70 NE 96 St (5)THESE PLANS ARE A PPROVED FOR , • ...,■••••..imelbalraus ISSUANCE O( A BUILDING PERMIT - VARIAr STED IN "REMARKS" MI 'tf SqlqF BUli DING A ZONING trItE,,' SPECIFICALLY LISTED BELOW: . . , AND CQLJ,Li if IA /S MUST BE COM'PLItCi: A () 1 Rcr tuts • WITH NO VARIANCES [J VdTH NGOTHER CEVIATIO S FROM TLE ORDINANCES WILL BE PERt,IITTE'0, ALL OTHER APPIIMIE'STVLE WITH BY ALL PARTIES, FIRE DEPARTMENT " L PUBLIC WORKS POLICE DEPARTMENT BUILDING CIRECTOR k 0 PLANNING & ZONING BOAr■u VILLAGE COUNCIL APPROVAL . PRELIMINARY: FINAL: i REMARKS: COMPLIANCE WITH THE SOUTH BY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE IS SUB CONTRACTORS ARE CHARM) ING REGULATIONS WHETHER OR FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AS ADOPTED REQUIRED. TI ARCH1ECT, BUILDER & MTN T K 0 1 FF ()P AI I BUILD- NOT SPECIFICALLY INDICATED HEREIN. i • • , , .• • Sta.. iialitia• +awe.* tj i) 51 -sso- „ , S> r W '3 • e s:st' 0 -LSI. • '•••./.. •,-ir IC: a e ...a. a • a • r ,a•-• eaaa s a, sas , • ,• • • • a a. • 1 t R.L.F I< FAST C - 1 >e 4 lurc.r11 /a'k ymb.: TIT r.M t ial • ali••••■••MONOMT 0o. I • t I , ; ' • . . '• . - . . 'r444'4"."",1. " ""24'"'" , t'4. ! ":14. 9r 144 7 ."4".'"?r..". " *". "c ....4S".kle W 0.A.•P4r."‘ASZ.S. • • " , , $ 3 • •- ••• P A c.7eA e.A C. /1 n/e)P : // 024 a .7 / ciiv r/, o 4: oe, VV/77-1 4 x 4 )67-/6- 5 r f D _ _ oivf 4-0 oo W Arc s 8 a 6' • . • , --; I. A . , • .., • -" , " .. .., - , - ... ' - • -' 7 ....." s ........s..... ...- ' .... met,..... ' a ...v....4 F LA 7 CONC. it PHONE 558-1422 FOR AIR CON ITIONING fiLe c A g D . 70 /)7 /)fl --.. /V&A? t\lMCA A/C REF. CORP. 9602 N. W. 79TH AVE. • HIALEAH GARDENS, FLA. • • • 1. "2 . t • rf, TYLEV4* NO. iff A-14 x366 $ .7. .2 r 4111-1 Cet 041 (.4. rA (L, a C la 6 ir It -*1• e- J Or A t1-3 tit ti 0- t4 tri etx rzt Vt.) (10 FS 4 4r 1 4( A 1 -• ( - 14.ticso 4to - 401t,„ toeperk Pre-t- - f*/)4.-11496? - - 1444-0% elext ff 1A)/- ti kq to, frt.f414 - 141c4 vtivt _fora- .i ft aokt&t.74,i 1247 rs 11. ■-••■•• •■•• ••■■•■•••lk •-• tie-0- . 1 90 , 102..e.. el s.- -- "t I • ZItkr3.A..1-S, datke. .-v,cr> ,'‘,,vja„?.. E..A.■- ".:. p' , 2i cl 1 r- 4 - -7 - ti _ t tc- • SZe,tisc 0 .'d)l"C 4 ?,,-.114-; TN O' - kdik5tk4-- 2.6.0 t-oca..e iv �i. -7 Acre 0 Lt- . A- 1-.1 0 p'0064 . (-A- m c, -6,9,;-_ -4 444 t■SeeeVia - P\LL (;0„(;)(1.V4 • - C:ee'' c..4(01 (97e) b-rt gelscpy Rvs #2,(0.t" ttA k•4141". 4Ns.11) 4S ; Ikt4.0„. V(41nts 4". TIO IAN I:eeki • P4 4 _Th (..er) ti.)% c,e3c4_,S - to Mris it-4 .. - _FriTrirjj - til Li (1.4 A •.