882 NE 97 St (11)MIAI ! SHORES VILLAGE, FLA. N9 JOB ADDRESS A INSPECTION 1-4 P TIME READY pn-) - / o - / O ` r REMARKS: 8286 INSPECTOR DATE LOCATION 882 N. . 97th Street r � • n a GARBAGE TAX RECORer PAID BY YEAR ANNUAL TAX PERIOD USED AMOUNT PAID DATE PAID RECEIPT NUMBER \ANI _ , e , 1940 /D �' / 1 /7 40 4 / /(773 .2.24z -/ /` �J /L1L _LA / / 1941 / „ i / %_ .. 1942 /® CO`® // C —v. 3 ? l i.L.Adwit e fy / � 7 � ,x L . . ) .J_ �'e it 1943 /61 0,...9 / _ 7- c ' r . 1944 d M • ,a-,27-,A 6 :5- 7 1945 Q / i ft g l 1 _ 41- (-71-- . ) ° Fk/l - / 1946 / 0 ' t -o a -/3-cig -3-q e6 O 7 4 A. 0f 1947 1948 /L2 -C9!/ a /(. 'J/� le- 0 (f 0t! O-41- O / 7� /` `"/ / `J /(0?"/ �(U � 4 � `..4 ° 00 °a °p 1949 °Q /2-4,-119 / .1-3/- s0 ° o •I / °x° ?/ 41 �/ t! �I 1950 /-/ 3- SV Pg7 LOCATION 882 N. . 97th Street r � • n a GARBAGE TAX RECORer 882 X. E. 97th 5t. by M. S. all year annual tax /9s7 /g-,00 oa riod used amount .aid date id recei •t Sheet 1 ICl/ ICATI3I SOCIAL hOTA) , All refik done under these General Specifications and specif4ea the various traces bound herewith eha3l be subject to ems: the rules and _. the local building codes in effect in the locat,iane in Whioh the boil t4 and t s, all requiremente of construction for buildings of this sla ss Federal Housing Adni el titration. x.JINag The plane as draw% and the accompagy er. c"140i tar y thle contract, are are to be of dual farce S f ' eatioee ti l t 1 b n o t s h o w n on the plans, o r apy Imek ti n t o n t >. in these specifications must be considered se Part of this both ehown end specified. Peru of the work ,dot specially de'bi't in the eustomary manner for the clae.a of *ark, and so ap to ■omfnrt le cosaplete the parte they co pose. Pt1ures shall be need in scale dravingc in preferrez a to those of smaller scale. semi T1 S '±t , t ` Contractor shall at ail tomes during the mss at the the correct amount of Liability Insurance in accord, itith all local extetim those of the Vorkmante Compen ation Aet of the State of florida. scon,oe 404 Contractor shall clear the lot, removing ail awe, tct'eea that lie within the building lima and he ehiti1 shall 'f .11 alI.14 ps rtu tion, fuel, erergy, scaffolding and tools as, are required far' the " erection of tie. bail es ehoin, and he shall cast in tom: ,sit ate' a complete steucture with everything - incidesrtal therrneto, el abeeel lnu mentioned in the specifications or reasonably implied tb .tt r*. ,:Tr OW, fs Cdntract+er ►11 comply with all aruls3- and work, and shall pay for all permits, fees, etc. asd all permits 1.41t10 OUT QT , 'DRts 'Contsrsetor *hell locate the buildipg„on the 41.. eSelkoem:the gives , arad shall be reepeesible for the ace racy of 1►* All set rsISC of buildiu code rail be adheted to. Trearrchee rha11 be dug tar comodation0 shown. These trenehee to be level and .Free frasm alt refoes.. Batten' ted oe required. Bottoms ef footings to be at heart's balew s Jogs to be at least 4 below finish grade. Cam. d ?ACS 1042 SO4STE4 Level off the high places in the grad u der. provide at ]must 1e a 8' clear apace begets the bottom of 10 minimum di*t see of 1 a — 4' Shell be provided between the *MS* a .. • �, grade. In case this ainimam ,minima distance can not be obtained °these! treated or stoma treeted at the plant by an approved rethod of tesating. YTITILATIOG9F i ricslipput AUK: Provide suitable Teats in in to properly ver ti the a pea a udder the house. ifentielbs1Vbellas C 1t and obeli be4vreered en the ineir3e with herds re cloth. or directly to walls. BACtF'l NQ:; After Concrete hoe eat in excavations for foot mgs, the co .in around walls asai sllabs to S' under levels .eking a met a building. CemAxectoreehall ds r ..1 rough Adding, and shall lemeeecemisesemootha ,: ready for top ton 605 gaping. �Tld s An approved,, continuous metal t rmite shield' a be the tope oalall tom tion', valle and piers, amd'aroamd.OPtellre shell be neatly farmed of Itglimmee Tonm n - or Arlo* 40l : joints stall be sold ed. 