70 NE 96 St (9)BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Owner of Building Architect Contractor or Builder Legal Description Address of Building Lot y �. -"MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA Work to be performed under this Permit i a' y a 4 +` w COpPIRACTOR -OR BUDDER PERMIT N2 6398 { ( E, Bl. -•- Subdi- vision Value of Project DATE Contractor's License No. Amt. of Permit 194 This permit granted to the contractor of builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the appli- cation herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statsY vents or specifications and thaf h0 assumes respon- sibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: ; , a i w — By I • i " INSPECT In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shdres Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself„ • my agent, servant or employee. AUTHORITY BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA PERMIT N2 6410 Work to be performed under this Permit ` ti Owner of Building Architect Contractor or Builder Legal Lot Bl. Subdi Description vision Address of Value of I Amt. of Building Project Permit This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the appli- cation herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and w th the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the :grdinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and thitt he assumes respon- sibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. I Signed: DATE INSPECTOR i° 194 /s, Contractor's License No r;. By In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and'egula 'ions pertaining thereto and in strict confgrmity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. Tn accepting iphjs, pcit I Assurl►e responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. 1 1 , CON ' A OR OR : iti ' BY AUTHORITY BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Architect Contractor or Builder .MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE PERMIT N2 7011 Contractor's License No. Work to be performed under this Permit Owner of Building 194, Legal Lot Bl. Description Address of Building This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the appli- cation herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked a: any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes respon- sibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Subdi- vision Value of Project Amt. of Permit Signed By INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Sharps Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER "" BY AUTHORITY e9 !I 1948 R. 7,!,'"/""gl."- a, ) - V `, / ' ", .--_; --.- , 1949 1 ;' ' 1 Z/. . ( 7) /— 6 / f i /, - 'f- - te'il /4 1950 // /.P"' .5 5 /— 3 LOCATION fl GARBAGE TAX RECORD PAID BY Y YEAR A ANNUAL TAX P PERIOD USED A AMOUNT PAID D DATE PAID R RECEIPT r r, i (2," _ __ ..2... A_ ' 1940 ' / 6' ''.-- .! 2 2 - 7 • 71 .:, 1 ---.. - --,--' 1942 / _......_ /6 _ (D , , , , 7 I-- ig . _ ,, , " '.: ,_:: ::_ /7- i 1944 I i "'• /'// ' z (i; 1 ll' ( ( I 1 1946 / / a & 6 e e --/ ,r-zi_o. 1 1947 / , , - 4 , . , LOCATION fl GARBAGE TAX RECORD 70 H. E.. 96th St. by H. C. 14c Kenty -- • /,:z T year annual tax period used amount paid / , o date paid / receipt # ,s;•z XA/' BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLORIDA DATE / 194_ PERMIT N2 7011 Contractor's License No. Work to be performed under this Permit Owner of Building Architect Contractor or Builder Legal Lot Bl. Subdi- Description _ vision Address of Value of Amt. of Building _ Project Permit This permit is granted to the contractor or builder named above to construct the building or to install the equipment or device described in the appli- cation herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any plans, drawings, statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper municipal authorities. This Permit may be revoked at any time if the work is not done in compliance with such ordinances or if the plans are changed without authorization. A further condition upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above assumes the responsibility for a thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to the work covered hereby whether shown on the plans or drawings or in the statements or specifications and that he assumes respon- sibility for work done by his agents, servants or employees. Signed: By INSPECTOR In consideration of the issuance to me of this permit