL CORP. SCHLEGEL CORP. PGT INDUSTRIES HARLOC HARLOC HARLOC H. DOW CORNING H.P.G. H.P,G. H.P.G. PGT INDUSTRIES SPENCER PRODUCTS French Door — Anchoroge /B.O.M. Shoot 4 04 VENDOR # AF -10375 AF -10376 AF -10377 F57924 - 187 AF -10379 AF -10380 AF- 12376 AF -12375 AF -10378 41722W 41721 41720 SM5504 PGT INDUSTRIES 4UBLOK FASTEC INDUSTRIAL 0200X190 0375x190 FD3PTAY 100 880 820 899 P:'.OHUCT Rf'Nf.V.' • ACCEPT 'WC:. n,. 6 7 _ 0 L i 1 1 .'0'4 1 t xtivrnciv I1AIT: No 1e>•+y •-� 22 2o0 (, 117 13t. 7 Lk- 4,1, NIuu lY lA H4YY�,�ii WC.t $j Vtl CK fLl.*X'_' lk1YS INDUSTRIES Description: Oro.inq No. 971 • *#ANIO .5 :ti Rl +tttvno o? Frei p`;, t� -9r ti ; 0 rb 1'.� � 4'd + � $ - 06 -.:k ; , ^t 14 a q: :. ?fl. ?A` • ITZ. .o -o LLJ ► 7.. 2...e A ca . E !-.... , 0 L.) S'TUGGU STUCCO FA. 'S. 4.4%. G EMP \ / ,� -(-' r �. 1r 1 - 6514 1.6 P1 . 041:o- tit ;5 =. ,,5" VL\ LVE Phone # MIAMI SHORE ILLA BUILDING DEF, .RTMENT 305- 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request Date ? )o o Type Insp'n e3 1 �ccuJS Permit No. 61 C IO' Name W1-e c . Address 100 IQZ G CO Company ULA,r 1 e { Inspection Date Approved Correction Re- Insp'n Fee ❑ • MIAMI SH RES VILLA BUILDINGJEP MENT 305- 795 -2204 Building Inspection Request Date 69. �� Type Insp'n 1 C-C 1< OE) t N00(J.JS Permit No. 3) .' 3 + ∎ 10 � Inspection Date Approved Correction Name t�* tC Address ' 100 t c1 (,) S - Company ( -5 -e � Phone # Re- Insp'n Fee ❑ Miami Shores Village 10050 NE 2nd Avenue Building Permit Phone: 305 - 795 -2204 Permit Number: BP2003 -1908 Printed: 12/11/2003 - Applicant: LOIS BUTLER alb Owner: BUTLER LOIS • JOB ADDRESS: 700 NE 96 ST Contractor Local Phone: Parcel # 1132060142110 Signed: Contractor's Address: Page 1 of 1 Legal Description: MIAMI SHORES SEC 3 PB 10 -37 LOT 9 BLK 68 LOT SIZE SITE VALUE Fees: Description Amount FEE2003 -8105 Building Fee $130.00 FEE2003 -8106 CCF $4.20 FEE2003 -8107 Notary Fee $5.00 FEE2003 -8108 Training and Education Fee $1.40 FEE2003 -8109 Technology Fee $3.25 FEE2003 -8110 Scanning Fee $6.00 Total Fees: $149.85 Total Fees: $149_> 5 Total Receipts: $0.00 CO-Sr • Permit Status: APPROVED Permit Expiration: 6/5/2004 Construction Value: $7,000.00 Work: 9 WINDOWS AND 2 FRENCH DOORS - IMPACT (INSPECTOR) DEC 1 1 PAID In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit, I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this permit I assume responisibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servants or employes. Signed: (Contractor or Builder) BY: Nib 1 f Distance to next nearest building M AMII SHURES VILA_ GE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION 8= U R USLD N r aPI ERMBT Application is hereby wade for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build- ing or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Atiami Shores Village, Florida. and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the iuilding Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. � / Date _ 3 - / . 