'Weld be a steed+ed to with and be beat dot at en angle of 46 degrees eitih a,umm face of vim. Sheet 2. DRIVEWAY: Provide 2 wide cement driving strips, spaced 2 - 6" apart as Shorn. Reim. force rith x'10 road meaeh. Cut down curb, and provide radius splgs as squired. i. .14th Provide solid cement walk as shoran. Ate tfA14CES: Hardware $125.00 Mantel 'and Hearth 45.00 Lighting fixtures 115.00 Medicine cabinets . 12.50 each for main baths Maids Bath Medicine Cabinet 7.50 ,C„ Ni," i : Provide and install all naooney work as ..horn, or called for to fully eoet- plete the building ae shown. This ?art of the work calls for all plain and concrete work, biook work, brick work, cement floors, tile vents and any and all other required masonry rrork to fully complete the building. ; ►T eLtAL is Cement shall be Portland cement, conforwirg to the current standard spec# - ficatione of the American Society of Testier Materials. Sand shall be clean, Sharp, and free,frote all foreign natter. Concrete block stall meet the requirements of the local building codes, edtall be and shall bear Underwriters label. Broken rock nha1l be clean, hard and sharp. Vents to be as noted, and all vents eha11 be screened. 'DWI All concrete shall be completely formed, and one poured in contact with earth unless earth le wet thoroughly. Forma shall be tight, straight and plumb, *M shall be braced to properly Support all concrete until same has set, and no forma *ball be s"o until concrete hat set thor ughty. Annan k 9t71DATIUN .IIAJ 2 Walls carrying joists shall be 12" thick of poured ct,rearete end elm11 be made level by uoe3 of a continuous cement cap of 1.2 Portland cement menth r1 minimum thickneaa of 2" neatly troweled. Atip tpLoti 414.4t4 Caulk all frame: as the are set rith approved caulking compound. Use Pecora or ecue1t and test all openings for water tightness. CEMENT MQRTARz Mortar for all masonry cork, shall be composed of 1 pert cement and hl parts sand.. ri.J9FS: Tile floor: supported on wood construction .hall have concrete underfloor not less than =" thick. Boarding supporting the underfloor may be let down between but not to exeeed 1 ". Chamfer top of joists. CC CRETE §.ABS: In no case will r slab be alloeeed on fill, where area of slab does Belt exceed 15O sq. ft. Slabs exceeding 150 sq. ft. may be placed on Mt" but ,lin thi a C vent Shaft shall be constructed in accord with F.H..A. r quireaaratrt. Blabs #ball be - -suns forced with rods, or a mini 6-- 6- 10- 1O,road mash is allowed., and edge :of stab lad under load bearing partitions shall rest on masonry bearing wall#. 111 flour Um be separated Preset exterior walls by a vented air space of at least 4 jiL DORX CORK: All block work :.hall be laid up true and plumb in a neat and workmanlike manner. PLATLSt Shall be anchored to beam with 1/2x12" bolts. Use 2x6' pieta ; and. bolt every 5 Set aperored anchors ^roetrly placed in each of the concrete beans tv anehar each 4* ceiling joist and rafter. Partitions running at right angles to joists to be andicaldt cap plate with joist anchor. LM All sills shall be bolted to masonry walls with 1/Zii.