■.) L. 1-10' /0..1 E.Q.A- rte3±4 4' 1 4 -; CA ot-4 4 Ls. wf , tcPric, 1 raG Fitt ‘C Cc-/rS r.;,==.7 r • We,e2P clovi L.,c‘c Mt'-4 % 0.0.‘4.c; -ro .. te.0...M.ouGo "."‘ "`• e r - :SA ,00e OQ - .0 to (1, 1,40 0.104. 0716.4-r, • f 4, AI 11-keh-Vxtd"'14f f. August 10, 1980 Mr. Frank Lubien Director of Building and Zoning Miami Shores Village 10050 N.E. Second Avenue Miami Shores, Florida Res Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baron Residence " 70 N.E. 96 Street Miami Shores, Florida Permit No. Mr. Lubiens In responae .tQ the. problem 010 has occurred, where a tie. beam was nadvertently cut In the living `room °df 'the Baron s residence+ enclosed is a drawing illustrating in detail the solution Chosen to restore the continuity of the tie beam within the wall. Your patience on this matter has been most appreciated. SinAerely, Jorge H. Garcia, AIA JHG /rls cc$ Richard Baron rt s .► F. 12" 11N. SUBJECT; Jp C T1=- - SUBJECT PAGE NO. OF • 6 ' I • • - ! ' 4 • ; -r-. i - 1-7 i • 1 • T t ! . f• : s • -h - I I : • ; 101\1 16 6 • 1 1 - • t 1 • 11r- . ' 1 • • T 1 1 • 1..•• J ! - ! , I / . , . . . _ _ . . _12x lip -Joicrc , ITNG • Icoh - _LIV I 1 - .1S..1Nr-vi?.114 , - - 11\ f`" Vga 114}V C;PaN/,' /11 LX141/t4i 4, --- p0;4/456 gA >AIX& 141$( ifigr6lo .PY6(b ad • Ped1 OP IP. )416 et I. I ' - - 1_.; - . • 1 ' : : • • ; 1%1V CONT. NO. COMP. BY: CHECK BY: PAGE NO. DATE: DATE: OF 1 1; - 7 . • - — -4 ---. • - 7 ; - - I ! • -T V4Pai t'; • 1 1 I 1 • t " •'•'• - • • •-•-' -•••• - 4 - -: • - : • • ' . • . . +1•- L. • -; • 4-7-- ' ' 4- ' " • ' . +r --FI+_j__f_+. 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PARS msniw 'tiara MO vs _goAri,) .i),s .81.1& /t , • _ • • • • rAst:_ - 51u16 PlfroNite j\41. • ..; . . _ • • • 1 1 5 .1 1 if - f ayy f A � h , G s y� � fi t. � et fat i : ' .�. 2 '.. ,zt'/ + rcac it r ,0!! V o;3 .:rev .6'+ TO verify Grd c ,f',rrri .4r), rr zcf Gr�1/Gr' gym;)'! GPI - 4"c' g . aTch..7i ifrxec 6. `rciNir'fjo r X h o tr;2 Grcrai a;f pr'or +o er'rntrercril2nl• or *e ;Alr r+e., 2) Cr.x6h and riles/16J Nail ter, ir3 occa'dc'ce pith tcrriio ,P,,U;Wfrkj ( dad The voidg2 o f tAxItrr rLc , v,;(_,YA %Yltc1GT w;fh 41aKxtr'/ thi rrt r incited, 4) Al (red exr, cd try Neciffl.er 6hai1 fiz .rxra, ra - prZ. D) 'oil rer(avL all wr1 rrth rtcf From j4 b 5+ }e at' cvirr Ytt%rr of 'v1Cr arid thitl 2 cited !G#'r €G ' ;2r .7 d rr to ?ft t'J i rt4 , uHHlrti2t A1 ax ^ '1 corrpree) 1 (z o f r'x'cJit) of 3,x pit. ,n 22) may' <s, e;t•¢J (bar?, = kj 1 'c-cL ASf 4 A. ;r3 grrde (v rar7, d_) If <lx)!! 