602 NE 96 St (11)BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT APPLICATIO,N FOR BUILDING PERMIT Application is hereby made for the approval of the detailed statement of the plans and Y p p specifications herewith submitted for the build- ing or other structure herein described. This application is made in compliance and conformity with the Build Ordinance of Miami Shores Village, Florida, and all provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida, all ordinances of Miami Shores Village d all rules and regulations of the Building Division of Miami Shores Village shale be complied with. whether herein specified or not. A �y of approved plans and specifications must be kept at building during progress df the work. Owner's Name and Address Registered Architect and/or Engineer Name and address of licensed contractor Location and legal description of lot to be buil Lot Block Street and Number where work is to be done State work to be done and purpose of building (by floors) New Building Remodeling Addition Rep To be constructed of Kind of foundation— s Estimated Total cost of improvements $ =mount of Permit $ Zone cubage required Pl CubagA Distance to next nearest building Size of Building Lot Maximum live load to be borne by each floor I hereby submit all the plans and specifications for said building. All notices with reference to the building and its construction may, be sent to The undersigned applicant for this building permit does hereby certify that he understands and his obligations as an employer of labor under the Florida Workmen's Com lion Act, being Section 5966, Compiled •General. Laws Florida, Permanent Supplement, and has complied with the provisions th and will require similar compliance from all contractors or sub - contractors ein 1oyedby him in the work to be performed under this permit; and will post or cause to be posted for ' r y . on the site of the work sn public notice or notices as are required by the Act. The undersigned agrees to employ only such rs, on work to be performed under this permit, as are licensed by Miami Shores Village. Remarks (Signed) STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE. I SS. Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public, duly authorized to : • er oaths and takJ acknowledgments, personally ap- peared to the well known, and who, being by me first duly sworn, upon oath d and says that he is the of the above described construction, that he has care read the foregoing application, and that he did sign the same, and that all facts therein by him stated are true. Permit No Date Read, Sworn to and Subscribed before me. Disapproved Date (Signed) Building Inspector MIAMI SHOR ILLAGE Snbdivisinn PLANNING BOARD DATE. Chairman - Member Member Member Member Member 1 Council Approv Date Disapproved I I Date NOTE: A charge of $1.00 will be made for making corrections or changes to this application after approval has'bee}n obtained from the Planning Board. A re-inspection fee of $1.00 will be charged when such re- inspection is made necessary by improper notice for inspection or faulty materials and/or workmanship. Date No d ,19 Street__ f and for no other purpose. No. of Stories oof Ne e ring � Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires VILLAGE ()•' :I1,.:I SrMI;LS O�tI).:.. ";:C1::1. 155 AN ORI)INANCi•: CI." SIi ;G rim? PART OF 05T:1 STRL1:T B: Tr + E1:N TIIE RIGHT -OF -WAY OF T1 F LoRIDA EAST COAST UAILI;AY AND WEST RAILROAD AVENUE BE IT ORI)AINI•.I) BY HIAI:I SHORES VILLAGE THAT: SECTION -. 1 That certain agreement made and entered into under date of March 18th, 1946, between Bessemer Properties, Inc., and Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., providing that the street hereinafter described shall be closed, but that it may be re- opened at any time by the said Village, and that within one (1) year form the date of,.written notice to it of the enactment by said Village to extend N. E. 95th Street across the right -of -way of the Florida East Coast Railway, as it now exists, the Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., will within said time dedicate the aforesaid property to puiblic use as a street, be and the same is hereby agreed to, and the Mayor and Village Manager of this Village be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of said Village. SECTION - 2 Pursuant to said contract the property herein described be and the same is hereby abandoned as a public street or highway, subject, however, to the right of said Village to the use of the same upon the terms and conditions set forth in said agreement, said property being described as follows: e4� All that part of