$' bolts bedded firAktILOHY Sheen a. • the masonry and spaced not more than g1 apart. Poured concrete face *tie * ullie Shell will. anchor bate instryl.1ed not lese thaan 6' apart, and shall ext.* WAS least bf ins' concrete. Stan pietra constructed of masonry unit are used, the a it bolt. 4001 through the pier into the concrete footing/ .j gaCt ' All reinforcing steel shall be Nediu Open Hearth Steel,, mod shell and oil. Slight rust Will not be objectionable, btrt no steel ahellbe used !tt heavy rust or scale. All footings and foundations to be as Shown. ball4iuge to hairs a continuous wall tie beam placed at road 118e 74th -a depth-Of. at :Lomat 12 *, reinforced with 4 - 5/8" rods, 2 at: top and 2 at b of , .." All window pills sh rll be poured concrete of at least 6' or wM, i forced with 2 - 1/2" rods. 911 windoe and door lintels must be reinforced concrete,, usiaq 2 5//' rodis. 1121 gables that have a span of 12 or over or contain see then 26 It* ft. 'S 1 # 0 & tie beam, not leas than 8" high by width of wall, reinforced with 2 -1/ I and anchored to tie beam with 2 - 1/2' dowelii. ralagla Shall be 1 - 2 - 4 nix. The maximum amount of water to .I e ak of Bement be 6lons. C:IUNT ZIP: All floors ao marked shall be 1* thiCk and aired 1 part' parts sand. there color is called for it :ill be integral. cARas170 wamti Construct all fors s for concrete-and masonry work, and do alt. cut a -, iug 48 may be required for the other trades to install the-4 work. 412 shall be #2 coma .LP. 111 4stes bearing oa maatonry valls affi ';16' of ' ► e part of all floor Idiots, wills or girders contacting maSonrrthall be trmSNmild Celcure or Cre000te before erection. Floor joists; 2x10 or 2ar8'- shown, Spaced 'aa sham, double tam1er pertitiona., Ceiling Joistes 2x6 or 2'*6' as shown, at 18", well braced if , lee: over-. ' Saftera: 2'8 or 2x as shows:, spiked and tied. Roof Plates 26',, bolted every 5 Studs' 2x4" at 161 R bolted to aaaomy vat is with 3 - 1/2" boltse Sridgizags 11' every 81 Of span. Partition Plates* 2x4" swat on ewe and doubled. openings offer 2 Shall be trussed. Roof Sheathings l.2 common pine, 7/8 x.6* T & C. CaiOinsfo, 04A4NUo 6rouzada for plastering Shall be • set as reotred. 44 16' shall be tippled to all exterior maeouryr Walls with saxt .: i11 with Colours or Car to before erectien.16stkPooe Ceiling 104, 'be lny td8 *.Y chimney breast with metal. furring. Note and do y and all jUrrin6 indPCOOl , RUB Old fora lumber in sound waait es& asy be M. fit rat. tloOra. 14,400 diagonally with j oi#1 . pagello1 to and over j oint3., Zf old fors lumber t be 'aI sub flooring to be isem42 pi, c;traight edge, laid diagonollio. .`,>CUTji.ui Build into ceiling where indicated om Plen0 0-24020 %TIP 400. to Agg10...P.WIA Provide access dooms' o f e minima rise o f 16 x20 0 0 1 1 0 4 4 1 1 4 0 n � u shown to give areas* to the she under the house. U t * ♦b- e o ?UPI c mot_ b 3l. 4Q U45 , ; To be WU O+dc. Sand, fill, stain,. give 2 teats #►ate and 1 cosh appre* d floor wax. ` ` IELA: To be Cyrrenn or !'hit Pine. l'rovide base and dux mould. u(J: Door echedule rill shot all doors. ferwen doors to be screened with AO mesh bilMICH-,i wire. Screen poreer with vase. 7 IIAMEE: interior and exterior door frames to be Cypress. Caulk against fraies When ; wet and after stuccoing. EL L _M"I'.3 To be 11, detailed end to be Cypresr. AM exposed beam be 1 / 6* V. groove Cypress or pine. ci Mete all