'oft u^1 cot'xfr or /cr,i 2r4.5 rYf >�r..l'odi to poY_' F'�ar() rid G f'A+rl elf 1^K? 2X Ee, e ' (2rkc: aril Our 4rrnik6 rwu�red - Jo pr e x e Wiz jth'. �� A! ft'LrM +0 ce removed ro - ran prQp2rf'/ ire o��rcr un1 ?�fi oii' 'w� ootvet cr oc '22c1 V 2 •t!^ o rar and (2-11tr tor, ! !Corr �� U.! r �sf ��'GCi';'!r 'c/, .4> :r•�2� N,t:, 113 ' ' cee, Lai:5 3 f 4, e s 5 Ni ht-IEM1t =,.,U. PI_Ar CFI M /hti11 .51/6A05 .CT/,'J N 4 1, hcc te..oING 7o rile FBI 7Hf_'XFGF* ,44Eco g .J !N J°! h7 I xaC . 14 i47' PitrcP 70 G F T ti i P t / a / c K E C c ' M v 5 G'F = O A - Q E cG d rf, F'LoR /U,n 4/5 /7 ,A 9 //7 Sfreg 1- /9 24 2/ 22 5o 4 ' 2b �tl A.'1 02•a At' Trik.aH r Come 01..d 131vr." rAri : qr /\t (hr Co52.1-6 g rl L 1 '1 - - - - ---- 1 - 1 .11 6 —• • -• 1 •",---• I •-• L„...VAr r. 11 • !<.ir.Ait..N 4/6 - I a VStir errr !.‹," r)r-r -2 \t- Dm:4 WeAtsft • Ex , L.,1E.E6r - • !‹ • pir416A4 C<Es ccur.frarv....: 4 - !c. r--!EN 11;seinsil ivittsrAY re- '0. ,.. 0 7 V XT43 cur ms...x. ON' e r • c.)'X4 ! U PR.' eNG,:ir 80x,61. com:gora ioava C.95:Nry Pitro-i 14 .a-ftr rit4)■ PROvir)* VOr.A)TWAic>tcv.0 - FIR-17)T 1413.70. c?" „ t .4. ( 6Vt) 61_1 eft — g-$42-xteL3 -,741-c-rto Fil4:14i`CE Nifklift F....V(6111 • via — -- CAP.cFri Pit.,J0 Rrt-eXisife. tAtTR. P_EL-CCA Pori t4'.1 A fit Fte CCr-i- ES,Y-11 ir IS L.mr-Jo 942 rytimr Aeciv6 2. 2 unit PR. t r F „II *)\, 1 t 11 rT : 1 t1 ) . :: ut ik1 vF:2•41 - IQ'/a Qsit. < ties-1 cr.:44r -tA 1 - I' -- C'EtiLCATICA1 TT t 1TF2. LAI i!..-1(30 4-'14_1-,PATO-1 +t-tAtti cDpu:!ris To eistee;) 1rATE:52.1CV. 4- - 1 - CL CX::+1 t5HU711R (J) A 2 r i !r - I 1 et •-x21t. -1 12t. ____;< _ 01•d 1-' !e-ol • F-2P-OVr_.:e. .c3±,OtNcE.7 TV FC - 1.__ F&A5 L^tAiik.INfe •v• r r- '1 ! \ A - riEN 'two LaryKs e5I-• r7-01.-O cooky:, 1.tiFPZONT 61 ZA-1-2•31/4.1 v-for tkcNNl 'hor'opei 17)If SO I 02a :- - k...71 7 ,r,t- b • seahori r! . . 1 1_ 0 1 • F;;.5H /ski-4.. tsx7E.R:c;1 Pikcea,eve,e-f.5, Ci1...;HTE,R5 +SPI.2 1,4/ P LAHriACT • r-tevAc- "..4t-11 - 1... rie.v.e...ao Hlr + v L-A7C.4 ' • • 1\ '7; " AA. b c: 50C,' I rCA1 Wc) n?.,\i'cribOrl• 0,/e, 1 G •=4/053. Oil r Par-lc - veriT F2s p/.. VATC-4 OPE..ti;ti ay.rs/ic-;12, Pl-irst1-35 CaFfre..g. QV FerJ4 orzga eX-LOW r i---\ _ 5,-,,,,,- V4' ,.. 11.() ._ dt. wcycita vor,0441, 61•MAX r..Yz‘e0 Pet CA 04b rle CU. Pv-10■/. E:01/24G ; NLC-e)P. PLAN • f.4 : • \ .7• \--t_cur MA.sr.Aita;r r CA P-ar-loVa tixst'o r Hu_ t F4At4-i 1 • p..x,K,It t.15a CONC. ••••--• •••• - -- . • . - , E<15370 ti.s/r T t t ■■. L . . I • ) 11 ti !,1 1r H t r-f • 1 , , • . . I g T1 i Y P19•EcAr Lit-4 T I r-10 \! 