N. E. 95th Street, bounded a ollows: Bounded on theNortherly side by the Souther •f Lot Five (5), Block sixty - two (62), bounded on Easterly 'side by the Westerly line of the Florida. Fast Coast Railway RiEht- of -Way; bounded on the Southerly side • by tho Northerly lino of Lot 1 of block 59; and homded on the t1antcrly side by the Iastorly line of hest Railroad Avenue (Anconia Avenue) being also the Westerly lino of Bloc: 59, extended Northerly to the Westerly line of Block C2, all as shown on the Plat of :SIA:9I S.IOI.FS, U Si;,:T1; , ;, NUMEIt TLO( according to tho Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 37, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. S:�.CTION - 3. This Ordidanco shall bo effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS, 9 ,day of _A. D. 1946. . t Al C. T,at :tort ItcCa11 L. 3, fcCaffery Mayor ti .•1 :'i, • and, • id the owner dedicated to Pages 36 and • AGREEME ?TT 'W'H'EREAS, Bessemer Properties Incornora a Delaware corporation, of the reversion of the following deecribed land which is now the perpetual use of the public as a street (See Plat Book 10, 37 of the Public Records of Dade County, Floride), to -wits All that part of N. E. 95th Street,.bounded as follows: Bounded do the Northerly side by the Southerly lino of Lot Five (5), Block Sixty -two (62), bounded on the East- erly side by the Westerly line of the' Florida at Coast Railway Right -of -wry; bounded on the Southerly side by the Northerly ling of Lot 1 of Block 59; and bounded. on ' the Westerly side by the Easterly line of West Railroad • Avenue (Anconia Avenue) being also the Westerly line of Block 59, ektended Northerly to the' Westerly line of Block 62, all as shown on the Plat of MIAMI SRQP_ES, SEC - TI0`T NUMBER TWO.(#2), according to the Plat thereof, re- corded in Plat Boo's 10, Page 37, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, •• WHEREAS, said Bessemer Properties Incorporated, a Delaware Cornora.- tion, has heretofore or simultaneously herewith, entered into a lease of said croperty with Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., a Florida corporation, whichbald lerre is subject to the aforesaid dedication, and vREPEAS, said lessee has heretofore applied to Mimi Shores' Vi11 e, Florida, a Municipal corporation, for the enactment of an ordinance vnntinr- said dedication of the above described property so as to permit the closin of Same to the public for use as a street, and WHEREAS, the said Miami Shores Village, Florida., a, MunicirA1 corncrn- tion, is agreeable, under certain conditions hereinafter noted, to vacate the dedication of said property for public use and to permit same to be closed to the public for use es a street. 170'x', THEP'PCRE, for and in consideration of the premises, ne well as it consideration of the sum of $1. and other valuable considerations, eech to the other in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowled the eforesntd parties hereto covenant and. n ;ree aye follows, to -wit: 1. In the event thnt Miami Shores Vi1lrge clones the above (!ARcrih d r ron'rty as a,i)ublic street, Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., agrees thnt it will rArove from said lands any buildings or other structures rinced thereon, -1- I1Y7FA A FAIIOFirT. ATTORNEYS AT t AW. MIAMI. Ft ORIPA • end will return the same as near as possible to its present condition, with— in one year from date of written notice to it of the enactment by said Village of an Ordinance declaring the intention of said Village to extend r:ortheast 95th Street ,across the right of way of the Florida East Coast Railway as it now exists. 2. Upon receipt of such notice said Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., and Bessemer Properties Incorporated agree that on or before the end of one year from receipt of such notice, they and each of them will dedicate the aforesaid property to public use as a street, subject only to a right of reversion to Bessemer Properties Incorporated of the title to such land should the public use thereafter be lawfully abandoned or discontinued. 3. That in the event of the enactment of said Ordinance, Bessemer Properties, Incorporated and P.enuQrt Lumber Yards., Inc. covenant and agree that they will not resist any effort by . Miami Shores Village, Florida., a Muni— cipal corporation, to reopen said street and will not demand or seek any com— pensation for loss of any interest which. they may have therein. 