I agree to perform the work covered hereunder in compliance with all ordinances and regulations pertaining thereto and in strict conformity with the plans, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this permit I assume responsibility for all work done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. CONTRACTOR OR BUILDER BY AUTHORITY THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE ELECTRIC COMPANY WHEN APPLYING FOR SERVICE. TOWN OF MIAMI SHORES Office of Electrical Inspector N° 122 CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION THIS CERTIFIES that the wiring and apparatus installed at by Address for owner, and occupied as has been inspected and current is authorized to be turned on, until otherwise notified, for: Lights: Number of lamps Watts Heating: Stove watts. Water Heater watts Power: Connected load H. P. volts phase cycle Other Apparatus Electrical Inspector. 1 • f F0r111 1:30 11-211-51A (A copy of this Application, together with one copy of p progress of Application is hereby made for the approval of the detai submitted for the building or other structure herein des fortuity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Mia 7th, 1919. All provisions of the Laws of the State of Flo end regulations of the Building Department of the City tied or not. Owner's Name and Address_ _ Architect - Name and address of contractor or builder Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot_ - Block— Subdivision_.._ _.. Street and Number where work is to be done ; Purpose of building (by floors)____ -- - -_ Ncw Iiui!d:nr — ReniodeIirg Loot cot•erinr_;_ CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Addition Number of Stories— ,.; Estimated cost of Improvements (not including furnishings) —�- Typ ' of Construction____ Foundation tans and specifications, must be kept at building during the work) led statement of the plans and specifications herewith cribed. This application is made in compliance and con - mi, Florida which said Ordinance was approved July rida, all ordinances of the City of Miami, and all rules of Miami, shall be complied with, whether herein speci- Date _ Street__ — 1 -. -- -- - 192 and for no other purpose. Repair Footing Number of persons to be accommodated (maximum) per floor Distance from next nearest adjoining building (from all sides except Size of building lot street) Ileating system, if any (kind) (yes or no) Plumbing (yes or no) ______Elec. (yes or no)__ __ Et_evaors: passenger freight manufacturer :`.Ian:iinum live load to be borne by each floor 1 hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the build- : ,•rc, its consir_iction may be sent to_ . SS. COT.. V,:` GI; )... .;_tope ma, undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized, to administer oaths and take uc- know;edginenis, p_rsonaliy appeared to i:ac well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the. n'r' the above described building, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the ;an c P'nd That all facts therein by him stated are true. R: ad.:, to and subscribed before me, (Signed) . . 1\=■ Coin :fission Expires This ! represents the lot; make outline of ground • plan showing distance of building from all lot lines. i'er!nii No._.. - Ciassitic•ation_ li_s;'purove;i - Heasons:__ -_ Notary Public. TO BE FILLED IN BY BlILDING INSPECTOR issued upon above Application , 192 (Signed) " (Signe(1)_ , 192__ Building Inspector. (A copy of this Application, together with one copy of plans and specifications, must be kept at building during progress of the work) Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and specifications herewith sub- mitted for the building or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, which said Ordinance was approved July 7th, 1919. All provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of the City of Miami, and all rules and regulations of the Building Department of the City of Miami, shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. Owner's Name and Address Architect ' Name and address of contractor or builder_` t__ Location and legal description of lot to be built nn: Lot Block Street and Number where «ork is to be crone—__ Purpose of building (by floors) New Building Remodeling Estimated cost of Improvements (not including Type of Construction Roof covering Number of persons to be accommodated (maximum) per Size of building lot__ street) Heating system, if any (kind) Elevators: passenger freight— Maximum live load to be bcrne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications and its construction may be sent to STATE OF FLORIDA, } SS. COUNTY OF DADE. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowl- edgments, personally appccred _ to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the of the above described building, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. Read, sworn to and subscribed before me, Illy ccm nission expires / Permit No._ Classification Disapproved Reasons: OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT and for no other purpose. Addition Repair Number of Stories CITY OF MIAMI FLORIDA O Distance Notary Public. , 192 furnishings) $ _ _ _issued upon above Application_ In this space give lot dimensions; make sketch of g-iound plan, and distance of building from all lot lines. Date , 192 : Street No. Plumbing Manufacturer Subdivision___-_ (Signed) —__ __. Foundation _— floor from next nearest adjoining building (from all sides except 7 , for said building. All notices with reference to the building THIS TO 13E FILLED IN BY BUILDING INSPECTOR, (Signed) / p Elec (,7 , 192 ti (Signed)_ Building Inspector. ra " \ '',!. I '-•-. k „,,-) V State work to be done and purpose of building ( b New Building Permit No .._...: Disapproved (Signed) MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Application is hereby wade for the approval of the detailed statement tit ant plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build ing or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not. A copy of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. Q �� Y, - Date.. )1e 4.1q..&° —4.6) � , if Owner's Name and Address i ` IC 5 � .. ' . . ' � t � r N o.. ? ..... ».._.. Street.�_E' 51 Registered Architect and /or Engineer H. 2' H. CIA Raft Name and address of licensed contractor Location and legal description of lot to be built on: h Lot... + 4 Illock - Subdivision... H R �J d: : L _�.7f Street and Number where work is to be done 1 1 �� _ 2 e _ 1\ji floors) . .. 'T itCOA . ` dt/ICIIt'i, 1'9u -reA PtgP i,'LiN+ ws 11i laViti�: _ CL CS T IN MPicI6 :CIVI sd o a boikt UU5 - ftivteig t Remodeling Addition Cc4.u. To be.con 7 structcd of Kind of foundation Estimated Total cost of improvements $ '0 ()CO CC) Amount of Permit $.. Zone &1 a equired .. plan Cubage Distance .to next nearest building. Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may P. be sent to.. N... i .. 0�U 9.1 J ...a..,. ziDA The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 5966, Compiled General Laws of Florida. Permanent Supplement, anti has complied with the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for in ection on the site of the work such public notice or notices as arc required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such subntractorpon work to be performed under this permit. as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Remarks (Signed) STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. j ss. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally ap- peared and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the. of the above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts thcrcin by him stated are true.. Date 11 2 k Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Date Building Inspector Chairman \1crnber Member .. _..... »..._._ ...._....... Council Approved Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for the Plannir.;: Board. A rc•in.pt•ction Ice of $1.00 will be charged materials and /or workmanship. aQds A 14 / and for no other purpose. Repairs No. of Stories Roof Covering ° mo' PLANNING BOARD DATE ,. .... ..,,n.......• „. ,.., Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires Member Membcr Member — Disapproved Date to me well known, making corrections or changes to this application after approval has hecn obtained from when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection oe faulty Application is hereby utde for the appro \al of the detailed statement ur ore plans and specifications herewith submitted for the build inc or other structure hcrcr described. This application Is made in compliance and conformity with the Building Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida. and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village and all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shall be complied with, whether herein specified or not A copy of approved plaits and specifications must be kept at building during progress of the work. Date Owner's Name and Address .. f . hl'SCb.1 D.tf a e � V � No '1d NS Street Registered Architect and /or Engineer .... -... �Jl�'�.: f `�- � � °�1 Lam'• Name and address of licensed contractor f3A-R o Location and legal description of lot to be built on: Lot Bock Subdivision Street and Number where work is to be done 1 iSIS 9d(-- ';I`ll � �.._..