cedar lined closets on plane, to be lined level, tight, and plumb. Closets to be fitted with 1 x SP hoOk etriy and I* hanging pole. Shelving to be ar indicated. Linen closets to have 5 Shelves.: - • , LINOLEUM: Kitchen floor to be covered rith rtandard gauge linoleum, in color and pattern: A.P.j • 4 GiGf. ?rovide and install Garage doors a6 ehown on plans. Same to be o7,uiped all required operating hardware. ULN ligC CAgNETC: T9 be as detailed slid to have slab doora. CiN1 CZINET: Proviec and install rtandard sizes recessed type medicine cabinet in each Bath. et bottom line of cubinets 46* from floor at top of Walldetitao rotalinet4' are covered under heading of Allowances. a s selected. Shoet 4. LiNlf All finish hardwaro bc Yale, and ane Siahli be installed by Contractor. UTAL CENT CA,ULaNG tE6111SMITIPPING poonzx ANC :F.IfirXr SEMI, rORK be Cyprear of the rises shown, an. theathing Shill `43 y same will be clearly indicated, and are , shall be *6 selected by Owner . Lesne.0._ ali saah shall be oairvell Light Section, Dodge or opal, and Shall be installed', complete with all operating hardware. All sash to be of sizes Shawn, and Shall be settsin mastic cement, plumb and level to the heights indicated. All windows and doors to beAgmalld: with n.r. glees. (1142, all teel saab in accord with manufacturers directions. IkeilL.fYt.. puLty all door glazing. All , .Irterlor frames of either mood or metal :11a1l be hand caulked against mcEonry or. . • frame mid whero Aucco is applied against ttuceo. Use Pecora, or Chamberlain caulking cop»: pound or equal, and teat all openings for watertightness* Door schedule will Show all brats thresholds and weetheretrips. liters Called for use .. an approved threshold 8.3 manufactured by Chanberlain or equal. iDlii.britL: All roof and fleshings shall be guaranteed to be water tight and perfect .tor a period of 5 year and Contractor shall make good without cost to Owner, all leako duru ing that period. • • • • ' . .„ • ,' • , Eql= All flashing and counter flashing Where specified, or where usual or r - j quired to make the work water tight, shall be 16 ow. hot rolled copper. All Chimneys and , vertical masonry walls extending above roofs hal1 have step flanking not leas than-8 high, sad counter hinp built e into walld. Isaer to be turned up and over the top r. af all parapet walle. r, • myiNca Roof to be covered with Flintkote Asbestos Shingles, as oeleeted by Oveser. to be laid over E - roD lb. felts, first felt to be tintacked to sheathing, end SIOSIMMV • , Skeet 5. f =s .t to be mopped to the first v:ith hot r:spl alt. All 4ointz to be lapped at 'seat 3*. All shingles to be laid in *Dutch Lap *, and all work shall: be done is strict accord milh Flintkote specifications for this type of roof. 1I44 , i1G 4J' i Fig ,ST,uIl1(f G ins ►.: Contracto ° ghall repla t. r all damaged portions of hie work caused by the other trhdote and shall collect from them. Be shoal submit s a pl e& of fioi& piaster, before * ►t lyinz. ,'i. final c ?e.t. Etid1ET QCK: Sh&11 be*xeud throughout as a bate for platter. It shall be applied in accord i ith manufacturers ciir"ection: tat shall be level and plumb. MIZIAFIJAI Shall be p►lvanised VS' mesh Clinton Cloth or equal. etrip *U soreirM bull roses with Arips. Lath cave raoulda and e1Eexhere as iodinated. Metal lathe ohin bFs applied for all the bases ate: where stucco is carried on etude, for ell tt3. 