4. Bessemer Properties Incorporated and Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc. agree that is the event the lease between them referred to above herein, should, for any reason, be cancelled or become inoperative,• -null and void, that won the happening of such event, the placing of record of this Agreement shall operate as the rededication of said property to the purposes and uses to which the same is now dedicated as aforesaid. 5. The notices herein provided for may be given by being sent by registered mail to the parties hereto at the last known business; address of such parties in Dade County, Florida. In the event that either of the parties tr^nsfers or assigns his right, title, or interest in said property, the notice herein provided for shall be given to such transferee or assignee, provided that written notice be given to Miami Shores Village of the nave and address of such transferee or assignee. 6. This agreement is binding upon the successors and assigns of the several parties and the agreements of the respective signatures hereto shall be considered,as covenants which Shall run with the above described 1 ^r1. In Witness whereof, the aforesaid pn `fiVa r i l ties have hereunto set their hnnas any? seals at Miami Shores, Florida, this /7 . datl• of Fabr r y, A. D. 19:'. / Si: :and, seolcd and d livered B�'a ;u'.►.;r; P ^O? RTI"y I;� ^71D �;r ir. Vhe prey. nc of� \- 1:\ r 4 -- /L424e, La-C 37 -. ....Attest A1.M&4 . ATTOHNEYF AT LAW. MIAMI. t I OK AVU G o0 VILLAGE OF !Ilk,' SI'.o1J:S OiD.L. AI:CE NO. 155 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THAT PART OF 95TH STREET BtTI•IEEN TIIE RIGHT- OF-UAY OF Ti;E FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY AND HEST RAILROAD AVENUE BE IT ORDAINLD BY MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE THAT: SECTION - 1 That certain agreement made and entered into under date of March 18th, 1946, between Bessemer Properties, Inc., and Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., providing that the street hereinafter described shall be closed, but that it may be re= opened at any time by the said Village, and that within one (1) year form the date of, .written notice to it of the enactment by said Village to extend N. B. 95th Street across the right -of -way of the Florida East Coast Railway, as it now exists, the Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., will within said time dedicate the aforesaid property to public use as a street, be and the same is hereby agreed to, and the Mayor and Village Manager of this Village be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of said Village. SECTION - 2 Pursuant to said contract the property herein described he and the sane is hereby abandoned as a public street or highway, subject, however, to the right of said Village to the use of the same upon the terms and conditions set forth in said agreement, said property being described as follows: All that part of N. E. 95th Street, bounded as follows: Bounded on the Northerly side by the Southerly line of • Lot Five (5), Block sixty - two (62), bounded on the Easterly side by the Westerly lino of. tho Florida Fast Coast lta i l.wny R il;h t -of -clay; bounded on the Southerly side • by tho Northerly lino of Lot 1 of Mock S9; and home ed on the easterly side by the I:astorly line of Hest Railroad Avenue (Anconia Avenue) being; also the Westerly line of Bloc': 59, extended Northerly to the Westerly line of I:1ock 52, all as shown on the Plat of MIA:1I Si'02FS, SL.;T: GN ' ;L 1:3> i T1;OC72), according to tho Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 37, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. SECTION - 3. This Ordinance span be effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 9 day of A. D. 1946. .t: C. I.atrton ilcCall L. J. McCaffery Mayo' • • and, A G R E E M E F T T -1- NYZER !Y PADOF.TT,. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MIAMI, Fl LIRIDA • WHEREAS, Bessemer Properties Incornora.ted, a Delaware corporation. IA the owner of the reversion of the following described land which is now dedicated to the perpetual use of the public as a street (See Plat Book 10, Pages 36 and 37 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida), to -wit: All that part of N. E. 95th Street, bounded as follows: Bounded do the rlortherly side by the Southerly line of Lot Five (5), Block Sixty -two (6P), bounded on the Mast- erly side by the Westerly lino of the Florida at Coast Railway Right -of way; bounded on the Southerly side by the r ?ortherly ling of Lot 1 of Block 59; and bounded. on • the Westerly side by the Masterly line of 'Vest Railroad • Avenue (Anconia Avenue) being also the Westerly line of Block 59, ektended RTortherly to the' Westerly line of Block 62, all as shown on the Plat of MIAMI SHORES, SEC - TI01? 