3 _..._.__ .197 3 O wnei fl/ ' s Name and Address . 1// / % N 4!1. / 7 _ No....7" Q....._... Street t/ 91. 'Registered Architect and /or Engineer -- ..A.1 l(/.- .0 er ' ,.,..,. ...,,1 ....,,-!._- . _.... / / 'Name and address of licensed contractor na1.�LAd,R. / ADC- • 71 a • ,' 0 � - -•• - -- Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot Block Subdivision Street and Number where work is to be done 7t2 _6" 9 .5' ' - ..j J ' - -- State work to be doe and p rpose of building (by floors) / 4/37 A.1_1 S�?' f• — _..SA 4 ' 4.- . - and for no other purpose. New Building Remodeling. Addition Repairs No. of Stories To be constructed of Kind of foundation Roof Covering Estimated Total cost of improvements $ /O ®' eve> Amount of Permit $. •s, Zone cubage required plan Cubage Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to The undersigned applicant for this building pennit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Supplement, and has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for i . : ion on the site of the wo . such public notice or notices as arc required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such s •ntr ctors, on work to be .' rformed under this pennit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Remarks (Signed) STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. j Ss. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally ap- peared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the. of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. Permit .. _ Date Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Disapproved Date Notary Public, State of Florida (Signed) Building Inspector My Commission Expires PLANNING BOARD DATE Chairman Member Member Member Member ...... Member Council Approved Date Disapproved Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections or changes to this application after approval has been obtained from the Planning Board. A re inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection ox faulty materials and /or workmanship. A STORM BAR SCHEDULE Ne4h7' above yrod(Ff. ) e / x 3 " r V8 / "r 3'r "w /54e/ 3 f4 "x 4 "K *" $'i4 "rlb " ev/S/ee/ 2'c% 3 4c% Z'o/ 3 'ck 4'c /c Z'c/ 3'c% 4'c% Z' /c 3'c% #'c% 0 -5 /,' - 0" 9' 8' -9" /5= 9" /3'-1/" /z' - /3' -6" / / - /o" /0' - 3" /7= •" /5 l3 - 9" 5 -/S /0' G" 1=0" 8' - /" /4' /3=0" //' /Z' - /0' -7" 9'' -2" /G- 3" /4'-1" /z' -10" /5 -Z4' 9' - 7" 8' - 4" 7 5' /3' - //" /Z' -l // / / /D" 9 - 7 " 0 /c /3 -3" /Z' -0" 25-55 9' 8' (o-((" /3-4" / / -6" /0 - 7" /1 9' -Z" 7_/0" /4' -6" 12-9" //!6" 35 -55 5'//" 7 7" 0' K! //" //!4" /0'Z" /D•e" 8' - 7" 7!5" 14' /z' - 4" /1' 55 -75 13 7'- 3" !i 3" /z'- 5" /0! /l" 9' -10" /0 =0" 8 7' /" /3' -6" //'-10" /0'- 9" 75 8-1" G' -11' 6 -0" ,2' /" /O' 9! 