1414WO± cotn and udder all curved surfaces. Metal lath all arched openinie with 1010 ate' in...m #l;tdGr Shall be 2 coat work of bcat grade Wows plaster, aed shall be texture4,,a t dIrected. Kitchen and tathz to have smooth finish plaster, troweled as g3& k s , from all marks and discolorationz. a U u t ucc o e on fY a in connection with savour/ b�elYdi t 1J t bt `al ,a�r�M , 1r11 r . mpo E ed of 1 part cement, and 2 pasts seed, to ibi Ions " bss added 10% Tiger Finishing lime or equal, and Cec waterproofing in. weird ii* rerattee Mow_ ere directions. First cost of :Amoco ill be wall scratched to receive the necend, mei stucco shall finish 5/8' thick. API* A GUILES Provide and install recessed type Venetian Blind Auidas throughout. Tile or plaster W finial), flush with blind guide. Guides to be 1/2 x 1/2". Provide are install Venetian Blinds throughout. TJ i0F GI :idtdT Furnish aLl la or and materials for all tile work shown on the plena or memtlethik, ir the specifications. All tilt work to be laid on a full cement t grout we to be 3 i tW snd plumb. All wainscot . the to be laid in cement gout en metal l at e *II1 "f floor* to ' _ ° laid in waterproof cunt gout. KITCH N: Provide the top, back, and ends to cabinets on each side of di*.. File to bet ae1tctee. BATA AAA& For 2 aaib Baths, provide 4e tilo trainscat except at back *rd eids. trt tube it Phan be 5+ — 8e. Provide tile floor &rd.babe, and colored strip at tap of vain** a tit < == to be selected. Provide for each main Bath, 2 soap dishes, (one 'Pith 2 towel bars, 1 tuiblsr and tooth breech holder,_ and 1 remised type paper Lelierr■ For maids Bath, provide tile floor and base, and NW* client painseot 4'' Ugh. Alm vide accessorise as r red.ese1t t upw i' *14 LrILA CE: Provide tile etepe and larding on front entrande. Tile to be selected. ,JCG1A;,, Provide tile floor asp selected. eX I�Ir.iY�' ULais All interior window sills to be tile 1.A1 selected. CLF)1ING: At thz. cocpletior. of `ii:.. sork, tile contractor &all thorough y :clean all and ahal.l leave same: neat, clean, and rem for occupaeaacy by Owners. • • 4111 GIAN'L.P.44 Furnish all labor and material:, for the finishing of all eurfaces vitteh are to -- be or etained. All materiel:, ehell be bought to the job in the original contain.. ers, and beta' be mama in tictj9coZ d with manufacturers directions. All paint to be a staneare breed, e or equal, end Shall be in colors as selected by th* , L4ner, throughout the job. Sheet 6. ?ruvIdd an4 install ell wrought iron shown on plane. Same to be es designed or as acted by Owner. 'F'eleTING teiet:Neeikiii?: All duet, dirt, and all foreign matter *hall be completely removed from all eurfeces before ally pliant is applied. All woodwork to be dxy and free trail 111101:0658 dur— i. the entire painting operation. All uoodwork to be molted smooth, all n&ill holea and ' crEcke to be puttied full end =oath ene putty to be stained to sateh the color of aer bthinee, or verniehed surfaces. All trim to be primed before plastering. g1114Clids Ail voodeork to be painted sh,all be primed with lead and ail ezdrt. Eyterior wood frame.' and window bucks shall be painted on the beilk itito i doet of creorote before erection. The bucle, of all cabinets to receive a coat of shellac before fitting. EXTL'.Alve - WQ014iUiu54 To receive coat L of lees a oil paint in color AS sslOctod. GONiT:i4 Wiring shall be installed in galvanised steel tubing. • • Ogi • LVi4cif‘s Kitchen and BathB to have 1 coat primer, 1 coat lead and oil, and 1 enamel finish coat in,eoIor selected. Balance of interior woodwork to.kave 2 coats lead are oil paint in color selected. 