1 DMBER TW0 . (##2) , according to the Plat thereof, re- corded in Plat Book 10, Page 37, of the Public Records - of Dade County, Florida, the public for use es a street. NO''', THEPMFCRM, for and in consideration of the premises, ss well tts it consideration of the sum of $1.r0 and other voluable considerstions, eech to the other in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the eferssstd parties hereto covenant and agree an follows, to -wit: 1. In tre event thst Miami Shores Village closes the above de crirsd rron^rt;r a e,,public street, Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., agrees that it will WH REAS, said Bessemer Properties Incorporated, a Delaware Corpora- tion, has heretofore or simultaneously herewith, entered into a lease of said property with Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., a Florida corporation, which, a ;d lease is subject to the aforesaid dedication, and t REPEA.S, said lessee has heretofore applied to Miami Shores villas, Florida, a Municipal corporation, for the enactment of an ordinance vs^r•tiiF: said dedication of the above described property so as to permit the closing of Same to the public for use as a street, and WHEREAS, the said Miami Shores Village, Florida, a Munici »Rl cor)ors- tion, is agreeable, under certain conditions hereinafter noted, to vacate the dedic of said property for public use and to permit same to be closed to renove from said lands any buildings or other strncturPa rinced Oereen, and will return the same as near as possible to its present condition, with— in one year from date of written notice to it of the enactment by said Village of an Ordinance declaring the intention of said Village to extend Z:ortheast 95th Strort across the right of way of the Florida East Coast Railway as it now exists. 2. Uaon receipt of such notice said Renuort Lumber Yards, Inc., And • Bessemer Properties Incorporated agree that on or before the end of one year from receipt of such notice, they and each of them will dedicate the aforesaid property to public use as a street, subject only to a right of reversion to Bessemer Properties Incorporated of the title to such land should the public use thereafter be lawfully abandoned or discontinued. 3. That in the event of the enactment of said Ordinance, Bessemer ' Properties, Incorporated and Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc. covenant and agree that they will not resist any effort by Miami Shores Village, Florida, a Muni— cipal corporation, to reopen said street and will not demand or seek any com— pensation for loss of any interest which .they may have therein. 4. Bessemer Properties Incorporated and Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc. agree that in the event the lease between them referred to above herein, should, for any reason, be cancelled or become inoperative, null and void, that won the happening of such event, they placing of record of this ArTeement shall operate as the rededication of said property to the purposes ana uses to which the same is now dedicated as aforesaid. 5. The notices herein provided for may be given by being sent by re istered mail to the parties hereto at the last known business address of such narties in Dade County, Florida. In the event that either of the parties transfers or assigns hie right, title, or interest in said property, the notice herein provided for shall be given to such transferee or assignee, provided .that written notice be given to Miami Shores Village.. of the name and address of such tr ^.nsferee or assignee. 6. This agreement is binding upon the successors and assigns of the several parties,and the agreements of the respective signatures hereto shill rye considered ;as covenants which shall run with the above described 1 ^ra. In Witness whereof, the aforesaid pa ties have her pinto set th it h - pas )ffn nne seAls at Miami Shores, Florida, this ,/t of Fah;v y, A. D. iS Sir7r.rid, sealed and delivered B'1'3 J •;r:a PnOP! RTI"'ti I:`•'C 'Th *D (r� -u,1 i � j' . F e ?