7" 9'6" 7!/0" G!9" /3 1" /1 - 6" /0' -5" /00 -/50 8'-0" G' -6" 5 =9" //' /a= Z" 9 9' -1" .7' - G' -5" 12' -9 //' -/" /0' -1" /50 -250 7!6" 6 -1" - //'-3" 9' 8' 2-6" 6!1/" 6'0" /Z' Z" 10=7" 5'9" 250 - 550 7' - 1 " 5 - /D' -8" 9' -5" 5'-6" 8'-0" 6' -6" 5'-9" /1 /0' - 2" 9' - 4" A MULL /ON SCHEDULE Ne/yh f above grade 1'F!. ) /34 " r ¢" r V2, )! ", 4"x Ve1" ' /54e/ /o ' e A /2'c% /o'c/ /2'G /c 0 -5 //! &" /0'-/0" /O' -3" /5=4" 5-15 /0'- 9" /0' -0" /5' /" /4=2" /5 -25 9 9' -2" /4'-1" /3.4" Z5 -35 9'-5" 8' - 7" /3' 7" /Z '- /O" 35-55 8' 8 - / /3= Z" /2' -5" 55-75 5' 7'10" /2 '-9" / /= //" 75' /00 5' 7' -5" /et-4" 1/'-7" /00 -/50 7'- 9" 7'-O" /2 -0" / /'- 3" /50 - 250 7!3 G'7" //!5" / - 5" 250 -35o G' -9" 6' 2" /1' 0" /0 - 4" / „ 3 " ” or 3% "x 4 " x Vs " 5 ,Bars CONNECT /ON DETAILS 0 M /.00" r / "x 3 "x '/. 0 STORM BARS e 1.75"x 4" 1 43' ((IU / //or/) .75 "x - " x y8 . r 0 10-32 F.N .M.5. e /8' c c 1- •' / - 92 1 //.M 5 /e' c /G. S/ /e . 'o,./ 1.75" 63 x4. /5/ee/ chann /as eif /.75 "x 4 "x 'fie' MULLION 6,63- 7 9 /0 - 3Z f. H. M. 5. ("pr equal) n /0 "C /c . m fey. 8/10/72 ROLLING AWN /NG ROLLADEN, /NC. 7955 W 20 Ave. Nio%oh F /or/de 33ot2 STAN WEEKS 8 ASSOCIATES, /NC. ENGINEERS Mom/ Florida 9 -2/ -7/ sh. 2o/2 Job No. 6665-7 AWN /NG W /DTH SCHEDULE He /oh/ above grade (F/) v✓/dth O/s /once /role q /0ss (inches) O 5 ,e3 =0 3 ' 5- /5 7'- 7" 3 s/a /5 - 25 6' -1 /" 3 -Ve 25-35 0'- 6" 3 "8 55 0'- z" 3 55 s' - /0" 2'4 75 - /OO 5'- 7" 2 s/g /00 - 5 "'- 4" z '/z / - 2 0 5' o" 7'4 750 - 35 0 4'- e " z '4 REEL DIAMETERS Net�gh/ of 5 er(ff) Dame %r(ii1.) 3 Co 1 4 4 7'/8 5 7 $/4 (0 B %B 7 b s/e. B 9 '9 9 9 E. /0 /O 4 1/ i/ '/e It // s/4 4-37' .479' SLAT 0/9" . 067" BOTTOM RA /L 52 S /DE RA /LS .070" 1� Wndo/y-' 5 s ch. \1v. - ^ e Soreams in /eador/5 /astic \ .1 —_ ___ — shields6 /Bc% \ . ewe' x. /zs'con N \ o/o , bond f or \� m Roller echan •sni \ o//ac//ny 5 ,.,-,„ fig cnc /osvre , .040" \ a /.n. stied /,3oa3 -N /4 \\ 5 /o/3 Z" 5.44,5. Any /e 5 /op SECTION ':11-A" Boh eoi/ ■ ` Roller Tube (Reel) a 5 /de '4"x /4 "P /Cmanc/(arev) drive Pins P /13"c/c. M Max. dio/neter of reel 1ui//7 shu/fer /i7 up / 00.57 . 