� _ __. State work to be dome and purpose of building (by floors)... +t . . . th i . C . . . ' i i 1 . ja.k:�.. ._ 4 . 0_. 'VC)k t\ ! , t ' ,® .. - n 0 ....e.e....e.es�` e _ iikcA) — 5 i `0 w d ein r1Ce in .. 1....,, /D.1. „..1:4? 6 _r..&cdr pz 1A.:,./1.1 ? e. .. .o. .. 4_0-k- 50 =A: ki.. q,.1.4ag. no o { h am pi �� New Building Remodeling Addition Repairs No. of Stories _. To be constructed of Kind of foundation Roof Covering Distance to next nearest building 1 v% Maximum live load to be borne by each floor MIAMI S H O R E S VILLAGE i BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT i A PLICATIQN FOR BUILDING PERMIT Remarks r ( Signed ) Estimated Total cost of improvements $.O Amount of Permit $. Zone cubage required plan Cubage Size of Building Lot ,.,.. I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said buildin All notices with reference to the building and its construction may be sent to.. . a... 44 70 /�.6 6r k2/IIM0 3' /3" The urnlrr.igncd applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and accepts his obligations as :rn employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Compensation Act, being Section 59G6, Compiled General Laws of Florida, Permanent Supplement, and has complied %%ith the provisions thereof, and will require similar compliance from all tractors or sub - contractors employed by him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for ins ction on th�e- ite of the work such public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such su., `• actors, o fork to be performed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. STATE OF FLOIlIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. j ss. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, Personally ap- peared to me well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says that he is the. of tl.e above described construction, that he has carefully read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, rnd that all facts therein by him stated are true. Permit No ....- Date / o 0 Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me, Disapprove"$ Date.. (Signed) 0 '-4''be .t .. 0 . i ding Inspcc or My Commission Expires Notary Public, State of Florida PLANNING BOARD DATE Chairman Member Nlcrr,ber Member: Member Member Council Approved Date Disapproved Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections or changes to thls application nfter approval has been obtained from the Plaimii.g )lu.rrd. A re ,n,pet tion fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re inspection is made necessary by improper notice for insertion or faulty materials any /or workmanship. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF SIATE Division of Archives. HisIOry and Records Managemonl DS HSP.3AAA Rev. 3.79 Instruction for locatingon S side of N P and N.E. 1st Avenue. Location•Miami Shores SeC 1 Amd_ 5 subdivision name block no. County. Dade Owner of Site: Name: Address: Lange, Kenneth 70 NE 96 St. Miami Shores _ FL • Type of Ownershipprivate 8 = Recording Recorder: Name & Title: Rodriguez, Vivian i`, Newton, Margo (Chair) Address: MSHPB Condition of Site: Integrity of Site: ❑ Excellent 11 Good El Fair ❑ Deteriorated Check One 863 = = 863 = = 863 = = 863 = = Check One or More a Altered ❑ Unaltered tX Original Site ❑ Restorod ( ) (Dale: )( ) 858 = = ❑ Moved( )(Date: )( )858= _ NR Classification Category: Building Threats to Site: None Check One or More ❑ Zoning ( )( ❑ Development ( )( ❑ Deterioration( )( ❑ Borrowing ( )( ❑ Other (See Remarks Below): Areas of Significance: Architecture FLORIDA MASTER SITE FILE Site Inventory Form 858 = = 858 = = 858 = = )( ) 878 = = )( ) 878 = = )( ) 878 )( )878= = ❑ Transportation( )( LI Fill( )( ❑ Dredge ( )( 878 = = FDAHRM 802= = 1009= = Site No. Site Name 830= = Survey Date 820= = Address of Site: 70 NE 96 St.. Miami Shores, FL 905 = = 3.