�rer ncq�of , • _2_,AttPst "1141 4 1��� °,' AL.M i lf, ATTo,INtiYll AT I AW, MIAM 1, 1 I (*ft ` q Agict VILIAGE OF :IIA.:I S ".oIJ :S ORD.I::AI:CE NO. 155 AN 0RDflJA ,CE CLOSING THAT PART OF 95TH STREET DI'TWEINI TIIE RIGHT- OF-NAY OF Till: FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILhAY AND • WEST RAILROAD AVENUE BE IT ORDAINED BY HIAMI SHORES VILLAGE THAT, SECTION 1 That cortain agreement made and entered into under date of March 18th, 1946, between Bessemer Properties, Inc., and Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., providing that the street hereinafter described shall be closed, but that it may be re= opened at any time by the said Village, and that within one (1) year form the data of, notice to it of the enactment by said Village to extend N. E. 95th Street across the right -of -way of the Florida East Coast Railway, as it new exists, the Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., will within said time dedicate the aforesaid property to public use as a street, be and the same is hereby agreed to, and the fayor and Village Hanager of this Village be and they are hereby authorised and directed to execute said contract on behalf of said Village. SECTION - 2 Pursuant to said contract the property heroin described he and the sane is hereby abandoned as a public street or highway, subject, however, to the right of said Village to the use of the same upon the terms and conditions set forth in said agreement, said property being described as follows*' All that part of N. E. 95th Street, bounded as follows, Bounded on the Northerly aide by the Southerly line of • Lot Five (5), Block sixty -two (62), bounded -on the Easterly side by the Westerly line of the Florida East Coast 1 aiiiwny Right -of -Bay; bounded on the Southerly side • by the Northerly line of Lot 1 of Mock 59 btu ed on the Uantcrly side by the Easterly line i of West Railroad Avenue (Anconia Avenue) being also the Westerly line of I:1oel: 59, extended Northerly to the Westerly line of Block 62, all as shown on the flat of MIAMI SI;OIZFS, Si T1ON NU I,'3ER TUO(1 /2)' according to the flat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 37, of the Public Recor of Dade County, Florida. 3! CTION - 3. This Ordioanco shall bo effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIIS , -. day of A. D. 1946 r. is C. I,auton McCall . i.i 1.. ,' FU ,1 :71,.1 ; L. 3. McCaffery, • • A C R E E M E M T 'WHEREAS, Bessemer Properties Incornora.ted, a Delaware corporation, id the owner of the reversion of the following described land which is now dedicated to the perpetual use of the public as a street (See Plat Book 10, Pages 36 and 37 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida), to -wit: All that part of N. E. 95th Street, bounded as follows.: Bounded do the Northerly side by the Southerly line of Lot Five (5), Block' Sixty -two (62), bounded on the East- erly side by the ?7sterly line of the Florida at Coast Railway Right -of -way; bounded on the Southerly side by the northerly lino of Lot 1 of Block 59; and bounded. on ' the Westerly side by the Easterly line of West Railroad • Avenue (Antonia, Avenue) being also the Westerly line of Biock 59, ektended Northerly to the''!tes•terly line of Block 62, all as shown on the Plat of MIAMI SRORLS, SEC - TI07 r' em TWO . ( #2) , according to the Plat thereof, re- corded in Plat Book 10, Page 37, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and, WETEPEAS, said Bessemer Properties Incorporated, a Delaware Corpora- tion, has heretofore or simultaneously herewith, entered into a lease of said property with Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., a Florida corporation, whichkaid• lease is subject to the aforesaid dedication, and vREPEAS, said lessee has heretofore applied to Misr►i Shores vills57e, Florida, a Municipal corporation, for the enactment of an ordinance vsoati g said dedication of the above described property so as to permit the closing of same to the public for use as a street, and .K1BEAS, the said Miami Shores Village, Florida, a Munici pal cor-,orq- tion, is agreeable, under certain conditions hereinafter noted, to vacate the dedication of said property for public use and to permit same to be closed to the public for use as a street. YOW,'TH PEFCRE, for and in consideration of the premises, as well as ir consideration of the sum of $1.'o and other valuable considerations, eech to the other in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, th.e afor's'td parties hereto covenant and egree as follows, to -wit: 1. In the event that Miami Shores Village closes the above described 7'i'.'fi' ^rt;1 as rt ublic street, Renusrt Lumber Yards, Inc., agrees that it will re -love from st4d lands any buil dinr s or other structures placed thereon, MYYFR & PADgETT. ATTSHINHY6 AT LAW,, MIAMI, FIARIPA • • and will return the same ns near as possible to its present condition, with- in one year from date of written notice to it of the enactment by said Village of an Ordinance declaring the intention of said Village t' extend. P:ortheast 95th Street across the right of way of the Florida East Coast Railway as it now exists. 