1r , t , V.144,a4. 14 42ii) CLING :4 Kitchen and Buthe to have 1 coat milling, 1 °Oat leed.and oil taxi 1 egg shell finish coat. Blance of interior plaster Shall have 1 coat ssing, and costs load an oil, or may have if owner deuires, E coats Soma or Itteriore1eminol m in strict accord with manufacturers uirectione. ETUCGOI All stucco ellen have 1:= tout waterproof paint in color and effect as dir*etedv and of tft following formals: kix eel', 2 base Math lime, elaoked for 24 hours, Sec waterproofieg paste, 12 lbs. teble salt, color as ealected. Mix well,,edd water to mact of a cream* thicknees and immediately before applying to galls to 20 qt. Pea" kK of jeint., add 3 lbs. White Portland cement. Stir well, and keep well stirred while mil. Ael.Ae ik, To have in addition to the shop priming, E cots proved metal paint in color hS selected by Owner. cEILING BEAMS1 Vey be painted or stained as Owner wishes. har,MiJNg Painting Contractor 1i provic.‘ drop clothe. etc, to protect ail LLSGTNICAP WISING Eil.e42 The Electrical Contractor shall be governed by all the rules and regisletioas t local building code, by all thane of the local Power and LightiCo. andby011 these of the lietional Board of Fire Underwriters. He shall furnish s eertifleate of alppremal from the municipal department having jurisdiction over his work. VICL:s Shall be brought from the nearest point of the Power G. Mill linos io a,10010m,- tion at the panel box, properly connected to same, and beamoheeaf corroot ogtssamoti, all outlets as Shown. Install 100 Amp switch meter test cabinet sod FrOsskAdmsuoi7000 panel fur lighting end power. - = Meet 7. Fpup rime!} e'ltcre indicated_ on glens, provide nuth service a* mar be .r cniredd range, refrigerator etc. eIrdES A ,RFEPT.ACi.E& All aritches shall be. G.E. or T.E. toidbIas = ,pre, gall p11! T ceptaclea Waal be duplex flush typo, set 10' above floor or assns,aoted. Switdh p1tig p' mt * .. to be. Ivory Bakelite. „ s Provide posh buttons as shown on plans, and co rct properly to saes" t . s t -4 location shorn. Le, ci wn rith transformer if recuired. rimiS UUTLET: Provide phone outlet at location shown or 4$ later selected by th ne3r. ,, LSC ;tTLr FIX; Provide and install all lighting fixtures Wielded eilts, folly complete ha job. Sane shall be of goad grade, and sell be iaatallsd eVel and p17.111b. Goaitii 'r * All work anship and materials hall be guaranteed for a period of 1-year. t These plans stint: ayacificationa .contemplate they instillation ot.ii►' ec et4 t o of plisslbing, to be installed in strict accord with ell.1oeai assi 4 Otate_100Autle Stl s If City savage it not available, provide and install s cencrete teptie, Ts* the size i e=1uire d by the code, and provide tank with required +dim sewage is available, Mice all necessary connections to same as rimytiredby , ii PI M: : Lay a 4• soil pine from City sewage or Septle Task Walipipod d > from the house. Pipe to be first quality case ` iron of the weitint ' att ant shall be Laid straight and true to trade. * ' E% ?Wes, All hot and cold water= pipes shill be Wheeling ►tsot . all fittings. :YT AND CQL3 t tt Lipp; an hot and cold 'star lines to_ ell.titthrst OOPS hose bibs, ter to have eold water only. Place all required shut realer: Mt3:) PIS; Provide extt? install M.P. sill ccs b and connect to coil eater ;AV : l'P.tls, Bring in base the nearest point of the lat►esr Co. with branches of correct site run to all outlets and fintsrea at