$ 4 lot no. 813= = 868= = 808= = 902= = Date 832= = 818= = Original Us &rivate residence 838= = Present UsePrivate residence 850= = Dates: Beginning +1928 844= = Culture /Phase American 840= = Period 20th Century 845 = = 916= = )( )878 = )( ) 878 = _ )( ) 878 = = 910 = = Significance: Structure is one of several notable homes built during the second phase of Miami Shores development in the late 1920s under the New Miami Shores Company. Noteworthy features include the use of French doors on the 1st and 2nd story facades (N). The structure is in scale and character with the neighborhood. The architect, Robert Law Weed, designed many significant Dade County structures, and was one of the architects who helped shape Miami Shores' Mediterranean Revival theme. 911 = = ARCHITECT Weed, Robert Law (Miami, FL) BUILDER New Miami Shores Company (Miami, FL) STYLE AND /OR PERIOD Mediterranean Revival PLAN TYPE rectangular /irregular EXTERIOR FABRIC(S) textured stucco STRUCTURAL SYSTEM(S) concrete block PORCHES none 942 = = FOUNDATION: concrete block 942 = = ROOF TYPE: gable 942 = = SECONDARY ROOF STRUCTURE(S): rear wing, flat, tar & gravel 942 _ = CHIMNEY LOCATION: E: offset, lateral slope 942 = = WINDOW TYPE: wood casement and French doors 942 = = 882 = = 882 = = CHIMNEY: CBS ROOF SURFACING: barrel tile ORNAMENT EXTERIOR: wrought iron NO. OF CHIMNEYS one 952 = = NO. OF STORIES two NO. OF DORMERS none Map Reference (incl. scale & date)Mi awl Shores Vi11 age Plat 1980 Latitude and Longitude: Site Size (Approx. AcreaRe of Property): LT1 LOCATION SKETCH OR MAP N Contact Print •t 1 . . /l ijj :„ •6 ab T+ cr. MEN ,4.,) N. ! gS rtSf 70 Al- E. 9brkt sr. Photographic Records Numbers _85N107HG38/85N107HG39 0 Township Range 53S 41E UTM Coordinates: — Tone -- FSsfng - F]ailfi ng Section 1 872 = = 874 = = 964 = 966 = = 854 = = 856 = = 882 = = 950 = = 954 = = 809 = = 800 = = 833 = = 812= = 890 = = 860 = = FATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Archives, History and Records Management OS•HSP -3E 9.74 CONTINUATION SHEET Site No. Site Name 70 NE 96 St. Miami Shores, FL Physical Description: Structure is a two -story Mediterranean Revival residence. Entrance is offset to the E on facade (N) and has canvas awning. Two pairs of French doors on 1st story (N) facade and French doors on 2nd story, offset W, with wrought iron balconette. Porte cochere is attached E. Rounded corner. MSHPB USE ONLY Remodeled 1978 Porch enclosed 1977 Addition 1958 Porte cochere 1948 New windows 1977 and 1980 I OM INN $m� 9 2 . 0 ®o ®a®Meooea0DE 111111111111®2AIIII E ISOOVONIO em�mmmmmmd ®m�mm� EBO© m ON OORIO mmm rr „ ��m a ®0 110 1m e a rs n1. 06 5r 3 4 .1 u 3 s um sIMO SEOP IN 0111 0111111 P MIR deeeoeeee WOMEN rV W. 1111 ® 0101111 1 0 MEM e_4 YQ. O it A it " ieralit Walgiffigg 0 tiel f, ris axe EA 9 tfOOPJMO dOFIri ..1. W. illOgaoo Om —RI 1 97' N.W. wed - 95- IIH ! 111111 come 1,r 11!11 , 1 4 maw N.w 93 N 1 en!� O 9 9 T^ 4 a ®o©osms ro If 107 oovv�g000 MORT Ira 1111011 1 C10 r'• - MIRE mmm ��mm b 3 9 3 TH. 5 T. 5 T. 5 T. 9 T 9 T. 5 'T': 1- 5T. •r, 3 %!!M i motripa a > nerPui 4 W amo�ik in au. MEM leuglo '1111 IN 4 , mBP em mollem 111110.111 5 T. ada new MIX ' ill rvw. 9 4' r • thillOOOOO 12 Q ao MMoa©vor anon= r m®11/1B R 4 a NE, 0 L Jo 1, l Lf pr N E. i09 MINIM 9 ,o rr 31 N. E 111110 11111 ME ,L (r-rr, � X,r Fem MOM I5 M $H,1. 1 2.r a 4. r 4 7 e 1 107 " - . rr XH. 06 " Risk a� �mmmm wet !tip! , o df g4 r L m1 m! d J e, L um- !a d1j e II camldin e • 111111 / f 1111 Wen I' 1 v000mm l0 ImCC 1 l 5 T ,• ,S it re ,.,Jh s T. G zrlN rf rr MVO PM MP MOO 111 1111E1 le 5T. On AK quo 1II MIMEO MIME m-eompv mom rV.E ST. 'A BMW Pt./ LF - -Sr. a . . 41,toplo F t 0 ,D mmo�,vmm e! omen m mm1oim2; rV.E RUM RCA r-, 4. E. mmedm E MINIM r�1. 4 99 mmemmaaa nom 1111100 ' ammCLAI N - E MUM NNW P NUL 11 tind4 rot snii i envoi NJ. fV NJ. E. Hui N. MUM no rte, E . N E -„ tra 4.4 le „ P'•r qn a•r L UL , t M ram dodgy F es IMP* �; em�amemm� �epvmasa wpm t aepAeeeel eem�mommm OWN 1i 'IR Amomr , i ii* " .44 1111 1 0 4 1r 1 0 101 100 p, •T. 9 8 ' "' .9 7 9 6 '^ 95 '�. s 9 4 Pew 9 3 92 r:' r CD 5 9 1 • T. r 1eT oovaeeemt mod am �moeov�ooem� Imo ogiooet 5 T. 5- T, -5 T. mow •!!R 6 mooaB ed? s 5 T p IMIM 911:ird 11: 5 T . imeagent lidlOggIV 5 T. "TAM M ma�1 0 10 5 T �r �mom�000� IIV Hamm SHIPPME Wow T t 7 ! b T5,CT• Yp•] 4e SI ROSE Of [ [ ✓ 1 SCNOO[ f CNbN1 M /88 NE ' 4 9 M 16 p ,, to L A K E 11 MOW= �mmcao�maodm X1000a Oki alcorpoit gammtgam �coe aae� #0 Amor ata.1111 . 41111=11 mot di gni MIME S NP 105 otir OW I HIROO tome ardwan 9 NE • Amon II Bel miopon mat IIROJEIN NEM ilakii • • NE sT (MAIN 5 H ft- 1 EZEMENTARY