2. Upon receipt of such notice said Renuart Lumber. Yards, Inc., and Bessemer Properties Incorporated agree that on or before the end of one year from receipt of such notice, they and each of them will dedicate the aforesaid property to public use as a street, subject only to a right of reversion to Bessemer Properties Incorporated of the title to such land should the public use thereafter be lawfully abandoned or discontinued. 3. That in the event of the enactment of said Ordinance, Bessemer Properties, Incorporated and Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc. covenant and agree that they will not resist any effort by Miami Shores Village, Florida., a Muni- cipal corporation, to reopen said street and will not demand or seek any com- pensation for loss of any interest which they may have therein. 4. Bessemer Properties Incorporated and Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc. agree that in the event the lease between them referred to above herein, should, for any reason, be cancelled or become inoperative, null and void, that u:on the happening of such event, the placing of record of this Agreement shall operate as the rededication of said property to the purposes and uses to which the same is now dedicated as aforesaid. 5. The notices herein provided for may be given by being sent by registered mail to the parties hereto at the last known business address of such parties in Dade County, Florida. In the event that either of the parties transfers or assigns hie right, title, or interest in said property, the notice herein provided for shall be given to •such transferee or assignee, provided that written notice be given to Miami Shores Village of the name and address. of such tr nsferee or assignee. 6. This agreement is binding upon the successors and assigns of the several parties,a.nd the agreements of the respective signatures hereto shall be considered:as covenants which shall run with the above described 1 ^^?. In Witness whereof, the aforesaid pa ties have hereunto set t " f x., nna sea. s At 14iami Shores, Florida, this ,/f ,dad• of` ab la+ fir 4. D. i S1ared, sealed and dtlivcred B i; FiOPT;RTI1S I:' ^C ^`'t^ " D pre^ nee }, ofd rtatt-faiee By ( -^- Attest g 1t Aw.mx ', ATTMINOT AT k.AW, MIAMI flint A /Ws t, VIIAACE OF :II1L,1 SI'(iiJ ;S OiWi AI:CE NO. 155 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING TflAT PART OF 95TH STREET BI TUELTI THE RIGHT -OF• -WAY OF T E FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY AND ' WEST RAILROAD AVENUE BE IT ORDAINED BY HIAIII SHORES VILLAGE TWAT: SECTION - 1 That certain agreement made and entered into under date of Barth 18th, 1946, between Bessemer Properties, Inc., and Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., providing that the strebt hereinafter described shall be closed, but that it may be reopened at any time by the said Village, and that within one (1) year form the date of, .written notice to it of the enactment by said Village to extend N. E. 95th Street across the right -of -way Of the Florida East Coast Railway, as it now exists, the Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., will within said time dedicate the aforesaid property to public use as a street, be and the same is hereby agreed to, and the Mayor and Village 2ianager of this Village be and they are hereby authorised and directed to execute said contract on behalf of said Village. SECTION - 2 Pursuant to said contract the property herein described be and the same is hereby abandoned as a public street or highway, subject, however, to the right of said Village to the use of the sane upon the terms and conditions set forth in said agreement, said property being described as follows: All that part of N. E. 95th Street, bounded as follows: Bounded on the Northerly side by the Southerly line of Lot Five (5), Block sixty -two (62), bounded on the Easterly side by the Westerly lino of .the Florida--Fast Coast Itailwray Ril;ht -of -flay; bounded on the Southerly side • by the Northerly lino of Lot 1 of I 59; and bonded on the Uanterly side by the Easterly line of West Railroad Avenue (Anconia Avenue) being also the Westerly lino of B1ocl: 59, extended ?Northerly to the Westerly line of Flock 62, all as shown on the Plat of MIAMI S;10RFS, SL,;T1ON NUMBER TI;O(772), according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Hook 10, Page 37, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 9 day of A. D. 1946. ,? :..tt C. Ia%rton McCall - 1: L. 3. McCaffery, Mayor • 1i and, AGRE'RMEFT HY7FR A PA1147RrT, ATTOII■rYS AT LAW, MIAMI, Ft ARIDA • WHEREAS, Bessemer Properties Incorporated, a Delaware corporation, is the owner of the reversion of the following described land which is now dedicated to the perpetual use of'the public as a street (See Plat Poole 10 Pages 36 and 37 