60 , 7 (shu/fer fu //y wrapped around reel). O /a/ne /ers enr %e/9%'7 over /7' ovo/db /e on refvestt. B/k. wall ALT. SECT /ON B -B" vs "x i'4"0iomond — (or eq.) drive Pins E /6"c /c. • 5,de ,2a// SECT /ON "B-B" 5/al — 84 wo// 5/de Rod 5/0/ ti 1- Ang/e slop Mo /8" 1 -0.A II r{ 5/60,7-7 Bar 5pac/ay, see 5c17. EL. EVAT /ON j r /o✓ /e /3 .5lainless 1 l 5 /raps. 5o h t om Ra ,% 1 S Bar See 5C 0 "Ma /0' -0" or /2' -0" ti S ECTION C-C" End bearing .600 "q5 p L p/ia .PO / /er enc /oed I 1 l 9 I I�— . /50 "H.. 51-eel sappor/ angle Sodd /e , I - 57 .59qr, see s.oh. . 077 • 3. 75"W Ah,"7 Roller rube (Reel) 5prvckel is 2 sproake / fr,aV be /ocoteal a/ an:/ any /e pray /lee/ crao.k does no/ /orxn o 90" angle uni verso/ /o/versa crank ROLLER MECHAN /SM DETA /L � u4°IiR Side Rai/ Mu / /ion , see scn. OUTSIDE sprat ke f 2- 5 /i4'0 S /o, j omp/n r 40e0, or e9ua FLUSH TYPES OF MOUNTINGS f7ous 4 Crank 0 Rev. B //0/77 0,ee v. /17/6 Rev. 9/71/71 . 500" 4q. no' . /so" /k. 5 /ee/ s ppor, angle En beor,n l Sprocket housing se1/1,9 pin. /z- z4 Bob's /n s /o/,ed ho /es far o djvs /men/, typ. /NS /DE DESIGN CRITERIA: These un//s are des/ ned /n OCCO ance w //n L'hopter t3 0/' /he South F/orido Bu / /dinq Code Tor he/ his • u p /o 3 5 0 obo v e 'crude f o r // w A / Dad s ac ny , mo oro7 :e71,1'/IR4/ /aods oc //n outward o ep /e, L;n, /y� QALI NOTE 7pt N o. 71 -057 A p prove d March 5,197 /. A// o /u/num rot/ be o /toy 6063 75 and o// o /um /nurn sheet shall be o / /oy 5050 -N30, except where noted. 2. Me /r Po // f n Poda fours /q Acc ep /-onc No. 7/- 057. /R. 3. 5/eel /user /s /0 Ina/ /ions s//o // de painted fo Pro from go /van /c •eoc lion w/ /4 a/an •earn. Inser /s may be '/z o mu/ /ion lie /yh/. 4 When a/facLi/n9 /o wood use '4"• 2 "wood /096 in i n/ace of anchors shown, 5. Pade Loamy approved anchors m /,he sa»ae cheer onja/ /erasion values naay be use /n /lea of anchors Specified. ROLLING AWN /NG ROLL ADEN, /NC 7955 W. 20'• Ave. Hialeah Florida 330/2 STAN WEEKS 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS Miami Florida 2 5h. /of Z Job No 6665 -7 SCHEDULE HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND WITH I BEAM INSERT NO INSERT PURLIN SPACING PURLIN HEIGHT PURLIN SPACING PURLIN HEIGHT ' 0 15 7 -0" 10 3 rr- 5 -0" II 5" 15 - 25' 6 -9" 9'- 8" 4 -8" I0' -II" 25 35' 61- 5 9 5 41- 611 10'- 8" 35 55' 6 -2" 9 - 4-4" 10 -5" 55- 75' 61 - 011 9' -0" 4 -2" 10 -2" 75 -100' 5 9" 8 -10" 4 -0" 10 -0" 100 -150 6-7" 8 8" 3-10" 1-9" 150 250 5 - 4" 8'- 5" 3- 9" 9 -6 250 -350 5 2" 8 2" 3 7" 9' 3" STR•• w 1500• COME. •5 CRl 19' C/ c SPROCKET YAK BE - - LOCATED AT ART ANGLE PROVIDED CRANK ODES H07 FORA: • 90 ANGLE AT THE RIARSAL- 00,0E03•L /'• CR•HR - YL00 CORRECT ANGLE 5700 00770M RAIL OUTSIDE 5IDE 0•11 BLS. •ALL SECTI N "B -B" E. SEE SCHEDULE A Lott FOR SP•CING SEE SCHEDULE ELEVATION SPROCKET