1 - ti:t -- 1 -- t- - ,t- -- 17- - 1-- - 1.-- - ,, - *-....„-- - 1- - _ - _ - .71 ---- - - i - r - N- ,L -- - _ ,. - -, . L J .1 -, . ( 1:14 .„T" -- 1 - 1, 17, - 1 - _? .~ : - : I ' i ■ ', , - - -- 4k ,: it-ii: ----‘"-------- IF - 1 1 F T-T r ----1-- , -: ii:: \ \, F - r / ,-,,-_-_,, h t !i ,, ii , . 1 ,, ._- - -- --- _ r r- - li . , __fi_, , ._i :1- , ' r • i !I L.„ -.‘....4 r ..,:i.-4 ,, izs._it_ '..(:•!_iti. iLii_ Li ALI: , ...1.1„iiii !1'i ilii 4.-1. _______ T Ji r ., 7727 . ,,, ,,.. icr i cr i 7u_,..z ..i...H .,____---__ — _- — : .! ' ; :', I.', ' . 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Liqftig ran) - 1=d 1 k12A3 e1r -- PAre-fri Arc)-1 sxiv eAr Frk rar-r.r. sl Ma • WY. 2. A 6 1.0)45, kJ b ‘,9 . A' S .;t1,64f ria I 5 /4- /3 /Z i/ 21 ia 2: ___ ..7. t3 9 2:4 A - 6/ -20 7 1 4 11 :.;[ — 212? 4 3 z 77479 / 1 //O. 7 , 3 17 ZS> 2/ „Jo - SI 1 . 4? 4 4 9 A '4 AotRO -2- 7 . 1. 7, •••`7 , •• , f ` Pet 4..41" • [ /4 . 7; TK N ` 1.3 .4.4" tree • .Z7 E 30' • •`,7 011.7.11711. 5 4 1 1 • No 74 : A f 0 ,ce r .4e.erraxe r a. e . 4 .6 r-f vd NIA.zcv/ 23 - /97J / A / .5 /4/41 5i10,4)4 £'4 4 c7e...tdei rl At „4, PLA ,, .4 t TY, 4 i0./4e,./‹. 0 gaCt 'A* PA c 0 1 CF112 1 t3 C-ertifY at LiT3 piy.2 1acY.:•■1 C +.1 fry e L1 reCc,tatiy r ;,of ;k,r1 atd title" Silt,W11,■.df (1).24. Reg. Suiveyor tlf), I St: e of itla ..96 L .0Cm 4 7 • - r ,c3z.e ‹3/ • rif !, t. T 2 Sketch No. tz y LOCATION SCALE: 1 24519 SKETCH ok' '.SURVEY Lot ; 3 ` 3f ( 't 4 I,3lock , AN Es t;?NDFD, PLAT _ OF M rArl SIHORFS SI:(. ION No ' 1, acc.oi ding I to t1 plat;, tlier�:cof .reco.rdeci ' u Plat Eook 10 ` at Pa(Jo :10' of t11e: ROcorcls o Dado :County, E, R. t3RQwwyELL & ASSOC,. INC. F.13. . 44773. 3152 (_or d \V:ly Phone 1113-3311 . Florida Scales as Shown described property k tru and correct tu'the best of our knovNICdge: and belief . ts rcccntly survey.'d and Flats :d under out. direction, also tfiat.tbcr *. rro :no - vj> tble cncroachntcnt other thali ttio54.y shown:. E: 11. 131101ti'NE4.f: ,1SSCC , INC. 13y F:: H. 1314)\\ 11c11 �..�. Prof :ssiona) Land S'urye)'or #928 State of F tondo Re rc?ductions of this drawing are not valid - unless embossed with the surveyor seat. ,7, • s?? 2' t 5 TCH O U tV 'Y S CA L z; t l :;jJ% �A S .f WV "") 1 -- ,4 = s -/ r . C ` U : - ; , . / 'e i J 14'4 ZONING, LONER STREEF INES, a Y. RACKS, UNDERGROUND EA. g_MENIti AND RIGHT OF WAYS, Flt.. Ft;Om ,'xBSit ACIt ro 13E VERIFIED AND /OR OBTAINED BY OWNER, ARCLjiIEC( OIL WJILGER 3EFONE 1 3