c)L;Z_Sx=is Provide~ and install complete with all poideringsp O tt 1 hot and cons. water .rose and all work required to masks a tomplistenultaliandimOUOS, Solar later Heater Co, or equal, toter. System. Task to), dls IM►..T to be 112 soil. This Aysstem to be installed complete, shall -bee tried ;oast feet working order before Contraetsr l ►av the .job.: ' is 2 m ai nth have colored fi o i e, e e11 e The �a� ss , All, fixtures to be a. manufactured ter Hobbits-, and : e>hall . instill ce trap, drains, stops, angler,, supplies, as te*, testtets and or eilrs .•• to sake a complete plunbing job. Owner to select all fixture,* Sh o g.A ere - - Ap-Vs; lore is r lO n S . aee X74 Zr 5'+f?li�r' G3' /x ued 977 /45BZ .Pcr. /•'1ms. 04 7 rli t loix ✓,veun /i4eon u.C/� ',0 "�� 7 ,4, • e itge,rr #'m'P(.97779) ATA - �y e7 4 / r/7LE ,41 w 3$/G2 a�U�G�Y /•vG fw/�M.9FY�iv6. A - Aye,k 33¢ 7? c ' a .o ' P-44:/ce,- -A417f /cam 60743 )1 iNNlililJ C ;n 9,7,14 �s "0f 4 7 /N GPI , ,/, �1 r1:7.4 -/-/o .r O,= mac- G• 53- 4Z L' 770A/ ace JI P � } ' A •p, a / L a / P I S i 4 ; . L4 "7 7-/-7-4 _ S ' e/ f o. , , / 41 ZC7 S ■ 74 II / b r� I ” / M/ ss/62E:=L's AO 41 /I / ' �� JIt . ,4=4:2,e i�.4T.ef /o , E .7 . - 7J5C - \g' l f GIJF.gG,C .2ECO.e".0$ 0,•= G1.1. C27C/NTY • Gam. "7"7, • ..4T /OR/ 72: . F /•t/.�Lt.C./' L. FE.47 .4L. S4!// and LCZ4A./ . aG� .47ie7A/ afOcevt• Coe, 4 er w b/o%d /hC Se -rtzC on u//3/GZ // s it warC/nae7C /-' oe : ' ul / x: fh /he GY M /ie/ /iyUA157,4A/ .J4e' Ge7 /G .PEpDU�. _- 4 f A 75 / 4.- G4 t/O T?GE aeWel5 jug / , eso&b//sfi 7' o�cdc�o54; 6y A7:► o� - 4c2s/ f,, / e .-�, 5/ 9, /903 . I � pP -- Mc- / �1, /x/ Z vY S . e. /za , 4"c. 6 p, We; a • c � ,2,e /c.,' ,, � /,tz- . ,4746.7.4777 i t• g'62` lC . /2 - Zo ("4"/"'.5h.''''-5) ,p/d/ Zond✓�"Ur! 2853 .c'T. 25 - SO. /0 ' - ' • ' ' `f01�' e Z/ 7 Ccw ,w,.us: //481. srr a McINTOSH, FORTIN, LEAVY, SKILES, IF ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 9111 PARK DR., MIAMI SHORES, FLORIDA 33138 (305) 754 -0624 FLS DATE SCALE /lb DWG. NQ._ JOB NO. B37 ' /'7' 4 � c PERMIT NO. TAX FOLIO NO. //- J 2O 6-/V STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE: THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvements will be made to certain real property. and in accordance with Chapter 713. Florida Statutes. the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. 1. Legal description of property and street address: J / f ` C 4(1 Y`/ 0/ /rig � " -6-1jOi -e s ec ><i o a 3 /(300.E -/ (jvo i' A40-pc, 3 1 v ,/ /Z, o q �qd� Co u/ Y i ,Q. /l(.1¢ . J)' 2. . t 5?? e c . /y .9 �'' v.b , ,/' /r• 2. Description of improvement: e .44 f �/G y r,7 / ) o'- — /L his, lZa 3. Owner(s) name and address: /7i."97 ..s /> • Interest in property: C AVCV A o a . Name and address of fee simple titleholder. a, ontractor's name and address: ��pGi� -5 ►�o .7 o , t. / 7 .5 S/G / 5. Surery:(Payment bond required by owner from contractor, if any) _ R �t }NTi v- O ?DE C . Y7Y: .y1 FLO �' r.. • OPy a f 4 ..t,r _ ,12f:FY tha' !bi+ 4 a tru'l I do 0.14inOtti1441 I� fiil o•:,_a ' . ,.,� �1 C A Name and address: Amount of bond $ 6. Lender's name and address. 