TYPES OF MOUNTINGS 40'000 : LE•0 SHIELDS 10' C/0 ROLLER TOIL IR[CL i \- *10 SYS •T SIDE RAILS L•TS BOTTOM 0•,1 /- tp03AIS /•OGLE •MOLE STOP SECTION 11 A -A" \- ROLL ENCLOSED F LUSH \ RO NEC0 )� ENCLOS URE .3 H•N 13 -H l • Y. SHEET, 3003 -H1• 1 /•'BOLTS G9 it C/C SL•T 0011E0 ENCLOSURE -, - I Fuu Bu Tr. "ELI -•RC MELO ALL SIDE CONC. •H CHOR t - 3 / B'BOU S II/2"K 11/2'2 1/11 MULLION CONNECTION ■■INIMMI■1 104110 SEE BCH 001 00 T AS 0E0'D BY BCOEOULC 511 5C [DULL 12 - 0 M•t i 1 INSIDE 4 EXTERIOR SECT -ION "C -C" SLAT WITH INSERT PURLIN CONNECTION SIMILAR TO MULLION CONNECTION - M 10 505 C s :S'C /C 7 510E RAIL O I /---3 /E' BOLTS- TYR. E ° 5VU1D o II I BCE lLHN EDULL 0 PURLIN CONNECTION HOLE IN SLAT FOR FASTENER SIDL R•IL SLAT CORD .•RCHORS EC[ ICHEUOL[ e is"D /C SLR, MALL ALT. SECTION "8 -B" PVC 1\ '& • 500' SLAT K-.030' PARTS 5 I D E 2 00 V t /c � U C 3.4.1 MULLION PURLIN ALLOY 6063 -T6 NOTE: WITH STEEL CHANNEL INSERT THE ALLOWABLE SPAN 15 WHEN SPACED 4' -0" C/C in \/' 51sT= OF \LOFT %, LS \' 1 \FI) E ATE 12 72 IORAWN R.S.loE51GN .IC R A I L 5 ECK CONTRACTOR SHALL L E IONS AT BITE BEFORE PROCEEDINGWITNWORK. SPECIFICATIONS I) THIS SHUTTER WAS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 2) DEFLECTION: MAIN MEMBERS L /180 SECONDARY MEMBERS L /80 3) ALL BOLTS B NUTS B WASHERS SHALL BE NON MAG- NETIC STAINLESS STEEL OR ALUMINUM ALLOY 2024 -04. 4) DESIGN CRITERIA FOR ALUMINUM:- MINIMUM MECHANICAL PROPERTIES B SAFETY FACTORS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION MANUAL, 1967 ED. 5) ALUMINUM SURFACES TO BE PLACED IN CONTACT WITH STEEL SHALL BE GIVEN ONE COAT OF ZINC CHROMATE PRIMER IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL SPEC N0. TT -P -645, OR THE EQUIVALENT. 6) ALUMINUM ALLOYS - ALL EXTRUSIONS SHALL BE ALLOY 6063 - T5 AND ALL SHEET SHALL BE ALLOY 5050- 634 EXCEPT AS NOTED. 7) ALL CONCRETE ANCHORS SHALL BE DIAMOND "HAMMER DRIVE PINS" I /4 "B 21/4" HAVING AN ALLOWABLE TENSION OF 400 LBS AND SHEAR OF 300 LBS. OR A DADE COUNTY APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 81 WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST ASCE SPECIFICATION FOR WELDING ALUMINUM ALLOY 6063 06 9) SL A T S SHALL BE EXTRUDED RIGID VINYL CHLORID 16. V. C.) 10) MULLION MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF A PURLIN. ROLLADEN INC. HIALEAH FLORIDA CARR SMITH & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CORAL GABLES FLORIDA ILE NO 1 SHEET NO 72206 I of I MARK V PVC. K LO'SURE SCHEDULE OPENING MAXIMUM MAXIMUM HEIGHT MULLION OR MULLION OR ABOVE PURLIN PURLIN GROUND SPACING C /C HEIGHT 0 1 5' 61- 0" 1 0 1 -9" 15' - 25' 5 - 8" 10' - 4" 25' -35' 5' -5" I0' -0" 351- 55 1 5 1 - 3 