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida), to -wit: All that part of N. E.. 95th Street, bounded as follows: Bounced do the Northerly side by the line of Lot Five (5), Block Sixty -two (62), bounded on the East- erly side by the ? '1erterly line of the Florida at Coast Railway Right- of -wny; bounded on the Southerly side by the Northerly line of Lot 1 of Block 59;. and bounded. on the Westerly side by the Easterly line of West Railroad evens (Antonia Avenue) being also the '7esterly line of Block 59, ektended Ioutherly to the'Westerly line of Block 62, all at shown on the Plat of MIAMI SHORES, SEC - TIO'? DUMBER TWO . ( #2), according to the Plat thereof, re- corded in Plat Book 10, Page 37', of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, WTEREAS, said Bessemer Properties Incorporated, a Delaware Corpora tion, has heretofore or simultaneously herewith, entered into a lease of :za.id property with Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., a Florida corporation, tdhichkaid leese is subject to the aforesaid dedication, and " PEAS, said lessee has heretofore applied to Miami Shores 4i1?a te, Florida, a Municipal corporation, for the enactment of an ordinance v�^ntin, said dedication of the above described property so as to permit the closing; of Same to the public for use as a street, and • '?EEREAS, the said Miami Shores Village, Florida, a Municipal corrlora- tion, is agreeable, under certain conditions hereinafter noted, to vacate -the dedic of said property for public use and to permit same to be closed to the public for use es a street. NOW, TREP7 for and in consideration of the premises, ns '.yell ne ir consideration of the sum of $1.r'f and other valuable considerations, each to the other in hrtnd paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the eforesaid parties hereto covenant and as follows, to -wit: 1. In the event thnt Miami Shores Village closes the above described i r,ron^rty as a qublic street, Renusrt Lumber Yards, Inc., agrees thnt it will rrTMove from ssad lands any buildings or other structures placed thereon, Logo In Witness and will return the some as near as possible to its present condition, with- in one year from date of written notice to it of the enactment by said Village of an Ordinance declaring the intention of said Village to extend S:ortheast 95th Street across the right of way of the Florida East Coast Railway as it now exists. 2. Upon receipt of such notice said Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc., and Bessemer Properties Incorporated agree that on or before the end of one year from receipt of such notice, they and each of them will dedicate the aforesaid property to public use as a street, subject only to a right of reversion to Bessemer Properties Incorporated of the title to such land should the public use thereafter be lawfully abandoned or discontinued. 3. That in the event of the enactment of said Ordinance, Bessemer • Properties, Incorporated and P.enuart Lumber Yards, Inc. covenant and agree that they will not resist any effort by'Miami Shores Village, Florida, a Muni- cipal corporation, to reopen said street and will not demand or seek any com- pensation for loss of any interest which. they may have therein. 4. Bessemer Properties Incorporated and Renuart Lumber Yards, Inc. agree that in the event the lease between them referred to above herein, should, for any reason, be cancelled or become inoperative, null and void, that u:on the happening of push event, the placing of record of this Arornement shall operate as the rededication of said property to the purposes ana uses to which the same is now dedicated as aforesaid. 5. The notices herein provided for may big given by being sent b;r registered mail to the parties hereto at the last known business address of such parties in Dade County, Florida. In the event that either of the parties transfers or assigns his right, title, or interest in said property, the notice herein provided for shall be given to such transferee or assignee, provided .ihat written notice be given to Miami Shores Village of the name and address of such transferee or assignee. 6. This agreement is binding upon the successors and assigns -)f the several parties the agreements of the respective signatures hereto shall be considered:as covenants which shall run with the above described i'ra. whereof, aforesaid pa tics have her�unto set their r bends a ii saris at Miami Shored, Florida, r Si7ned, sealed rand delivered ir. yhe prey nc ofd, the `", this , /F Any of $ahr •y, A. D. 1 C E.'3';9• r; P ^OPT.RTI1`i I"1 ' (.L) v 474 .. .-4" By -p-Attest ALssYlr, ATTORNEY'. AT LAW. MIAMI. 11 CN A mw.