5308BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Owner of _. Building L i.‘ Architect Contractor 1" or Builder 'a I f%'11 Legal #;' Description MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE, FLOR\DA DATE 71 19 CentractorN'. , / 7 License No. jjaket-Ci PERMIT . N? 5308 Work to be performed under this Permit Sv on Address of Value of 11 Amt. of Building Project Permit This permit 'is granted to tre contractor or budder named above_ to construct the building o to instal. The egm'pmen or device described in the appli- cation herefor in strict compliance with all ordinances pertaining thereto and with the understanding that the work will be performed in compliance with any . plans , drawin `statements or specifications that may have been submitted to and approved by the proper>municipa authorities. This Permit may be revoked - -- at�ay =� e- w ,r eh _ordinances -o�if-the- -plans A -with Lau t_au upon which this permit is granted is the understanding that the contractor or builder named above �� = � , es p ty f thorough knowledge of the ordinances and regula p n to the work covered hereby whether shown on the �E s in--t he ifications t he assumes respon. sibility for wok one , ' y his agents, servants or employees. Sign By In consideratio of the issuance to m_ pertai thereto and in strict conformity with the lens, drawings, statements or specifications submitted to the proper authorities of Miami Shores Village. In accepting this 4pe t I assume responsibility for done by either myself, my agent, servant or employee. ,t . , ,,9, ,fir CONTBAc'l BUIt i BY