11 9 1 - 9 0 55'- 75' 5 -0" 9 -7" 75 -100' 4-10" 9 -5" 100' - 150' 4- 8" 9 - 2" 150 - 250' 4 6" 81 -11" 250 -350' 4 4" 8'- 8" ANGLE STOP D0TTO0 RAIL E SPACING I SEE SCHEDULE 1 SPROCKET NAT DE LOCATED AT ANT ANGLE PROVIDED :RANTS 00ES NOT PORN • •0 ANGLE AT THE UNIVERSAL NYLON CONNECTOR W I UNIVERSAL / CRANK SPROCKET T OUTSIDE SIDE RAIL NIOL A 3 CO SLAT 1I STAINLESS STEEL I—STR•PS 1 1 I 1 I I ELEVATION TYPES OF MOUNTINGS / IN LEAD SHIELDS IS c /C. C 10 505 AT SIDE RAILS SLATS IREEL1, DoT TOW R•IL A mt * 0 ONE /•5011 •HOLE STOP ROLLER TUiE SECTION "A-A" ROLLER ENCLOSED FLUSH ROLLED tl[C": U ENCLOSURE 3 - 1 • b, SHEET ]00 , ] - H i 4 t - 3/0'BOLTS I I/2 X 11/2"11 I/O ANGLE ]' L0 /-� /4'OOlT6� It'C /C OL•T P— P URLI 0 1 SEE SCHEDULE ROLLER ENCLOSURE INSIDE CONC. ANCHOR SECTION "C IULL BUTT. NELI -•RC WELD ALL 510 MULLION CONNECTION u EXTERIOR PURUN CONNECTION SIMILAR TO MULLION CONNECTION 10005 ld IB'C /C OM RAIL II I 0' OOLTO- TYP ICI.. put U& %44fiTION 0uLL10D ODE OCIREDU.E ALT. SECTION ° B -B" HOLE IN SLAT FOR FASTENER SLAT MULLION PARTS SIDE PURLIN ALLOY 6063 -T6 NOTE • WITH STEEL CHANNEL INSERT THE ALLOWANCE SPAN IS II 9 WHEN SPACED 4' -0" C /C. TO —.— F BOTTOM RAIL R A I L S SPECIFICATIONS Gat OLLADEN D INC. I) THIS SHUTTER WAS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE. 2) DEFLECTION: MAIN MEMBERS 1./160 SECONDARY MEMBERS L /80 3) ALL BOLTS 8 NUTS 8 WASHERS SHALL BE NON MAG- NETIC STAINLESS STEEL OR ALUMINUM ALLOY 2024 -T4. 4) DESIGN CRITERIA FOR ALUMINUM: - MINIMUM MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 8 SAFETY FACTORS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION MANUAL; 1987 ED. 5) ALUMINUM SURFACES TO BE PLACED IN CONTACT WITH STEEL SHALL BE GIVEN ONE COAT OF ZINC CHROMATE PRIMER IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL SPEC. N0. TT -P -645, OR THE EQUIVALENT. 6) ALUMINUM ALLOYS:- ALL EXTRUSIONS SHALL BE ALLOY 6063 -T5 AND ALL SHEET SHALL BE ALLOY 5050 - H34 EXCEPT AS NOTED. 7) ALL CONCRETE ANCHORS SHALL BE DIAMOND "HAMMER DRIVE PINS "I /4 ". 21/4" HAVING AN ALLOWABLE TENS1. OF 400 LBS. AND SHEAR OF 300 LBS. OR A DADE COUNTY APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 8) WELDING SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST 0.5.6.E SPECIFICATION FOR WELDING ALUMINUM ALLOY 6063 T6 9) MULLION MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF A PURLIN. 10) SHUTTERS MAY BE MOTOR DRIVEN, TAPE DRIVEN OR GEAR DRIVEN. HIALEAH FLORIDA CARR SMITH & ASSOCIATES. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CORAL OAOLBB FLORIDA • w70 It IOFIAWN 45.10®ION 0.4.1CHD« 1 OSLO No. 1 .soar Na CONTRACTOR SMALL INO L 7220711 of I THE ROLLADEN KLO'SURE