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents m b_ served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7., Fiorlda Statutes. Name and address: 8. In addition to himself. Owner designates the following person(s) to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b). Florida Statutes. Name and address: 9. Expiration date of this Notice of Commencement: (the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) Po I C Signature 01 Owner Print Owners Name Notary Public Print Notary's Name My Commission Expires: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT / 0 5 : e( eek • , y z .4-) - � 4 s reu « VCww i C(e k Sworn to and subscribed before me this a day of 41326L. 19GN A f.f.,(Y. 1 6&a (2: ' • ipt PiY1Y1 94R421042 1994 SEF' 02 13:09 A Prepared Address: , /07 5 7 'e . - -- -r'''s may, 1,. , Sh ov e f• 1P�a P ve vFFICI.■L NOTIM • 3�:tt O <i BARBARA ANN FUOAZZI K ��i'( COMMISSION NUMEIEI H % .c CC360191 Y? Q MY COMMISSION EXP. e 0f f%. MAR. 29,199£3 :.dA / 7 � C. T � > 11 May 6, 1998 Planning and Zoning Board Mianii Shores Village 13'050 NE 2nd Ave Miami, F1. 33138 Subject: Permit and Paint 882 NE 97th Street Tax Folio 11- 3206 - 0142700 Dear Mr. LuBien and Members of the Board, We seek approval of the permit application and approval of the paint colors attached herein (Benjamin Moore 144). I visited with Mr. LuBien recently, when I presented my application and paint colors. Mr. LuBien objected to the colors and advised that they were inappropriate. This suprised me. I had previously contacted Mr. Lubien's office and inquired about the procedure to get approval for the paint. I was advised there was a chart of approved colors. When I obtained the permit app I asked to review the color chart and was advised that there was no color chart and that I must provide a sample color for approval. After numerous trips to the paint store for color samples we decided on a color for approval. When I returned to turn in the permit and paint sample indeed, Mr LuBien did have color samples and a range of soft colors as a guide. This was certainly frustrating and not exactly supported by the colors I have seen in the Shores recently. We did considerable research for the selection of paint colors for our 1939 home. We recently had restored the original brick surrounding the front window and wanted to tie those bricks with the tile entry which has yellow high lighted terracotta tile. It was our desire to accentuate those original features of the 1939 construction. We have looked at other houses in the Miami Shores Village and got the idea from one of several houses recently painted (and I assume approved by Mr. LuBien). Further we reviewed many paint color charts and discussed the color with others in the community. We believe the the yellow color attached (144) is not inappropriate. The softer color (suggested by Mr. LuBien) will not help to enhance the look of our home as the roof is grey comp shingle. The yellow selected will make our home more distinctive and will be offset with a hunter green trim (also attached). We hope the board will look favorably on the application so we can proceed with out further delay as the seasonal rains approach and the stucco has been pressure cleaned and scraped. The Shores has become a prominent place to live. We are proud to be a part of this community. Our neighbors also take pride in the preservation of their older homes, but the community has also shown an interest in making their homes more distintive as is apparent in the orange, bright yellow, pink, etc. color homes currently found in the Shores, that are not found in the color chart provided by Mr. LuBien. We appreciate the time you have taken for our reauest. We hope that the board will approve the permit and paint colors so that we may move forth with completion of the exterior work to our home. Sincerely, Ron and Cheryl Cleek